Master story list

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Since older stories can drop off the radar screen, I decided to post this sticky-thread, so that folks with stories can add them to this "index". Feel free to reply to this thread with the link to your story, accompanied by a brief synopsis of the story-line.




ATTACK! can be read at:

[font=Verdana,Arial]There are two main story lines that are intertwined. The first is an autobiographical account of the character, Thomas Duncan, during the period leading up to the attack upon the United States in 2005, and its aftermath through February of 2008. The second is a third person account of local and world events that have a background effect on Thomas Duncan and his community.

An alliance of foreign countries apparently lead by China, named MABUS, pre-emptively attacks the United States, triggered by a terrorist event for which China is being unjustly blamed. Within the US, an underground movement, called the Network, has formed to monitor and thwart the plans of "The New World Order." Now the network has to deal with the foreign attack as well as corruption and treason within the US Government.


The Reluctant Survivalist
Short story about almost surviving a nuclear war.

Very good object lesson if a bit hard!

The Vigilante
A story about revenge - Warning, Graphic Violence.

Route 666
Surviving the Apocylpse after having to flee without your family.

The Big One II
San Andreas fault finally lets go, resulting in major TEOTWAWKI event. Story of 1 family's survival after the Big One.

North to Alaska
Roy Williams goes on the Caribou Hunt of a lifetime after his wife dies, survives a plane crash into an ice-cold Alaskan lake, and is forced to survive an Alaskan Winter with only what he has on him, or he can find.

Escape From the Rat Race
Book II in the North to Alaska Series - Roy's further adventures in Alaska including a new family.

Allakaket Airlines
Book III in the North to Alaska Series
Ron Williams and his family's continuing adventures in Allakaket.

The Kids are Alright
Book IV in the North to Alaska Series
A CME causes TEOTWAWKI - Will Ron and his family survive?

The Last Outpost
Sci Fi Survival Story. Lunar outpost becomes Humanity's last chance when Global Thermonuclear war and follow-on Biological Warfare kills most of the inhabitants of Earth, leaving Lunar colony isolated. Story of their survival and later attempts to recolonize Earth.

The Mine
A VERY distant cousin of Theresa Hines climbs out of the bottle and re-opens an abandoned silver mine in Northern NV. Trials and Tribulations soon follow, including Natural Disasters and politics. Includes The Mime (a spoof on the Mine), a story by NV Cowboy, who graciously offered his story to incorporate into The Mine when he was unable to finish it.

The Reniassance Man - Redux

A story in progress that combines Survivalism with Science Fiction, and spoofs every Sci-Fi clique I can along the way!



Veteran Member
The The Troublemaker is a story that weaves the downfall of the US and the struggles through the eyes of one man. This is written with both a physical and spiritual aspect.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...there's gunplay, technology and a love story. So, pull up a chair and hopefully be entertained.



<strong>Forever After: The Hagan Family Journals</strong> - February 2001
<strong>Commentary thread</strong>

This story dates back to when TB2K was still on EZBoard and is close to my earliest work of fiction. It's a pretty much straight forward full-scale nuclear war a la the Cold War between the United States and Russia as seen from the view point of the Hagan family at their home in North/Central Florida and the surrounding community.

<strong>The Awakening</strong> - A shared story thread - May 2002
<strong>Commentary thread</strong>

This is a "come as you are" multi-author invasion story thread by a good many of the TB2K posters of the time. Started out rather vaguely and went all over the place. Some very good writing in this one.

<strong>We Interrupt This Program...</strong> - July 2002
<strong>Commentary for story</strong>

A no-warning asteroid impact story as seen from the view point of the Horne family outside of Gainesville, Florida with coverage of the national and international situations from time of impact to a year later.

<strong>In the Blink of an Eye</strong> - February 2003 - (as yet unfinished)
<strong>Commentary for story</strong>

An Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack on the United States and the consequences that follow. As yet unfinished.

<strong>Fiction: Rioting in Arabia & the oil stops flowing</strong> - May 2004
<strong>Commentary thread</strong>

The original post is a fictional time-line of events occurring as the flow of Middle Eastern oil runs out that was written by a non-TB2K writer and posted to the board by one of our energy supply posters Flavius Aetius. The time line appealed to me so I wrote one of my own to go with it and it sort of took off from there as others posted their own contributions.



