

Veteran Member
Pac great writing and thanks for the new chapter. I think that it would be kind of hard for them to make charges stick with Will there as a witness and you have to remember that that at least one of factions trying to control the family's direction doesn't want Clora harmed or out of there reach.


Veteran Member
Clora may be a good person forced to do distasteful measures to protect her family, but she still has to answer to the civil laws of the land. Her circumstances are also an intense strain on the mind and the spirit. It is a commandment that "Thou shall not kill/murder." So any good Christian has to present themselves to their God for resolution, forgiveness and the strengthening of their Christian values.

Even if we as individual humans are fortunate never to have to made a decision to take a life, you had better know your own physical, mental, moral, spiritual and civil capabilities in the matter.

Good people have to make hard decisions every day. I wanted to show that violence doesn't respect holidays, and events happen...that once they are set in motion...the train wreck is gonna occur.


Veteran Member

Lainey, Christy and Cheryl shepherded the children out the front door, Ev and Ben going down to clear their houses first, the young children needed to be put to bed, and the adults were emotionally drained.

The deep chill of the night was enough to give everyone the shivers as they slipped and shuffled to their homes. When Lainey had her little darlings finally tucked into bed, she sat in the living room with a cup of tea and her sleepy husband. "What happens now?" she questioned.

Ben was sitting in his chair with his feet propped up on the hassock, a glass of ginger ale in his hand. "My stomach hurts," he complained, "tonight just about sent me over the top. Lainey are you OK here? Do you feel safe enough to stay, or would you feel better if we lived somewhere else ?" Ben asked as he contemplated the future. They had one child and one on the way plus the care of Teddy. It wasn't hard to figure that he was responsible for their care and well being and it was a huge job.

"I can't deny that I haven't thought about that," Lainey sipped the hot mint to help settle her own stomach. "So far,every time I have reached the conclusion we are better off here, as in strength in numbers. We all seem so compatible, respect each other and blend together when there is work to be done. I don't believe we could find a stronger community anywhere."

Ben nodded, "I have about the same thoughts, I sure didn't like what I saw today in town. Wayne seemed real bent out of shape to help that woman and her two girls; but I'm sure we shouldn't just throw the door open to strangers. I believe we need to do our Christian duty, but there needs to be controls in place. The way we bring people in as to help them, and then they turn around and bite us in the rear, I'm tired of it." Ben sounded a little bitter.

"Not tonight," Lainey stressed. "This is a special, sacred night and we need to remind ourselves of that fact." She picked up her cup and Ben's glass and took them to the kitchen. "It's a big day tomorrow, let's go to bed."


Veteran Member

When Clora was finished with her emotional roller coaster ride, she dusted off her hands and started picking up the dish strewn table.

"Clora, is there any food left? Neither Willie, myself or Wayne have had supper." Will broke into her reverie.

"Sorry, I forgot." Clora excused her absentmindedness. "Come in the kitchen and I'll do a quick warmup of soup. Please bring in a stack of dishes with you when you come."

To their credit, Will, Willie and Wayne organized a 'have dish, will travel' relay and carefully stacked the used dishes near the sink and started a pan full of hot sudsy water for the silverware. As Clora re-created supper, Will and Wayne pitched in and started washing dishes. Willie scrubbed the mess on the floor and Mark finally had to give up after a coughing fit and go to bed.

The guys wolfed down their meal and returned to washing the next wave of endless plates, bowls, glasses and cups. "Good grief Clora, do you do these many dishes each meal ?" Wayne finally complained as he traded out his third wet dish towel for a dry one.

"When ever we have a family meal," Clora replied as she carefully put away the crackers, cheese and salami meats. The left over smidgen of soup she poured over the stale bread slices that had dried out during the elongated supper. They would go to Mama dog and pup.

"Sit down and rest a minute," Will ordered as he eased the last of the glasses into fresh hot water. "I'll never look at a big meal again with out thinking about the work on the backside of it all," he smarted out of the corner of his mouth.

"Will," Clora drew a deep breath, "I'd like to know how come your name was in Pastor Tom's list of contacts along with Borg as Tom's emergency contact."

"Well, how do you think Tom finds out about the children he helps? I was the first officer on the scene when Joey's parents had their accident, and I was the officer that forceably removed the red headed terrors from their parents. That's why Norm reacted as he did. I don't believe he knew where I lived, I don't advertise where I stay, or where Willie goes to school as a safety precaution." he turned around to stare at Clora.

"As to Borg, he is the free legal council Tom's organization uses when the children need help of that nature. He has volunteered his time for many years now. Why? was Tom here for something?"

That led to a re hash of how Clora and Mark got home from the hospital, and the strange visit from the so called Prime Minister.

"Tell me this, how does Tom know this Stannous Moan?" Clora questioned. "His name and number were also on Tom's list. And while we're on the subject, who is the attacker you took out of Mark's room?"

"Stannous Moan, I know nothing about and how he and Tom are acquainted, I haven't a clue," Will said with a slight frown. "The other guy, we don't know about either, we've got Interpol on his face and fingerprints but he pretends he can't speak English and replies with some guttural language." Will finished his part of the mountainous dish challenge.

"This Moan fella, when did you say he is coming back? And he actually came here to the house?" Will acted like he was incredulous at the thought.

"Sometime after tomorrow and the first of the year," Clora replied as she unwrapped and placed an enormous ham in a roasting pan for tomorrow's dinner. It took her a bit to clear enough room in the fridge for the huge smoked pork, and there were a couple of balancing acts, but every thing got tucked in.

"What time is the main dinner tomorrow?" Will asked as he beckoned Willie to head upstairs for bed.

"2pm," Clora replied with a yawn. "We have a wonderful meal planned."

Wayne shuffled his feet and finally said,"how did the woman and her kids do tonight? And I thank you Clora for getting them cleaned up and fed on such short notice."

"What woman and what kids?" Will demanded, and another long explanation ensued as Wayne recounted the bad trip into town and the return with Lilly, Alice and Betsy.

"Wayne," Will was more than a little put out at the blatant disregard for security as the brother endangered the whole family with his thoughtlessness. "Get a hold of reason man." he snapped. "One of these days your all gonna wake up dead for the strays you continue to drag in." Will drew a short breath and said, "And you Clora, what were you thinking by endangering the young children here, having Norm stay for Christmas Eve? Surely you aren't that dense as to what could have happened. If I were Lainey and Cheryl I wouldn't ever consider coming back."

Clora reacted like she had been slapped. "I.... I wanted him to have a connection with his kids," she finished lamely.

"And how did that turn out for him and the kids?" Will pressed harshly, "especially the kids watching their father almost commit murder. How good would that have been for them, not to say watching my son die." Will was mad now that the terror was over and the adrenalin settling down.

Clora turned white as she went over the event in her mind. "What if," Will was on a roll and wouldn't back down. "what if Norm had grabbed Anne and slammed her against the wall. That's what he did to his oldest boy. The man is a convicted felon, and you think you are going to change his ways by witnessing a 'wonderful Christmas Eve? Get real Clora. If you don't care about yourself, think about the rest of the family for once and practice a little security." Will stomped out of the kitchen and they heard his footsteps on the stairs.

"He ripped us a new one," Wayne walked by and patted her shoulder, "for going into town and almost starting a riot by distributing the free Elk. That didn't turn out very well either," he said dryly. "We almost got knifed."

Clora nodded, she couldn't say anything for the lump in her throat. She felt shameful that Will had to use anger to remind her that family was everything and what happened tonight could have had a real different ending. She had put them all in needless danger by trying to change a person she had no right meddling with.

Clora locked the house up and turned off the lights, In the bedroom Mark was asleep with Milo tucked in beside him, and she got down on her knees by the window and prayed.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Poor Clora. I guess you can't do the right thing by people who have no consideration of what the right thing is. Milo tucked in beside Mark speaks volumes of the security and safety that's been missing in his little life. I sure hope they can keep him.


Veteran Member
Pac you never cease to amaze me in your ability to bring out the reality of life in your story. Thanks for a great story and your time in sharing it with us.


Veteran Member
Thank you Pac. Will is right. It's all well and good to help others, but you have to keep your own family's safety priority one. We can't afford to see more of these great characters killed!


Veteran Member

Mark woke up when Milo's legs twitched and kicked him in the shins. Clora's side of the bed was empty, and in the bright, frozen moonlight, he could see her praying figure. A special night and his beloved was on her knees; Mark was concerned she would get chilled and become sick.

"Clora," he requested softly, "come to bed before you freeze. Please come pray with me, I can't move on account of Milo, but you can be close, if you would.....I need your praying power."

It was an offer she couldn't turn down, and Clora slipped under the covers, thankful to warm up. Rolling over carefully and very deliberately, Mark turned on his side and stretched his hand across the soundly sleeping Milo to caress Clora's cheek. "Pray for me Clora, I am weak and need strength and guidance from God."

Clora's soft whisper spoke the plea that Mark needed, he joined in as she recited the timeless and well loved prayer. Finally Mark's rumbling voice faltered and he eased into sleep. Clora reached and pulled the covers up over his shoulders, she listened to his breathing and noticed it seemed free and less strained, not as many wheezes and whistles from the pneumonia.

Finally at peace, Clora prayed for her husband and the life of the small boy between them, until she fell asleep.

Down at the Wilson homestead Ev sat in his easy chair next to the wood stove and slowly let the heat seep into his soul, melting some of the icy chill gripping his heart. Cheryl was sick. Now that he knew about it, it was easy to see the truth right before his eyes. The most telling symptom was her droopy eyelids and lifeless eyes. The sallow color and listless attitude reinforced her weakness and slow gait.

