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Mono-chromatic-stomp. If you like drumming take a look.


Adapting to the new paradigm
Hey all. Just wanted to share a little drum set composition. This is a couple years ago, after 30+ years of playing. Hope you like it. :spns:
And here's my myspace set of songs.
I wrote all of them, and played every instrument, including the digital recorder.
Once again, hope you like it. ('Real', and 'Fingers to the Bone' are my 2 faves, but the A minor fingerstyle is fun too)
Thought I'd share before I can't anymore.
Thanks for looking.


Sorry, 'the program wasn't understood'.

Never saw that page before.

Sure would like to hear it.


Adapting to the new paradigm
Links work for me. Maybe search on YouTube for mono-chromatic-stomp (copy n paste,include dashes)


Girls With Guns Member
You're very good InTheWoods. I know drums quite well. :)

Maybe this will help...

As for the myspace address, I can't find it either. I believe the m in your links before the addy is saying from a mobile? You'll have to type the regular address for us to be able to find your page. Hope that helps and yes I would love to hear your music.


Girls With Guns Member

You got it! I'll give it a listen. Hey Tom thanks for making me find my old myspace page too. I thought I took it down and maybe I should but I still have a few songs up there. Ah what the heck.. anybody want to here what I sound like? lol

I play most every instrument as well except on "Sixteen" and "Spellbound". My ex the drummer from Manowar is on drums on those and I had another friend who has also passed on playing keys on the second. Sad really they are both gone now.

Here's my link and I will definately listen to yours.. thanks!!



Adapting to the new paradigm
Thanks for the link. And the advice on the web address.
After C2C I'll check it out.
Hope you like my tunes.


Girls With Guns Member
Well Tom that was great. You're a great drummer and the music was good too. My favorite was "Spiral". It's not easy contriquing another artists work. It's all good if you ask me!! :)


Adapting to the new paradigm
I still have a couple hundred to record. Seriously.
But alas, life as a full time dad will not allow it.
I appreciate you listening.


Girls With Guns Member
I still have a couple hundred to record. Seriously.
But alas, life as a full time dad will not allow it.
I appreciate you listening.

I split with my ex shortly after recording the songs he was on. I recorded quite a few more after that and had a pretty nice recording studio set up. I even recorded alittle over half a dozen bands or solo projects and then it happened. My then 13 year old son started getting into trouble at school, etc because he had no father figure around. I took my crappiest guitar and stuck it in his hands. That was the end of my studio as you can imagine. That grew into neighbor kids coming over to jam and musical gear getting destroyed and well.. you can imagine. lol He is now 29 and he plays like nothing I've ever seen before. He's like a machine on guitar. He plays math metal.

My ex took his own life a couple of years back unfortunately and you'll never guess what happened after it was all over. My sons and I inherited his home recording studio which had just the pieces I was missing or what I had lost. There were even a couple of extra pieces of equipment that I can use and it was a miracle to say the least. Strange how life goes..

Thanks again for sharing your music. You rock and yes.. keep at it!!


Adapting to the new paradigm
Sorry to say my mobile device won't allow me to listen to myspace.
But I will asap.(no laptop)
I used just a fostex 16bit recorder and two mxl condenser mics. Nuthin fancy.
I wish I could get into a protools studio with an analog board to record an actual studio album.
Can't wait to give a listen to your stuff.