Count your blessings


Veteran Member
Welcome home and what a good report. Glad that things went well and that healing is, indeed, taking place.


Veteran Member

"You gotta be joking me, man. Scooping poop, in a parade?" Ev was incredulous. "And it pays how much?" his laughter echoed across the quiet morning campground. "Count me in, I wouldn't miss this for anything." he acted like a drum major thrusting his baton on high as he pranced around the picnic table.

"Yeah, well, we'll see how chipper you are on the walk home tonight." Wayne chuckled at the pinched wrinkle in Ev's forehead.

"Com'on guys, get a move on. We're gonna have to motivate in 10 minutes," Wayne called out.

The men trooped out leaving a wobbly lipped Trey feeling a bad case of the 'left behinds.' The ladies promised to take him to the diner for an ice cream and that helped some, but Trey like the interaction with the men of the family. Brett worked at least one and most of the time, two shifts and the tyke was just plain lonely.

Cheryl and Cassy declared the day was bath day; and busied themselves making it happen.

Brett watched the group leave as he cooked breakfast for the early morning regulars. Rightly, he figured that work would be the only reason all the men left camp at the same time. Brett vowed silently to keep a close eye on the ladies, after all they were caring for Trey.

Evie woke at her regular getting up time. The hospital was as quiet as it ever got, the bed light on the lowest setting illuminating Clora and Lainey as they sat sleeping in the chairs at the foot of the bed.

Saying her prayers, Evie asked for guidance. She had come across an idea yesterday and wanted to see if it was what she was supposed to do. This morning the feeling was stronger, feeling more right and Evie ever more convinced that she needed to step up and help all of the group.

Clora had grabbed the suitcase as she rode with Evie in the ambulance; so the money was in the closet along with her smoky, ash covered clothes. Her skirt had her gun in the pocket, they simply didn't mention it to those in charge. Evie imagined the girls all had their weapons, and no one saw any reason to announce their presence.

Between the girls, there was always a person parked in the room, so they kept watch on the suitcase. Evie felt the rightness of her decision. She was going to share the money right now, as soon as all the group could assemble in her room. One little packet of bills per adult seemed about right.

She counted people so she would know how many stacks Clora would need to remove and put in the dresser drawer. Ev and Cheryl, Will and Cassy, Inga and the grandkids and Lainey. Evie counted 11, mulling the number over and over in her mind. It was what she needed to do, she was sure.

Biding her time through breakfast, her walk and the bath and linen change; Evie finally got the chance to send Lainey out to the camp to bring everyone in after supper.

Clora started to object that Lainey really shouldn't be out wandering around Portland by herself, but caught the look Evie gave her. It was a walk, to be sure, but one that Lainey could do especially with the quick map Clora sketched on the back of a napkin.

"Clora, I need you to close the door and put a chair under the doorknob and then bring me the suitcase, please" Evie indicated the closet with a nod of her head. "I need you to remove 11 of the stacks and put them in the drawer for me. I need 4 more of the stacks in the next drawer down, cover them with my chemise to keep them out of sight." Evie closed her eyes and shifted her body in bed.

"Thank you dear, we need to get our people in better circumstances than outside in the elements. Especially in town." Evie sighed as she contemplated the ugly side of living in a small town next to a big city.

"In the pocket to my skirt is another partial bunch of bills, here's what I need you to buy for me." Evie rattled off a list of personal items she needed plus a sackful of medical aids to change the bandages on her foot. Evie was getting ready to check herself out of the hospital.

"You sure Grandma?" Clora questioned as she removed the requested amount and snuck a quick peek at the money left in the shabby old leather valise. She hadn't even taken one layer off the remaining stacks of money. Shaking her head at the amazing amount of cash, Clora whirled around and stuffed the suitcase away and closed the drawers so silently that no sound was made.

The doorknob rattled as Sandy attempted to open the door. "Hey, are you guys OK?' she questioned as she pushed hard, scooting the chair but not gaining entrance.

"Yeah, just a minute," Clora temporized, "I was changing Grandma's gown. She doesn't like every one just waltzing in."

