The Lull Before the Social Storm

Snipe Hunter

Veteran Member
The Lull Before the Social Storm
Jack D. Douglas

Vast social revolutions and wars are often preceded by periods of giving up on reforms, despairing withdrawal from public life by the best and brightest, and even peacefulness which seems to have become the normal condition in spite of deep conflicts and growing crises beneath the surfaces of public life. Often, earlier periods of intense conflicts and crises have been overcome and resolved, so it comes to look like that is the normal in life.

This lulls most people into assuming their worse fears cannot happen, but this leads them to lowering their guards against growing conflicts and crises, so small ones can more easily cascade down into massive ones. If people expected they could become vast wars or revolutions or implosions, they would take more precautions to prevent that. But when lulled in expecting the worst cannot happen, the worst than they could ever imagine often explodes suddenly.

The cataclysmic French Revolution came after many decades of attempted reforms and conflicts which people had come to think of as unending. It started with new attempts at reforms, then incidents that did not seem so important, then all of it a sudden it exploded. WWI came after so many decades of peace in Europe, in spite of imperial conflicts around the world and an arms race, that most people thought a major war was impossible. Then a single murder in the far away Balkans set in motion an explosive cascade of events that led to a cataclysmic war. The Russian Revolution was preceded by such a long "lull" encouraged by European peace and reforms by the tsar that even Lenin was near despair and was living abroad.

After several years of WWI and growing poverty at home, the Russian front imploded and a small event at home triggered a revolution that started small and democratic and then exploded into one of the vastest social revolutions in history. The beginning of WWII on the crucial German-French front was so quiet for so many months after France and Britain had declared war on Germany after it invaded Poland that it was called the "Sitzen Krieg" in Germany, the sit-down war, then it exploded as Germany invaded through the Ardennes. This was repeated near the end of the war as Germany built up its forces secretly for attacking through the Ardennes again.

The American Revolution looked very unlikely until that fateful British march to Concord and Lexington to enforce gun control laws. Then it exploded. The conflicts between the North and South had been so intense for so many decades, off and on, and then resolved again and again by major compromises that the Ante-Bellum period of the 1850's seemed another replay of that scenario.

Then all of a sudden there was a small incident near Charleston, moves to secession, calling up the Northern troops and an explosion of war vastly more ghastly than Americans imagined possible. War between Japan and Germany and the U.S. had been put off so many times and so long that Pearl Harbor came as quite a shock to most Americans. The 9/11 attacks on the U.S. were just as shocking all over again.

In the early years of this new century, the U.S. had used soaring paper money and paper-asset inflation to fuel a great Bubble and apparent "prosperity" over twenty years and repeated crises [1980, 1987, 1990, 2000] were ended by pumping out more paper money and inflating assets [both paper and houses after the Nasdaq Crash in 2000] that the Fed and almost all economists and Bankers and speculators declared we had entered an Age of The Great Moderation in which financial crises were impossible, as Bernanke declared with gusto.

Then housing and stocks started slowly cascading down, then did so more rapidly, then one Big Bank was hit by a sudden crisis and had to be "saved" from implosion, then others followed, then suddenly one weekend Lehman imploded and the the whole top of the U.S. financial system imploded and had to be taken over by the U.S. to save it from what looked like total implosion. The Great Moderation was suddenly replaced by The Greatest Global Financial Crisis in history. Europe and the

By pouting out vast and soaring trillions and using vast distortions of the System [such as Quantitative Easing by the Fed] to hold the System up, they managed in the past several years to stop the accelerating cascade down and have kept it bumping along the bottom in official statistics like the GDP and unemployment, while the debts and distortions and all the real crises keep growing. The apparent bump up in the official stats on GDP are an illusion, below the real rate of inflation for GDP, while real unemployment and all the other real economic crises keep growing.

We're now in a lull before a vast, revolutionary storm. The U.S. is sinking faster and faster in all the ways vital to the future of our society, from the The Great Global Economic-Financial Crisis which the U.S. produced with insane Big Bank speculations and corruption to educational decline and bureaucratic strangulation to losing imperials wars around the world to political deadlock.