Membership Revoked
Deep Winter January 2005-May 2005

Commentary thread

First attempt at fiction. Fictional story of a family struck by a multitude of unfolding natural and human-caused events in Spokane, Washington. Set in the middle of winter, the story chronicles from the storytellers' point-of-view, the immediate and widespread effects of the events going on around him, across the nation, and the world. Part One of....more than one. Second book continuing the storyline will likely follow in the Fall of 2005.

The story went longer and was much better received than I ever dreamed it might also taught me that 1) writing can be addictive; and 2) readers are demanding (grin).

brake pedal

ignored by all
"Jill's Awakening"

i posted this story about a year ago. there is a sequel in the works, if time will allow.

it is about a business woman, liberal, gun hater, trapped in a total shtf scenario in a big city. i am happy to say i had several good comments.(wheres the humble smiley) but if you read any of the stories on the site please leave a comment to let the writer know how much you enjoyed it. thanks!

the story

comments thread

okie medicvet

Membership Revoked
You know, I got a lot of story ideas always floating in my head, but this one was never there..I just decided to try and see if I could write a short story, deliberately short, from start to finish.

I never done it before like that..but this is what came out:

Pretty nervous..other than a few poems a long time ago, never put anything on the net for someone to read, or sent anything in or anything like that, so please be gentle with the criticism, but honest comments appreciated. ty.


Membership Revoked
Shake, Rattle, and Roll!

Story Line-(Chapters 1-10) :

After the Madrid Fault Lines blows and half the country lines in ruins, Maxmilian and his two faithful sidekicks, Buddy & JR, face a devastated country and state. Maxmilian is a hard-core survivalist and has been preparing for the last 25 years for something. He has lost his mother in the first minute of the Madrid Quake. Greed and Evil are loosed upon the world like never before. Most of Asia is dead thanks to a bio-engineered plague started by China but blamed on Islamic terrorists. Russia is becoming a ever increasing grave yard. Europe has had their Atlantic coast smashed by a tsunami caused by the Madrid Quake. Iceland is gone, northern Cuba is mostly underwater and western Africa has also been hit by the tsunami. War is breaking out is South America, the Democratic Party has seized power of what remains of America, ideological groups are on the move to disrupt what remains of civilization and to overthrow the government, and a group of lunatics are looking to kill all of mankind.

Max has been asked by a young stranger, Michael, to take in a refugee family: Scott Hart and his daughter: Nancy and her sons: Mike and Robert.

Can Max and his faithful canine companions survive?

Stay tune for further exciting chapters of Shake, Rattle, and Roll!


We Lost...

Set 7 more years in Max's future. The Madrid Quake never happened and Max is captured after a failed revolt in the US. He is allowed to leave a SuperMax prison in Alaska after 10yrs, due to a serious leg injury. He is no longer considered a threat. He comes back to Michigan to find everything is he knew is gone and the world is changed for the worst.



After an oddly subdued nuclear attack on American soil, a chain of events leaves a rural county in western Virginia grasping for a new normal. The military is behaving strangely, the sheriff just wants to keep everything together and there's no telling what Scamp might do without the stabilising influence of cigarettes and Jerry Reed. Told from the perspective of Kate, a married woman living alone on her country place with her three children, who is pulled into the thick of it all by the men in her life.

Woman for Sale - Cheap

A deadly biological weapon which targets females runs amok, wreaking global devastation. Women? There are no women, and the few left are often rendered sterile. Never fear, for your government is here to save the day. Now if the remaining fertile women will only cooperate with their local bureaucratic office for Redistribution and Population Efficiency Center for Women, everything will be all right. They will even be allowed to keep their husbands, for the most part. But what of the women who can no longer have children? Well, a woman without working ovaries is pretty much a useless eater. Right?
Last edited:


Patience' Stories

Dirty Money
Economic crash is bad enough, then compounded by a nuke war. Midwestern family must find ways to raise food and make life go on with the electric grid down.

From the Bottom up
One fellow gets out of prison just in time for the economic crash of 2008. An old guy loses his wife and tries to go on in the hard times. Both face more challenges as the currency sinks to oblivion and society decays.

