Need Help for Dog Respiratory Prob.


Veteran Member
Hi, and Merry Christmas!

I have a 15 yr. old weenie dog that has had a bronchial event going on for 7 months. She was on Predni. for four months and I weaned her off because she had gained TOO much weight. She is slightly miserable, but not to the point of no quality of life. Her symptoms now are: Runny nose, snoring, red eyes, general low energy, some breathing difficulties. She went through the run of antibiotics, which did not cure her coughing fits. She then went through the course of Prednisone. Her coughing fits subsided 98% with that. Now I have had her off of the Pred. for one month and her coughing fits are pretty much gone, but she is left with the above symptoms. So in a nutshell..she started out with bad coughing fits. She went on antibiotics for two weeks and that did not cure them. She then went on Prednisone for months. It held down her coughing. But due to weight gain, I weaned her off of the Pred. Now she has a constant cold, runny nose etc. I have some col. silver, and sambucol. should I try that? I know there must be something to cure her. HELP!!!!! What can be wrong? THANKS!!!


Veteran Member
Hmmmmm....I think you need to have the vet do some blood work. At 15 there are so many things that could be going wrong or even a combination of things. I am thinking allergies, heart problems and even a tumor in the nasal passages. Treating the symptoms doesn't seem to be working so I would find a vet that is willing to work with you and find the cause.

If allergies is the cause think back to what might have changed just before symptoms were seen. New rug? New food? New anything...even a new perfume for you or a new cleaning liquid. Anything that changed the dog's environment.

Heart problems and tumors are problems that need to be dealt with at the vet's office.



TB Fanatic
I think Willow offers sound advice. I put Colloidal Silver in my dogs water, so you can try doing that and see if it doesn't help. But I do vote vet.


"Need to Know"
Could be that dangerous flu that has been going around in dogs all over the place? It makes a dog cough alot and have other flu symptoms. You might want to ask your vet. It can be extremely dangerous to dogs, yet it can also run its course with much nursing care, antibiotics and lotsa love.

Do some research on the Internet if you can; there were many articles on the flu in dogs in the past few months or so.

Good luck to you and your pooch.


In a dog that age, " coughing" often isn't simply lung related. I'd look more at congestive heart failure/chronic heart insufficiency.

What does the vet say is *wrong*?

I do hope they aren't simply throwing steroid therapy as catch all "hopefully" symptomatic relief... but it wouldn't surprise me. I've seen that way too often.. I suspect the second most prescribed type of therapy behind antibiotics is steroids. The problem is, they often don't really *fix* the originating problem, and as you've found out, they can cause others.

Have you changed foods? Have new carpets, painted some rooms? Other major changes?

The silver certainly can't hurt. I've used it to cure a cat of near-fatal upper respiratory infection which had gone into an encephalitis type infection. Despite him being feline leukemia positive, he hasn't been sick since I started adding CS to the water.

But in a dog the age of yours, you need to look a little harder at what is causing the symptoms.



Veteran Member
Thank You All so very much!

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the replies!
One thing happened before this started that was different. She started eating brussel sprout plant leaves that had black spotted and dropped or were cleaned off of the plant. When I realized she was eating them I made her stop. I have no idea how many she ate. It seems that it all started then. Her hobby is digging so she might have picked up a soil born something or another. I have made her stop digging when I see her now. No new perfume or food, etc. The vet says Pred. is her only hope. I have not had pricey tests done. I will not have major surgery done, at this age so the tests are well, expensive, very expensive. And what will tests show that can be treated with something that she is not privy to now? She has always been on all of the vaccines and heartworm prev. Should I go for the testing, anyway? The silver might help, but I have no idea what dose. I can perhaps divide it from the adult dose pound wise? I like the silver idea. I will start the silver tomorrow. Anymore ideas and advice will be soaked in here. Thanks!


Veteran Member
Perhaps she has picked up some sort of fungal infection. I don't know what the holistic treatments are for this so can't offer that advice but perhaps someone else with more knowledge in the treatment area can offer suggestions.

