Story The Long Winter


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Back at the farm, Marty and Ron broke the UN rifles down and cleaned them and prepared them for storage. Once the rifles were coated in cosmoline and the bores were packed they placed them in PVC tubing and sealed the ends. They then buried the tubes vertically along the fence row, making careful notes as to where they were placing them. Marty told Ron, “Hopefully, if they come with ground penetrating radar, it will just look like old fence posts.”

The ammunition was carried into the house and Marty pulled the refrigerator out from the wall and revealed a cleverly hidden opening. Crawling inside, he asked Ron to pass him the ammo as well as some of the things Ron had brought with him.

With everything as secure as it could be, Marty announced to the rest of the group, “We are all going on a short vacation. Martha, you and June move all the perishable items to the shelter while Ron and I make sure everything is set and secure outside.”

Marty secured the gates and the barn and made certain all the hidden cameras were operable. Ron asked, “How are the animals going to be fed?”

“I have a system for that,” Marty said. “I will show you how everything works when we get in the shelter.”

The plan was to disappear for a few days and see what would happen when the UN boys didn't report in. Marty was sure they would investigate.

“Ron, when I built this shelter, I planned on being able to feed the livestock without having to expose myself. If you will move that bookcase away from the wall, you will see an entrance,” said Marty.

“ I don't see anything,” said Ron.

Laughing, Marty pulled on a piece of trim and the wainscoting came away from the wall having been held in place by magnets. “Follow me,” Marty said as he crawled into the hole.

Once the LED light string was turned on, Ron realized they were in a tunnel. A modified mechanic's creeper provided a ride to another door. When Marty opened this door several pieces of hay fell in and standing up, they were in the barn.

“Well I be darned,” said Ron. “You are a lot smarter than I ever gave you credit for.”

“This way we can feed and water the animals, without being seen. Of course we will leave some of the eggs so it will appear we are gone. I'm not sure about the cows, they will have to milked everyday, I just hope the Blue hats don't realize that,” said Marty.

Marty lowered the hay covered trap door back into place and they took the creeper and rode back to the shelter.

“We are going to stay in here for a week or so and see what happens,” Marty told the family. “There is a good chance the UN will be here looking for their men, and if we are not here, they won't be able to question us.”

Marty had no way of knowing, the UN had more problems than one missing unit. It seemed the citizenry decided they wanted to keep their guns, and the confiscation crews were being ambushed everywhere. Desertions and defections were rampant, and the UN commanders assumed the radio crew had just defected like the rest. If they were found they would charged with desertion and hanged, after a trial of course.


Veteran Member
Chapter 17​

After two days in the shelter, June was fit to be tied. She was rapidly making everyone uncomfortable, except Ron, of course.

“I know what might relieve the tension somewhat,” said Marty. He opened a panel and pulled a coaxial cable into the room and connected it to what appeared to be an antique receiver. “This old Hammerlund may look antique, but she is one of the best receivers I have ever owned,” Marty said proudly. “This coax is connected to a random length wire that is for all practical purposes hidden in the trees along the fence line. We will be able to hear what is going on outside, even if we can't see it.”

Marty turned the old receiver on and as the tubes began to glow, the sound, at first very faint, began to grow. Marty tuned to a couple of frequencies he thought may be broadcasting and was rewarded with a voice from outside the shelter. “And in other news today, the UN forces have announced they will begin a withdrawal from selected states beginning almost immediately,” the announcers voice boomed into the quiet of the shelter. “In Washington today the Speaker of the House announced that with the resignation of the President and Vice President, he would be taking the oath of office at three PM, Washington time.” He further declared that the first order of business would be to try the former President and Vice President for treason.”

Marty and his family could not believe their ears. Could this be over this quickly? On the radio, the announce was continuing on, “A Constitutional Convention, has been called for and the New President has said the heart and body of the original Constitution will be the basis for the new one.” said the announcer. “Every single amendment after the first ten will be scrutinized for validity in our new times.”

Marty had heard enough. “Ron, grab a rifle and vest, we are going topside.”

They dropped onto the creeper and soon they were exiting the barn. Marty said, “The first thing I want to do is get the tower back up and get some info from some friends I have.”

“I will get right on it,” said Ron, “as soon as I let the ladies up from the shelter.”

Ron ran into the house and opened the shelter door and the ladies clambered up the stairs carrying everything they needed from the shelter.