Told Ya So!
A retired couple has to cope with relatives descending on them as the economy goes down the drain once and for all.

A Yuppie loses most of what he has in a divorce and has to start over just as the economy is falling apart. He finds that his old values don't fit the new reality, and has to fall back on his childhood for answers.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Sssarawolf's Stories

Last one.

Have Mercy

Mercy is kidnapped just as the news has announced a meteor will hit the earth, dragging her away from her family, she needs to get back home.

The Empty Plains

Thirty years after WWIII Duke and Lottie have worked hard to make a go of their farm. Ten years ago they moved away from the valley fort to be out form under his brother's thumb to have room to grow and make it on their own. The attack happened in the wee hours of the morning and just like that the two of them were on the run. How far would the raiders follow them? Would they kill all the others on the farm or were they already dead?

Shaken Sari

Sari could hardly believe this was happening to her. First the death of her beloved husband and now being married of as a second wife to the camp Commander. She finds all isn't kosher in the camp, someone evil is making life very hard and helping the enemy.

An Unexpected Life

Chrissie couldn't believe it. After moving her up here and seeming to love and enjoy this life he had picked for them, he left. Nick said he had found himself a new woman, a less frumpy one. "What" She had come to love the farm and needed to make a go of it, somehow.
Meanwhile on the other side of the world another country is planning for the down fall of the US. They can pin point weather with their new invention and are causing all kinds of death and havoc. Only the mam in charge of the machine is crazy as wooden watch and even his leaders don't know it.

Ruby's Time Out

Ruby has tried to make up to her son the death of his father. But as he grew to be older all he did is resent her for it. Now he's gone off on his own vowing to never return. But she goes on hoping one day he will come to his senses. She has makes a living making quilts, soaps, lotions and sells them on the internet.
One day she readies only when she gets down her country road it ends in huge trees blocking her way out.
She gets out and walks through the trees but after a third of a mile and seeing the neighbor's house is gone along with the road and in the thinning trees sees nothing but open plains with elk and deer and forests all around her. What happened, where in the world is she?

Down the Hole

A large family living in different parts of the country has to find safe places to go to as they hear of impending war and are soon hit with an EMP. It doesn't take long for the two legged rat to come out and begin their take over. How will each member and their families survive? How many will make it home to their parent’s home where they were taught how to be self-sufficient? How many ignored what they learned?

Seeing the Fire

Pat and Martin can't believe they have been told in dreams to prepare for things in the world to get even worse than they have already become. No medical, no mail, no stores and ever having to watch out for raiders.
They have been told others would be joining them and they would be a haven from the world wide disasters and war. It doesn't keep trouble and death from happening to those working their way towards them. Everyone is on foot or horse these days.

After the Dying Time

Rose just had to have a look at the people that have come into the valley down below them. She had left without telling a soul and now she has been captured. These raiders consider themselves new age Huns. Would her big mouth and insolent ways (at least to the Huns) get her killed before she can be rescued?

Gray's Heart: After the Dying Time II

The story of Rose continues. Life has taken a turn she never thought it would. Is Gray the one for her?

Lake Lili

Veteran Member
Lake Lili's Stories

Listen (in progress) -
Charlie and her son, Zeb, live through the collapse of their urban community in Southern Ontario.

Moving On -
A historical SHTF story about the escape of 14yr old Susannah Morden and her siblings from Jaysburg on the west side of Lycombing Creek, along the West branch of the Susquehanna River, in Pennsylvania, during the American War of Independence. Their goal was to escape to Canada and safety where their oaths of loyalty to the King would gain them the Mark of Honour and a new home.

Neighbours -
As a socialist province, Ontario is invaded by the US, an invasion which proves to be the key to the start of the civil war between the red and blue states. The story is told by 102-yeal old John McConnell about the events that happened the year he was 12, and about what happened to himself and his parent Jan McConnell & Angus Jones.


Senior Member
Here is my updated one, I think I found all on this board.

Urban Forager's Guide: Shopping after TEOCAWKI

I'm Just Me

Who Am I? A companion story to "I'm Just Me".

Writer's Nightmare

Personal Space


A Cat and His Dragon/A Dragon and His Cat

The Story of My Death

A Woman and Her Cats

Waiting Room Bag


Bordello Bugout
