POL Trump in a Landslide In 2020: Here's Why


Membership Revoked

By Dave Ball

September 2, 2019

"How does one know what the voting public thinks?

Once upon a time, long, long ago, public opinion polls may have reflected, however faintly, some generalization of public opinion. For a multitude of reasons, that is no longer true. To demonstrate that point, compare the August 29 Rasmussen poll showing President Trump’s approval rating of 47 percent with the Quinnipiac reported approval rating of 38 percent. Even more irrational are the Quinnipiac poll result that whatever is left of Joe Biden would beat Trump 54 percent to 38 percent in a general election and the Economist poll number that asserts that 55 percent of the public thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction. It is a near certainty that none of those numbers reflects reality.

So, discarding the meaningless political polls, I went to the most accurate opinion poll I am aware of for my pre-quadrennial presidential forecast: the Washington County (Pa.) Agricultural Fair.

After my 2016 visit to the fair, I reported that Trump was going to win Washington County big. Why? Enthusiasm was enormous. Trump hats were everywhere. People were wearing Trump shirts and Trump pins. These were not all registered Republicans, either. There was a large booth selling Trump merchandise and doing a land office business. There was no similar Clinton enterprise. The parking lot really told the story. Literally thousands of pickup trucks, gun racks behind the seats, many with Trump stickers and campaign messages on bumpers and tailgates. Mixed in were Mercedes and Lexus, many with similar stickers. If Mercedes and Lexus made gun racks, they would have had those, too.

The County Fair Poll was pretty accurate. Washington County turned out big: nearly 75 percent of its registered voters went to the polls, and they voted for President Trump with 60 percent of the vote. That means a lot of registered Democrats voted for President Trump.

What does the early forecast for 2020 look like based on the 2019 Washington County Fair? It looks as if President Trump will do even better than 2016. I have never seen such enthusiasm, especially so far before an election. More than 75,000 people attended the fair, and the crowd was a sea of MAGA and KAG hats, Trump shirts, Trump pins, you name it. This was Trump country, no doubt about it.

The Washington County Republican Party had a large booth at the fair, as it always does. The booth was a big attraction from morning to night. During the evenings, there were consistently large groups of people at the booth. Some just wanted to talk about how the president’s policies were helping their businesses. Others talked about pay raises, still others about how the president was keeping his promises. Results matter to these people, and they are seeing results. Family and country matter to these people, and they see their families and their country better off under President Trump. Many who stopped wanted their picture taken with the “Don and Melania” cutout.

Many wanted to register to vote or to change their registration to Republican. Many of the registrations and changes were twenty-somethings, which is telling. Many others wanted to sign up to work for the party.

If we had Trump signs available, we could have given out a thousand or more to people who wanted to put them in their yards that day. Some 400 people joined the party as active workers. There were two booths this year selling Trump merchandise. In total, this far exceeded what we saw several months before the 2016 election. Imagine what it will be at this time next year.

Across the aisle from us was the Democratic Party booth. It is no exaggeration to say it was mostly empty. There was no enthusiasm or energy on the other side.

President Trump delivers results, and that’s what people want. He keeps promises, and that’s what people want. He defends our families, our people, and our nation. That’s what people want. People simply are not buying the socialist pond scum the Democrats are trying to sell. People want more jobs, not fewer jobs. They want lower taxes, not higher taxes. They want to make their own choices, not have the government run their lives. That’s why the Democrats’ booth was empty.

Looking around the crowd, the uniform of the day was work boots, jeans, tee-shirts, and ball caps. Those who were not sporting Trump gear were obviously well familiar with John Deere, Kubota, a number of seed companies, Remington, Winchester, the NRA, and John 3:16.

The parking lot was full of pickup trucks because these are working people. They drive America. They are directly impacted by what people at all levels of government do — not in a theoretical or philosophical way, but in a very real way. Government policy and action are, to them, their jobs and their families’ security. They work hard, and they expect other people to do the same. They are not looking for handouts or free stuff. They are looking for the opportunity to thrive because they earn it. Many have fought for their country or have relatives who have, and they do not react well to those who disrespect this great nation. They keep their promises and expect the people they elect to do the same. Most importantly, these people vote.

In 2016, the people of Washington County turned out in huge numbers and overwhelmingly voted for President Trump because they like what he promised and believed he would deliver on those promises. The president has delivered on his promises, and people are measurably better off: more people have better jobs; they are more secure; the economy is doing well; and, despite constant Democratic obstruction, progress is being made in many other areas.

The 2019 Washington County Fair is an early poll on how people are reacting to what the president has delivered and how they intend to vote in 2020. The Washington County Fair Poll says President Trump will carry Washington County by a huge majority; what we see here will also be true in many other areas of Pennsylvania. The president will carry Pennsylvania handily. I suspect that the same will be true in many other states."