As for the blood tests....they might give you a clue what the problem is. If it's a tumor I don't blame you for hesitating to go ahead with surgery at her age but at least you will know and be able to make decisions based on that knowledge. I am not sure why the vet feels that pred is her only hope if he doesn't know what is causing her problems. A bit odd I think.



Veteran Member
Thanks Willow!

I started her on the silver today. The dose for an adult it says is 1/2 tsp. There were twenty drops in a 1/2 tsp so I divided it out and am giving her 2 drops. I hope that is correct. I might try giving her some of the tests. The vet I am sure will give some testing, if I am willing to write big checks!:sht: So far I have had bad experiences concerning my wallet and the vet. :shkr:


Beetree- I hear you! Vets are getting as bad as human docs, in their need to "test" for everything, and their inability to actually CURE much.

My farm vet relies mostly on experience and instinct, and his results are about as good as the small animal "clinic" which charges three times (or more) as much... and who still don't have the cure for much. Too often, they rely on giving steroids as a sort of catch all cure... and since they do relieve pain and inflammation... (symptomatic relief) they often solve the problem temporarily.

I wouldn't worry about OD'ing the silver. I add about an ounce of homemade CS to my cat's (and dogs) water ... it holds 2 gallons. That seems to be what has kept the older neutered male with leukemia from getting sick again.

It does sound as if your dog might have gotten into some mold, and might be having a reaction... either inflammatory or allergic. Since the steroids worked, you might want to try using licorice root on her instead. It works in much the same way as some steroid meds, but without the immune suppression, and without the severe side effects. If you give (or take) tons of it, it can result in some of the same symptoms as the Rx steroids can cause.. water retention, etc.. but that's in the range of several ounces per day for weeks (for humans).

Licorice root is sweet and it wouldn't surprise me if a dog would simply eat it on their food, or maybe add 1/4 tsp to a little butter (or empty a capsule into some butter) and let her lick it off.

This is going to sound odd, but I'd try to get her to inhale some tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil fumes... not for long periods of time, but hold a cotton ball with a couple of drops of each to her nose for a few seconds a few times a day. Both have strong anti bacterial properties, and tea tree oil is a potent anti-fungal. If she has some type of fungus infection in her lungs, it might help.



Veteran Member

It means so much to me that you are writing on this. Thank you so much. I have read so many of your posts, and always enjoy reading them. We are so blessed and fortunate to have you on this forum. You have so much knowledge and I marvel that you have time and take time to share.
I have to go to town tomorrow and purchase some euc. oil. I have the teatree. I will get licorice also. Need these for "my" preps too!
You, your family and farm are in my prayers! Thank you so much for your caring!


Veteran Member
Well I did not make it to town today.

I thought I had the teatree oil and went into the cabinet only to find that it was mixed with alcohol and thyme and other things. It is a skeeter bite roll on that does have a lot of teetree oil in it but mixed with the other things...I decided not to use it. I have oil of Oregano, but did not want to use it not knowing. I am going to town (long way). So I will get the euc., teatree oil and licorice. She is seeming better already with the silver going into her for three days now. She is sleeping right now and not snoring for the first time, since all of this started for her. I might add that today I gave her a teaspoon of virgin exp. expressed coconut oil. I just thought why not. I was making some salad dressing with it. I love it! I might just start giving her some every day. Won't hurt will it?
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TB Fanatic
Summerthyme is right Beetree, you can give her lots more CS than you are giving her now. I add about 4 droppers to a gallon. The dropper is about 1/2 full and I would guess that it holds about 1 tsp if full, so I'm adding about a tsp to my dog's water, maybe a bit more - when I add it, it gives a very tiny tint to the water.

Interesting that she's not snoring today. I think the coconut oil is fine. You might want to break it up into smaller portions though. Might cause her to have an upset tummy. Good luck and let us know how she's doing!! You might also do a search on "the cure is in the food". That was a very interesting thread. It's mostly cancer related. However, you might try adding some of it to your dog's diet and see what happens. I wouldn't do too many things at one time though because you won't be able to tell what's helping and what's not; and frankly, let's face it, the less work/expense you have to have, the better off you are.