I'm sure any intelligent American who is honest with himself can quickly write down a long list of the crucial ways in which the U.S. is declining now. Maybe half of Americans are too ignorant about the world or lack the intelligence to see all of this Big Picture of Crisis and Decline. They are confused and mad and despairing and see no way out, but assume the Republicrat System will go on and on and are trying merely to fit in and keep or get a job with a livable wage for them and their families. Even some knowledgeable and intelligent people see what is happening but see no exit and despair and simply withdraw and hide from it all, implicitly or explicitly assuming The System will just keep getting worse and worse and never end.

But nations, like individuals and groups and companies, cannot simply drift downward faster and faster into worse and worse crises they patch up but cannot escape or reverse. We've been doing that now for decades, as France and Russia did before their vast social Revolutions, as the nations did during long decades of peaceful imperial conflicts before the utterly immense conflicts of the American Civil War, WWI and WWII. There comes a time finally when the accelerating crises and sufferings and rages become too much to bear and something, often a seemingly small event like a murder of a young man in the Balkans, or an attack by "hotheads" on a small fort near Charleston, sets off an explosive cascade of events that quickly leads to a

The U.S. is now rushing downward along all vital dimensions of social life. If this continues much longer, the U.S. will simply implode and that will lead to vast social revolution or revolutions. But maybe the vast social revolution will come before implosion.

The one thing we can be sure of is that we have sunk so far so long and are now accelerating down so fast that this cannot continue long without producing an implosion or a vast social revolution.

November 7, 2012

Jack D. Douglas [send him mail] is a retired professor of sociology from the University of California at San Diego. He has published widely on all major aspects of human beings, most notably The Myth of the Welfare State.

Copyright © 2012 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.


Veteran Member
This last election was our last great hope for a substantive change. Since the fraudulent re-appointment (via rigged elections) of the Marxist Moron in the White House, I've become something close to despondent. My father was a WW2 veteran and so were my friend's fathers.

We know the stories of how Hitler took over Europe. We know how this ends.

And I can't find a way to shake off this funk.

It's a beautiful day here in Hampton Roads, but I feel like I'm living in an occupied land now. It all feels so messed up.


Thanks good read.

I think we deer hunters will rise up first, but sad to say we will be mowed down like grass under a lawn mower, or at least that's what i've heard/read.


Veteran Member
"By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.":usfl:

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
This last election was our last great hope for a substantive change. Since the fraudulent re-appointment (via rigged elections) of the Marxist Moron in the White House, I've become something close to despondent. My father was a WW2 veteran and so were my friend's fathers.

We know the stories of how Hitler took over Europe. We know how this ends.

And I can't find a way to shake off this funk.

It's a beautiful day here in Hampton Roads, but I feel like I'm living in an occupied land now. It all feels so messed up.

This election hasn't lost our opportunity for substantive change, it's guaranteed it.

By this I mean that this country is on the express path to ruin. Although I would have preferred it, Romney was just a choice on a slower path. This country will fail and we'll endure a cataclysm. Hopefully those remaining will be able to rebuild at least one region as a true Constitutional Republic.

Even the dipshits in the MSM acknowledge that the country is still deeply divided and the rancor is growing more bitter by the day. Will the Progressives overreach and provoke a backlash that takes this country down or will the economic tsunami overtake us first, bringing ruin, chaos and mayhem?

I don't know, but my bet is on the economic collapse leading to social collapse and regionally autonomous areas that will dictate their terms of relations to a desperate and failed Central Government.

Jeff B.


Southern by choice
"I don't know, but my bet is on the economic collapse leading to social collapse and regionally autonomous areas that will dictate their terms of relations to a desperate and failed Central Government."

Or something along that line...I too cannot shake the funk that came with the loss of Romney. Maybe we felt that if he won, we had a little hope left for us all. Now that it's gone, that last little hope (whether real or imagined only) has left us feeling adrift. We all see what's's just all timing from here. Will it be another civil war splitting us along red/blue lines? Or will it be a econ collapse? What form will it take when it comes? That's my last question. There are no more to be answered any longer. Yep, despondent seems to be the word.


