Herbal Tinctures - help request


I was thinking about all the different type of herbal tinctures I have read about and decided that there was no possible way for me to have them all. I would like to keep my tincture collection to about 10.

So, if I only had 10 herbal tinctures, what should they be? I would like to cover as many bases as possible and am looking for a wide spectrum of ideas.

Thanks in advance! :spns:


Covering many bases and wide spectrum is tough if you want to get real specific, dis-ease focal. Best general broad-spectrum to start would be echinacea = antibiotic and elderberry = anti-viral. Burdock is a good general body system toner as is dandelion. There are always good combination of herbs in tincture, but my personal choices are individual herbal tinctures for very specific problems. You maybe need to survey your family's health/most commonly occurring problems and focus on the herbs specifically for those areas. There is a good pdf file coming up shortly on Reaonabl Rascal's medical site which has a good chapter on the 10 wildcrafted herbs and 10 home grown herbs that would cover most every dis-ease in a SHTF situation. Of course, I think it's a good chapter cause I wrote it!


I have echinacea, goldenseal and elderberry tinctures and herbs. As for the family, we rarely get sick and generally stick to these three. The family is constantly exposed to people at work and school who always seem to be sick.

I have a vast array of herbs and spices, some used frequently and some rarely. I guess I am looking for exactly what you wrote about. The link you posted looks very interesting! I think I am going to have to explore! :)

LA Woman

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I have to concur with echinacea & goldenseal, can't have enough of those on hand (combine them with vitamin C and you could probably withstand anything viral). Might I also add Uva Ursi? Concentrated doses, combined with Vit. C will whip out a UTI in 7 days. Also reported to be effective against E Coli (though I've never had any personal experience in using it for such, Thank God), bladder stones, cystitis (pain) and a highly effective topical astringent.