Farm Strawberries!


I just found blossoms and strawberries growing on three of the strawberry plants in my greenhouse!

Not sure if they are a true anomaly or just some new plants that didn't get around to making their second batch of berries during the summer.

I've never seen such a thing before and I'm going to mark the plants so I can be sure to give top priority to any runners they get next year.

Fresh strawberries at the end of October!!!!!

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Yeah, we've been getting two or three berries every couple of days- even though we had a killing freeze a week ago. Very weird! Can't remember what variety of everbearer (Or "day neutral") ours are, but it's not unusual to get a dribble of berries until the cold weather kills the blossoms (I think we're still getting some because the foliage is SO heavy the blossoms were protected by the leaves!)

We also picked our last blueberries the night before the hard freeze. And we're still cleaning up the last of the watermelons! It's a little strange to be eating "summer picnic food" near Halloween!



Veteran Member
I pulled not-the-last melons tonight for dinner. The weather this year has been beyond unusual!