Ron Paul Highlights - South Carolina CNN Debate 01/19/12


On and On, South of Heaven

He wins every single poll I see by a landslide...But when it comes to the vote tally, he hasn't won a single vote?

That speaks volumes to me about the integrity of the whole system.


Veteran Member

Howz abouts the flip-flop Romney vs Santorum in Iowa?

BOTH of them LOST votes, which left Tweedle-Dum a tad ahead of Tweedle-Dee.

NO MENTION of where those "lost" votes WENT (or Originally Came From).

The *new* 'final count' left the Tweedles with 24% each, and RP at 21%.

However, each Tweedle got 11 delegates, whereas RP got only 3.

Yeppers. Those who *count* the votes, Indeed.