

Veteran Member
Just found this article about chlorophyll. Anyone tried it successfully for any of these health problems?

Chlorophyll: The Blood of Plants for a Superior Blood Bank
by Ingri Cassel <>

The Idaho Observer
October 2001

[ After the events of September 11, 2001, the Red Cross quickly organized a national campaign to solicit donations for their human blood banks. It made me wonder if the Red Cross is now obsessed with filling blood banks just as the public health departments are now obsessed with pushing vaccines.

Think about it. Many restaurants in our area do not comply with basic public health sanitation practices. And yet the health department appears more interested in Hepatitis A vaccine compliance among employees even though adherence to basic protocols of hygiene and sanitation have proven to be more effective in preventing the spread of Hepatitis A, than the vaccine.

Wasn't the original intent of the Red Cross to assist the victims of natural and man-made disasters? In these times of disease-scare, it is more important than ever to understand how our bodies work in both sickness and in health and be empowered with the simple, inexpensive remedies that nature provides us. ..Ingri Cassel]

It could be said that the secret of all life on earth depends on a special process that only the green plants possess. This process is called photosynthesis. All green plants absorb energy from the sun, take water and minerals through their roots and air through through leaves en route to maturity. Using the energy from the sun, plants utilize water, minerals and carbon dioxide to make starches, fats, proteins, vitamins and everything they require to grow.

It was little more than a century ago that chemists isolated a green pigment from the green leaves of plants that they called chlorophyll. It wasn't until 1913 that a German chemist, Dr. Richard Willstatter, correctly identified the true function of chlorophyll. Dr. Willstatter pointed out that all energy comes from the sun and that green plants alone possess the secret of how to capture this solar energy. Out of this process stems much of what we know as life and growth. Man and animals consume this energy from plants as food. Dr. Willstatter's discoveries revolutionized the scientific world's understanding of the relationship between the sun and life on earth, but something even more amazing has since been discovered:

The chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. The red blood pigment is a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms grouped around a single atom of iron. Nature's green pigment is a similar web of the same atoms, except that its centerpiece is a single atom of magnesium.

This discovery was a challenge for scientists to find out if chlorophyll, so closely related to our human blood, had any possible medical uses.
Emile Burgi, a research scientist from Switzerland, experimented with the application of chlorophyll medicinally and found that it was helpful in improving various anemic conditions, improving the action of the heart, reducing abnormally high blood pressure and improving one's overall health.

Since the discovery of chlorophyll's healing properties, many other therapeutic applications of this green substance have been tried successfully. My experiences with the chlorophyll derived from young alfalfa plants is with Bernard Jensen's products, sold in health food stores in pint glass jars. I have used it primarily for supplementation while pregnant and nursing.

I had also heard that liquid chlorophyll, taken orally, can be used as an alternative to blood transfusions. When I was living in Washington state, a friend referred a family to me that was in a panic over their son being scheduled for a blood transfusion the following day. The boy had been in the hospital with leukemia and had already undergone chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I told them to purchase a pint of chlorophyll from the health food store and have him drink the entire bottle before he fell asleep that night.

In the morning, when the nurses checked his blood, they were amazed that his blood count and platelet levels were normal.

The following year I received another call from a friend who was in the hospital. The health professionals at the hospital had told her that she would need a blood transfusion the following day. She did not want a blood transfusion and was willing to do anything to avoid one. I told her the same thing - drink a full pint of chlorophyll before retiring and she would not need one.

Again, the nurses were amazed that her blood was normal in the morning and had to cancel the blood transfusion.

Although I have heard of direct blood transfusions using chlorophyll, I have no personal experience or documentation of this being done. In Bernard Jensen's book, The Healing Power of Chlorophyll, he claims there have been numerous experiments with chlorophyll on rats. In one such experiment, the blood was extracted from a rat and replaced with liquid chlorophyll. The rat went right on living.

Following is a list of disease conditions that have either improved or cleared up entirely by using liquid chlorophyll in conjunction with a living foods diet:

Hepatitis and other liver diseases

All forms of anemia

Asthma and hayfever


Varicose veins


Ulcers - internal and external

High and Low blood sugar

Offensive body odors

Sore throat

Actually chlorophyll will assist in correcting any imbalance in the body due in part to its high bio-available iron content. This allows the body to utilize more oxygen, aiding in the removal of accumulated toxins. We also know that the internal use of chlorophyll strengthens the cells and inhibits bacterial growth.