Christy had picked up her care and was doing an excellent job running the house and guiding Ronnie. Ev realized he needed to step up and shoulder a greater amount of the work. As he sat, Ev thought back on the fantastic life he had experienced with Cheryl and how she had changed him into a human being.

Well aware he had started life as a nothing and never added one iota to that sum, Ev tried to imagine what he might have become if he hadn't met Cheryl. Probably like his many brothers he supposed; boozers and druggies, throw in a couple of wife beaters and sisters that ran loose on the dark side.

No, one tall skinny woman had changed a wastrel and do nothing hulk of a man into a husband, lover, father and hopefully a better person than he ever thought possible. He had come close to loosing it all; and now the danger was closer and more real than ever.

Ev sat in deep thought for several hours musing over his shortcomings, so immersed in his thinking that he didn't hear Cheryl walk in the room and come to his chair. She took his hand and tugged slightly, bringing him back to the present and back into her life.

For a maritime climate, the cold settled deep in the moonlit cloudless night and the unlucky and poor shivered hard.

For once, Wayne and Will were up before Clora. They talked in hushed tones as they waited for coffee to perk, speculating and comparing notes on the strange visit by the so called prime minister. Will asked a hundred questions about the man, what did he wear, how did he phrase his sentences, did he look around the room, did Wayne think he carried a weapon, what kind of a car was he driving. More questions than Wayne had answers, and he suggested Ben might be a better person to quiz about the visitor.

Milo and Willie hit the kitchen at the same time, both asking for cocoa and cinnamon toast with honey. "Auntie Clora ALWAYS makes me cim-a-mun toast and hot chocolate," Milo said sweetly to establish his dominate place in the kitchen hierarchy.

"Auntie Clora has made me toast and cocoa for YEARS," Willie returned with the superior confidence of an older man, the one ups man ship slipping out easily.

The two men started breakfast, toast and cocoa for the youngsters and thick light pancakes and coffee for the adults. The timid woman and her daughters walked silently into the room and almost did an about face and fled at the sight of the uniformed deputy.

"Hold it," Will barked, and the retreating woman froze in her tracks. Will flashed a smile at Wayne, and walked to the woman and looked her in the face. "What's your name?" he questioned as he scanned her and the girls.

"Lilly," she said in a noiseless whisper, her lips moving but no audible sound coming out.

"Well Lilly, come sit down and have breakfast," he invited and pulled the chair out for her to sit down. Lilly looked at him, then at Wayne, obviously confused and unsure what to do next.

Wayne nodded confidently and Lilly moved to the chair. The two girls looked with huge eyes at the boys eating like they were happy and hungry. The smallest of the two licked her lips and scooted closer to her mother, but her eyes never left the food.

Will and Wayne dished up plates and had the girls sit on each side of Lilly. "Hey, I have to run down and milk," Ev thumped the pail and headed for the door. Lilly looked like she was going to jump up and follow him, nervously knitting her fingers together and rising halfway from her chair.

"It's OK," Will assured her quietly, "I live here, and I'm kinda messing with you. Sit and eat, your girls are hungry."

Clora and Mark walked in the room and bid everyone good morning. Will, accustomed to Clora's morning routine filled a coffee cup and held it out as she passed by. Grumpy, steely eyed Clora took a big swallow, expecting the taste to instantly elevate her mood into yellow sunshiney wonderfulness. It didn't happen.

"There's no coffee in this," she sputtered and made an awful face. It was so funny that Willie and Milo laughed. Will sassed her back, "there's enough for normal people Clora, you and Evie are the only one's that can drink your coffee like syrup."

Mark eased over and lowered himself to the chair, gladly accepting the cup Will slid down the table to him. For once he enjoyed his weak morning brew, not that he would ever let Clora know otherwise.

Wayne brought in the milk, earning Clora's praise and when Will placed a plate of hotcakes in front of her, Clora was delighted.

"Thank you," she enthused, as she helped herself to butter and passed the dish full to Mark. "Good morning Lilly, Alice and Betsy, are you getting enough to eat?"

All three nodded their heads, their mouth's full.

The morning went well, and soon it was time to start the making of the meal. The house was full of happy laughter, playing children and indulgent feeling adults.


Veteran Member
I must say Wow! Such a blessing to read your new chapter!
Thank you so much for all of your effort in writing for us.
I have been thinking on your story and how so many children and adults are hurting these days.
I had a wonderful home visit with one of my student's family tonight.
It was a grandpa raising nine of his grandchildren.
Talk about a big job.
It was wonderful to tell him it was positive visit, not negative and that I just wanted the opportunity to meet him.
Your story does surely encourage me.
Thank you dear lady.
May your health and spirit be strengthened and may your entire family be blessed and protected.


Veteran Member
Thanks for the chapter Pac, I hope that the family get's to enjoy this blessed day together without the world trying to kill, control, kidnap, or cause general ma-ham in there lives.


