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The Last TB2K Artists' Video


Another Infidel

I think YouTube is still processing this video but it can still be viewed though it will become more clear as it is totally processed.

I may not be able to do any more of them due to my training for a new (and much looked forward to) detail. I begin PT on my arm next week but so far it's healing nicely.

Thank you to all who've made this venture possible by contributing your work, it's fantastic! Our hope was to create a spot where we could escape the gloom and find sunny skies and I hope we did that for you.

I belong to 2 other forums--one is brand new--and I'll be visiting all 3 and contributing as I am able.

Just keep looking for the bright side of life, it's there if we look.

See ya and take care!

Mo :rs::rs::rs:


Another Infidel
Beautiful Maureen the best so far. I think its a crock of dung that your leaving.

Thank you!

I'm not really leaving-leaving but sometimes you need to make choices in life for the greater good.

I seem to be getting a "message" of sorts this past year that my days on the street are over. God has His reasons and I trust Him.

I have a specific skill set that is going to benefit more people if I devote myself to it, so my reassignment is actually an answered prayer to me. More people will be safer when I assume command of this new detail and since it's "behind the curtains," it fits in better with how I do my best work--behind the scenes.

When I resigned from being a Mod here for Artistic License, I left some very good replacement recommendations that I hope Admin will follow up on if you guys want this SIG to remain.

I'll be here and checking in but not posting as much (I've been on the bench anyway after breaking my arm).

Mo :rs:


TB Fanatic
I have a specific skill set that is going to benefit more people if I devote myself to it, so my reassignment is actually an answered prayer to me.
You sound like the fella in the movie Taken. LOL I just sent you a PM, I want you to read a thread in a nasty forum. I have forwarded to people like yourself. Tell me if I did the right thing I feel I did.


Another Infidel
You sound like the fella in the movie Taken. LOL I just sent you a PM, I want you to read a thread in a nasty forum. I have forwarded to people like yourself. Tell me if I did the right thing I feel I did.

You did.

Oh, and I got skin, boyo! Don't let my size fool you. I can drop a 250# male to the curb in 3 seconds with 1 second to spare... :spns: Strong things come in smaller packages.

Mo :dstrs: