(GOVT) 7 Debate Questions for Bush and Kerry- DOOMER DOUG

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
seven debate questions for skull and bones 1 and 2 by Doomer Doug 7-16-2004

THIS SHOULD STIR THINGS UP :lol: I tried to watch the demo convention but grew nauseous when Glenn Close started getting maudlin about 9-11.

1. President Bush, Senator Kerry, how do you reconcile your professed Christian beliefs with drinking an oath to evil using a human skull as a cup during your Yale initiation rite into the Skull and Bones secret society?

2. President Bush, Senator Kerry, how do you reconcile your sworn oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution, first as members of the US military, and later as elected officials, with your membership in an unconstitutional, treasonous, terrorist organization called The Trilateral Commission?

3. President Bush, Senator Kerry, how is your rabid support of racial quotas, affirmative action and hate crime laws not in violation of the above oath and also the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause?

4. President Bush, Senator Kerry, considering your support of a Central Bank run for the benefit of an economic oligarchy intent on destroying working people and the middle class; also, your open support of illegal immigration by pandering to both Hispanic racists and corrupt business corporations, why shouldn't working people view you both as traitors?

5. President Bush, Senator Kerry, if you went back in time to 1776, do you think it would take the Founding Fathers either 15 minutes, or 30 minutes to hang you for being aristocratic traitors?

6. President Bush, Senator Kerry, is the price you paid, your honor and your soul, worth the power Satan gave you in that Yale dungeon all those years ago?

7. President Bush, Senator Kerry, how do you think America got to the point where the political system vomited two Presidential candidates up who, besides being damn, dirty demons, are ignorant, anal retentive, multigenerational, inbred mutant fools born with a silver spoon up their ass?

AND ONE FINAL QUESTION GENTLEMEN DEMONS, BEFORE THE HOMELAND SECURITY THUG RIDGE SUSPENDS THE ELECTION DUE TO AN ISRAEL MOSSAD TERROR ATTACK: Gentlemen, President Clinton will be remembered for three things: first, redefining the legal definition of the word is; second, renaming the White House Oval Office the Oral Office and third, creating an armed, antigovernment militia for the first time since the Civil War in 1860. Do you think your election as the puppet leader of the New World Order, fascist, Patriot Act, serfdom currently called the USA will lead to the outbreak of armed resistance and eventualy Civil War 2?

I have, as Christopher Lee says of Sauron in the lord of the Rings, "lost none of his potentcy." :cool: Even though I am no longer amonst you on a regular basis my sting still leaves a welt. he he he

Like I said, I just watched the first five minutes of the Democratic convention coverage on ABC. We have two men running for president who have sworn oaths to evil drinking out of a human skull. Cheney is scum and Edwards is GASP, a trial lawyer-that alone dooms us. :D

I will not vote this time around as I will defile myself by doing so. Evil runs this country and this world. IT is time people understood this. Again, like Christopher Lee says to gandalf when informed of the ring being found, "How much time do you think we have?"

A good question. Remember, lead, as in ammo, is the other precious metal!

On a personal note. I am still planning to write for the Steve Quayle web site, although the process seems to be taking forever to actually get any of my essays up. I have no idea why this is. At any rate, I have talked to Steve, although not within the last 6 weeks, and I also did get a check for $200 and I did send 12 essays to Holly Deyo on June 30. This is where things stand right now. Exactly when things will happen is unknown to me since I can't get through to Steve when I call him. :lol: Maybe he read them and decided I was too mean. he he he So, that's all I can tell you.

Oh another thing, I have retained a lawyer and will be filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy sometime in the next few weeks or so. The other shoe drops from all my problems with the security company and being unemployed for over a year. Doesn't phase me a bit. Later


Membership Revoked
Hey Doug, good to see you.

Without wanting to detract from your many fine points, what a person does before they become a born again Christian is not necessarily relevant to what they are now. Bush went through a long period of drinking addiction and depression before he turned to Jesus Christ many years after college.

Back in my college days I was getting high, and campaigning for McGovern, and generally liberal, before I met God and got my mind renewed. It harms your credibility to harp on what Bush did before he was saved. Let's stick to what he is doing right now, OK? Harp on the borders or the spending and so forth, but don't paint him as a servant of Satan...he is NOT.

"ISRAEL MOSSAD TERROR ATTACK".....by the way Doug, do you ever read over at the Nyquist forum? The Soviets probably have had nukes here since the 1960's and AlQ may well be their puppet now. The real threat to western freedom is Islam and Communism, not- I repeat- the Jews or the Bush Adminstration. When that nuke blows think Russia, not Israel.

I am disappointed to see someone of your brains and heart fall pray to the leftist lies glazing the minds of so many, to focus on Bush as a great evil when both Islam and Communism are the wolf at the door. Bush has all kinds of faults, but true treason is anything that aids the real enemies, and I think you are coming a bit close these days.....


Membership Revoked
Here's some questions

Mr. Bush, Sen Kerry.......you both profess to be christians.
Do you beleive that the works of satanic organizations like Skull & Bones, need to be exposed and would you expose these standard practices and repudiate them.

