If I thought for one miserable minute......


Veteran Member
Oh PacI am so sorry for your loss, God Bless you and your family may he give you strenght and courage and peace through this time and always God Bless


Veteran Member
Dear Pac and Mr. Pac, our hearts go out to both of you and all your kinder. I pray that your child had the deep abiding faith that you exhibit in each post. Our prayers lifted up to our Heavenly Father for you. Dear Pac, drop by occasionally to let us know how things go with you.


Veteran Member
Oh, Pac!.............................. Hugs and hugs and hugs to you!!! And to your family!! from your TB family!

We will be praying for all of you every day. Many, many prayers going up to our Father on your behalf for peace and guidance and hope.

Take care of yourself and your family, Pac. We can wait..............

Deena in GA

Pac, I am so sorry that tragedy has hit your family! My prayers are with all of you! The pain of losing a child is like nothing else, as we can testify, but the Lord can give you peace and comfort as no one else can. May He carry you in His arms through this!


Veteran Member
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. May God help you and your family through the pain and sorrow you're going through. God bless.



Veteran Member
My prayers are with you and yours.
I know the sorrow of losing one's child and my heart aches for you.
May you be comforted and given clarity and calmness as you continue on each day.
Amen, Sis


Veteran Member
Pac, words can't express how very sorry I am for you and your family. Please take all the time you need and we are all here if you need to vent.



Thoughts and prayers with you and your family at this time.

Don't know what we could do at our various distances but I am sure if you ask all that can will try to help.



Pac, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers and I pray that God will be with you all.
We will be here when you are able to return. We Love you and mourn with you at this time.


Contributing Member
Pac & Mr Pac

I have to agree with what everyone else has allready said I can't add much too it
I just have to hope you and your Family will some how get through this.


Veteran Member
Dear Folks,
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. This has been an unbelieveable painful and earth shaking event. We are back home, but I need a day or so to get Mr. Pac settled back into his routine. He is really upset and not doing well. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.


Veteran Member
Henry Wright ignored the pesky old woman. He had a bit of news that would put that old crone in her place. "We are satisfied with the DNA results, they prove you are all of the same family, even the brother headed to the hospital for the mental evaluation. We got a sample from him before he was taken inside."

It got instantly quiet in the room. All heads swiveled to stare at Evie. "I wondered," she said calmly. "I haven't seen a birthmark, have you, Benny or Brett?"

Both boys shook their heads, no. It was a dumbstruck moment. Could it be that Wayne was a brother also?
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank fot Pac that was sweet of you to give us more at this time, Blessing on getting mr pac settled in. Oh boy wont Sandy be surprised.


Veteran Member
Brett wandered over to the window, standing with hands in his pockets. Benny joined him, standing shoulder to shoulder. Staring out at nothing in particular, he finally spoke to Brett. "Did you suspect?"

"Not in a million years," Brett returned thoughtfully. "Have you ever noticed a birthmark on Wayne? I don't think I ever have. Haven't expected to see one, never supposed he might have one." he said in a low tone. "Do you think Wayne knew he might be related to us?
I suppose," Brett chewed on his lip, "I really don't know anything about him. When his uncle beat him so bad, I stopped asking questions."

"Pretty much the same here," Benny added. "I think Will did a perfunctory investigation, but since the uncle died, it didn't go any further. Did you" Benny questioned, "Know anything about Wayne's parents, and especially his mother?"

"Not a thing," Brett replied as he stretched to loosen the kinks in his shoulders. "I gotta admit, I wouldn't mind asking Wayne, this is a puzzle for sure."

Standing in silhouette in the window light, the two half brothers looked almost like matching bookends. Tall, lean and muscular; with Benny slowly catching up with Brett growth, they were a formidable pair.

The sight of them made Evie smile. She thought they looked like a couple of Matt Dillion's in a fanciful way. Clora turned to ask what was so funny, and when she spotted her two brothers she tapped Sandy on the arm. Motioning for Sandra to look, Clora said, "Add Wayne, and you couldn't tell them apart from the backside."

Sandy looked and felt like she had been kicked in the stomach. Evie motioned her to a chair, and stood behind the trembling child with her hands on her shoulders. Speaking softly, she offered comfort to the distraught teen.

Henry Wright seemed perturbed. His big announcement had fizzled when the gathered family accepted his grandstanding proclamation so matter of factly.

"I was sure you would know," he sniped at Evie. "Your son was quite the cattin around man, wasn't he?"


Keeper of all things
Hmm, I'm thinking Mr. Henry Wright better steel himself. Evie's response probably isn't going to be what he expects and I fear she'll put him in his place as only Evie can.

Pac, I just wanted to say that I've thought and prayed often for you and your husband and hope you have found some measure of comfort during this time.