In Dr. Theodore M. Rudolph's book, Chlorophyll: Nature's Green Magic, step by step instructions are given on how to use chlorophyll in various situations.
For diseases of the throat like tonsillitis and laryngitis, he suggests gargling with a solution of one part chlorophyll to nine parts warm water every two to three hours. He recommends that one NOT swallow this solution due to the germs and bacteria it may contain.

In cases of gastric or peptic ulcers, and other cases of gastritis, the use of chlorophyll can provide fairly immediate relief. The suggested dosage is one tablespoon of chlorophyll in a half glass of water taken every two hours.
Liquid chlorophyll is also appropriate for diseases of the female organs. A solution of one part chlorophyll to nine parts water is very soothing applied as a douche.

And from Bernard Jensen's book, The Healing Power of Chlorophyll, we are told that chlorophyll and green vegetables control the calcium levels in our body. He suggests that women replenish their calcium by consuming more green vegetables and supplementing with chlorophyll since menstrual blood contains up to 40 times more calcium than our normal blood. He also noted that vitamin K was originally discovered in alfalfa juice and that chlorophyll is one of the richest known sources of this vitamin. [For more info. on vitamin K and the harm from synthetic vitamin K injections, see the July, 1999 edition of The Idaho Observer at:]

As you can see, liquid chlorophyll is an essential item to have in your home medicine cabinet. The importance of keeping our bloodstream clean and blood count high is absolutely vital. Tim O'Shea, D.C. states this point well in his book, The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is Not Immunization:

“The condition of a child's blood determines the quality of an immune system that has to last a lifetime. The blood is the medium in which all the cells of the body are bathed, from birth till death. The amounts of oxygen and nutrients in the blood promote life, determine longevity. Anything foreign -- chemicals, bad bacteria and viruses, toxic foods, unproven injectables -- promotes death. It's that simple.”

And also from this same book: “By allowing the implantation of an attenuated virus or bacteria into the body, we have done something nature would never permit. We have violated the sanctity of the bloodstream.”

As we are being bombarded with the threat of bioterrorism, the stockpiling of smallpox vaccine and the creation of an AIDS vaccine, we are also being told how important it is to give the gift of life, BLOOD. Is it possible to actually get healthier after receiving a blood transfusion? Below are just a few of the most obvious physical reasons why I avoid giving or receiving blood or blood products:

1. Most people have had multiple vaccines and a diet consisting of processed, devitalized foods. This contributes to toxicity in the bloodstream and is passed from person to person through human blood products.

2. There are many pathogens that are blood-borne.

3. Our blood is a unique genetic marker just like our fingerprints and the irises of our eyes. Many naturopathic physicians who use a diagnostic tool called live blood cell analysis, have proven the uniqueness and individuality of our blood.

Though much more difficult to quantify, the spiritual repercussions of our bodies being forced to accept another person's blood, particularly when God has provided us with a natural alternative to blood transfusions. A few ministers have even suggested that receiving injections of another's blood is a form of cannibalism.

Over the last two and a half years we have explored how common ailments and chronic diseases can be remedied through the lifestyle changes and the application of certain principles that naturally follow a wholistic understanding of how the body really works. Only in a crisis or trauma situation would the issue of a blood transfusion arise, the principles of wholistic healing still apply.

Next month: How to assemble the essential components of a natural medicine cabinet. As our vitamins and herbal products become increasingly regulated, it will become more important then ever to make your own remedies from the herbs and weeds in your yard.

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Veteran Member
Good article. I learned some things. I started using it about a year ago for anemia.It wasn't the only thing I took for it so can't say it made all the difference. But my blood count was up. I stopped taking it after that cause I forgot, I had alot of other stuff to take. I need to start back. Thanks for reminding me.


My husband and I take it daily. We never go off. We take it in the form of Spirulina and Chlorella. I buy a pound of each and encapsule them myself.

The chlorophyll is loaded with vitamin K. It is a natural blood thinner but most important? It keeps the bodys PH neutral. When the body becomes acidic the body is more open to cancer and other diseases.

