VIDEO Tucker: Alarming Research About the Vaccine Coming Out


Veteran Member
Tucker quoting major studies that show that the immune system is weakened by the jabs makes this video science-based. The Corona thread has been on this theme for a while now ever since Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has gone viral with his message that this recent Covid outbreak will result in the collapse of hospitalization, especially when all the vaxxed medical workers can't go to work. He said that the more virulent stage is on the way.... mainly on those who've been vaxxed. Here is his website: Voice for Science and Solidarity by Geert Vanden Bossche

Here is a short clip of the Tucker video on twitter:


Country exile in the city
So are all the media outlets going to tell the world that they lied and colluded to push these deadly vaccines?
Is Congress going to tell the world that they lied and colluded to push these deadly vaccines?
Are the vaccine companies going to be forced into bankruptcy and the top people thrown into jail?

Or is none of that going to happen?
No one is going to jail.
No one is even going to be fired.
The media will say nothing.
The tech companies will not let anything about this on their platforms.
Nothing has changed from the beginning. Nothing will change.

The truth will not be spread

Unless WE spread it.

You already know the "meeeedia" in America is on the devil's side.


Country exile in the city
Tucker quoting major studies that show that the immune system is weakened by the jabs makes this video science-based. The Corona thread has been on this theme for a while now ever since Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has gone viral with his message that this recent Covid outbreak will result in the collapse of hospitalization, especially when all the vaxxed medical workers can't go to work. He said that the more virulent stage is on the way.... mainly on those who've been vaxxed. Here is his website: Voice for Science and Solidarity by Geert Vanden Bossche

Here is a short clip of the Tucker video on twitter:
If that's the case, then I guess I can be grateful to God that our family DID get it while in DC, so that all of our immune systems are now strengthened by natural immunity to this mess.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Basically, the politicians were wrong about the efficacy of the jab, what to do about covid exposure, and now that Brandon has it, they are being total hypocrites about it. On top of that, Tucker points out that most infected people are jabbed people. What we've been saying for over a year, on an MSM outlet.
Thank youuuu!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Tucker quoting major studies that show that the immune system is weakened by the jabs makes this video science-based. The Corona thread has been on this theme for a while now ever since Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has gone viral with his message that this recent Covid outbreak will result in the collapse of hospitalization, especially when all the vaxxed medical workers can't go to work. He said that the more virulent stage is on the way.... mainly on those who've been vaxxed. Here is his website: Voice for Science and Solidarity by Geert Vanden Bossche

Here is a short clip of the Tucker video on twitter:
You and I along with Helios, keep up with GVB on the big thread!
I can’t wait to tell DH about Tuckers show!!


Veteran Member
Eye doctors office told me they are seeing cases of ocular clots now. Multiple young women in recent weeks came in thinking they needed glasses. All had been jabbed. All would have lost their vision without intervention.

Im in Ontario and I wondered why every where else was reporting horrid side effects of the vax. Last night at work I learned of a few people I work with now suffering badly. One eyesight others numb feet and hands.

Offerings of fourth vaccine and now they are speaking out. Complaints about these problems.

I was asked if I had any side effects from vaccines and MY reply these pipes are clean baby no covid shots for me


Veteran Member
If that's the case, then I guess I can be grateful to God that our family DID get it while in DC, so that all of our immune systems are now strengthened by natural immunity to this mess.
Yes, according to Dr. Geert VB, those who are unvaxxed and got Covid, especially the recent Omnicron, are naturally vaccinated against Covid since the natural immune system has built up a defense.


Contributing Member
Im in Ontario and I wondered why every where else was reporting horrid side effects of the vax. Last night at work I learned of a few people I work with now suffering badly. One eyesight others numb feet and hands.

Offerings of fourth vaccine and now they are speaking out. Complaints about these problems.

I was asked if I had any side effects from vaccines and MY reply these pipes are clean baby no covid shots for me

I am in Ontario as well. Had to get the two jabs to keep my job and get my QR code just to enter places.
Booster came out and having two shots was considered fully vaxxed, so not alot of people I know bothered. I didn't.

Three people I know that got boostered recently got the vid. Up here they want us to get boosted every 9 months.

At work here we all got the wild covid back in January 2020 just before it made the news. I know that here in Southern Ontario, the first edition of Covid was present in October of 2019. That is a fact.
Very few people even wear a mask anymore and if we have to go into lockdown again and stand 6 ft apart in a mile long line to enter Costco, not many folks around here are going to comply.


Country exile in the city
I am SO GRATEFUL to finally have something solid and scientific that I can show to the "follow the science!" myrmidons in my husband's family! Maybe this chart will at least get them off our backs.