Veteran Member
Thanks FireDance!

This dog is such a sweet dog. I took her from a woman, well actually "bought" her from a woman who was desperate to find a good home for her because her husband was abusing her. She has always been a trooper and knows that I saved her. She has had a husband that was infertile and a runner. He died of a crushed disc from a fall off of a chair. Her second husband now lives here and impregnated her to the tune of five girls. Their daughter lives here too. The four siblings have good homes. Ha, funny how one can go on about dogs. I guess they can be good friends. I do have very much of a life other than dogs though. But thanks FireDance! The coco oil results will I hope "NOT" be clean up oriented! :groucho: Smaller portions of coco oil should do very well! Thanks for the ref. and too many things too.


TB Fanatic
Oh yeah! Don't ask me about my dog! I go on and on about her. Ridiculous!! :lol: You know, you might try some vitamin supplements if you're not already giving her some. I give my dog "Pet Tabs" (I think that's the name of them). Her breeder recommended them and I do think that if you're consistent they help. I think you've gotten some great recommendations and sure do hope they help your dog. Sigh - I know we all wish they lived longer. They sure do grab your heart strings...


There are several types of euclyptus oils. Look for E. Globulus. The only one good for respiratory problems.

You might also want to pick up some probiotics for her gut. Also look for an herbal combination for yeast and fungus detox. If you go to an herb store they will be able to direct you to the right product.

If you cannot find a combination call 1-800-453-1422 and ask for Yeast & Fungal detox. Not connected to me at all but they have a great product that works.


Veteran Member
It goes on and ON!

You will not believe the VET BILL I encrued today! I finally broke down and took her to the VET. was 140.OO. I just really was concerned about the red eyes and the vet did while I was in the ex. room a series of tests that encrued that. Ended up with a tube of anti's for her eyelids. I am glad that I have some salve to put in her eyes. Oh how it scares me now to go to the vet. I wish he would have given me a choice when I was in there.. like okay this test will be 30 dollars do you want it??? And this will be thirty dollars too, do you want me to add it on? But NO , he just did the test and did not EVEN ask me. I would not have wanted them. I left there feeling like I had been stung. I wish he would have just given me the salve for her eyes. I know I sound like a cheapie dog lackie, but my goodness, the salve was all that was really needed! I really sound like the bad guy. However my heart lies with the little children I was shopping for today AFTER the vet. I shopped for little children who had no Christmas except for what I shopped for. After I brought the weenie home.. I bought Christmas presents for fatherless children. I have spent my week packaging presents for them. So my heart lies with the children. Of course I did put salve in the weenies eyes tonight. Is this sad what I am speaking of? Sorry! I can't help it. I always get sad this time of the year with the needy ones so needy. My greatest joy is buying for the precious little ones who have no Christmas except what I give them.


Im so sorry. That is the way it is in human medicine now too. I just dropped 50.00 on my cat that "We don't have" and another 200.00 tomorrow for surgery "That we don't have". But one look in that little cats eyes...I was writing the check. Sometimes our pets get sick and need out help. All medical today is expensive. No christmas here this year but I have the joy knowing I also helped my old kitty when she needed it.


Veteran Member
I know how you feel we spent $3000.00 on our beloved Sunni, who died in June at 5 years of age. Neither we nor the vet knew she had cancer and they treated and tested her for all sorts of things. They ended up doing abdominal surgery where they discovered her stomach had ruptured due to a tumor.

I've used Sambucol, Colloidal Silver and Chlorella on our 4 dogs with great success. The Lord, with the use of Chlorella just brought my 11.5 year through a very bad bout of colitis.

I give 1 teaspoon of Sambucol for the 45-70 pound dogs and 1/2 teaspoon of silver. I have given all 3 together (Sambucol, Colloidal Silver and Chlorella) with excellent results.


Beetree- I'm sorry. It used to be (and not that long ago) that you could go to a vet and he'd (or she'd) say "look, this is probably what is going on. We can do these tests- which will cost X dollars- and they may prove that I'm right. BUT... even if we are right, frankly, your baby is X years old, and is winding down. It's your call, but here are the options"...

