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new ways to 'see'

colonel holman

Veteran Member
"see" you photos before you shoot.
1. Look for geometry... shapes... like the figure-8 of the puddles here... like the log that bisects to figure-8.
2. Look at mono-colors as if shooting black & white... here the earth-red is almost the only color here, but in various shades.
3. Look for textures as a visual element (wet rick, sandstone, dried out log)

Anyway, that's how I photo.


  • IMG_2977.jpg
    57.4 KB · Views: 49


Goodness before greatness.
Your forrest shot with the fallen leaves and rain drops is worth a screen saver/wall paper on my I-Phone.

Dimension, light, color, contrast, and convex refractory in the dropletts.

May I copy that one colonel holman?