Help How to build a cellar door


Goin' where the lonely go
If the crap hits the fan in the conventional way we are expecting I will be staying here. I have a cellar. Not big or anything but big enough for me and Josh for awhile.


The opening is nothing but a plywood lid.
What I would LIKE to do is have a door that is camoflaged (SP) with maybe grass or leaves or something.
The entrance is right off the other side of the porch. So I NEED it hidden in plain sight if that makes sense.

I also want to begin stocking the yingyang out of it with food and stuff.:whistle:

I'd say the entrance is about 5x3 and goes down about 15'.....

TIA and CYA.


Senior Member
VS, I am wondering if you would get more responce to this if it was in homesteading?

I am not sure what part of the country you live in. And that will make a huge difference in how to hide it. Here in MT we have to think grass as well as snow. I do know that they do make nets that are camo with like fake leaves on them as well as like a camo snow thing. So those might be a way to look at it. If it is in an area where you have a lot of grass what about outdoor green grass carpet on the door? Then in winter use something white on it. You will also need a good vent in that thing. Plus I think I would be putting a huge chunk of foam on the door as insulation. Plus it will also work as sound proofing. A lot of the old root cellars had double doors even and that might be a thought as well. Is it large enough to have a couple of cots in it? Even during the night then fold up in the day. When you put that vent in remember to put a rain cap on it. As well as a way to keep snakes, etc out with a good screen wire around it. Does it stay damp? You will need to remember if it does everything like cans will try and rust. That is also the reason for a good vent system.
So see if you can get this post moved to homesteading. And then maybe get some better answers that I gave ya. Hang in there gal it will work out.
Old wood--with moss growing on it. Or, what about those flower gardens you just roll out and water? They can't be that heavy...isn't there some kind of paint that contains seeds? You're supposed to paint it on bricks or cement to make it look aged.

OK. I looked, but couldn't find the paint. Here is a link to moss seeds.

They will grow almost anywhere...

Of course, you might be able to plant chia seeds on the outside of the wooden cellar door...ChinaConnection posted a thread about the nutrition available from the chia plant.

ETA: Whatever ground-cover you plant on your wooden door, you can put a couple of ceramic flower-pots on it and grow tomatoes or something. When you get ready to use the door, just set the pots aside. Of course, that might leave rings showing when you're inside, so you might not want to do it.


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I have a cellar door that is really a basement door, as well. Make it non-reflective.

But the more important thing is that it is breathable. Our custom screen door has adjustable opening for the screen portion.

But a house will lead you to the cellar or cold storage eventually.

Store what you will use/eat. Otherwise it is hopeless.