Veteran Member
"Sandy looked and felt like she had been kicked in the stomach."

Bless her heart, what a shocker. Hope her weak heart can stand up to the shock.


Veteran Member

Evie merely looked at him over Sandy's head and smiled. Steadily, she kept her gaze on Henry until he dropped his eyes and angrily strode over to the door and jerked it open. Bellowing down the hall to summon a agent, at this time and in his frame of mind, any live body would do for a teething session; Senior agent Wright flustered and blustered until he had purged his evil feelings.

"Damm that woman," he muttered under his breath. In the next second he yelled his displeasure at the page that was running down the hall toward him with a sheaf of papers. The young man skidded to a stop, unsure if the top boss wanted him to advance or stay where he was.

"Get down here," Henry stomped his foot like a spoiled child. The young man advanced slowly, looking like he wanted to cut and run at any second.

"The papers," he roared, holding his hand out for the stack of multi colored folders.

"Here, Sir," the young man looking like he was desperately re-thinking his choice of careers. Henry grabbed the papers, and waved the junior agent away.

Henry walked back in the conference room and the folders slapped with a snapping sound on the table top. Sandy jumped a little under Evie's hands, and Benny and Brett whirled around.

"Now that I have your attention, would you like to read the information I have concerning your family? Not much here, except for Pete." Henry practically purred with oily solicitousness. "The other one, Wayne." Henry glanced at the folder tabs to double check the name, "does have a birth mark in the same area as the two youngest children that have died."

"That's interesting," Evie remarked casually. "How do you know the two babies had their birthmarks in the same general area as Wayne. Did you examine the children with the doctor present? Why would you suspect babies at that age so long before Wayne joined our family? I have a lot of questions Mr. Wright. Please join us," Evie walked around the table, pulled out a chair and jammed it into the back of portly agent Wright's knees.

Over balanced with the force of the chair slamming into his legs, Henry powered down into the armless office chair and went off sideways onto the floor.

"Brett, Benny, I think we should help Mr. Wright back into his chair," Evie instructed her grandsons. Instantly, the two young men appeared at each side of Henry and assisted him upright in a rapid motion, his feet almost touching the floor, but not quite. Evie moved to stare at agent Wright, and for the first time in a long while, he had a frisson of alarm skitter down his spine. Henry remembered that this crazy family still had weapons in their possession, and he was sorry for his lapse of judgment.
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Veteran Member

"Brett, Benny, please read the folders. Clora, please stand beside Mr Wright. We wouldn't want him to fall out of the chair, again." Evie instructed. There wasn't any malice in her tone, but the way she stared so intently at Henry, he got the message loud and clear.

Evie figured they maybe had another 5 or 6 minutes before the rescue squad burst into the room to save Wright. "Start talking," Evie commanded; " Obviously you have been messing with this family for years, I would like to know why?"

"I am not at liberty to say," Henry snorted stiffly, hoping to stall until the squad got in position.

Henry felt the hate in her eyes sear his skin. For some reason, the triumph he was supposed to feel wasn't happening. He felt small and insignificant and definitely on the losing end of respectability.

"Mr. Wright will you arrange for the family to be delivered to our home; I believe we are finished here." Evie quietly gathered up her dignity and waited by the door. "Sandy, dear, we need to be going," she spoke softly to her youngest granddaughter. Sandy obeyed without speaking, standing up to move close to her grandmother.

When the door burst open, Evie was waiting with her purse held primly in front of her. The lead agent had his gun drawn and was flipping his head back and forth for the source of the threat. His boss was sitting at the table with a 'foot in mouth', 'dog in the manger' look on his face, and motioned the SWAT squad to disperse.

"Arrange for their return flight," he instructed his assistant John. "This afternoon." Henry got up and walked out without a backward glance.

The family walked quietly out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. The ride to the airport was as quiet and when the Guard helicopter came streaking in and settled on the tarmac, they boarded without saying a word.

Mark Linderman was delighted to see the woman once again. He smiled over the noise and was rewarded with a return smile that curled his hair and put a tingle in his toes. He watched her out of the corner of his eye, unable to stop looking at her.

Clora kept good track of the handsome flight Sargent by peeking out under her half closed eyes, and blushing strongly when she caught the man staring at her.

Sandy poked Evie and jerked her head toward Clora, indicating that Evie should notice the syrupy sweet goo happening between her sister and the Lawyer's son. Evie nodded and patted Sandy's hand in agreement.

Sargent Linderman managed to get a a few quick words with the majestic woman that had captured his interest. As the rotors increased speed and the chopper door clanged shut, he smiled a very self satisfied smile. She was really something. One of the other flight personnel passed his hand in front of Sarge's face and was rewarded with his hand being knocked away when the reality of what was happening hit Mark.