Evie smiled, that was precisely correct. She was used to personal modesty and that was a commodity in short supply around this blasted hospital. She had also sent Clora to the nurses station to request that no male nurses were to give her a bath. Clora had applauded her Grandmother's notion, she herself wouldn't like a person of the opposite gender giving her a bath. The nurses seemed offended, but neither Clora or Evie gave a hoot.

Clora got the chair moved and Sandy in the room when Davis came bustling around the corner. "Oh there you are," he said in a loud voice. "Borg is looking for you, he has made arrangements for you to visit Mark." he looked around in satisfaction, having found a way to delete another of the hovering grand daughters.

"I just came by to tell you Inga continues to improve," Sandy delivered her message and prepared to scoot out the door. She wasn't interested in being witness to old people making google eyes at each other. "I gotta go get some breakfast," she waved as she fled the considering stare of her Grandmother.

Clora really wanted to see Mark, but she wouldn't ask, not willing to leave Evie alone unless she requested it.

Evie smiled and said "go, you may not get another easy chance."

Clora blew Evie a kiss and twirled around and was gone.

Davis pulled up a chair and looked very self satisfied at the turn of events. It was beyond difficult to get this old lady alone. He wanted to get to know her better.


Senior Member
Love is in the air.& Grandma's going to bust out of the hospital. & The guys are going to be pooper scoopers. This should make for some excitement..
Thanks Pac.


Contributing Member
"Davis pulled up a chair and looked very self satisfied at the turn of events. It was beyond difficult to get this old lady alone. He wanted to get to know her better."

Yep, walked right into the trap Evie set, thinking it was his idea. He's doomed, you know. :D


Veteran Member
"love is in the air...doo doo doo do doo do is in THEE air...."

let's hope no one is


Veteran Member

"good morning," Clora greeted the seated figure absorbed in the window scenery. The room was one like the police used for interrogation, complete with a two way viewing mirror. Observation told her the staff must consider Mark a danger to himself or others.

Primly, she sat at the table and spoke to his back once again. "We have had a real turn of events at home. Can you believe we got burned out by a forest fire? We are refugees living between the hospital and tents pitched out behind the diner where Brett works." Clora leaned back in the chair and rubbed her hands together to ease the tension she was feeling.

"Grandma is in here, she had to have a toe amputated because the pup bit through her nail and caused an infection. I've got to admit, it was scary thinking about loosing her. And Auntie Inga is here; some where, some way she was beaten within an inch of her life over what...we don't know." Clora paused and gave Mark a troubled gaze. He wasn't responding to her at all, just sitting there with his back to her.

Clora took a very deep breath, "I've missed seeing you," she said quietly, letting that be the end of her conversation.

There was no change in Mark, not even a twitch to let her know he had heard. Clora sat still, wondering what the heck was she supposed to do now. Her heart hurt; she had such high hopes for the beginning of their relationship and now it looked like there wasn't going to be any sort of return from Mark.

Clora felt her throat tighten and tears sting at the back of her eyes, it was what it was; and if it couldn't be, then that was to be accepted. Closing her eyes to prevent the tears from slipping out and embarrassing her, Clora went to brush the moisture away from her cheeks and felt a strong hand grasp her wrist.

"Don't cry," Mark intoned, "I couldn't take that."

Clora looked deep into his eyes and saw the pain and the other emotion, hunger.

Mark reached into his top pocket and removed her hanky. "Why did you give me this?" he demanded, holding the delicate white material between his thumb and forefinger.

Clora felt trapped. Never before had she been so forward and bold with a boy; man really, she amended. "I wanted you to know I was interested, but didn't want to gush all over you." Clora looked back at Mark and he could plainly see her truth in her eyes.

"I am interested," he stressed evenly, still holding her hand prisoner. He rubbed her hand against the bristly stubble on his cheek and then pulled her palm to the strong beat of his heart.

Clora's eyes got big as her hand was held against the thump of his heart, the warmness of her hand absorbing the heat that was there.

"Miss Clora, I'm gonna kiss you," Mark warned, "so if you aren't sure, run away now."

