…… Question for Summerthyme


I am awash with eggs. My hens are laying like it was Spring! My husband and I really love Flan. My question is: can I mix up the custard recipe and put in ziplock freezer bags and freeze it? This would allow me to defrost a bag of custard mix and make the flan.
Taz thanking you in advance


You know... that's a new one, but I *think* it should work. Do you use milk or cream in your flan? Milk tends to get a little funky (separates) in the freezer, although you can usually just shake it back up and blend it again.

This is one I'd try, freeze it for a couple days and then make a flan and see how it works. You can freeze eggs, and cream, and they work "like fresh" in most things later. So I think this will work... please try it and report back!



Disaster Cat
You can freeze pumpkin pie filling (as in cook the custard and then put in a cooked pie shell when ready to serve) and I've frozen entire pumpkin pies - they get a bit watery and that crust is soft but they taste good - my hunch is the custard will get a bit watery but otherwise should be fine - it may also break up a bit (Pumpkin pies are a form of custard pie).