Mental Illness Infectious


Girls With Guns Member
I got this in my email yesterday and checked out the links. It looks like it's official. At least to some.

Please read this information:

“This study conclusively demonstrates that unfounded fear of government is a recognizable mental illness, closely related to paranoid schizophrenia. Anti-Government Phobia (AGP) differs from most mental illnesses, however, in that it is highly infectious and has an acute onset. Symptoms include extreme suspiciousness [sp], conspiracy-mongering, delusional thought patterns, staunch “us against them” mentality, withdrawal from reality, and often religious fanaticism.”

Then, please read this 10 December, 2013 US government press release to put two and two together for yourself:

“We need to be sure that every American has access to quality mental health services, including Americans living in rural areas,” said Vilsack. “As part of the Obama Administration’s effort to expand access to treatment for those suffering from mental health problems, USDA investments in mental health care facilities will reduce the difficulty many rural families face in accessing mental health help. These funds can also help expand and improve upon the services already offered by mental health facilities in rural communities, many of which increasingly are focused on "helping" military veterans.”

It think that for us, the conclusion is wholly inescapable for those of us fortunate enough to reside in Rural America. Of course, it is also possible that we all could be diagnosed with Anti-Government Paranoia (AGP), but as has often been stated, paranoia is simply a heightened state of awareness...

“Having the patient committed to a qualified mental health institution is the best option for family and loved ones. For this reason, all psychiatrists and family physicians should be provided with educational materials which will help them recognize the various symptoms and warning signs accompanying onset.”


Veteran Member
Don't know about the anti-gvnmnt stuff, but rural areas are lacking in quality health care. Could it be that perhaps mental health care could stop a lot of the violence we see, including all the mass shootings??

Nah, every body knows that gun control is the only way to stop those. I must be delusional. Maybe it is contagious!


A classic example of the reality of the NWO/Illuminati.....

If I remember correctly, communist Russia, employed the same tactics...and of course Russia is and was the test bed for whats coming our way.