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only a mainer would get this

colonel holman

Veteran Member
only a mainer would get this. LW?
taken outside the gear shack of a fisherman in Tenant's Harbor


  • flam1.jpg
    62.3 KB · Views: 62

colonel holman

Veteran Member
for the non-enlightened non-mainer... the plastic flamingo is an inside joke in Maine... the native mainer who saved his money well enough to spend his retirement winters in Florida, would bring back plastic flamingos from their winter trailer park in Florida where they were decorations (tacky) in the lawn, so they could put a few on their summer lawn in Maine to remind them of the winter place in Florida. Now considered a tacky but acceptable decoration among some natives in here in Maine. That is how the plastic pink flamingo is a Maine 'thing.' Guess you had to 'be there' to get it.

Lone Wolf

Lives on TB
for the non-enlightened non-mainer... the plastic flamingo is an inside joke in Maine... the native mainer who saved his money well enough to spend his retirement winters in Florida, would bring back plastic flamingos from their winter trailer park in Florida where they were decorations (tacky) in the lawn, so they could put a few on their summer lawn in Maine to remind them of the winter place in Florida. Now considered a tacky but acceptable decoration among some natives in here in Maine. That is how the plastic pink flamingo is a Maine 'thing.' Guess you had to 'be there' to get it.

You "Hot Dog" col.

I get that to.

I saw the bird in the window. heh.



Does too have a life!
I'm not a Mainer but I get it. I love the picture.

(Must be because I spent a winter in Bangor and lived all my young life a stone's throw away from Maine (St Stephen, N.B.))