Clora couldn't have run if she were able. She leaned over the table so Mark could meet her in the middle, eyes locked on each other and then she had to close her eyes against the overwhelming rush of emotion she was feeling.

Clora wasn't sure what Mark was feeling when they kissed, but she thought it was the 4th of July fireworks at the very least.

"Oh my," she said delicately, not knowing what else to say. Stunned, she lost her balance and plopped most inelegantly back into the chair. It would have been comical if Mark hadn't looked equally as stunned when he slammed back into the chair he had occupied.

Both young adults stared at each other, Clora letting her eyes trace over every line and wrinkle in Mark's face. She had trouble breathing, as she sat mesmerized by the handsome young Sargent. Mark was saying something, but it was hard to hear the way she was concentrating so intently.

"What?" she stammered, asking him to repeat what she hadn't heard.

Smugly, with a self satisfied grin, the tall man said aloud. "That's the best cure that could ever happen to me."


Veteran Member

"What is that most annoying tune you are whistling?" Will was hot, tired and knew he definitely disliked horses.

"That's the work song from Snow White. You know, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go." Ev grinned like a Cheshire cat, knowing full well the song would now play in an endless loop in Will's mind. "If that one doesn't get you, wait till the kids go for It's a Small World. That one is dangerous to thinking minds."

Ben smiled as he continued walking. The parade was over, the poop had been scooped, and he could see the flashing light of the diner in the distance. He understood why cowboys detested walking. He felt his feet were crippled in his western boots, instruments of torture.

The four men straggled into camp, tired, footsore and happy with money in their pockets. They had done their manly duty in finding work for their families, it was a good, deep seated feeling to control a small part of their problem.

The smell of a rich stew wafted on the slight breeze, drawing the men to hurry as they finished their return. It was a blessed relief to be home.

Cheryl, Cassy and Lainey welcomed their men and Wayne was appreciated for his part in finding the work. The kids hung on every word concerning the parade, clamoring for more stories. Between Ev and Wayne the two vied for the title of master storyteller as the tales got higher, wider and bigger.

Lainey served bowls of stew to the men, remarking that Evie had asked that they all come to the hospital tonight. Groans filled the air.

"Can't do any more walking tonight," Ben grimaced as he wiggled his numb toes in his boots. "I think we all feel the same."

"Grandma was very clear about wanting us all to be there. She sent money for a cab," Lainey dangled the plum in front of the weary men. "We need to wait till Brett gets off work, and I checked on fare both ways. There's enough for two cabs and round trips. She was very urgent sounding."

Lainey handed the money to Ben and gave him a dreamy smile. She was fully prepared to make the long walk back to the hospital as long as she was with Ben, Lainey would have walked across the United States if necessary.

Davis settled into the chair, happy to have Evie alone and all to himself. They chatted a bit, sizing each other up by dancing the dance. Cautious about giving away too much information about themselves in the beginning, the pair fenced and parried.
All was cool and amiable until Evie fixed Davis with a sharp stare and demanded he tell her why he had been shadowing Pete.

"Evie, I can't talk about that. If I could, I would, rather than leave you in confusion and distrust; but I am still under orders and I don't break that trust." Davis was somber and direct, but immovable in his determination.

Evie considered his words and then choose her's carefully. "Davis I need to think about this. I think you can understand when I say I'm not sure keeping company with the man sent to kill my son is an acceptable way for me to behave."

Davis acknowledged her concern by nodding his head in her direction, "I do understand, but please know I mean you or your family and friends no harm. I wouldn't dream of making friends and gaining your confidence in order to complete a mission. I am a honorable man."

Evie carefully watched Davis's eyes while he was speaking. Satisfied, she nodded back at him creating a spell between the two of them. Davis had every intention of standing up and kissing the feisty woman on the cheek when the door pushed open and the loud, noisy boisterous family burst into the room.


Veteran Member
Thank you Pac. So nice to have MOAR story with my morning coffee.
Aren't they going to be surprised when Evie drags out those bundles of cash?


Veteran Member

"I'll visit tomorrow," Davis promised Evie and made good his escape, pretending not to notice the dark look shot his way by Ben.

Ben took a moment to compose himself before he contaminated the festive group. It was his mistake to look up at Evie. She was calmly watching him but not smiling. Ben dropped his eyes, he really didn't want to spoil Grandma's visit, but he didn't like the idea of Davis hanging around.

Evie motioned for Ben to come to the side of the bed. "Will you stay after and talk with me. I need your opinion," she said in a low undertone. Ben nodded, suddenly feeling the heavy burden of being the man of the family. Brett was actually the oldest, but for some reason, Grandma seemed to prefer him.

Out of the corner of her eye, Evie watched Brett's reaction to her summons. When she had a clear view, she beckoned him over and asked the same question. "Would you stay a bit after and talk. I need your opinion on something."

Mollified by the acceptance he thought he was being shut out of, Brett nodded and relaxed. Later in the visit, Evie asked Wayne to stay also.

Clora caught Evie's high sign and went to get Sandy from Inga's room. Sandy had gone for supper and it took several minutes to track her down in the cafeteria. "Did you forget?" Clora scolded gently; we're all waiting for you."

"Oh yeah, I sure did." Sandy said with a mouthful of sandwich. "Let me gather this up, here hold my cookie please."

Clora took the cookie like it was the serpent from the garden. It didn't look appetizing, for sure it wasn't like one of Grandma's.

Clora could hear the noise coming from the room as soon as they stepped out of the elevator. "Guys," she scolded in a loud voice as she entered the packed space, "It's to noisy in here, other patients are complaining. Pipe down please." The noise fell to a dull roar as chairs were provided for Cassy and Cheryl.

"That's my cue," Evie said to the best of her ability, and respectfully the family stopped talking and turned to face her.

"Thank you for coming. I heard of the job effort today, and I'm proud that you men took the initiative." Evie met each man with a direct look. "I have a very unique situation and it is now time to share in a bounty that came my way. Clora would you give each adult one of the packets."

Clora opened the drawer and passed around the money.

There was stark silence where there had been animated talking. "What's that?" Christy wanted to know. "Tell me Daddy, what is it?" her childish question hung in the air.

Ev's mouth flapped like a fish out of water. His lips were moving but no sound came out. All the kids looked stunned.

"Before there are any stiff necked protestations and refusals by the gentlemen, let me remind you that we are on the edge a a large city and my greatest concern is the safety of us all. This is not Evergreen, and there are people that are not honorable.
Clora has been busy looking for a place, and has identified a couple that look promising.
Please take this money and keep your families safe." Evie spoke softly but firmly in her best Grandmother voice. The one that said 'don't mess with me.'

Wayne was the first to speak. "Holy crap Grandma, is this real?"

"Absolutely," Evie replied.

"I can't take this," Will was brusk with stiff pride. Evie turned to look at him and it was very apparent that Will might want to give the money back, but Cassy was limp with relief for the security of her children.

"We can make arrangements to make this a loan," Evie offered a out to save the man's face.

Evie had given the whole problem a lot of thought, and figured she might have trouble with a couple of super pride owners.

"That would be the only way I would consider it," Will replied a touch defensively.

Evie merely nodded her agreement.

There was a ratta-tat-tat as Wayne fanned the bills in his stack. "Whooee, I can't believe this.
Thanks Grandma. I'll use it wisely."

Ben walked to the foot of Evie's bed and said "Thank you Grandma, I'll make arrangements with you." Again Evie nodded.

"Actually, the guys and I have been talking about creating jobs for ourselves in the form of a type of private investigation/finders firm," Ben opened the discussion. "Two of us have law enforcement training, Wayne is our tracker, Ev has the background to deal with computer and Brett has agreed to...."

"Hold on," Brett interrupted loudly. "Guys, this changes the equation," and he tapped the money against the palm of his hand.
"Let me do some thinking here, I don't want you all to think I'm not grateful, but what you'all want to do is not my thing. I really, really want to buy out the diner and go into business that way.'