They all drank the Kool-Aid as soon as the shots were available, and all the moreso because the family is taking turns caring for my husband's 95-year-old mother, who has Alzheimers and is in Stage 3 or 4 heart-failure (not clear which and they won't ask the doctors for more clarification because in their universe to ask questions of a doctor -- for information-- is the same as "questioning" as in challenging the doctor--so they simply do not ask). The 4 siblings take turns on their assigned days sitting with Maw-Maw in her home every week, and have been doing this since October 2019, when she was first diagnosed.

When we refused to get the Covid-shots, of course they raised Cain that "You're going to get Covid! You're going to give it to Maw-Maw!"

Then in the past 2 years, when we didn't get Covid, if the media blew up with new stories of new variants, they'd start on us again: "When are you going to get your shots???"

And of course, fortunately for them, none of them has gotten Covid (at least, that they were aware of) since this all began (we're talking two brothers, one sister, their spouses, their grown children, and grown children's spouses--altogether 12 people--so they have been extremely lucky).

But that has added fuel to their fire--along with believing every word the democrats tell them--that "if you take the shot you won't get Covid" or it's fall-back position of "If you DO get Covid it won't be as severe" (and how can such a proposition as THAT be scientifically proven? Of course it cannot). And of course, they are "sure" that "R's crazy wife who believes in all these conspiracy theories and natural-health stuff" is the reason he refuses the vaccine, and they blame me now that everyone's caught it--even though I caught it last of all.

So when we left DC on July 7--and Timothy started having symptoms the same day--they naturally immediately jumped on me because my husband tells them all our business and had told them I was 'sick' before we left (I was, with 'something'--but having now had Covid I can fully testify that whatever it was, it wasn't that. I mostly just felt tired, run-down, headachy, and had a slight stomach/intestinal upset. NOTHING like the Covid symptoms. It may have just been a light stomach virus. Who knows?) A week later to the day, (July 14) both my husband and son started having symptoms. The following Tuesday (July 19) I finally came down with it, and have just today had my fever go below 100 (it's been 101 to nearly 104 all week, but today is only 99.2).

But then---who needs facts, when you're a Democrat?


Country exile in the city
I know 8 people who have all got the Covid within the last month
7 of the 8 had all shots and boosters
The 8th. No shots or boosters. Just bad luck

My friend who works for the CDC---

At first, she questioned the info coming out about Covid and then about the vaxes--she works for them so she knows how they play things.

But as time went on--and the propaganda grew overwhelming--she gradually gave in to fear (especially as her husband is morbidly obese and has a number of equally severe underlying co-morbidities due to that--high blood pressure and heart-attacks in his past) --and she FULLY signed on to the "Get the vax and ALL the boosters!" bandwagon.

She told me the other day she, her husband, and her son have now had Covid TWICE.

and yet she has already told me that she probably won't want to come to Christmas at our house again due to our not being vaxed (last year she only came on condition that we all stand outside in the cold to exchange gifts in my carport--she would not enter the house............really, really hurt my feelings, as this woman was one of my bridesmaids and we had been friends nearly 40 years.)


And yet, neither sweetie or I have had covid and haven't been vaxxed... didn't take anything extra as preventative. We're just hermits.
And I didn't catch it until May of 2022, despite being in multiple poorly ventilated homes with multiple people actively I'll with COVID. Not to mention not catching it from hubby when he had it (twice). It took snuggling two sick, miserable little girls for one entire day to finally overwhelm my immune system.



Veteran Member
And I didn't catch it until May of 2022, despite being in multiple poorly ventilated homes with multiple people actively I'll with COVID. Not to mention not catching it from hubby when he had it (twice). It took snuggling two sick, miserable little girls for one entire day to finally overwhelm my immune system.

Are you back to normal? Did you lose smell and taste? My daughter and husband and his parents lost taste and smell and still almost a year are complaining things do not smell right or can't smell.


Are you back to normal? Did you lose smell and taste? My daughter and husband and his parents lost taste and smell and still almost a year are complaining things do not smell right or can't smell.
No, I didnt, but all three other adults did. We treated early with ivermectin, zinc, elderberry, liposomal vitamin C, etc, and their taste came back within a few days.

I'm still dealing with fatigue/stamina issues... I can work ONE full day (8-10 hours butchering or canning or whatever), but the next day I'm useless.



Country exile in the city
No, I didnt, but all three other adults did. We treated early with ivermectin, zinc, elderberry, liposomal vitamin C, etc, and their taste came back within a few days.

I'm still dealing with fatigue/stamina issues... I can work ONE full day (8-10 hours butchering or canning or whatever), but the next day I'm useless.


That's not good (the fatigue hanging on that long). We're in the middle of harvest here and every day I look out the window at the corn and tomatoes (saved by recent heavy rains) and KNOW I need to get out there and pick / process than but also know I'd better not attempt it.

