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Some artwork


Time Traveler
I did most of these a few years ago, I haven't had time to do much in the past 2 or 3 years. I apologize for the fuzzy images, some were taken with my camera phone back when those were actually good for a phone. :lol:

Watercolor ( I did another of this image in airbrush )


Zuni girl in graphite

Pen and ink

computer cartoon of hypnotist Wendi Friesen

Lisa somebody from an O magazine (gotta fix her saggy boob)-watercolor

charcoal Gizelle, some underwear model


Time Traveler
Helium, you crack me up!

Maureen, if you lived nearby I'd teach you to draw, it's really not that difficult. I know you're creative I saw your computer graphic greeting card, it was great. I can't draw a straight line either, and I can't hang a picture straight. Like most things, cursive writing for example, drawing is mostly learning the steps and seeing things in a different way. More than half of what I posted is after I incurred brain damage and nerve damage in my hands.

Lone Wolf

Lives on TB
Excellent work!

More, Please!

You know, I'm finding out that the less talent (me) one has, the more that person is able to appreciate another's works. Art, is where you find it, and there is more then you may think.



Time Traveler
WW, I was in a car wreck and had extensive damage. Nerve damage in arms and back, dislocated shoulders, brain damage, whiplash, collapsed discs, amnesia, blah blah blah. The only good thing to come out of it is I can assure others with brain damage that when they say 'After 4 years you will be as recovered as you ever will be and can't expect any more improvement' that is not true. I had some spontaneous recovery 7 years later, fairly dramatic. I got the ability to do art again though I don't have some basic skills, and my memory is still bad enough that I need tools to help me where I didn't before. You need good short term memory to draw, as you look at something and then turn to the page to draw it from what you remember. Creating volume or repetitious things such as fabric folds, waves or other complex things is very difficult for me due to the brain damage. My hands will still jerk or twitch when I don't expect it. It's just more challenges to overcome that I've learned to work with.

Thank you Lone Wolf. Funny, I LOVE looking at other's artwork too, and nearly always learn something from what I observe. There really is more art out there than we realize.