FINALLY - There is a REAL Fight Brewing


Veteran Member

Your post is simply a distraction from the primary theme.

How do we punish our political enemies most effectively?
Hit them in their wallets would be a good start!

How Ayn Rand paid her rent is immaterial.



YOUR hypocrite (Ayn R for one example) remains a Saint with a bit of clay feet.

Go Galt asap I strongly urge ye!


Veteran Member
stop earning enough to pay taxes.

This is the best solution if possible for anyone.

I plan to be off grid and self reliant as possible. Then lower my income to a minimal amount and expend my energies keeping my family and self provided for.


Veteran Member
Just a little side note.

The local blacks (near Jessy Jackson's home town) have a book called "The Black Pages". They pass this book out at black churches all the time. In it are all black owned businesses. They are told to only use people from this book unless there is no other choice. Personally I am glad because it means I get to see less of them. Not that I am prejudice but if someone is against me I prefer not dealing with them.

If they can do it we should be able to.

We could call it the "Conservative Pages". It would simply list conservative companies and individuals in business. No harm done there. Then if you choose to only deal with people in that book more power to you. There is no law against choice yet is there?


Membership Revoked
I used to be on Planned Parenthood's mailing list so I would wrap up a brick and tape their return paid envelope to it. They would have to pay the postage! That was fun. You could do that with any organization that goes against your beliefs... :)

I used to be very anti PP because of the abortion services they offered, growing into adulthood I was always very anti-abortion. I have now discovered that the vast majority of abortions performed in this country are performed for the gibsmedats, I now support government funding of abortion and hope that they make it as available as a slurpee at 7-11.

I know it sounds hard core but I figure it just lessens the chances that one of the thugs will harm or kill my children or grandchildren in the future. This is it the lines have been drawn in the sand normal hard working white people are fighting for their existence and that of their kids, times like this call for a hardening of the heart and soul, it sucks but it has to be done, open your eye's this is war and the first one's to become Mississippi wind chimes should be the DWL's that allowed this mess to occur.

Jubilation T. Cornpone

Veteran Member
"When it comes time to hire people, hire Conservatives. When it comes time to let people go, dismiss the LEFTISTS."

I think you might be in a bit of legal trouble if you tried to pull this one.
Any kind of punishing program is just a vengeful act unless it serves as a deterrent or does some kind of behavior modification. Liberalism is a disease! You aren't going to cure it by behavior modification attempts. You either eliminate the carrier of the disease or you isolate it so that it doesn't spread or cause any trouble.

I have thought about dispatching left-wing maggots,
but that "Thou shalt not kill" thing holds me back.

Now FEMA camps for leftists I could go with,
but I think they built them for us.


Senior Member
Now get Texas on board. They can do it legally!

we petition the obama administration to:
Peacefully grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.

As the founding fathers of the United States of America made clear in the Declaration of Independence in 1776:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government..."
Created: Nov 07, 2012
Issues: Civil Rights and Liberties, Government Reform, Human Rights


Are you sure about that?
I agree with you Flippper 100%. To have a sticky thread near the top of companies that support the socialist movement would be a great help to all of us that are interested. I am going to email this to my friends and family so that they can decide what to do.

I think it would also be useful to post a boycott/alternative list. If you boycott one company, an alternative source for a similar product or service should be listed next to it. It would be easy to read in tabular form.


Contributing Member
I'm in. I think Searcher's idea is great, post an alternative. What is Lowes status compared to Homo Depot?

Now for those of you who hire people, be smart. Wouldn't a background search included facebook, linkedin, etc...? Do it in such an ambiguous manner that no one could make any case of discrimination stick. For those of you who have to let people go, those lefties love government benes so much, let them try them out. Then keep your mouth shut! No gloating or bragging online about how you let all the liberals go in your department.

3 years from now when those whiny lefties complain about how they cant find a decent job, remind them that elections have consequences.