Misc Lecture on Cherokee Traditional Medicine on my show this week


Disaster Cat
Hi everyone, wasn't sure where to post this but I thought some people might be interested in listening to my Cat's Eye on the Future show this week. Usually the show is a bit too woo-woo for outside of unexplained by this show (and part II) are different.

This is a lecture presented by my Native Elder Friend around 2011 at his local community center on the topic of Cherokee Traditional Medicine. Part 1 does have a lot of rather "out there" archeology (all Lorenzo D.'s own opinions but based on tribal lore of various sorts or his own research) but he then ties it all in with a Tribal world view of healing, medicine, life etc.

I am hoping to get part too up this next week - in both of these shows, I really just do an intro and and outro - the bulk of the show is just his lecture though I did edit out (at his request) about 15 minutes of chairs being moved, people getting settled, the crowd joking around etc. But the actual lecture is all there, including a correction he had me make at the end about the dating of a Papal edict, I am adding any corrections he wishes to make at the end.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it!


Disaster Cat
You welcome, I mentioned it on the main too, since TMRN show's came up there with the interview that I helped with, when Plane interviewed John Galt Fla for his show. Hope you enjoy this one and Plane's show too!