Veteran Member
Thank you for the new chapter Pac. Anxious to hear the story on Lily and her girls, and why Wayne was so overcome with the need to help them.


Veteran Member
I am gonna wear out my keys checking in here for your updated chapters lol, thank you.

Ha! Me too sara.

pac, thank you so much. Now more than ever I look forward to new chapters about the clans activities and adventures. I wonder if you know the blessing it is for us to be able to escape into their world for just a little while?


Veteran Member
What a delightful amount of love shown around that breakfast table. Almost wish I could have been there for some pancakes as well. You do paint a word picture that is truly a gift. Thank you.


Veteran Member
I enjoy the escape into their world as well, and am overjoyed at each chapter. I am sorry to hear of Mr. Pac's struggles, and hope that the outside care provides a respite and allows him to come home to you. I might suggest that if his loopiness came on with a new pain med, it might be worth seeing if you can have them try something different. A dear friend's father was just about considered insane once he was put on one of the opiates for his cancer pain, but his RN wife pressed them to switch meds and he came back to them. The same friend had a very similar reaction when she broke her neck (seeing floating cheeseburgers and all sorts of wierdness) and requested a switch when they wore off.

As the world gets crazier around us, it is even more of a blessing to slip into the world of the Hansens and our other beloved characters.

(Please excuse the syntax - my migraine is making things quite difficult. Only a few more days to endure after enjoying fajitas misrepresented as gluten free.)


Veteran Member
Dreamer, same thing happened to my MIL before she passed. They had her on some strong stuff for cancer pain and she kept telling us to close the door to the little closet in her room that all of the beautiful white horses were escaping and running off. She wasn't worried about seeing horses in a hospital room, just didn't want them getting away. :)


Veteran Member

With renewed spirit Clora tackled the dishes from breakfast. Singing Christmas carols while she planned the timing of the food she needed to prepare, her kitchen was the scene of frenzied but orderly activity.

Mark sat at the table watching the energized Clora magically create the food for the magnificent feast. The huge ham went into oven along with baked potatoes and a pan of winter vegetables to bake and caramelize in the slow heat. His stomach growled even though it wasn't that long after breakfast. For the first time in over a week, he felt his appetite flutter and spring into action. He smiled at Clora who was kneading dough, his favorite rolls taking shape under her nimble fingers.

Clora poured him the last of the breakfast coffee and happily fixed a pot of her industrial strength brew for herself. Reaching into the cupboard, she put the plate of cookies in front of Mark. He used his forefinger to beckon her to come close, and there was a smooch of gratitude. "Thank you," he whispered with a bright gleam in his eye, grinning at his blushing wife.

"Ewwww, they're kissing," Milo announced loudly to the family gathered in the living room. Wayne and Will laughed out loud and Willie had a grownup's, what can you do with them, look.

"Hey Milo," Mark called out "come in here, you're next. Can I hold you so Clora can give you a smooch?"

"Ewwww," floated in as Milo scooted all the way to the window, hopefully out of range. "No way, that's girl stuff." All the adults got another good laugh out of that and the morning was warm and comfortable as hard working people rested and relaxed for the first time in a long while.

The thin bird like Lilly sat in a chair with both daughters, slipping asleep and then jerking awake as she fought to be presentable company and keep up her part of the conversation. In the enveloping warmth of the living room, she finally gave up and fell asleep.

When Milo let the devil get a hold of him and attempted to run his plastic car over Lilly's foot, Will cautioned him to let them be, and stay away. Milo looked up at the chair just in time to see Betsy stick her tongue out at him and then instantly pretend she was asleep.

With righteous indignation he pointed at the girl that peeked one eye open far enough to see what he was doing, and Will didn't budge. "Leave them alone, I won't tell you again," he cautioned. "They are very tired people. Your brothers will be up here soon enough so you can play. Find something to do by yourself, or ask Willie to show you how to catch the ball...outside." he stressed.

Home from the tight schedule of school, Willie wasn't interested in doing anything but nothing. Will himself felt like a melted lump in the chair, not caring for any type of activity. Wayne sat across from Lilly, staring at her from under lowered eyelids. He was intrigued and deeply puzzled why he felt such a pull to the short thin woman and her children.

Wayne spent the time to categorize all of her good and negative qualities he could see from the outside. He was attracted, and couldn't explain to himself why. Lilly wasn't quite as asleep as she seemed. She was busy inspecting the tall scarecrow looking man that had insisted they come to his place for Christmas. She was really unsure why she trusted him, but she did.

The guy seemed like a decent sort, but he really needed a haircut and his beard trimmed neatly. Lilly had a thought, if she had a pair of scissors she could repay the guy with her expertise as a hairdresser. Opening her eyes she smiled at him. "If you have scissors, I could give you a haircut." she offered timidly, not sure of his reaction.

"Hey," Wayne agreed loudly, "good idea. Yeah, I think Clora has a pair, let me see where she hides them."