Caught unawares by Brett's announcement, Ben looked up in a panic. It had never occurred to him that Brett didn't share the enthusiasm for 'finding things.'

Ben happened to slide his eyes to Lainey and she smiled encouragement. That simple reflex calmed his disbelief at Brett's deflection and he regrouped his thoughts quickly. "We have work for Clora and Lainey and Sandy if they are interested, and we found a storefront tonight on the walk home."

Ev cleared his throat, causing all involved to look at him. "Evie, Cheryl and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The worry of what we were going to do has kept Cheryl from healing as well as she could have. And yes, I need to have a little chat with you neighbor. This is beyond lending a cup of sugar." he shook his finger at Evie and she emphatically said "Pooh!"

"Hey guys," Clora intervened when she saw Evie wince as Christy threw her stuffed animal up on the foot of the bed. "How about we call it a night and let Grandma rest. Any talking can be done tomorrow just as easily."

It was true, Evie was tired down to her bones and the noisy group was extremely tiring just by being themselves.


Veteran Member

"Clora, how do you think the meeting went. Did I handle the money thing correctly?" Evie was so tired that her 'thinker' wasn't 'thunking' correctly and the normally self assured woman had grave doubts about her abilities.

"I think it went better than I expected. Gram, you were ...may I call it you gave out the money. The only thing that bothers me is Brett. We have always been such a tight knit family, and that was a real rude way he bowed out of working with the guys." Clora expressed her opinion very frankly.

"I happen to agree," Sandy chimed in. "Something has really bitten him in the butt, and he's acting like a hemmorid."

"Please watch your language Sandra," Evie reproved with a yawn. "He definitely has a problem, we can wait for him to grow up and deal with it like an adult, or not."

Sandy had bee watching Clora like a hawk. "Tell me, sister dear; what has put the mushy, moony look on your face?"

"I'll be dammed, look at that Grandma; she's blushing like a ripe tomato." Sandy clapped her hands together in glee. "Oh Clora, did you get a kiss?" and she made smacking noises with her mouth.

"Sandra Hanson, do you want your mouth washed out with soap?" Evie tried to sternly reprimand her granddaughter, but lost the battle with her own giggles. "I take it Clora, that your meeting was a success.?"

"Yes," was all Clora would admit. But she had that goofy, dreamy expression that belied her intention.

"I'm going over to sit with Auntie Inga, the chair in her room is more comfortable than this one," Sandy blew Evie a kiss and walked out the door making smoochy sounds, laughing all the way down the hall.

"What a brat," Clora sounded impatient, and then stopped with a sigh. "He sure is handsome Grandma, he's working really hard to get better. I'm OK'd to see him for a few minutes every day." She absently touched her bottom lip, smiling that small, secret smile that happens when a woman is falling in love.

Evie nodded, her eyes closed and drifting towards sleep.

Cassy and Cheryl put the children to bed and then joined the discussion happening around the picnic table. It was safe to say there was disbelief at the amount of their good fortune.

"Wow, I never had a clue," Ev and Wayne said at the same time, each pulling back when the other spoke. "Where in the world did one little old lady get that kind of cash. A couple of years back you guys were poorer than church mice." Ev stated the obvious.

"Hey, I'm gonna let Gram tell you the story, at her discretion." Ben spoke. "I only know bits and pieces of it, but it has something to do with Pete."

Rubbing on the back of his neck, Ben said, "The thing that really interests me, is that paper that we found in Inga's trunk. I've got to get in touch with Jennings and see what has become of that particular item."

Under his lashes, Ben watched Wayne's reaction. Something was bugging Wayne as bad as it was bothering Brett. Ben didn't like lying, but no way was he going to admit that he knew about the money. Grandma had put him in a bad situation, but she must have had her reasons for not including Wayne in the secret. To himself, Ben thought he'd better put some thinking in about that problem.

"I don't know about you guys," Will spoke quietly, "but Cassy and I are going to find a motel for tomorrow night. She need's a little bit of comfort and a secure place to sleep. She's starting to get pretty stressed." He reached for Cassy's hand and placed it on the table. In the flickering lantern light, it was easy to see the haggard lines in Cassy's face.

