[ot]INS citizenship test says Bill of Rights is for noncitizens too!


Saved, to glorify God.
Apparantly the Immigration and naturalization service did not get the word about the Patriot Act and other Anti-Terrrorism legislation, because they are still saying (on the naturalization test) that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights apply to everyone.


4. Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
Everyone ( citizens and non-citizens living in the U.S. )
Registered voters
The President
Natural born citizens


ainitfunny said:

4. Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
Everyone ( citizens and non-citizens living in the U.S. )
Registered voters
The President
Natural born citizens

I thought it was a multiple choice question! I was gonna pick:
C. President
Not only didn't they not get the "word", they're lying about other stuff, too.

Fair use. . .


INS Accused of Lying to Immigrants About Second Amendment

By Michael L. Betsch
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
August 30, 2002

(CNSNews.com) - A study manual for immigrants seeking U.S. citizenship warns that "a special permit is required" by anyone wishing to exercise their constitutional "right to bear arms, or to own weapons."


The Bill of Rights limits the powers of the Federal government; it does not define the rights of citizens. If I am correct in my understanding, our only real option is to keep the questionable characters out of the country. But I don't suppose that option has occurred to anyone in DC.




Veteran Member
Garry is right. It's why even if you are NOT a Citizen the police still have to get a search warrent to enter your home.