Martha informed Ron, that She and June were going to let the animals out and gather eggs and milk the cow. Ron went around to the wood pile and began helping Marty remove the wood and tarp of the hidden tower. It only took a few minutes and Marty's antennas were once again in the air. Marty went into the designated HAM room and started listening for his contacts.


Brown Coat
Oh oh, a Constitutional convention. possibilities are both good and bad with that.

If they strip congress of the power to tax and require them to petition the states for money that they want to spend, and clarify the meaning of the 2nd amendment and put a death penalty for anyone who tries to alter them would be a good start.

Then throw out all the other amendments, and add an 11th that clarify that any judge legislating from the bench gets death penalty

Term limits to 2 elected terms in a single life time. No matter which office those two terms are served in. One as dog catcher and one as president.

All monies acquired while in office will be donated to the treasury upon compleation of the term above the standard pay check.

No lobbiests.

No federal abc agencies

No federal reserve

Return to a gold and silver based currency

balanced budget amendment.

Man I could go to town on a improved Constitution.

OH and any one who violates constitutional rights death penalty or expulsion from the country.

Any police officer who "makes a mistake" or "does something on purpose" that is found to harm innocents is at minimum fired, forced to make restitution to those he harmed, and can never serve in any public office or job again anywhere in the country. He gets public ally posted as someone who did this.

All government information available at any time to any citizen, no security or top secret exemptions. If it is something the people cant know then don't do it.


Veteran Member
Chapter 18​

It seemed what Marty had heard was true, his contacts from all over the US were reporting the same thing. The UN was pulling out. It also seemed as if they were pulling out so fast, they were leaving more than they brought. Marty had an idea and after shutting down the radios, he grabbed Ron and they headed to Mr. Johnson's place.

“Johnson,” Marty called from the front yard, “I got something we need to talk over.”

Mr. Johnson opened the creaky screen door and told them to come in the house.

“Mr. Johnson,” began Marty, “The UN is high tailing it out of here. They are leaving their equipment and taking off as fast as they can. I did some looking around in some of my catalogs, and I think what we have buried in your garden are called UNIMOGS. They are made by Mercedes Benz, and they area about as handy as a shirt pocket.”

“Are you saying we need to dig 'em up,” asked Mr. Johnson?

“That is exactly what I am saying,” replied Marty.

“And what are you proposing we run 'em on, air,” asked Mr. Johnson.

“We have enough diesel between the two of us to get in a couple of crops,” explained Marty. “Ron, here, has studied how to make Bio Diesel and if we can get a good crop in, we can make enough diesel to get these farms running at full speed again. I know most of my fields are for feed crops for the animals except the vegetable garden Martha keeps, but, there are several empty farms around here and a lot of farmers that could be productive if they had diesel. We could barter diesel for the things we aren't able to grow.”

“Let's get some of the boys around here together and we see if there is any interest. Bruce, get the track hoe out, we are going to dig up those UN Trucks. Leave the bodies in the hole and cover them back up.” Mr. Johnson instructed. “Marty, you and Ron go to the South of your place and I will send Caleb to the North of here and we tell everyone about the plan. If we can get some of these folks back up and running it will help all of us.”

Marty and Ron, started back towards the farm.

“You reckon this'll work,”asked Marty?

“Ain't no reason it won't, we do need to see if we can find a few things, but it shouldn’t be too hard.” said Ron.

“What about the Co-op, “ Marty asked, “you know Mr. Tingle died and he has no family. The place is just sitting there and I would rather see some of the goods used for a good purpose, than just sit there and spoil.”

“At the meeting, we can take a vote to see if every one wants to try and salvage from the empty farms and houses, or if they think its wrong. I think it is a greater wrong to let things waste away when the living has a need for them. I am not saying we take from anyone alive, but these are different times, and I reckon it will be a good while before we can drive to the Wal-Mart and buy what we need. If we agree to salvage, it will be for the benefit of all,” declared Marty.


Veteran Member
Chapter 19​

“Preparations have been completed, Dear Leader,” said the lead minion. “Vaccinations of the Glorious Army and the people have been completed.”

“Excellent, soon the Great Dragon will feel our wrath,” said the little man in pajamas. “Begin the delivery now.”

The minion knew that China would soon be a great waste land. The population was already a scant ten percent of the pre sickness days and soon there would be another reduction. Their figures indicated that over ninety percent of the remaining one percent would perish. The Dear Leader could then march into China unmolested and lay claim.

