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Desert Painter

Desert Painter

Contributing Member
Hello everyone!

New member (12 year lurker) here.

I'm a freelance artist, living and working in a ghost town in central Wyoming.

If any art lovers or art critics out there are interested, here is my website for my work http://lcbookout.webs.com
Please feel free to visit, and comment. I welcome any, and all suggestions, even if it's harsh. I'm pretty thick-skinned for an 'artsy-fartsy' type.


Desert Painter

Contributing Member
Thank you all so very much! I'd would like to take credit for "talent," but the truth is it takes a lot of hard work, study, crying and childish temper tantrums to get to the stage I'm at right now. Your appreciation means very much to me... thank you.

If anyone is ever travelling through Wyoming, try to stop by the Split Rock Bar & Cafe, in Jeffrey City and say "hi!" Most of the artwork is hanging there. It's a ghost town, remnants of a Uranium mining town from the 70's and 80's. What was once a 5000 population, is now about 50 ranchers, four artisans, and a lot of pronghorns.

Again, thank you all!


Time Traveler
Well what took you so long to join??? I like your work too, especially the antelope, victorian house with flag and the wagon! It's nice to have a new artist on board, I love looking at other people's work. I hope you enjoy it here. Welcome (finally) to the board! :D

Green Co.

Beautiful work, regardless of the worries of talent. You have it.

For some reason, Mary's Shed stood out to me. Perhaps the subtle colors, or that I've seen places just like that. And of course Night Tower, lots of memories there.

Thanks for the pointer to you site, and stick around since you joined us. I know it'll be beneficial to lots of us.


Neither here nor there.
Hello everyone!

New member (12 year lurker) here.

I'm a freelance artist, living and working in a ghost town in central Wyoming.

If any art lovers or art critics out there are interested, here is my website for my work http://lcbookout.webs.com
Please feel free to visit, and comment. I welcome any, and all suggestions, even if it's harsh. I'm pretty thick-skinned for an 'artsy-fartsy' type.


I have some website advice if your interested.