Dave Ball is a voice for conservatism, the author of conservative political commentary, a guest on political talk shows, an elected official, and a county party official.


Since 2001
All true, I think, but I would temper that enthusiasm for two reasons - 1. still no indictments, arrests, trials or imprisonment of anyone of any stature in the deep state, and 2. he's taking responsibility (wrongly) for what he claims is a 'great' economy; when it collapses, he'll also get the blame (wrongly, again) for it.

Trivium Pursuit

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Voter fraud is a huge danger. That said, the fact that droves of 20-somethings were changing parties to Rep and volunteering is just amazing good news. Talk about info that would make leftist heads explode...that's one of their biggest target markets...


Veteran Member
the Dems/MSM need to find a way to intimidate the voters in the polling booths, cuz they'be been trying to intimidate them everywhere else

Ben Sunday

Yes, I do also and I hope news like this doesn't make people complacent.

We really need to completely obliterate the left wing policies at the polls.

Spot on! Things look good at this time, certainly, but it is far too early to make decisive victory predictions. Yes, complacency is a definite risk when the feel good essays start to multiply.

Long way to go to Election Day 2020.
Yes, I do also and I hope news like this doesn't make people complacent.

We really need to completely obliterate the left wing policies at the polls.

What we SHOULD do is eliminate the funding sources and international globalist puppeteers who are behind all of this communist rhetoric and mayhem, coming from the left.

"They" should know, clearly, that "we" are coming for their heads - no quarter given.

This is a war, to be sure - but it is a different type of war than we have been taught to understand - no less deadly, in its attempted results, however, and not to be misunderstood in the seriousness and utter danger it presents to our great Republic.

"Wipe them out - ALL of them."



Veteran Member
Regardless, we are merely putting off the inevitable. If he wins we will have 4 more yrs to prepare, the left will carry the following election for sure. And that will be that my friends. America is gone, replaced by this place that we find ourselves today, homo land, muzzie land, black land. Time is precious and ticking away. I'm hurrying with some late to the game items that I need to get ready. I hope he wins, but I'm not holding my breath, the cheating will be huge next nov.


Veteran Member
Well, Reagan was a two-termer, and his VP, Bush, won the next election. If the economy is good, and things running smoothly, it wouldn't be a far stretch to think Pence might get in.

The Hammer

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hope he's right, but go into 2020 assuming he's not.

Best to fight like an underdog than be all smug about your chances...


Country exile in the city
The people who THINK...


will RATIONALLY consider all the Democrat platforms....

And either not vote at all, or vote for Trump.

But then you have the MILLIONS

who are like my 90-year-old Mother-in-Law---

Who are AGAINST all the POLICIES they see around them--like unbridled immigration, welfare fraud, etc.---

but CAN NOT and WILL NOT rationally MAKE THE CONNECTION between Democrat POLICIES and DEMOCRATS---

and like the myrmidon she is, she WILL MINDLESSLY VOTE DEMOCRAT--AGAIN---because that is what she has ALWAYS done

what her HUSBAND did...

what her PARENTS did....

what her Grandparents and Great-Grandparents did...

and so like a lemming she will CONTINUE to mindlessly VOTE DEMOCRAT

and then wonder why things "have gotten so bad" as the Democrats DO what Democrats DO...


And there are millions

and millions

more myrmidon lemmings out there

just like her.

I hope he's right, too.


Veteran Member

I disagree with you somewhat. Those who vote for the Democrats are thinking. They are thinking about all the "free" stuff they will get. I will get my college loans paid off. I will get free college. I will get free healthcare. I will get guaranteed income. I will get free _______. Think back to the Obama phones.

I agree that they can't make the connection that it isn't all "free."



Faithful Steed

I disagree with you somewhat. Those who vote for the Democrats are thinking. They are thinking about all the "free" stuff they will get. I will get my college loans paid off. I will get free college. I will get free healthcare. I will get guaranteed income. I will get free _______. Think back to the Obama phones.

I agree that they can't make the connection that it isn't all "free."


Don't forget...

"And _____________(fill in the blank from the DNC Klown Car) will get back at ALL THE RICH FAT CATS" who own this country and make my life hard."

The aggrievement is strong in these humans. Nurtured, cultured, and pruned carefully since their first day of school until the present day.

Try to find a children's book that doesn't have a prog message. Try to find a magazine which doesn't alternate between prog message and feel good stories. Try to watch broadcast television without a majority of the actors in ads "of color."

"We (you humans) are all the same and we are equal" - but you are not, never will be, and can't be made equal by an outside force - as much as those progs would try.

