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Happy Valley Incident: the movie -- project


Hey all i have been a member here for a few years now and recently myself and a few others have begun to create a movie. The movie is loosely based and actually facts surrounding the Happy Valley area in NY. Everything from paranormal stories to actual UFO encounters have occured here in the area, our film will encompass just that. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on it so if you would like check out our website for the story and movie trailer and more information.
Thank you!

movie synopsis: Happy Valley Incident is a Horror film that is about four amateur paranormal investigators on their first case that head into the vast wilderness known as Happy Valley looking for answers to the many reported claims of paranormal activity and UFO sightings. A seemingly uneventful night of investigating turns into something much more sinister when they encounter something of the unknown!


youtube trailer: search for: Happy Valley Incident


Website has been updated with more information on the film, and final production will commence in the spring with a tentative release date to be fall of 2012! Thanks for the support!


Here are 3 videos of the UFO event that took place over Oneida Lake NY that is the basis for our movie.

Oneida Lake NY UFO - similar to Phoenix Lights filmed in 1998

Here are the video links, you will notice that the UFO is very similar to the Phoenix lights and what transpired that night, this video was taken 3 months after the Phoenix Lights in NY.

Video link:Oneida Lake Incident UFO 1998 - YouTube - actual UFO

Oneida Lake Incident, May 1998 News Footage Part 1 - YouTube - Fox 68 News Cast

Oneida Lake Incident, Expert Round Table - YouTube - Expert Analysis

This video was shot in may of 1998 a few months after the Phoenix lights were witnessed, this video takes place over Oneida Lake NY and was seen by 100's of people there are some news clips also loaded up on you tube. Military explanation for the event did not co inside with the video and witness times and as a result the investigator was asked to leave the military base and was told it was flares. The lights were so bright that 3 hours north of my location on Oneida Lake a lady in Massena NY witnessed the event!! Please take a minute and check this out and let me know what you think.....For years i have been looking for an answer, FOX news entered this into FOX's greatest UFO's ever captured but it missed the due date, also and to this day there is no explanation for what happened.


Time Traveler
Oh, you are still here. Good.

Best of luck with your film, I hope it does well. Thanks for including the links.