And then they'd allow you to choose between symptomatic relief and letting you and the pet enjoy the years you have left together, or aggressively treating the problem. A LOT depends on what the problem is and how far it's gone. Herbie's little cat may well be able to be cured by timely surgery, and it doesn't sound like it's going to be horribly painful or disfiguring. My mother's Akita, OTOH, needed one entire side of it's lower jaw removed, part of his tongue, and many muscles which controlled swallowing, etc, were cut. It cost them over $1000 (my brother, who hadn't lived at home for years and paid for none of this AND wasn't around to do all the hand feeding and dirty work, pushed them into having it done).

The dog survived for less than a year before other tumors in his spine paralyzed him. To be fair, the vet did tell them that if it was his dog, he wouldn't have operated.

Much of the reason I've learned as much as I have about veterinary medicine (as well as human) and all the herbal possibilities, is that vet medicine has been so sadly corrupted. I took a cat into the local vet clinic to be neutered. The operation cost $75... 5 years ago. BUT... they gave me the option of spending another $150 for "blood work", which supposedly would tell them better how he'd handle anaesthesia!! WHAT???

One thing for future reference.. don't be afraid to discuss money with your vet- BEFORE they look at your pet. Tell them upfront that you are on a tight budget, and that while you love your pet, you're simply not able to spend hundreds of dollars on them. Ask them for samples, for "educated guesses" rather than expensive tests, and make sure it's understood before they start running up a bill. As you found, you can get over a hundred bucks in 5 minutes or less. I don't know about everyone, but that's a LOT of money for us.

Also, because most vets are as busy as doctors (or simply don't like to spend much time with each patient) WRITE A NOTE of things you're worried about, and make sure that the most important questions are answered to your satisfaction. And if tests are proposed, along with their cost, ask what answers they expect to get from them!!

Also for future reference, you can buy Terramycin opthalmic ointment from vet supply catalogs for under $10 a tube. Jeffers Pet has it for around $7. It's not the "newest and fanciest" eye antibiotic, and it doesn't have cortisone in it (which isn't a bad thing, because overuse can cause cataracts and other damage) but it often works.

Hoping your furkid feels better soon.



I have to say Beetree that I was expecting 4-6 hundred dollars for the surgery. I think the vet gave me a break. This surgery is pretty simple and takes about 15 minutes to excise the tumor.

You can tell the vet upon entering the room that you need to know every cost so you can decide for yourself if you want the tests or not. I do. Even at the human doctors office. Just cuz Im in the room doesn't mean my wallet is deep.

Eye problems are considered an emergency. I would never put anything in my pets eyes first with out knowing what it is. Have to be real careful with eyes.

Now here is another little tip. Not all vets have the same charges. If you are low on funds look for a vet without a facny hospital. Fancy and loaded with diognostic equipment means big charges. I try to find a good vet in a quaint spot. Good vets can be found who charge modest fees.


Veteran Member
My Christmas Present IS:

All of the great replies here! all are GREAT! Thank you so much! I am sitting here smelling the Teatree and Eucalyptus! I put it on a cottonball and Weenie liked it. I broke open a Licorice capsule and put it on some chops and she loved it. The Licorice is amazing! I could not help but lick my fingers! It made me feel good! It is so potent and beautiful, because it is natural and God's gift to US! I also bought Hawthorn caps which I am excited about. I have been having heart palpitations and feel the need for a soothing heart tea. Not sure how to use it but bought it for my preps in case the bad flu should hit here. Hopefully it will NOT!!!
Weenie is doing better.. much better! Her eyes are not as red and she is drinking her silver water. She loves it. Her nose is not running. Her breathing has improved!
I don't know how to thank you all except through my vibs that are sending thoughts, of caring to you, and wanting things to be good for you all.


Veteran Member
Herbmountain said:
Now here is another little tip. Not all vets have the same charges. If you are low on funds look for a vet without a facny hospital. Fancy and loaded with diognostic equipment means big charges. I try to find a good vet in a quaint spot. Good vets can be found who charge modest fees.

Very true!