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Sock knitting machine


Veteran Member
This weekend I received the Legare sock machine I won on eBay. This beauty is about a hundred years old, but in amazing condition. It took a few days of fiddling and research before I could get it to knit. I had to replace the old, bent tension spring with a rubber O-ring, and I need to order some new needles since I have very few replacements should one bend or break. Otherwise, it works like new. Lovely little piece of history, and it can knit a pair of socks in an hour or two.

I'll post a pic of the socks it makes once I have a chance to play with it again (busy with work during the week). :eleph:


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Another Infidel
I had no idea they made sock machines! I LOVE it! Of course, I love socks, too. I'd make socks day and night if I had one of those!

Maureen :rs:

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
Does anyone know how do they do differing sizes of socks on these things? I cant figure that out from the bare minimum of info on the net. You'd have to be able to make baby and child sizes and then youth and adults small med and large.... :shr: