can any on the left list one platform the left is running on?


maybe its just me but....

i read alot...several newspapers a day, plus the net. i cannot come up with one platform the left is running on except an attack bush agenda.

i know kerry promises "UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE"...but thats plain silly.

i'd be interested to hear from the left just what they are gonna do domestically in this country. is there a lack of a real platform or is the hate bush thing the only thing they are throwing out there?

help please from my lefty brothers....

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
I am not a leftie, but it is pretty clear that the Dem platform this year is, "GW is bad - GW is corrupt - GW is stupid - GW is evil - vote for us instead of GW". That is all they have.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Lots more abortions. Seems to be the only thing besides "Hate Bush" that the Left has universal agreement on.


On TB every waking moment
The platform is:

Bush had the right idea. We had to react forcibly to 9/11

But he is so incredibly incompetant that he has to be removed because;

He alienated all our allies

He attacked the wrong country

And then botched that.

Watch if that is not what is going to be played in foreign policy. It is the only place they can go.


bump..... because after watching two days of the dnc...i'm still waiting...what will they actually do to improve my life....guess a tax increase is all i can expect from them.........c'mon libs...give at least one thing to make me even cosider changing my mind. one (1) actual policy...

i'm not asking for much...just 1 ounce of substance...

what a bunch of power hungry losers they are....

i feel really sad for any of the weak minds on this board that blindly follow the liberal agenda.....


Troke said:
The platform is:

Bush had the right idea. We had to react forcibly to 9/11

But he is so incredibly incompetant that he has to be removed because;

He alienated all our allies

He attacked the wrong country

And then botched that.

Watch if that is not what is going to be played in foreign policy. It is the only place they can go.

yes, Troke, exactly. but you forgot to include, "we can do bush even better than bush can do bush."


Membership Revoked
Same here.......where is the platform??????????????? I think they are going to just fade away a little at a time between now and November. Even the left is getting bored with this. Yawwwwwnnnnn It is like they know they just have to wait it out until 08. And then the coronation of Hitlary will take place.