Water Clean Water


Veteran Member
Clean Water:

I am an over the road truck driver for the lower 48. I used to use Nalgene water bottles but switched to stainless steel. The Nalgene were notorious for collecting slimy particles and black mold. The mold was in patches. The stainless steel bottles are getting spots of black mold, like a dot.

The truck stops have water in their beverage machines. They use city water but are supposed to filter that water before it goes into the beverage, ice and coffee machines. Perhaps they don't because of replacement filter costs.

I do not use bottled water because of costs and the source is usually city supplied water.

I suggest everyone get a test of their tap water for content, minerals and other substances in the microscopic levels.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
When I moved here a local food business had just burned down. They replaced the original building with a trailer. When the company shut down, about a year later, it was discovered that they had a large open well. Something like 12 foot across.

It had originally been inside the building and protected. But had been left exposed since the fire. Approximately 25 yards from a major highway.

I invested in a Berkey with my next tax return and haven't looked back.

About a year ago I tasted the faucet water. Curiosity. I can actually taste the difference. It doesn't seem to be a drastic difference. But if I can taste it, there's probably a lot I can't taste that is going as well.

For travel, I have several filter bottles. At one family reunion we ended up somewhere where the water taste was just horrid. Those filter bottles got a workout. Now I carry a small Sawyer with us.

As far a the yucky stuff, it comes from your own mouth. Just some stuff allows it to grow more. And bacteria naturally tries to overcome. I use SS as well. They get scrubbed. Once a month they get bleached.


Veteran Member
The "yucky" stuff is in the water, I pour the water from the bottle to the Keurig, the drinking glass, etc. They  never touch my mouth.