I do a mix of 50/50. I add fresh bee pollen and white american ginseng for energy. The pollen is full of amino acids so this capsule is a power house of nutrients. Chlorophyll also deordizes the body. It cleans the colon.
My sis said her dog started stinking for no reason. It was awful. I told her to give the dog a wheat grass tab every day and with in three days, no more stink. Wheat grass is also full of chloroplyll. Great stuff.

Great article.


Veteran Member
Glad you liked it.

I looked for more from this author.

From the June 2005 Idaho Observer:

What everyone should have in their home apothecary
by Ingri Cassel

Recently a friend asked me what he should do for the "flu" ? elevated temperature, malaise, fatigue, and all the symptoms that go along with experiencing the "flu" going around. This friend has called me every time he is experiencing what he would consider a health emergency. My frustration has always been that he invariably does not have any of the specific tools at his disposal that we have in our home apothecary at all times. As a result, I promised him that I would give him a basic package of herbs and supplements along with instructions for their use.

There are very few people who live so abstemiously and have such a positive outlook on life that they are in a constant state of perfect health. Most of us live somewhere between chronic ill health and continually working on improving our overall health and well-being. Rather than repeat all the information that has been in the Back to Basics column for the past six years, we will simply cover the common acute illnesses and minor emergencies such as wound care and poisonous spider bites. We would also like to hear from you if you have a sure remedy for something we haven?t mentioned.

The Common Cold and Flu

There are many "remedies" that speed recovery from the common cold. The following summary is what Don and I have found to be most effective.
*Stop eating ? especially proteins and starches. A pH test of your saliva will likely show that you are overly acid. You will need to detoxify your system with plenty of liquids. If you must, eat only raw fruits and vegetables such as apples, lemons, carrots and celery.

*Clean your bowels ? It is also a good idea to make sure your bowels are able to move freely for quick elimination of toxins. Perfect 7 intestinal cleanser (or other "bulking" agents with psyllium in it), an herbal laxative and/or an enema can do wonders for purging your body of the toxins the cold "germs" are thriving on.

*Boost vitamin C intake to 10 grams per day? Best to take ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate in powdered form and mix one gram in juice or herb tea. Drink this mixture every hour, or 10 times throughout the day.

*Oregano oil ? Mix 10 to 1 with olive oil in an amber "dropper" bottle. Placing a half dropper full under the tongue followed by herbal tea or vitamin C-fortified juice every hour does wonders.

*Yarrow, red raspberry leaves, taheebo, chaparral leaves and echinacea ? All beneficial teas for alkalinizing and boosting the immune system to rid the body of excess toxins. I gather yarrow flowers and leaves every summer and drink the tea usually mixed with taheebo at the first sign of an "imbalance." Though not very tasty, this tea is a must for influenza and/or chemical poisoning.

*"Plague formula" ? this formula originally came from Dr. John R. Christopher and has been used successfully when other natural remedies do not seem to work as rapidly as desired. Dr. Schultze has a formula that includes equal parts of ginger root, garlic cloves, horseradish, onion and serrano peppers ? juiced and mixed with raw, organic apple cider vinegar. This is good to have on hand and will usually stop a cold from manifesting if used at the first signs of a sore throat.

*Cayenne apple juice ? Apple juice, cayenne pepper and ginger root powder ? 8 oz. of apple juice warmed on the stove with 1 tsp. of 30,000 H.U. cayenne and 1 tsp. of ginger root powder. Drink this mixture 3-4 times per day when experiencing a cold or flu.

*Red Raspberry Leaf tea ? an infusion should be made when vomiting is an issue and nothing can be held on the stomach. Drink only this tea mixed with nothing else until you are able to hold this infusion down without vomiting.

*Cayenne Lemonade ? this extremely alkalinizing and liver cleansing drink is made by taking an empty quart jar, juicing two fresh lemons, adding a teaspoon of cayenne and adding Grade B maple syrup to taste and filling the rest of the quart jar with purified water. This drink is usually used in conjunction with fasting. The recommendation is to drink four quarts daily for a minimum of three days.