Snipe Hunter

Veteran Member
This election hasn't lost our opportunity for substantive change, it's guaranteed it.

By this I mean that this country is on the express path to ruin. Although I would have preferred it, Romney was just a choice on a slower path. This country will fail and we'll endure a cataclysm. Hopefully those remaining will be able to rebuild at least one region as a true Constitutional Republic.

Even the dipshits in the MSM acknowledge that the country is still deeply divided and the rancor is growing more bitter by the day. Will the Progressives overreach and provoke a backlash that takes this country down or will the economic tsunami overtake us first, bringing ruin, chaos and mayhem?

I don't know, but my bet is on the economic collapse leading to social collapse and regionally autonomous areas that will dictate their terms of relations to a desperate and failed Central Government.

Jeff B.

Kinda like this....???

"The national egg is slowly cracking, a heads up, from David Madisonstyle.

Remember the Russian economist that predicted the USA would break down into various United States versus the US Central Government? How could that happen? Well, here are the seeds planted for the conflict called nullification.

If the central government passes a law that exceeds its ceiling of power as described in the Constitution, the individual states have a right to refuse to obey it. Claiming rights today is a very dangerous act. Claim the right of Warrant and see what happens to you when the local or federal swat guys come through the door. By the way they are trained that the first thing they shoot are your dogs.

What many have feared for so long is developing right in front of your eyes." - Jim Sinclair

Read the rest here:


Time Traveler
What has happened is that your eyes have been opened to reality, I believe the feelings of oppression are being experienced by many. Skull & bones, bilderberg romney would have been no better than oboingo, the same agenda is in place no matter who sits in the honorary POTUS seat. That the socialist romney was even selected out of millions of real, Constitutional Republic supporting Americans, as was the socialist traitor mccain, should tell you something, perhaps it has and it's just now bubbling up in your consciousness. A romney appointment would have allowed good Americans to buy into the myth that the Emperor is wearing his finery, there is hope for a return to the good old days, for another few years as irreparable damage is being done to our Constitution. Recall what was done under the "conservative" bush, jr.

This dismal feeling is what we should have felt even before klinton was appointed. Is it possible that God has allowed oboingo to be official figurehead so we will increase our cries to Him to intervene in our nation's affairs? Would we feel so desperate if romney was there? I don't think so, even though he really is just as evil and politically corrupt as oboingo, they all have the same boss. See what they did with Benghazi? Nothing? Acts of war and murder were committed against our people and soil as those who could have stopped it watched it live and did nothing, facts came out and were buried by congress. Obvious vote fraud occurred on Tuesday, and they sit and do nothing because they all benefit in some way by turning a blind eye. They are all complicit, guilty, it's not coincidence that they are all committing traitorous acts by remaining silent. Extreme evil sits in deecee.

Feel bad! Feel despondent! It's your subconscious telling you to get on your knees and pray to God for His mercy, so He can be glorified. If things were just a little bad, and He moved, few would recognize His involvement. When things are severe and He moves, all see, all marvel. Ponder His great acts throughout history, most often they were when humanity was at the precipice of destruction or disaster.

Pray for God's deliverance of this nation from the grip of satan, but be wise, the antichrist steps in at the peak of global economic and war catastrophes and sets things to rights in nearly supernatural fashion, for which people set him up as the long awaited messiah-he will not protect a Christian nation as it is against his agenda and goals. We are close to that time. Our hope should not be in politicians but in God, who allowed oboingo to be re-appointed. Figure out why He allowed this and realize that "all things work to the good of those who love God and are the called according to His purpose".

My apologies if anyone thinks I'm striving to turn this into a religious thread, I'm not, but merely stating the truth as I see it.


WOW Flipper you and me are a lot alike in how we think about things like this, I promise I won't tell any one.:spns:


Southern by choice
I like your post Flipper! Yep, I have been praying a LOT more of late. It was long overdue. I see that now. And the scales that blinded are falling off. And here I thought that I was aware of things....I was so blinded. And your warning of the A/C? right on target....that could now become a big stumbling block for many....thanks.