And from that comes the aggrievement.



TB Fanatic
I don't trust any of these feel good stories. As others have said, there's a whole lot working against him too. The level of cheating will be through the roof ( illegals and a lot of other crap). Trump always seems to be one or two tweets away from a disaster. But so do the left, but they get away with it as the media campaign is on their side.

Just wait until the next media made up Trump bombshell hits. Just in time for the 2020 run.


Veteran Member
Well, Reagan was a two-termer, and his VP, Bush, won the next election. If the economy is good, and things running smoothly, it wouldn't be a far stretch to think Pence might get in.

i would rather see don jr. get elected after his dad so we would have Donald j trump in office for 16 years and Sr. as vice president..

the dems heads would go off like nukes we would see mushroom clouds every where..


Veteran Member
Trump is working too hard to appease the Brown vote. He needs to just quite talking about making their lives better and just talk about everyone. The FSA(free shit army) is always going to vote for free shit. He is alienating his core 1st time voters and 2nd time voters.

All of us older voters have experienced the disappointment in our candidate before. I'm concerned we may be witnessing a George H. Bush 2nd run disaster. The only saving grace is there's no dynamic Bill Clinton like candidate running against him.

I still think Trump wins and then 2024 it's all over demographiclly.


TB Fanatic
If you think the media is biased now, just wait to the campaigns heat up.
Famous last words, "you ain't seen nothing yet"

The OP is a feel good piece. It's dangerous because it engenders complacency
Sadly any realist will see that this country is growing more liberal and more leftist every day.
Get out of your damn bubble people. See where this country is going. And lets make sure that instead of reading feel good stories, we get off our ass and work to stop the slide to the left and socialism that has be accelerating, even after Trump got elected.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I hope the man is right, but...… The election is too far away, and anything can happen to ruin Trump's chances between now and then. There is nothing that I wouldn't put past the Democrats to try and pull off, either. They are hell bent on destroying the country. Their plans are evil continually.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Naegling, I must disagree with pretty much everything you said.

Trump isn’t “appeasing the brown vote”; he’s selling his accomplishments. Hitlery in 2012 tried to appease the browns. Actually, she tried to punk for the entire demographic. That didn’t work well for her.

And Bush Daddy lost because he absolutely promised “NO! NEW! TAXES!” Then raised taxes. People don’t forget.

Trump sent alienating anyone except the sky screamers, and do you realistically think a single one would vote for him anyway?

Geez, get real man...

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
It's coming down to demographics and ideology. The USA is hopelessly divided; what used to be common ground is vanishing.

The Left/Democrats/"people of color" will NEVER vote for Trump. Almost every media outlet is totally opposed to Trump.

Likewise, Trump supporters will NEVER vote for a Democrat.

The remaining "undecided category" is shrinking.

It then comes out to turn out your base on election day.

Trump's only hope is to repeat his Electoral College victory strategy. A Republican will never win the popular vote with the huge vote totals from the West Coast states automatically going to the Democrats.

That's why the Left is trying to eliminate the Electoral College; it's the only institution standing in its way to retain permanent power.

The only question in my mind is if the stock market can stay up long enough to the 2020 election?

Martin Armstrong has said that his computer program Socrates predicts that the losing side, whether Democrat or Republican, will not accept the election results.

von Koehler

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
Remember that this is the same congressional district that sent Connor Lamb to the House. That's PA politics folks.

RB Martin

Veteran Member
Regardless, we are merely putting off the inevitable. If he wins we will have 4 more yrs to prepare, the left will carry the following election for sure. And that will be that my friends. America is gone, replaced by this place that we find ourselves today, homo land, muzzie land, black land. Time is precious and ticking away. I'm hurrying with some late to the game items that I need to get ready. I hope he wins, but I'm not holding my breath, the cheating will be huge next nov.

It depends on how many of the totalitarian left are in jail...
Don't forget...

"And _____________(fill in the blank from the DNC Klown Car) will get back at ALL THE RICH FAT CATS" who own this country and make my life hard."

The aggrievement is strong in these humans. Nurtured, cultured, and pruned carefully since their first day of school until the present day.

Try to find a children's book that doesn't have a prog message. Try to find a magazine which doesn't alternate between prog message and feel good stories. Try to watch broadcast television without a majority of the actors in ads "of color."

"We (you humans) are all the same and we are equal" - but you are not, never will be, and can't be made equal by an outside force - as much as those progs would try.

And from that comes the aggrievement.


Good breakdown of the progressive marxist mindset/agenda.



Veteran Member
Naegling, I must disagree with pretty much everything you said.