*Sweat baths ? Sit in a bathtub as it is filling up with hot water, as hot as you can take it. Add one tablespoon ground ginger root, one tablespoon cayenne and one tablespoon ground mustard seed. While in the bath, drink a full 8 oz. cup of yarrow tea. Stay in the bath until you are sweating profusely and feel somewhat dizzy. Dry off as quickly as possible and go immediately to bed. It must be remembered that fevers are therapeutic and only dangerous if one is dehydrated. Our bodies will absorb much water through the skin. Fluoridated and chlorinated water should be avoided for therapeutic baths.


*Lavender essential oil ? works even faster than aloe vera gel in minimizing the severity of a burn from a fire or stove. We keep a bottle on hand in the kitchen and by the wood stove.

*Hydration ? For sunburn, it is best to hydrate the skin as much as possible with Aqualin, a gel made from plain water, and aloe vera gel. I have not been able to locate Aqualin "water gel" and am nearly out of this amazing product so if you know of a source, call The Idaho Observer. Never use chemical sunscreens. Simply minimize exposure during the hottest portion of the day (usually 10 AM to 2 PM). Avoid applying oil-based lotions directly to severe sunburns.

For severe burns (2nd and 3rd degree), a paste made with comfrey root, wheat germ oil and raw honey should be applied liberally.

Cuts and wounds

If the wound is bleeding profusely, immediately apply cayenne pepper to the cut. This will stop the bleeding while acting as an antiseptic. If the wound is deep, follow with powdered comfrey root. It is important to drink a quart of carrot juice daily and take plenty of vitamin C, liquid minerals and calcium when trying to heal a severe wound.

*Counter pressure ? Many wounds are caused by a hand being slammed in a door jam or something heavy falling on a person?s foot. In this case it is good to know about "counter pressure." Pressing firm and steady with the tips of your fingers on the affected area until it stops throbbing will keep the wound from bruising and swelling intensely.

Bee Stings, Spider bites and Mosquitoes

If your bloodstream is clean and your liver is functioning properly, the following advice works well. On the other hand, if you are allergic to bees and wasps, you need to do a colon cleanse followed by a liver/gall bladder flush.
The homeopathic remedy, apis mellifica, is good to have on hand and works wonders for alleviating the reaction to bee and wasp stings. Bentonite clay is my remedy of choice for bee stings and spider bites. Clay will draw out the venomous poison from the bite. It is also good to take a blood purifier such as chaparral, burdock root, taheebo, echinacea or yarrow. Taking herbs in tea form or as a tincture is much more effective than taking capsules or tablets. Extra vitamin C will aid the body in detoxifying from bug bites. If the bite is from a scorpion or a black widow, apply a constricting band 2 to 4 inches above the bite to keep the venom from spreading to the rest of the body. Apply ice to the bite while preparing a clay paste. Apply the clay paste and then ice on top of the clay and seek medical help.

To repel mosquitos, avoid refined sugars and refined carbohydrates. Supplementing with a good vitamin B-complex and additional B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (Pyridoxine) has worked wonders for many people who used to find mosquitoes drawn to them. Others have found that eating lots of raw garlic has the same effect. A good mosquito repellent is Buzz Away which contains primarily essential oils of citronella and eucalyptus. I have also made my own insect repellent by adding citronella oil to unscented lotion.

Essential oils of lavender, lemongrass or oregano are also good to apply directly to mosquito bites to minimize swelling and itching.


For chronic indigestion and heartburn, avoid coffee and all caffeinated beverages. Drink plenty of purified water in between meals. Thirty minutes before eating a meal, make a beverage of one tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar and half a teaspoon of raw honey in a glass of warm water. Swish each mouthful of this beverage thoroughly with saliva before swallowing. When eating, chew each mouthful thoroughly. As Dr. John R. Christopher says, chew your liquids and drink your solids ? meaning that everything we put in our mouth should be thoroughly mixed with saliva before swallowing. A pint and a half of saliva is available for digesting each meal and it is the saliva that stimulates our body?s production of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid.

For an upset stomach due to poor food combining or over eating, several drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water works well. We keep on hand a product still available in many pharmacies called spirits of peppermint since it mixes with water better than the essential oil and works almost instantaneously. Don Harkins prefers Dr. Schultze?s "Digestive Tonic" which contains ginger, fennel and peppermint.

Nose bleeds

If you ever encounter someone who is prone to sudden nose bleeds, tell them to buy a box of plain Knox gelatin. The next time they have a nose bleed, empty a packet of Knox gelatin into a glass of water and have them drink it down. If it continues to bleed, use a second packet in a glass of water. Then tell the person to supplement their diet with vitamin C, bioflavinoids and a liquid mineral supplement.

Leg Cramps/Menstrual Cramps

Most "cramping" and spasms are due to a deficiency in calcium and magnesium. We have found that most people are deficient in the full spectrum of minerals but calcium is the number one mineral needed for all body functions. When it is lacking in the diet, our body?s will take it out of our bones for nervous system and brain function, leading to osteoporosis. Excessive animal protein actually has a negative impact on calcium assimilation, as does a lack of exercise.

*Eat more fruits and vegetables and buy a juice extractor. Drink up to a quart daily of vegetable juice from carrots, celery and beets.

*Take a quality calcium/magnesium supplement and liquid minerals. Avoid supplements in tablets or capsules.

*Heavy and painful monthly periods are often due to a toxic liver and congested bowel.

*Hormone imbalances are becoming more and more common and can contribute to menstrual problems. Several herbs such as dong quai, red raspberry leaf, blessed thistle, and black cohosh have helped women with irregular cycles and with menopause.

*Parasites are also a contributor to heavy and painful periods. I have found that the Croft Zapper is the simplest and most effective tool yet for relief of pain as well as "zapping" parasites dead.

Immobilizing back pain and muscle spasms

When someone?s back just goes out, it is usually due to stress. For a quick recovery, take lots of extra assimilable calcium and magnesium while getting a good deep tissue massage. Our favorite deep penetrating oil for massaging deep into the area of pain is Dr. Schultze?s Deep Tissue Oil. Begin doing several yoga exercises that gently stretch the lower back and other areas of your body needing stretching. Avoid dehydrating beverages such as coffee, sodas and alcohol and drink a minimum of eight glasses of clean water daily.

NOTE: This is meant to be a summary of the most common emergency type ailments we encounter. We are hoping to hear from our readers to fill in the gaps, especially since I did not mention what to do for removing a deeply embedded splinter, or what to do for a sprained ankle or headache.

It is important to be discerning and seek professional help if the situation is of a serious nature and your confidence level in natural remedies is low.
Postscript: Though knowledge of healing herbs may be largely forgotten, it has been our experience that every region of the country still has at least one person who knows which medicinal plants are in the area, where they grow and how to prepare them for use. These people are generally very loving, compassionate and overjoyed to share their knowledge. They can usually be found through inquiries at your local health food store.

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Veteran Member
Herbmountain, a bit of thread drift. I have a friend that has hardly any energy.He drinks mountain dew all day to get him so he can function. He's a big guy 40 years old. He asked me about bee pollen, actually he asked about Bee Alive products if it would help him. I said I didn't know I'm afraid to try bee pollen cause of allergies but I sure can use some energy. Does it work?


What is his age? That makes a huge difference. Lack of energy can be many things. It can be testosterone lowering, it can be exhausted adrenals, poor diet.

You can have him take a teaspoon of fresh bee pollen granules, two times a day. If you suspect he might have a reaction (usually less than 10% of people are allergic), try giving him a couple of granules a day and see how he does.

If this is not the cause then try licorice root tea. It helps with low adrenal function.

Along with this have him take some burdock capsules to cleanse along with a little fiber like psyllium and apple pectin fiber. Most health foods stores market these two under cleansing products. It is gentle.

Bee pollen is a whole food. It is loaded with enzymes, natural energy sugars, amino acids and propolus that protects against viruses and bacterias. The propolus wraps it's self around these infecting agents and they cannot attack the bodys. I have taken it for years. Makes a big difference in my energy.


Veteran Member
The chlorophyll is loaded with vitamin K. It is a natural blood thinner but most important? It keeps the bodys PH neutral.

Actually, vitamin K works as a clotting agent, much to my sorrow. I've been on cumadin therapy since last May when I had the PE, and have been severly restricted from my favorite green, leafy foods that are rich in vitamin K because of the counter effect.

I miss my spinach!! Arggh!!