Clora wasn't thrilled to have a barber shop set up in her busy kitchen, but let them use the area between the back and basement doors. A straight chair and a towel for a cape and Lilly went to work. The scissors wasn't overly sharp, and the comb was the wrong type, but she made do.

Someone had tried to cut Wayne's hair and done a hack job, and it took a lot of concentrated work to get him presentable. His beard was a squirrel's nest nightmare. Lilly wound up getting her face real close to Wayne's as she trimmed closer and closer, his wish to have a neatly presentable beard showing up with her capable fingers. She was closer than she cared to get to a unfamiliar man, but she really owed him a lot and he was turning out to be a handsome dude under all that frizzy brush.

Taking the towel, she wiped his face and shoulders of the clipped hair, taking the broom and sweeping up the mess. "Go have a look and see if it suits you," she suggested. When Wayne got up to go check in the bathroom mirror, Mark sat down in the chair.

"Short," he requested, "a military cut please." Lilly was busy with Mark, Will and Willie. When Ev and Ben got there they said, "just like his, please." pointing at the newly refurbished Wayne.

"I didn't realize you looked so good," Ben teased Ev when he was spiffied up. It had been a long time since Ev had a professional trim and even Cheryl was impressed how he looked. She caught his eye and winked at him, showing the fire she had once had wasn't gone.

Lainey pushed Ben down in the chair and said "sit, cut" she said to Lilly with a smile. The boys were the last, and by that time Lilly was tired and the boy's antsy and wiggly. They saved Teddy for last, he had never had a haircut and it was a riot of red ringlets that were tangled and matted in the back. Finally Lilly held him in her lap while Lainey sat in front of them and held Teddy's hands and calmed him as the lady worked her magic.

Clora worked as the haircutting continued, the table in the dining room splendid as it was set with 17 place settings. The children spaced among the adults, everyone included on an equal basis.

There was ham, baked potatoes, roasted vegetables, Cheryl brought scalloped corn, Lainey brought sweet and sour cabbage, rolls, butter and honey from the hives, all kinds of pickles, sauces and red eye gravy. Cold milk, tea and of course, Clora's coffee.

Ben gave the blessing, befitting the leader of the clan. Humble gratitude sincerely given for the riches they had been blessed with.

The food was plentiful, the talk happy and relaxed and the people grateful for the opportunity to share fellowship. The afternoon progressed smoothly until the knock on the door and Brett stuck his head in and jovially announced,"did you save me any food."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
About time he showed up. Thanks Pac.

I need more of this story and now I think my LCD monitor is about to go south on me. It has gray streaks beginning to show up. Rats!


Veteran Member
Pac, thanks for the chapter. I hope Brett showing up is't the beginning of more problems for the the family. They deserve some down time with all that they have endured lately.


Veteran Member
Wonder what he's going to have to say for himself?
It's Christmas, but I don't think Clora is going to let him off easy.


Veteran Member

Instead of the welcoming hello's Brett was expecting, there was dead silence. In the background Mama dog could be heard barking, her warning drowned out by the noise in the house. Ben pushed back from the table, Anne in the crook of his arm, and stepped to the door. He whistled out, alerting the dog that he was taking control.

Ben used his hand to indicate Brett could enter the house. Lainey jumped up and reached for Anne, taking the plump, brown ringleted baby away from a possible confrontation. "I think Anne and Teddy need to go down for a nap," she said nervously, "Christy would you grab Teddy, please. Milo I think you and Ronnie need to find a place to play. You were done eating, aren't you?"

Sizing up the tension sizzling and arcing in the room, Lilly and her daughters scurried like silent shadows to follow Lainey.
Mark reached over and clasped Clora's hand in his own, trying to scoot his chair closer to her.

Clora felt mad, sad and unwilling to expend any more energy on Brett. She might have prayed that she be capable of forgiving him; but she had not forgotten that he was family that had betrayed the rest of them. In that vein she said nothing, leaving the action up to Ben.

Wayne got up and went to the kitchen for a clean plate and silverware; the silence beginning to elongate and creak like over stretched taffy, turning brittle.
Wayne expressed his opinion by thumping the plate and glass heavily on the table. Brett's over jovial expression faded until he stood miserable and droopy shouldered. This wasn't what he expected, especially at Christmas. He was family, his mind protested.

Will caught Willie's eye and jerked his thumb toward the other room, and the boy almost collided with Cheryl as they exited together in a hurry. That left Wayne, Ben, Ev, Clora, Mark and Will in a stand off with Brett.

"You had better have one damm good explanation," Ben growled at Brett, his body language sending a loud and clear stance of distrust and anger.

Mark tugged on Clora's hand, snagging her attention. His eyes held a warning and Clora reluctantly read the message she didn't to read. Mark wanted her to leave and by gosh she didn't like the idea of being banished on account she was a woman. Bristling like a puppy with it's hackles raised, Clora opened her mouth to protest, and Mark squeezed her hand almost harshly.