Trump isn’t “appeasing the brown vote”; he’s selling his accomplishments. Hitlery in 2012 tried to appease the browns. Actually, she tried to punk for the entire demographic. That didn’t work well for her.

And Bush Daddy lost because he absolutely promised “NO! NEW! TAXES!” Then raised taxes. People don’t forget.

Trump sent alienating anyone except the sky screamers, and do you realistically think a single one would vote for him anyway?

Geez, get real man...

Your points are valid. But I am the father of 2 voting age Gen Z's and them and their friends online are not seeing it the way you are concerning the representation of accomplishments. He is turning off those voters. My kids are home schooled, so they are much more critical thinkers than the average voter. Having said this, they still intend voting Trump, but there are mistakes to be made with this group if he isn't careful.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Naegling - No person can be all things to all people. Trump is a disappointment to some who voted for him, and a hero to others. No true "critical thinkers" could possibly believe that voting for someone other than Trump is anything other than suicide for the Republic at this point in time. Not if they're conservatives. Personally, I'm not happy with Trump's braggadocio, and his allowing himself to be sidetracked by petty insults hurled by TDS sufferers. But I can't imagine anyone we need more at this moment in our history.

I hold the GOPe members of congress in utter contempt for blocking him from getting much done this term. They should be all dragged out and hung, and it shows the real problem in this country lies with establishment politiwhores.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
In my opinion, the 2020 Federal Election will come down to Three things:

One: How intense the Marxist Democrat, fake news media, Facebook etc CABAL efforts are to steal the election from Trump. The key issue will be if the Marxist Democrats are able to flip Florida, Texas, and Arizona. If they can flip those three states, the Marxist Democrats will win.

Two: How bad, or good the economy is, and whether the globalist elite can turn Trump into another Hoover. If they can, they win, and if they can't, Trump wins.


We will again be in the "lesser of two evils," Trump versus Warren, except the Deplorables will have watched the RINOS screw us, so let the Marxist Democrats win, and let the grenades fall where they may.

Texas, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin are LIKELY to vote blue in 2020 because Trump failed to engage on voter fraud, anybody remember Korbach from Kansas who Trump ignored, or Trump making any effort to rein in Democrat voter fraud? Nope.

As far as I am concerned, the 2020 election is the Marxist Democrats to LOOSE. Biden won't be the nominee, since the powers that be, rather incredibly in my opinion, are going with Warren. Sheesh, but she will get the millions of Marxist women votes and that will be it.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
I'm not so sure Texas won't vote blue in 2020. At least Governor Abbot, Senator Ted Cruz are taking Marxist Democrat voter fraud serious, unlike Trump. Further, there have been MULTIPLE stories about Democrat voter fraud being found out before the election. I also saw a story about how for every one new Republican voter being registered a staggering NINE, YES NINE Democrats were being registered to vote in 2020. The first one shows 95,000 fake voters alone.


Voter Fraud: Yes, Noncitizens Are Voting In Elections — Texas Just Proved It


Voter Fraud: When President Donald Trump brought up the idea that noncitizens were casting ballots in elections, the reaction was fast and furious. Such a thing, if it exists at all, is exceedingly rare, we were told. But when one state decided to take a close look, it found something quite different.

After a yearlong voter-fraud probe, Texas discovered that, lo and behold, 95,000 people identified as noncitizens had voter registrations. What's more, 58,000 of them voted in one or more Texas elections.

When Attorney General Ken Paxton led the state's investigation, he noted that Texas had already found 165 noncitizens in four counties who had cast 100 illegal votes in two years.

I can tell how massive the real effort by the Marxist Democrats really is by seeing all the whore news media attacks on the idea of Marxist Democrat voter fraud in Texas. Yep, as somebody says, you can tell who is really in control by seeing who you are forbidden to criticize.


Veteran Member
Anyone who thinks Trump will win in a landslide is a nut!

He may win, and I hope he does, but:

It will be a brutal, long, bitter, and CLOSE campaign. And we won't know the winner till the end. Maybe days after the vote.


Veteran Member
Naegling - No person can be all things to all people. Trump is a disappointment to some who voted for him, and a hero to others. No true "critical thinkers" could possibly believe that voting for someone other than Trump is anything other than suicide for the Republic at this point in time. Not if they're conservatives. Personally, I'm not happy with Trump's braggadocio, and his allowing himself to be sidetracked by petty insults hurled by TDS sufferers. But I can't imagine anyone we need more at this moment in our history.

I hold the GOPe members of congress in utter contempt for blocking him from getting much done this term. They should be all dragged out and hung, and it shows the real problem in this country lies with establishment politiwhores.

You're doing a good job on keeping the Trump ship righted Dennis on this forum. I do have great confidence the man will, in the end, do what's best for the country and we all will benefit.