Marty was amazed at the turnout. He saw people he hadn't seen since the sickness had begun and was happy to see how many had made it through unscathed.

“If everyone will take a seat, we have a lot to cover,” Marty said. “First of all, let's just take a minute to remember all of those that didn't survive the sickness. While we are very happy to see so many of you here, we will never forget those that aren't.”

“My brother, Ron, and Mr. Johnson and his sons, Bruce and Caleb, have come up with some ideas that we think will help this area get back on it's feet.” “There are a lot of salvageable resources that will go to waste if they are not utilized,” continued Marty. “The Co-op has good seed and fertilizer and feed and other things that we need, but as most of you know, Mr. Tingle has died and there is no family to continue it. I propose we get the Co-op opened ASAP and if we need something, take it and leave a marker that we took it and we will either pay it back, in the case of seed, or make some arrangement to pay cash for it later. This way, we can try and have a continuing resource for our community.”

“How are we supposed to plant crops when we have no fuel,” came a voice from the back.

“Ron, has a plan to produce Biodiesel. I know it will take a while to get that set up, but, in the mean time, we can salvage fuel from the truck stop out on the Interstate and we can look for tankers that may be loaded. There are stabilizers we can add to the fuel. There will be none to waste, but we should have enough to get our crops in the ground and harvested.” explained Marty.

“What's the difference between stealing and salvage,” someone asked.

“First of all,” said Marty, “nothing will be taken from anyone that survived the sickness, and everything that is taken will be inventoried and it will be used only for the benefit of our community, hoarding or reselling salvaged goods will not be tolerated.”

After the rumble going around the room settled down a bit, Marty continued.

“Mr. Johnson is going to pass around a list of crops we need to grow in order to make bio-diesel. I encourage all of you to try and grow one or more of these crops. Information will be made available to anyone that needs help.” said Marty “If we are to be self reliant fuel wise, we will all need to work together.”

“If anyone knows of a source for propane, see me or Marty or Mr. Johnson after the meeting,” added Ron.

“Let's all think about what we have ahead of us and what we can do to keep our community alive and we will meet back here in a week,” concluded Marty.

The Chinese radar picked up missiles inbound to Beijing, from North Korea. There was no hesitation. The Chinese leaders turned North Korea into a smoking crater within minutes, but the damage was done. The deadly virus laden missiles didn't need to reach Beijing, their deadly cargo was being dispersed ad they flew. The contrails behind the missiles were spraying death into the atmosphere and soon, China would be a empty country. Virtually everyone was effected.
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Brown Coat
Ouch, two things, local government. I'd hate to see someone set themselves up as the "law" in the area without at least everyone agreeing to live under that law.

Two Bio weapons scare the crap out of me. They are simply unpredictable in who they harm, or where they may go.

Thanks for the next chapter.

If I can offer a suggestion, let private ownership of foraged items exist, and see if a trade / barter system can keep things flowing.

Even the pilgrims figured out that working together for common good failed. That old commie from each according to his ability to each according to his need thing ya know. Private ownership of stuff with a process that benefits everyone and encourages people to produce for themselves with hope of getting ahead is what I desire in real life. (That is if I did a passable job of putting my thinking down here.)

It's your story and however you develop it is fine with me. I'll keep reading.

MOAR please. :-)


Veteran Member

Chapter 20​

Marty and Ron, each took a mule and hitched up a plow. It took very little time for them to break up Martha's expanded vegetable garden. Marty reckoned with June and Ron living there, they needed to at least double the old garden plot. Marty knew very little would go to waste as everything that didn't get eaten fresh, would be canned or dehydrated and put back for the long Winters to come.

Martha and June were busy in the greenhouse, starting seeds and checking on the seedlings that were already up.

“This is my favorite time of year,” she told June. Everything seems to have been reset and the world is just waiting for a signal from some unseen force to burst into bloom.”

“Never cared for Spring, said June, Always meant more work. Give me the fall, when the harvest is complete and all there was to do was sit around and eat the bounty.”

“You never were much of a worker, June. Poppa always said you were too lazy to be a farm girl.”

“Poppa was right,” concluded June.

The week flew by and before they knew it, they were on their way to the second meeting. Marty could sense some dissension in the crowd, but by and large, the mood was relaxed and even jovial.

“I am glad to see so many of you made it for tonight's meeting, began Roy. “The first thing I need to mention is, while listening to my HAM radio, it seems as if China has gone completely silent. Some of my regular contacts in Western Europe, seem to think China was attacked by a bio agent and what was left from the sickness has succumbed to the latest attack. There is no way to confirm this, but, pictures from the remaining working satellites indicate North Korea, came under a horrendous nuclear attack.”

You could have heard a pin drop in the church meeting room. Marty finally broke the uncomfortable silence after letting his news sink in for a few moments.

“I am not sure what this means to us, but it seems there may be a power and land grab in Europe and Asia happening in the near future. I pray our President has enough sense to let it stay there and not get us involved.” There are a few other details that may or may not be conjecture, that I can share, if anyone is interested, see me after the meeting.”

“Mr. Johnson, tells me we had a good response on who would be willing to grow crops for oil, That will make or break us in the long run. There were also a few entrepreneurs among the group, that seem to think, If they salvage something, it should be theirs. I saw we need to vote, but, without regard to the outcome, the majority rules. Let me make a proposal that I think would be fair to all. I am not interested in a communal type farm, but, we are all going to be dependent on each other to some degree. Some of us have land that is not conducive to growing oil crops, and some of us have more water than others, and some of us are going to need mechanical help, and not one person in this community can do every thing that needs doing, so, to make it fair, anything salvaged from the community itself, becomes property of the community. If someone or a group of people, take on the challenge of salvaging outside our community, then they own whatever they salvage and they can sell or barter or trade to whoever for whatever they deem appropriate. If that sound fair, and if there are no questions or changes, let's vote.”

“Let's be clear on what exactly constitutes the community.” came an unnamed voice.

“Fair enough,” said Marty. “Mr. Jenkins was the town Tax Collector, he should have a map. We will check with him and a copy of the map will be posted in a public location.”

“All in favor,” asked Marty?

It was clear to everyone that over ninety percent were in favor of the vote.

“Looks like it carries with a sizable majority, said Marty. Those who can raise oil crops, see Mr. Johnson and anyone interested in canning or learning how to can, see my wife after the meeting. There will be many learning opportunities in the coming weeks and months. If anyone here is a blacksmith or has smithy tools, please see me. Now, I would like to adjourn the meeting and have some of that cake I saw on the table.”


Veteran Member
Chapter 21​

Marty took two batteries that he had charged with the farm's solar cells and put them in the wagon he had hitched to the mules. Ron loaded some tools and 10 gallons of precious diesel from the farm tank.
Once everything was loaded including overnight gear and enough to eat for a few days, they set out in search of fuel.

“I reckon a good place to start, would be the truck stop,” said Marty.

“Now that sounds reasonable,” Ron replied, “but, if it is all the same to you, I think we need to go to the marina down on the reservoir and look for some fuel stabilizer. All that fuel isn't going to do any good, if can't preserve it.”

“OK, big brother, sound like we have a plan,” Marty replied.

The two of them set out and had a mostly uneventful trip. They were not surprised that they saw no one after they left their little community.

“Reckon, there is still a travel restriction in place,” asked Ron?

“There probably is, but there isn't anyone to enforce it.” said Marty

Soon the next town over came into view and on the outskirts of town stood an auto parts building. The building looked to be intact, and hadn't been salvaged, so Marty eased the wagon around to the back side of the store and he and Ron began working on the door. Inside was several things they could use, fuel stabilizers and bigger batteries that had been stored dry. Looking around in the back they found boxes of battery acid.

“Ron, there is no reason to load the wagon with all this weight right now. Let's a couple of these large batteries and some acid, some starting fluid, and three of four sets of jumper cables. We are going to be coming back this way, then we can get the rest of the things we need. For now, let's just push on.”

“Sounds reasonable,” said Ron.

With the items loaded they proceeded to the auto dealership and were shocked to see the windows broken and the showroom emptied.

“Looks like some body got a new car or two,” joked Ron.

“Let's just remember our plan and get to the truck stop. If we need more stabilizer, we can go to the marina later. Right now, I think we got enough to get a truck back to the farm. Once we get a truck load of fuel, we can gas up some of the vehicles at the farm and use them.” said Marty

So they continued down to the intersection and the truck stop came into view. There were quite a few trucks in the lot. Some were at the fuel islands waiting to be filled and some were in the large parking area the truckers used for sleeping. Marty thought they would look for tankers in the back first.

It didn't take long to find several that were filled with all gasoline or all diesel, but they kept looking until they found what they wanted. A load that was half and half. Ron pulled the wagon along side and began changing out the batteries, while Marty got the hood up and got the starting fluid ready. After a hour of work, Ron said, “Well, are you going to crank it or what?”

Marty got into the cab and tried the starter and it just didn't have enough juice to spin the
engine fast enough. Ron hooked up the farm batteries to the ones from the parts store he had installed and after trying again, they were rewarded with two columns of black smoke.

“Let's look around inside while the air pressure builds and the engine warms up,” said Marty.

They entered the truck stop and were amazed at the condition. It looked as if nothing had been touched. They went to the kitchen area and saw case after case of canned food. The perishable items, of course, were long since spoiled, but there was a bounty of good items.

“Looks like we need a bob truck, at the least,” said Ron.

“Ron, if there is this much in here, there must be a lot more on the trucks outside, we need more than a bob truck.”


Veteran Member
Chapter 22​

Marty and Ron looked over the parking area and found two trucks with empty forty five foot trailers. The keys were in the trucks so there wouldn't be a problem starting them. They took the tanker truck and with Marty driving the mule team, Ron took off for home with the tanker. Ron stopped at Mr. Johnson's place on the way home and asked him if he had any room in his farm diesel tank.

“I sure do, Ron, follow me to the back,” said Johnson, Caleb, you and Bruce get out here and help Ron fill this tank.”

“Mr. Johnson,” started Ron, “Marty and I have found a treasure trove of food and fuel. Do you have a running vehicle we can use to get back to the Truck Stop ? Marty is on his way back with the mules and wagon, and I thought if I could find something a little easier to manuver, we coluld go back and get some fresh batteries and start moving some stuff around.”

“The old Jeep, runs good, we swapped out the engine for a diesel years ago. Needs a boost off though, batteries likely dead,” said Johnson.

“No problem, I have starting fluid and jumper cables here. I even have an extra battery if that one is bad, let's finish filling your tank and then we will get the jeep running.”

While the tank was being filled, Caleb took one of the new batteries from the auto parts store and installed it in the jeep. Mr. Johnson and Caleb pushed while Ron steered and they pulled the Jeep alongside the tractor trailer. After they hooked up the jumper cables and filled the tank, Ron shot a quick blast of ether into the air filter opening and the little Jeep fired right up.

“Tanks full, Pop,” said Bruce.

“One of you boys follow me in the jeep and let me get this tanker down to Marty's place,” said Ron
“then we can go and get another truck or two. Mr. Johnson, is there anything special you need in the way of auto parts?”

“Oil, and filters, and we will need tires soon enough. Let's get Marty home and a couple more trucks and I will go with ya'll and we will stock up,” Said Johnson.

Ron, piloted the tanker rig toward Marty's place with Caleb following in the Jeep. As they turned into the driveway, they saw Martha and June watching them closely. When Martha recognized Ron, she lowered the rifle she had aimed at him and waved.

“Where's my husband,” was the first words out of her mouth.

“He's bring the mules and wagon. We are going back to the truck stop and get a load of goods and a couple of trucks. If you ladies wouldn't mind, we should be back in about four hours and a hot meal would be appreciated.”

With that, Ron jumped in the Jeep with Caleb and they started out.

“Wait,” shouted Ron over the noisy diesel. “Let's get a horse trailer and we can load the mules and bring them back. The wagon, we can load in a truck.”

They hitched the Jeep to the stock trailer and again headed out. It took almost no time to find Marty plodding along.


Veteran Member
Thanks everyone, for the encouragement. I had a pretty interesting weekend, so I got a little behind, but, I will catch up.

Chapter 23​

“Marty,” shouted Ron as he drew alongside, “I brought a trailer so we can load up the mules and get them back to the farm. There's no reason we can't make another two trips today if we hurry.”

“What about the wagon,” asked Marty. “We can't just leave it here.”

“How about if I take the wagon to your place and put the mules up,” suggested Caleb. “I should have everything done by the time you get the first truck back to the farm, and then I can ride back with you guys and we will get another one.”

So with the details worked out, Marty and Ron piloted the jeep towards the truck stop, while Caleb had a splendid view of the mules rear ends as he headed for Marty's.

Things were just as they had left them and they immediately started searching the large trailers. In no time they had located a fifty five footer that had been destined for the Wal-Mart. They found a lot of canned food and a lot of clothing. They knew the clothing wasn't top drawer stuff, but it would do for bartering. In a hour or so they had the big diesel purring away and Ron, said he was going to head out with the load. Marty agreed and set in behind him in the little jeep.

One good thing about living in the South thought Marty, it gets cold enough, but its not like the cold up North. I am sure some of these cans are going to be bad, but most of it should be salvageable. Back at the farm, Martha and June were busy preparing dinner when June spotted the wagon and mules coming up the drive.

“Martha, I think something is wrong, Marty's wagon is here but I don't see Ron or Marty.”

Martha quickly grabbed a rifle and went to the door. When she saw it was Caleb, she relaxed and yelled out to him, “What did you do with my old man.”

Caleb explained what was going on and went to feed and water the mules. He left the wagon near the house so the ladies could go through some of the things Marty and Ron had loaded from the truck stop. With almost perfect timing, Ron pulled up the long drive in the tractor trailer rig, just as Caleb was coming out of the barn. Marty pulled the little jeep into the back yard and jumped out and helped unhook the trailer from the big truck.

“Why not just get another truck,” asked Caleb ?

“Because it takes time to get them started and this is a fairly new truck with a full load of diesel and it is more than up to the task. Besides, we want a yard full of trailers, not trucks.” explained Marty. “Don't worry, we are going to pick out at least one more good on for you and Bruce to use,”

Martha informed them there was dinner if they wanted to take a few minutes to eat before heading back and they all thought that was a good idea.

Martha. “While we are gone, I would like for you and June to go through the phone book and find all the places within a couple of hundred miles that sell solar panels or batteries. It might be helpful if there are any greenhouse fabricators nearby as well,” said Marty, thinking ahead.


Veteran Member
Chapter 24​

The new President was having great success. The Constitutional Convention had made it illegal for the NSA or the CIA to operated on domestic soil, they were relegated to the task they were designed to do. The Treasury department was a shell of its former self. The BATF had been disbanded and gun laws were turned back to pre 1968. There was little use for the IRS as the Constitution now called for a flat tax. Everyone and every business would pay the same rate. Personal liberties were restored to a level unheard of since the beginning of the country. The few liberal congressmen that objected, were quickly recalled by their home states. Any corporation that wanted to return to the United States would be allowed to, but there would be penalties. Undocumented aliens were being rounded up and sent home as quickly as possible. There would be American jobs for American workers. Employers were urged to give top consideration to men over women in hopes the women would return to the homes and take care of the future's most valuable resource, their children. With surpluses in the budget for the first time in decades, education became a top priority. No more classes that existed just to make children feel good about themselves, but real education with emphasis on math and science. College was available to any child that wanted to go, but they were expected to maintain their grades.

There were some new rules for Senators and Congressmen as well. Two terms and out became the law of the land and it applied to all elected officials. No more life terms for judges either. Once appointed to a judgeship, the clock started ticking. Ten years and you were retired, and the large pensions they were used to were changed as well. They would receive twenty five percent of their salary for life. After all, they had only served two terms at the maximum and they could always go back into private sector work.

Things were really starting to look up when the combined nations of Islam decided it would be a good time to take out their old enemy, Israel.

Marty and Ron were busy assembling a green house and Martha and June were washing clothes when Mr. Johnson drove up.

“Afternoon, Mr. Johnson,” said Marty. “To what do we owe the pleasure.”

“These confounded solar things are about to drive me crazy. Could one of you fellers give me a hand and help me figure out exactly what I'm doing.” asked Johnson?

“We will be glad to,” said Roy. “We are just about finished here, and we came get started on your solar first thing in the morning.”

“Well I sure would appreciate it, seems the more we do the behinder we get,” said Johnson.

Next morning, bright and early, Ron and Marty jumped in Marty's old Ford and headed out to Johnson's place. When they got there, they saw that Johnson and his boys had completely covered to roof of the barn in solar cells. Only problem was they had covered the North facing side.

“Sorry to be the one to tell you, Mr. Johnson, but they are all gonna have to come back down.” said Marty

“Are you sure,” asked Johnson?

“Either that or we need to turn your barn around.” laughed Ron.

“All the panels need to be facing South,” said Marty. “The pitch of your barn roof is close enough to where we need to be for this latitude, but the panels need to be facing South to get the most benefit from them.”