Mr Bush, Sen Kerry.....since many of these secret societies have an oath that repudiates upholding the rule of law if a fellow member is in trouble....do you feel that you should have anyone as such in your list of advisors and/or cabinate members and/or judicial appointees. (etc etc).

Mr. Bush , Sen Kerry....could you elaborate on the strange circumstances surrounding the events of 9-11.....specifically the why WTC 6 was "blown up" and WTC 7 imploded as if done by controlled demolition. How do you rectify the fact that during the pentagon attack...the wings of a 757 aircraft did no damage to the wall of the pentagon as the supposed aircraft went into the building. Why weren't these photos and analysis shown on TV ?

Mr Bush, Sen Kerry....why did the whole of congress concentrate only on so-called intelligence failures for the 9-11 and NO CONCRETE SCIENTIFIC panel was called in to investigate the natures of the "plane" impacts and the results of the "plane" impacts. (oh yeah...there was the NOVA special on the burning jet fuel causing the collapse of the towers).....

Mr Bush, Sen Kerry....a missile like object was caught on video tape of no less than 4 cameras. This object didn't hit WTC 1 or WTC 2 but appears to have hit WTC 6 and blowing a hole in it. If the USA had aircraft in the air and had shot a missile at the planes attacking....why was this fact covered up ? DO you really beleive that the american people would fault you for firing a missile to down the planes and it went off course and hit WTC 6 ? To cover up this video, has many thinking that somehow the US Government actually pulled off the whole 9-11 attack....and hence someone in the US Government actually wanted to cause 9-11 to bring us into a state of war.
It's great to see you posting, again, Doug! You made a lot of great points.

You may or may not know that Steve is out of the picture, for a couple of weeks....Doug Hagman is taking his place, at the mike, for the interim. Up to now, when I've called Steve, altho I sometimes get his voice mail, he does return my calls.

And, Lynnie, if Bush is such a fine Christian, how come he won't renounce his membership in that Satanic occultic club?????? He refuses to talk about it. Same with Kerry.You can't serve two masters, so if he won't give up Satan's club, but claims to be a Christian, he is trying to serve two masters.

I firmly believe that Bush is no Christian, tho I know that only God can see in the heart. Since we can't see what is in the heart, we have to watch for the fruits.

Bush has taken us down the trail towards Globalism far faster than Clinton could ever have gotten away with, since the public wouldn't have let Clinton get away with what all the unsuspecting Christians in this country have given a pass to Bush for, since they are hoodwinked into thinking he is one of them. Wrong!

I have a lot of gripes against our current president---the most egregious are the fact that he has stirred up the Muslims' hatred against us by the pre-emptive strike he authorized against a country that had not threatened us, and was no serious threat to us. Regardless of what anyone else says, we are in a quagmire, with the guerilla warfare our military is constantly facing, in Iraq. Those people don't want us, there, but we will never leave that country. And, this war will never end, I feel sure. At least, the only way it will end is when God decides the time is up, for this world, when Armageddon takes place.

Then, there are the open borders, which Bush could easily do something about, but he is in cahoots with Fox, and they both are Globalists who want to eventually make North and South America all into one region. Our poor men who try to police the border are actually thwarted in their efforts, by their superiors.

Of course, putting the Patriot Acts into motion is another issue I have with Bush, as well as the Congressmen who almost unanimously didn't bother to read it, before voting for it, and Attny. General Ashcroft, who all were very effective in shredding most of the Constitution, by passing that travesty of justice.

How can any Christian pass those laws that will so severely infringe on the rights of John Q. Public? We didn't lose our freedoms because of the terrorists....we lost them because of our Congress, our President and our Attorney General. For those of you who weren't aware of it, the Patriot Act was already poised and ready to implement....all that was needed was an excuse for it to be put in place, after a national emergency. 9-11 was the perfect opportunity for it to be enacted.


Veteran Member
President Bush, Senator Kerry, how do you think America got to the point where the political system vomited two Presidential candidates up who, besides being damn, dirty demons, are ignorant, anal retentive, multigenerational, inbred mutant fools born with a silver spoon up their ass?

:dvl2: "I can answer that....as silver spoons up the bung is one of my specialties. Let me tell you it takes a lot of browny points to get one of those. Now please don't spoil my game by yelling...the emperor has no clothes...of course they both are total fools, but that's all I got to work with...besides the game seems to be working remarkably well, so far, don't you think?" :dvl2:

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Hey, well if you can't see the Zionist terrorists in Israel are truly evil, then so be it. I do not think this is a liberal position, it is an American position. Seal the borders, eliminate all foreign aid, terminate ALL relationships with Israel, take ax handles and beat the rich into little pieces of pulp; then, America might amount to something again :usfl:

By the way, God wiped out the Exodus generation, the ten northern tribes, 90% of the two southern tribes with the Babylonians and then did it again twice with the Romans. Hmm, I guess he was anti semetic too. :lol:


man you need some serious help...

wonderful things can be done through therapy and i suggest you explore that option. next you will be telling us president bush is a lizard.....