"Probably not a bad idea," Ev agreed, much to Cheryl's relief. Neither woman had said anything against their living situations, but being inside, on a bed sounded like heaven. Lainey sat leaning against Ben, thinking about a long, luxurious bath and a regular bed and pillow. Smiling, she sniffed the ripe smell of her man, a man that had scooped poop and walked to and from that work. A small delicate cough covered her discovery giggle.

"I'll take first watch," Ben spoke tiredly. "Let's break it into 3 hours tonight. That way we all get a little more sleep."

"Agreed," Wayne yawned.

"I'll take second," Will stated. The camp settled in for the night, Lainey bunking by herself as Clora and Sandy were still at the hospital. She wished Ben would hurry up with his next move, she was ready to get married. Clora had advised her to keep cool and let Ben do the leading, otherwise he just got stubborn and wouldn't budge an inch. Men! she thought as she dropped off to sleep, can't do with them...can't do without them.

Morning started when Brett open the diner with more noise than usual. Ben pulled the sleeping bag over his ears, hoping to shut out the clanging and banging that was floating out the back door of the café. Today they were going to move camp further away from that fat headed jerk purposely making more noise than reasonably necessary.

Ben had spent his night thinking, which, as he rubbed the back of his neck unconsciously was probably a danger to the world.
First of all, it was time to marry Lainey. He finally felt ready. He hoped she was ready, it was going to happen today one way or the other. It felt good to have a completed decision.

That problem taken care of, he cranked his super sharp mind into high gear and burst out of bed ready to change the world.

By the afternoon, the wedding procession walked to the hospital where they were to meet with the Chaplin in Evie's room.


Veteran Member

2pm sharp! The Chaplin walked in Evie's room to find the most varied assortment of friends and relatives he had ever seen assembled.

The bride, or he assumed it was the bride, sat by the old lady's bed in a dreamy fog. The goofy, I'm in love expression plastered all over her face. Chaplin Thornton walked over to identify himself, meeting Evie and Clora. To his increasing surprise, the tall woman beside the bed stood up and offered to introduce him to the bride and groom.

The rag tag not entirely clean and spiffy group welcomed him warmly. Had he met any of them on the street, Tom knew he would have felt uncomfortable in their presence. They looked like a band of deep woods survivalists with long hair, beards and the women dressed in long skirts.

The only normal looking one of the bunch was some kind of a law officer, complete with a service weapon and baton. Ben and Lainey presented themselves and the necessary paperwork, asking that he include Grandmother as the person to give the bride away.

Clearly every person in the room held the old woman in high esteem, and in return she sparkled and praised with honest joy.
The ceremony was simple and straightforward. The bride had made only one request; that Tom substitute the word cherish in place of obey. The single gold band came off the old woman's finger, and was passed to the young man to use as his new bride's ring.

The kiss that sealed the ceremony was a tender, trembling touch of lips. Almost restrained and classic and unlike the vulgar displays that the Chaplin had witnessed as of late.

The group may not fit the mainstream's idea of appropriate appearance but they obviously respected each other, and that the newly married couple were deep in love shown through with sincerity. Tom was pleased to officiate at the beginning of such a union, feeling for the first time in a long time, a glimmer of hope for the future.

If this strange group could field such a strong, confident couple and honor the sanctity of marriage, then he blessed them with joy.

"Thank you Grandma, for the use of your ring. It means a lot to me," Lainey slipped away from the excited talking to sit next to Evie.
"I want you to know that Ben and I feel so very blessed to start our life together."

Evie reached over to pat Lainey's hand. "I wish you and Ben the long happiness that Hap and I experienced. My words of advice, even if you haven't asked, respect each other with love in your heart. All else will fall into place." and Evie brushed her hand down Lainey's cheek, smiling in a remembering way.

Will and Ev went to the waiting lounge and brought back congratulatory cans of soda. Toasted with root beer and orange, the new couple waltzed down the hall and escaped down the stairs laughing.