“Tell you what, Me and Ron will help you and boys get everything turned around and then we will start fresh on the wiring tomorrow.” said Marty.


Veteran Member
Chapter 25​

Marty and Ron got up from the breakfast table and Marty told Martha they would probably be down at Mr. Johnson's for most of the day, helping Mr. Johnson and the boys get their solar up and running. Martha reminded Marty they had a lot to get done themselves, and that charity began at home. Marty told her he had a plan and he hoped to use Mr. Johnson's track hoe to get it done.

“Why don't you just get your own track hoe, and while your at it, if we are going to be farming on a larger scale, why don't you upgrade all your farm equipment,” Martha said.

Marty leaned over and kissed her on her cheek and said, “I knew there was a reason I kept you all these years. Gotta run, we will be back this afternoon. Keep your eyes open and if you have any more of those brilliant ideas, write 'em down.”

When Marty and his brother arrived at the Johnson place, it was apparent the boys and Mr, Johnson had been hard at it. Over half of the panels had been wired and this time they were facing the right way.

“Hello on the roof,” shouted Marty. “Looks like you guys don't need us.”

“Well it seems like pointing them in the right direction sure helped the output,” laughed Bruce, the oldest son. We can still use some help with the controller and batteries, if you fellows don't mind.”

“Glad to do it,” said Ron. “The main thing from a safety stand point is to make sure there is a disconnect between the cells and the controller and batteries. These solar cells don't have an on off switch and if the sun is shining on them they are hot.”

The pallet of batteries had been moved into an unused shed next to the house and Marty and Ron began wiring the parallel/series configuration to get the right voltage and amperage. The large inverters were wired to the batteries and when the final connections had been made and everything had been checked two or three time, Marty let Mr. Johnson close the switch that let the sun powered electricity into the house.

“Its a damn miracle,” said Mr. Johnson. “Something as simple as sunlight and now we can run the refrigerator and freezers again.”

“Watch you meters, and keep your batteries above eighty percent. It will take a day or so to get them up to full power, and after that, you should be fine. You have enough cells and batteries to power three houses this size. When we get time, we will hook up the wind generators and they will help keep the batteries hot on cloudy days,” explained Marty. “Now, I got a favor to ask you. I need to get some bedding soil for the green houses and I wondered if we could borrow one of your boys. We are going to the truck stop and get a couple of dump trucks and then to the co-op to load them with bedding mix. We sure could use Caleb to run the track hoe to fill the trucks.”

“No problem at all,” said Johnson, “that boy is a natural on the hoe.”

“Well then, we are going to get out of here,” said Marty, “if you have any questions about the solar, let me know.” and with that the three of them loaded up in Marty's truck and were gone.

When they got to the truck stop, the hackles on the back of Marty's neck stood up. Instead of stopping, he continued on by. As he was pulling away, he noticed a glint in his side mirror. Jerking the steering wheel to one side, he heard the unmistakeable whap, as the bullet creased the driver's side door. He floored it and made it around a curve putting them out of the line of fire. He told Caleb to grab the wheel and get the truck out of sight as he and Ron, grabbed their rifles and hit the woods to approach the truck stop from the back side. Caleb, moved the truck off into the bushes and made sure it couldn't be noticed from the road. Ron and Marty had closed the distance back to the truck stop and then split up hoping to flank the shooter. What they saw when they finally spotted the shooter nearly made them laugh. A young boy, no more than 5 years old, was lying under a truck and had his rifle at the ready. A smaller girl was sitting beside him.

“We give up,” yelled Marty. “Don't shoot.”

“Put your hand up,” came the small voice from underneath the truck.

“OK,” said Marty, “we don't want any trouble.”

While the young boy was watching Marty, who was taking his time getting over to the boy, Ron was silently coming up behind the desperate pair. Marty stopped once to pretend to tie his boot, and then another time, he pretended to find something on the ground. The boys attention was riveted to the man and he never noticed Ron had picked up the little girl from behind him and with his hand firmly over the little girl's mouth, he moved her to safety. Meanwhile Marty closed the distance until he was within arm's reach of the boy.

“Looks like your sister is gone,” said Marty.

As the young boy looked back to make sure his sister was OK, Marty grabbed the barrel of the rifle and not to gently took it away from the kid.

“Gimme that back,” screamed the kid. “That was my paw's rifle.”