I haven't lost taste or smell throughout this--so far--though both hubby and youngest son did and it's still not come back. Thing that puzzles me is--how could I run such a high fever (for me) of 101 to almost 104 and not FEEL it? Usually I feel AWFUL if I run just one degree fever--chills, aches. This time--nothing. Another weird thing--this thing makes you hot, and makes you sweat--even when you have a fever. The hallmark of fever with any disease I've ever had is that while you have a fever you don't sweat, and that sweating is a sign the fever has broken. Not with this.

I try to tell myself that my body heating up is my immune system working hard making those lovely antibodies to this mess, and it has to "turn up the oven" to do so. But it sure is weird.


Contributing Member
Eye doctors office told me they are seeing cases of ocular clots now. Multiple young women in recent weeks came in thinking they needed glasses. All had been jabbed. All would have lost their vision without intervention.
I was not jabbed, but had to be around fellow workers who had been. I am sure they were shedding vaccine crap all over me.
I had an occular blood clot. I immediately went to the optometrist, to no avail, They could see no problem. I went to the emergency room, they checked me out for Stroke and heart attack, no such problem. I finally had a referral to an opthamologist, and they found the problem, a blood clot blocking my branch retinal artery. If not treated within a few hours, it causes eye tissue death. I was too late, I have lost 40 or so percent of my right eye vision, and it is gone forever. if I was forced to be around vaccinated folks again, I would wear a mask for protection.


Ultra MAGA!
Twelve minute video just posted by Real America's Voice with Edward Dowd (who works with Dr Malone etc trying to get the word out) about the numbers he's been crunching showing how widespread the harm from the vaxx is. His numbers are far worse than anything Tucker alluded to, are based on the government statistics he digs up. First four minutes not related to covid but still worth watching.



Veteran Member
That does not give Trump a pass. He is still touting warp speed at his rally’s . In my mind that disqualifies him from returning to the WH.

Birx sabotaging and feeding disinfo helps give Trump a pass, as well as Dr Fauchi's fraud. I don't think Trump was complicit, nor did he choose Fauchi or Birx.

I am still uncertain on the level of Trump's culpability. It's not zero, nor is it 100%


Disaster Cat
I think I know why Fox let Tucker do this show, despite through the grapevine rumors that before he couldn't do much on the topic (at little but not much).

I think the reasons were both because serious studies are starting to come out and even though they are mostly overseas for now, the news is going to hit the US sooner or later because they are respected medical journals that would be very hard to debunk.

The other reason I think they let Tucker do this is that his show is the official "alternative" newscast that Foxx allows on the air. I am not suggesting for a moment that Tucker Carlson is "controlled opposition" or anything like that, I am suggesting that his show is where Fox "allows" alternative and unusual stories to be presented (within "reason.")

They are not exactly "burying" the story, they know millions of people watch the show, but they are putting it as a TV producer would say: "in context." Fox can also "truthfully" reply to any investigation or government "fact checker," that Tucker's show is his own and is opinion rather than news. "Opinion" that does not necessarily "represent the views of this stations, network or our sponsors."

Now went they start broadcasting this stuff at the top of the hour, then I will accept that either the controllers of Fox have grown a pair and/or someone(s) in the Powers that Be has ordered the media to start talking to try and "control the narrative" before it totally unravels on them.


Membership Revoked
My grown kids just wont read or even listen to ANYTHING negative about MRNA vaccines, and keep getting boosters and I at 77, am afraid I am going to outlive THEM (at 57, 54, and 52)!

I am praying for them, what else can I do?

Ask them if they are afraid that they may find out something they don't want to hear. If someone doesn't want to hear both sides of an argument, it's because they are afraid they may be wrong.

I recently was seeing a nurse and at first, she started off saying I was one of "those people" that didn't know what was best for them and that we should "trust the science" and even asked me what I was afraid of with those so I told her. The main thing I said was it was lunacy to use HIV as a bonding agent for the vaccine... she didn't expect me to give a valid reason... and she tried to say it kind of made sense when you understand how it works. It's the "kinda" part that caused her whole argument to unravel. By the second time we went out, she was doubting the vaccines and admitted that she didn't want to think she may have taken something that may be more harmful to her body than covid. She was still arrogant in other ways so I dumped her anyway.

Most pro vaxxers are scared to look at the reality of the vaccines and are afraid they bet their lives on the wrong horse. This may be true with your kids plus probably think at you age that you don't understand as well as they do. If they won't talk, just love them and leave the arguments alone.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
But wait, there's more!

Another Vacc coming down the pike; for another virus that's been 'studied' in the Lab.

In Wuhan.

Hopefully, better tested.