This time when he looked at her, he was the warrior taking control and moving into protection mode. Sternly, he silently invited her to leave, now.

Angry, Clora stood up and walked out without a word. For good measure, she didn't bother to look back.

Brett was getting a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, and when Wayne walked around the end of the table, moved toward him and without warning landed a haymaker on Brett's chin. He got the point.

"I'd like to punch you out until you were a bloody lump, and kick you out the door for the coyotes," Wayne practically spit on Brett. "You WERE a member of this family and you shit on us like we were dirt under your feet, don't expect open arms for a traitor." Wayne was furious and always the most brash and outrageous in terms of language and action.

Brett looked at the rest of the men, reading the truth in their faces. Christmas or no Christmas, he had committed the ultimate disgrace as far as they were concerned, and it was time to tell the truth. They were the united family and he was the rogue member.

"Well I,...I really don't have a good way to tell you what caused me to do what I did,...I was hoping I could ask for your forgiveness...but I guess that's a no go huh?"

"You got it," Ben said coldly. He placed his clenched fists on the table and leaned forward. "You have no idea how much misery you have caused. There is no forgetting and and no get home free pass."

Brett shuffled his feet and rubbed his hurting jaw, this was getting to be harder than he expected. "For one thing," he started to explain, "I got thrown in jail over Trey and Will wouldn't do one darn thing to help me," he accused the older, grey haired deputy sitting loosely in his chair.

Will slouched, throwing his arm over the back of the chair but casually leaving his strong hand free to draw. Will wasn't ashamed of the way Brett had to assume responsibility for his actions, it was about time he stepped up to the plate. That said, Will never took his eyes off the volatile young man, deadly and unpredictable because he was desperate.

"You're deflecting the question," Will replied calmly. "Your problems on account of Trey were all of you're own making. You were asked for the reason you turned on the family, and all you can say...I don't know how to explain. Get real. I don't believe you have a good reason other than money."

Oh that one struck a nerve. Brett's head jerked up and he looked coiled, as if he were ready to strike. Will was well experienced in ruffling the feathers of brigands with temporary amnesia, and Brett's response was classic textbook admission of guilt.

"Start talking," Ben growled again. "We need facts and reasons, not mumbo jumbo, wishy washy excuses.

Brett looked like he had just taken a large swallow of vinegar. The trouble was he didn't have a good reason he could talk about, and he had to come up with a plausible lie in a hurry. It was darn hard to think under pressure.


Veteran Member

"Alright, while you are thinking on how to extract yourself from this mess, tell me, how deeply is Borg involved in this charade?" Mark demanded of the sweating brother.

"Ahhh,..." Brett kind of gurgled as he was blindsided by the swift change in questioning. "Some," he allowed weakly. "He sent me to ask you to come home and have a meeting with him, he misses you and wants to finish up some business." Brett reached for his handkerchief, only to realize that he didn't have one, so he wiped his face with his arm.

"I don't think so," Mark was pretty definite in his refusal. "If he wants to see me, he can come here so I can order him to leave when I've had enough."

Brett frowned, unsure what to do or say next.

"I'm still waiting," Ben harshly overrode anything Brett was preparing to say. "Let's hear your list of excuses, I bet you've got a couple of doozys"

"I've known about Borg since the first time I left Evergreen with Trey. I contacted him for help determining if I had any right or chance to keep the boy, and of course, I didn't. He was pretty cautious about sounding me out on my status in the family, and if I had any suspicion that Pete wasn't my father. I've got to tell ya, I was floored."

Brett rubbed his chin and then the back of his neck. "When he explained the facts, it sure explained a lot that has happened over the years. Borg had the tattoo put on me for insurance that I could be in touch with Pete and find out about the diamonds. By the way, there have been two other searches of your house, and I've got to say where ever Clora has them hidden, she's done a damm fine job. Borg is frustrated as all get out." Brett laughed. Nobody smiled but him.

The news was disturbing, since none of the family realized they had been searched again. Mark tightened his lips, apparently there was nothing his father wouldn't stoop to do. There had to be some changes made around the old homestead. His mind went wandering around the land, thinking of safety and protection measures he needed to implement.

Ben stood with feet apart and arms tightly folded. The black scowl never left his face, and his eyes burned into Brett's figure. Ben felt the betrayal deeply and personally. He had spent time with Brett growing up, laughing, playing, hunting and occasionally hurting as they navigated the deep waters and rocky shoals of young manhood. Now it seemed a sham, a hoax, an illusion that left Ben uncertain as to his own background.

Will and Ev sat quietly. This really wasn't their fight, but they were deeply involved with the family as though they were blood relations. Then there was Wayne, who was as disturbed as Ben.

"I,..ahhh..I have to say I'm weak and easily persuaded to follow the course of least resistance, and the money was the best part of the deal. Borg offered a lot of cash and it was more tempting than I could resist." Brett took a deep breath and asked if he could sit down.

