Canning Squash soup


Paranoid Pagan
I understand that a thick puree might be questionable to can, but a soup? Why would every blog tell me it is dangerous to can a soup made of pumpkin or squash? Shouldn't it be thin enough to safely can? I have lucked into a whole lot of various curcubits and am trying to figure out how to preserve them. I don't have a root cellar, nor is there space to just put them in the front bedroom. So, I was hoping to make pots of soup to can up. HALP!


Veteran Member
You can put up a squash soup, but you are correct that the puree is too dense to can safely. Another way to can it is to cube the squash and raw pack it. When you want squash soup, just open the can and make it with the cubed squash.


Senior Member
Are you pressure canning or water bath canning? Because they are low-acid foods, they would not be safe to water bath can. Pressure canning a soup, I simply am not sure. If you are seeing specific advice against it, there's most likely a reason.