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Experimenting with camera & lens


Senior Member
I just downloaded some files from my camera and I saw something that I thought would be nice to publish.
This image was taken on 31DEC09, around 0600. Ambient temps were about 8 degrees. Images were captured with a Sony A350 camera and a Tamron 300mm lens. Camera was mounted on tripod and I used the 10 second timer, since these images had to be taken with just the right amount of shutter opening. Some images came out over-exposed, some just right....

This set of images is of the moon, and the mountains just in front of it.

moonset5 (1).jpg

moonset11 (1).jpg

moonset17 (1).jpg

and the ultimate picture yet...
Moonset (1).jpg

The last photo took some touching up with the RAW data, some Photoshop action, but I think it turned out fairly nice.
