Quest. on metal rod and white clamp inside door.


I have a question if anyone has any answers I would appreciate it.

Today my window sounded like it was hitting something and going to break when I would roll it down. When I got home I took the panel off the door and found a small rod with a white broken clamp hanging inside that the window was hitting.

I took off the clamp and duct taped the rod to the metal of the door out of the way of the window. Window works fine now.

What is the white clamp to? If I get another one from the parts store I don't know what to attach it to.

Does anyone have any idea? I think it is connected somehow with the automatic lock as the lock doesn't work now but I still don't know where or how to attach it.

Any help is appreciated very much.


Senior Something
I don't see what you see. (Getting old too; it took me three reads to realize you were taling about an automobile...)
In cases like that (no book) you just have to take out the opposite door panel to see what connects to what.