"There's more of course," he took the chance and helped himself to a slice of ham. Then a potato and gravy. There was a couple of spoonfuls of cabbage and two rolls from the bottom of the roll basket. The butter was too far away to reach, so he settled for eating the bread without.

"As far as I understand it, there's a huge smuggling ring behind the diamonds; something Borg, Davis and Lainey's dad got into when they were in Nam. They all had a part in smuggling the stones back into the states, and nobody knows how Pete got them;" Brett opened a roll and put the doubled over slice of ham in and took a big bite.

"The diamonds have a real strange history, they've been kited all over the world and now there here, in this house." Brett opened the second roll and helped himself to another slice of the home cured ham. "That we all got intertwined by accident, is something the players didn't expect or envision. Especially you Mark," Brett chewed and took forever to swallow. "I can tell you that Borg had no intention for you to ever know or meet Clora. It got out of hand before he knew it, and he still wants it undone; there are other problems associated with you and Clora being together."

Brett poured himself a glass of water and forked up another slice of ham. "I'm here to tell you the Prime Minister dude is gonna be bent out of shape over a few of the truth's he's gonna find out. You guy's are right in the middle of a BOILING POT."

Wayne reached over and grabbed Brett's arm as he reached for another slab of ham. "Let's have a little more info," he snapped, "before you eat us out of house and home."


Veteran Member
This is pretty intense Dear Lady. Hope you don't leave us dangling too long in the wind so to speak.

Can someone remind me how Brett got 'expelled' from the family in the first place? Wasn't it over his son whose grandparents wanted to have him, and were awarded him by the courts, but Brett ran away with him? Where is Trey now??? Oooooh, too many questions!


Okay, time for Ben and Wayne, and Mark too, to start stomping. Well, okay, I guess they should wait until they know everything, but then, have Ev go warm up the backhoe, and Will to get the lime, and meet them on the back forty fence line.

Right? :D


Veteran Member
If I'm not mistaken (which is highly possible) most, if not all, of the diamonds have already been there are no diamonds "to find".... guess that IS a great spot to hide them! lol!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
How DID Pete get involved in all of this and he also had a pretty good load of cash too. Why is it so important that Mark and Clora were never supposed to meet? I sure hope they aren't blood kin. Who is blood and who isn't is still a big question. Love this story, thanks Pac.


Veteran Member
Brett was 'expelled' from the family during the sting operation Clora, Mark and Ben conducted. There were listening devices that brought in all the players at a specific time when Clora announced she had a exciting find she was going to share with the family.

Not all the diamonds are gone. Clora distributed small vials to the family, withholding at least 3 of the money stacks for property taxes, and other undisclosed items.

The diamonds have a history, as most items have great value to those that think they do.


Veteran Member

Brett pulled his hand back and took a long drink of water, stalling and really hoping that Divine intervention might happen. It hadn't so far, so he supposed he would have to continue.

"Borg has been the mastermind behind most of the problems, he wants those diamonds. There are people leaning on him, and if I were you Mark, I'd be smart about where I went and who I was around. The crazies that want Clora will really go crazy when they find out you're the dude she's married. Ha, this is gonna be very interesting."

While Brett had been rambling, Ben looked at Will and nodded his head, indicating Will take over the questioning. Will pointed to his watch, he was expected to go on duty in 2 hours and hated to pass up the opportunity to grill his least favorite member of the Hanson clan. Shrugging his shoulders, he mouthed...'sorry,' and got up to change into his uniform.

Ev looked out the window gauging the amount of daylight left, reluctantly he had to go milk. He never minded doing the chores, but tonight, he sure didn't want to leave this fascinating scene. No telling what might happen while he was gone. He went to the kitchen for the pail. Clora was there, obviously listening to the strange but engrossing tale happening in the dining room.

She handed him the pail with a brief smile as she paced up and down the kitchen. Ev awkwardly patted her shoulder and shook his head as he grabbed his coat on the way out the door. This family was the best drama he had ever found, the TV he didn't miss couldn't hold a candle to the Hanson's.

Bossie was agreeable but Mama dog acted a little miffed that it took the humans so long to respond when she started barking her warning, but she supposed she would eventually get them trained. There was always such a long learning cure attached to humans, and she was feeling her age, but she would keep at it until they responded correctly.

Ev spilled a little milk into the feed pan and scooped out a coffee can full of dry food, and as luck would have it, he patted the fuzzy little pup and then Mama let him give her a pat. She had never let him get that close before.

Ev didn't press his luck by trying a second touch, but used his fingers to loosen the pup's jaw as the little monster was biting at his shoes. "Your just like my cousin Big Otis," he scolded the pup. "A real big mouth." Surprised that he had broken one of his sacred rules, to never speak about his family or his childhood, Ev wondered if he wasn't going soft in the head. Must be the lack of pie, he imagined.

Clora was just clearing the table to put dessert out when Brett interrupted the meal. Ev needed to get right back in, just in case they might be starting dessert. He had noticed Clora had a couple of mincemeat pies, his very favorite. But of course he also favored apple and peach, might take a piece of each and save the rest of his pie compartment for mincemeat. He had seen the huge bowl of whipped cream she was placing on the cart she favored to carry the pies to the table. Yum, by dang he was hungry again. Maybe that fool Brett hadn't eaten all the ham.

Clora was in a better mood when he got to the kitchen, and greeted him softly. "I'm so proud of the guy's. They are really turning up the heat on Brett. I hope they fry him but good."

Phew, Ev was glad that Clora wasn't mad at him. The lady sure carried a grudge and she had the size to back up her temper.

The loud voices had calmed from the dining room, so Clora started picking up the dishes closest to the kitchen. She tapped softly on the bedroom door and asked if everyone was asleep. Christy answered and nodded. There were ladies and children strewn every where, napping, recovering from the excitement of the big meal.

With Christy's help, they cleared the dishes and set the places for desert. Brett was especially interested in the pie, and Ev thought he might have to give him the stink eye if he got overly friendly toward the mince.

Clora used a minute to re arrange her hair, wisps were escaping and bothering her. Mark came by and blew a couple of curls loose, aggravating Clora, but she waged her finger at him. "I've gotta lie down, my ribs are killing me" he confessed.

"Not in our room dear, it's full of ladies and children. Use the spare bedroom downstairs. It's probably cold in there, I've had the door closed. I'll be by in a minute to get the kids presents from the closet and check on you."

"Yes dear," Mark answered like a obedient little boy, causing Clora to raise her eyebrow at him. "Watch it buster," she teased

Lilly and her girls and Milo and Ronnie were wandering towards the kitchen, looking for something to drink. She steered them to the dining room and had Lilly start carrying the pitchers of water, milk and cups for coffee. Will showed up in uniform and Clora put a plate of mince and apple in his hand with a fork.

"Be careful tonight," she cautioned needlessly, "the domestic calls will be the worst."

"Don't I know it," Will spoke with a mouthful. Holding the plate close to his chin, he hoped to spare the front of his uniform as he hastily gobbled the dessert. "Keep the heat on in there," he motioned to the dining room. That little weasel isn't telling much of the truth. I've interrogated enough wrong doers that I can spot phony answers and schemes, and Brett's a classic."

Clora nodded as she counted out forks and spoons. "I'd like to see them tear strips off his hide," she said with a hiss, hinting that Brett had better be very careful.

Dessert was very agreeable with the clan, Ev was busy showing the kids how you had to pile the whipped cream on the slice of pie. "It's point protector," he said very seriously to Ronnie and Milo. "It keeps you from being hurt when you take that first bite of pie."

Milo puzzled on that one for quite a while, and then during a lull in the conversation, he laughed out loud.

"Did you finally get the joke?" Clora asked softly, and Milo nodded, but asked for more whipped cream. "I don't wanna get hurt." he said. That caused the adults to laugh.

Brett asked who the kids were, and who was the lady and her kids.. Ben explained in a shortened version, figuring it was really none of Brett's business who they invited into their home.

After dessert, Clora brought out a package for each of the children. The Burton boys each got a matchbox car, it fit in their hand and pocket and was theirs alone. Alice and Betsy each got a quickly refurbished doll from one of the endless trunks of stuff in the attic.

Lilly was so grateful, she had tears in her eyes as she jumped up to help clear the table. The girls sat quietly hugging their dolls, not saying a word but smoothing the hair and finger ironing the faded aprons and dresses.

The children had a magical Christmas, filled with love, acceptance and security. Because the children were happy, the adults were relaxed and happy. Willie and Christy understood they had packages at home, so they helped the younger kids play.

Clora drew water again and again as the soapy water cleaned dish after dish. The ladies dried dishes and gossiped to their heart's content. They planned the Sunday service for the day after next. Lainey asked to host the service, and all agreed, planning what to bring for the fellowship meal.

Clora made sure to invite Lilly so she felt included in the plans, but the thin woman looked worried and started fidgeting.

Cheryl tired out and had to sit down, giving Clora the opportunity she had been waiting for. "So Cheryl, when are you going to the doctor?" she asked kindly. "You look sick, you need to be checked over."

"Soon," Cheryl assured her, "I'm getting so tired, and it's really annoying."

The group soon disbanded, tired children and adults heading home. The main house was quiet, Wayne had insisted that Brett stay with him, and Clora was more than happy to send the two of them down the hill. When Clora went to get Mark, she found him out like a light; Milo curled up next to him, his toy car clenched firmly in his hand. So if she wanted to sleep with her husband, it was in the guest room with Milo.


Veteran Member
Thanks Pac, great chapters, still a lot of un-answers questions about Brett and what he really knows. Nice to see the children having a love filled Christmas.