Canadian Loonie
This election hasn't lost our opportunity for substantive change, it's guaranteed it.

People just need to be pushed far enough to where they will start to push back......the starting to push has commenced, but the pushees have not gone backwards enough to stumble, fall, pick themselves up and get angry.

After a couple of more years of the Obama admin. there will be many who will be at the picking themselves back up and getting angry stage - then you might be able to reclaim your Republic.

From the Canadian sidelines, I will be cheering for you.......


Veteran Member
Exactly Correct.


What has happened is that your eyes have been opened to reality, I believe the feelings of oppression are being experienced by many. Skull & bones, bilderberg romney would have been no better than oboingo, the same agenda is in place no matter who sits in the honorary POTUS seat. That the socialist romney was even selected out of millions of real, Constitutional Republic supporting Americans, as was the socialist traitor mccain, should tell you something, perhaps it has and it's just now bubbling up in your consciousness. A romney appointment would have allowed good Americans to buy into the myth that the Emperor is wearing his finery, there is hope for a return to the good old days, for another few years as irreparable damage is being done to our Constitution. Recall what was done under the "conservative" bush, jr.

This dismal feeling is what we should have felt even before klinton was appointed. Is it possible that God has allowed oboingo to be official figurehead so we will increase our cries to Him to intervene in our nation's affairs? Would we feel so desperate if romney was there? I don't think so, even though he really is just as evil and politically corrupt as oboingo, they all have the same boss. See what they did with Benghazi? Nothing? Acts of war and murder were committed against our people and soil as those who could have stopped it watched it live and did nothing, facts came out and were buried by congress. Obvious vote fraud occurred on Tuesday, and they sit and do nothing because they all benefit in some way by turning a blind eye. They are all complicit, guilty, it's not coincidence that they are all committing traitorous acts by remaining silent. Extreme evil sits in deecee.

Feel bad! Feel despondent! It's your subconscious telling you to get on your knees and pray to God for His mercy, so He can be glorified. If things were just a little bad, and He moved, few would recognize His involvement. When things are severe and He moves, all see, all marvel. Ponder His great acts throughout history, most often they were when humanity was at the precipice of destruction or disaster.

Pray for God's deliverance of this nation from the grip of satan, but be wise, the antichrist steps in at the peak of global economic and war catastrophes and sets things to rights in nearly supernatural fashion, for which people set him up as the long awaited messiah-he will not protect a Christian nation as it is against his agenda and goals. We are close to that time. Our hope should not be in politicians but in God, who allowed oboingo to be re-appointed. Figure out why He allowed this and realize that "all things work to the good of those who love God and are the called according to His purpose".

My apologies if anyone thinks I'm striving to turn this into a religious thread, I'm not, but merely stating the truth as I see it.


Computer Hacking Pirate
It's no accident that the century of war has coincided with the century of central banking.

The bankers will have their war when they choose. And they will demand that your kids and grandkids go off to fight for the bankers' profits.

And the sheep will acquiesce to the bankers wishes.

War is difficult to fight when honest money is used. But it's much easier to have a war when money is conjured from nothing - which is why the bankers and politicians like paper money, and hate gold!

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
This last election was our last great hope for a substantive change.

With ROMNEY as the other candidate? Puhleeeeeeaaaaaaase.... :rolleyes:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Waking up HURTS. Or, to borrow a metaphor from the addiction-recovery people, hitting bottom HURTS. Giving up illusions, like "we'll have a little more time" or, "we can still turn this thing around politically", HURTS.

It's supposed to hurt, because pain serves two functions in any organism--- it's a warning, and it's a motivator.

Then comes the healing process, which means more pain, lots of "physical therapy" (working the muscles of freedom and self-reliance), and embracing uncertainty. We don't know how this is going to work out. We do know big changes are at the door.

But we do know God is still on His throne, and He has out eternal best interests at heart. The current system is corrupt to the core and cannot continue.

And this: "Our hope should not be in politicians but in God, who allowed oboingo to be re-appointed. Figure out why He allowed this and realize that "all things work to the good of those who love God and are the called according to His purpose". There's truth there.
Last edited:


Girls With Guns Member
I was pretty disillusioned this last few days and not with the elections but with many people on this board. I really hoped the majority had opened their eyes but found they had not and when they had turned their anger towards those of us who care deeply for our country and planet and each other it was shocking to me. It clearly showed me why we are headed in the direction we are. I almost wanted to give up and go galt myself but I also knew given some time and the level headedness of many other members here, it would turn the tide eventually. Your post Flippper said it all and made me want to post once again. Thank you!

I had written something to post following the election but just wasn't of the mindset to do it until now. I will leave it here in hopes it will help others understand where people like me who didn't support the status quo feel and why we do what we do.

Have you ever stopped and thought about WHY so many people are being gouged to death paying health premiums while the "entitlement" crowd get it for free? Seriously think about this. Why the extremes? WHY couldn't the price of health care be a reasonable price and everyone pay a fair share? Why? Because that doesn't enslave you or create a class division to make you think it's someone else's fault.

How bout all the banks that were "too big to fail" and yet it would of been far cheaper to pay off everyone's mortgage. No, the purpose was to enslave all of us, make us blame each other and steal property at the same time not to mention the windfall those at the top created for themselves in consolidating resources, grabbing bonus's and all kinds of financial growth.

It's not about the people getting entitlements. It's about the TOP DOGS playing one class of people against the other to keep all in servitude. If you're making money, they're going to take it one way or another. If you don't have money, you can be used as a tool to enslave the ones who do. TPTB are in control and your vote didn't matter and hasn't in a very long time, if ever. This is the dog and pony show.

What does matter and what some fail to see is you're still blaming others for not seeing what's right in front of your faces and for not standing up and demanding an end to the corruption. The "status quo" has been an ILLUSION all along. This is supposed to be the awakening that we've been talking about on this board for the last decade. It truly amazes me when people blame the poor. They couldn't take from you if those at the TOP didn't make it that way! You're pointing your fingers in the wrong direction.

The banksters run the world and the reason we are in this mess is because they want a war. They fund both sides and it's a win win situation for them. They get to eliminate a good share of the population and whoever's left standing will have to borrow more money to rebuild what they already had going deeper into debt to the same people who CREATED this mess. It's called USARY. Look it up.

Voting third party and for growing numbers not voting at all IS about principles and it sends a clear message to the two party system on how many people are alert to their game. It's not about the vote, and it's certainly not about "our feelings being crushed", it's about waking up to what's being done to us. Yet many of you go right along with the two party system like it's ok with you. It's not ok with me. They own it all already with thier corrupt system. Corruption in finances is the norm. Health care is sick care or worse. Criminalizing victumless acts and creating a police and survellience system. My God! It goes on and on and yet they have us fighting amoungst ourselves, blaming people for voting third party or for people getting free food and a frick'n phone. They have pulled the wool firmly over the eyes of people who believe that. It's about enslavement, population control and/or elimination and in keeping the blame game pointed in other directions then where it actually belongs.

Once you even for a minute stop looking at the details of all the chaos and focus on the big picture, it all falls neatly in place. We are all being used one way or another to reach a defined goal and that goal seems to be headed exactly as Flippper pointed out as does the Bible. All I can say is plan accordingly.



Justine Case
Exellent post Vicki! And glad to see you're back. I was going to give you a couple more days to cool down, then was going to come after you. :lol:
Just wait til the 'REPARATIONS' issue comes up. (slavery reparations)

That will likely prove to be the most contentious undoing of the 'Union' ever...and WILL bankrupt the country in short order.

re: Vicki, above - the corruption will NEVER end - it's baked into the system.


On TB every waking moment
What does matter and what some fail to see is you're still blaming others for not seeing what's right in front of your faces and for not standing up and demanding an end to the corruption. The "status quo" has been an ILLUSION all along. This is supposed to be the awakening that we've been talking about on this board for the last decade. It truly amazes me when people blame the poor. They couldn't take from you if those at the TOP didn't make it that way! You're pointing your fingers in the wrong direction.

'Divide and conquer' is the oldest game in political control, and many here (and in the nation at large) are happily playing along for all they are worth.

Shooting Star

Veteran Member
I was already feeling down, then I ran into my tax accountant at the grocery store - she said "hold on sister, because we are in for the ride of our life". I felt like throwing up - in the middle of isle #2.


On TB every waking moment
My predictions follow the trajectory of California in the past 25 years. Family production farms and ranches will be obsolete within 20 years. Most of the boomer farmers/ranchers will have died and their children will not replace them. The values necessary to sustain family ag will have been completely demonized by the ruling majority as more and more urbanites become disassociated with the basic process of obtaining food, fiber, minerals and energy resources. Ironicaly, cosmopolitan urbanites will become more and more dependent upon corporations and governmental distribution of resources. The new "social license" will evolve to acceptance of a much lower standard of living and greater dependence on the collective. Corporate ag will destroy soil fertility and control and own the very DNA of our food crops.

Rural land will be assimilated into natural reserves and rewilding will have been substantially accomplished. Mining will become prohibitive under massive regulations. Predators such as wolves, cougars and bears will be unchecked as control mechanisms such as hunting/trapping them or pack dog tracking are prohibited as unsavory to urban sensibilities. The forests will be on a trajectory of seral stage reset. Massive wildfires will have taken vast areas back to brushlands that will take a millenium to recover (unless the changed hydrology resets them permanently.) Sediment will choke streams, but all hydropower dams will have been removed. (This will also bring the demise of irrigated ag in Western breadbaskets such as the Central Valley of CA.) Forest communities will become inhospitable to human famiies due to extreme fire hazard, smoke, predation, lack of security and other services and inaccessibility.

Roads in rural areas will no longer be maintained as the historic timber receipts and Secure Rural Schools and Communities money sunsets and there is no money to maintain them. Expensive snow plowing of passes will go first, making western communities inaccessible in winter. Rural County budgets will no longer support adequate law enforcement and Cartels will have a greater presence in rural areas manufacturing meth and growing pot.

Farming will either be by huge international conglomerates, tiny local boutique organic subscription services or import. People will be driven into urban centers and access to natural resources will become highly unstable. We will be drawn into more and more foreign wars to protect food and fiber resources similar to the wars we now fight to protect petroleum resources.

The country is now about evenly split into two major different world views. Unfortunately, the one in power intends to force its world view on the other through regulatory subjugation. The past 25 years have shown that it will not tolerate the coexistence of the what I will call rural world view of individual liberty and independence. Only communitarianism, centralization and top down control will be permitted to prevail.


Justine Case
I was already feeling down, then I ran into my tax accountant at the grocery store - she said "hold on sister, because we are in for the ride of our life". I felt like throwing up - in the middle of isle #2.

You were only given a small piece of the pie. But don't let her/his comment get you down. The ride of your life may not even be close to what your accountant believes. Just need to be ready. And just like everything else tptb try to terrify us with. It ain't happening! It seems like every one of their nasty plans to destroy much of the world,has folded for now.

Now WHO could do that, or would? Someone said they hope all those heading for their survival bunkers, may just find them their new permanent home. Yep, something will tell them, "This is it. Everybody take cover." And they do, which would lock all us peons out. And, lock them in! for a lesson they will never be able to forget. Lotta' karma they are all racking up and due to Gods Law of balance, these idiots will have to pay back every single thing they owe. That could take a while. My guess would be around 25,000 years. Maybe longer. Or if their atrocities are too nasty like imprisoning billions of souls, it could be decided to just wipe them out of existence.

Sorry. Once in a while I try to tell it like it is. LOL


Veteran Member
Straight up!!!!


