Help Boss has flu A and B strep and Double ear infection


Veteran Member
I know Tamiflu was blamed on the suicide of a friend. He was taking it and also drinking alcohol. Not sure if it was the combo or just the Tamiflu itself. Google it and you’ll see several articles about it. Of course, there’s more articles trying to down play it.


Veteran Member
"Boss has flu A and B strep and Double ear infection."

With all of that going on, should tamiflu be the main focus? The boss needs a selected cocktail of drugs, an antibiotic or 2, and supplements, not just one thing. That mix should have started at the first sign of symptoms. Please tell me that is happening, not just fussing about maybe taking some tamiflu.
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Veteran Member
I would recommend a combo of elderberry and olive leaf extract--the latter is a good natural antibiotic. Also, for the ears, Herb Pharm's garlic/mullein blend. Works like a charm! Neither of my kids have ever had a full-blown ear infection thanks to that stuff! (It also contains St. John's Wort to help with the pain of the infection.) Make sure he's taking a good probiotic as well, and drinking lots of good quality pineapple juice to keep that crap out of his lungs.