I was pretty disillusioned this last few days and not with the elections but with many people on this board. I really hoped the majority had opened their eyes but found they had not and when they had turned their anger towards those of us who care deeply for our country and planet and each other it was shocking to me. It clearly showed me why we are headed in the direction we are. I almost wanted to give up and go galt myself but I also knew given some time and the level headedness of many other members here, it would turn the tide eventually. Your post Flippper said it all and made me want to post once again. Thank you!

I had written something to post following the election but just wasn't of the mindset to do it until now. I will leave it here in hopes it will help others understand where people like me who didn't support the status quo feel and why we do what we do.

Have you ever stopped and thought about WHY so many people are being gouged to death paying health premiums while the "entitlement" crowd get it for free? Seriously think about this. Why the extremes? WHY couldn't the price of health care be a reasonable price and everyone pay a fair share? Why? Because that doesn't enslave you or create a class division to make you think it's someone else's fault.

How bout all the banks that were "too big to fail" and yet it would of been far cheaper to pay off everyone's mortgage. No, the purpose was to enslave all of us, make us blame each other and steal property at the same time not to mention the windfall those at the top created for themselves in consolidating resources, grabbing bonus's and all kinds of financial growth.

It's not about the people getting entitlements. It's about the TOP DOGS playing one class of people against the other to keep all in servitude. If you're making money, they're going to take it one way or another. If you don't have money, you can be used as a tool to enslave the ones who do. TPTB are in control and your vote didn't matter and hasn't in a very long time, if ever. This is the dog and pony show.

What does matter and what some fail to see is you're still blaming others for not seeing what's right in front of your faces and for not standing up and demanding an end to the corruption. The "status quo" has been an ILLUSION all along. This is supposed to be the awakening that we've been talking about on this board for the last decade. It truly amazes me when people blame the poor. They couldn't take from you if those at the TOP didn't make it that way! You're pointing your fingers in the wrong direction.

The banksters run the world and the reason we are in this mess is because they want a war. They fund both sides and it's a win win situation for them. They get to eliminate a good share of the population and whoever's left standing will have to borrow more money to rebuild what they already had going deeper into debt to the same people who CREATED this mess. It's called USARY. Look it up.

Voting third party and for growing numbers not voting at all IS about principles and it sends a clear message to the two party system on how many people are alert to their game. It's not about the vote, and it's certainly not about "our feelings being crushed", it's about waking up to what's being done to us. Yet many of you go right along with the two party system like it's ok with you. It's not ok with me. They own it all already with thier corrupt system. Corruption in finances is the norm. Health care is sick care or worse. Criminalizing victumless acts and creating a police and survellience system. My God! It goes on and on and yet they have us fighting amoungst ourselves, blaming people for voting third party or for people getting free food and a frick'n phone. They have pulled the wool firmly over the eyes of people who believe that. It's about enslavement, population control and/or elimination and in keeping the blame game pointed in other directions then where it actually belongs.

Once you even for a minute stop looking at the details of all the chaos and focus on the big picture, it all falls neatly in place. We are all being used one way or another to reach a defined goal and that goal seems to be headed exactly as Flippper pointed out as does the Bible. All I can say is plan accordingly.


My Adonai

Veteran Member

I concur Vicki! well said. You left us with a statement at the end of your writing, and I ask you a question back (and yes, I am a prepper of about 10years now): How are you 'planning accordingly'? (You don't need to be ultra-specific here, but generally does one prepare for what's upcoming if we don't know exactly what form the enemy is going to take?) Also, with your permission, I'm copying your post and sending it to those who need to 'get it'.

Chair Warmer

Membership Revoked
Voting third party and for growing numbers not voting at all IS about principles and it sends a clear message to the two party system on how many people are alert to their game. It's not about the vote, and it's certainly not about "our feelings being crushed", it's about waking up to what's being done to us.


When so many people depend on the continuation of the system for their very survival, then yes, it is about being crushed.

When you can live independently from the system, it's much easier to "cut the cord" and free yourself from it.

But when you depend on that system for a job, food, fuel, shelter, and healthcare... then you're stuck with no way out.

Telling people to "cut the cord" when it could very well kill them,... no, that's not going to work out.