Misc/Chat VIDEO: Cottage Garden Design Masterclass - Structure


Neither here nor there.
He's got some interesting ideas that'd work in my 1905 Queen Anne/Victorian yard. I like the paneled beds he made for keeping most of the critters out of his garden, though I don't think that would work for chipmunks, would have to use hardware cloth for that problem.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRba6PxCaVE

RT 18:46 - Suburban Homestead

How to design a cottage garden from lawn to lush without spending too much. We'll explore tips and tricks to create a beautiful edible cottage garden. I show how I'm setting up my new garden, laying out raised beds, repurposing an old concrete path, and building other garden structures using the elements of design as a guide


Neither here nor there.
Will have to watch this when I get home!

He has some interesting videos on his channel, I like his informative and technical reasons as to the why of gardening, planting, various plants, etc. Which is good because OC will often ask me a question about a particular plant and why we're planting it that way and my response is often, well because I've always done it that way, that's the way my parents and grandparents did it, and that doesn't always go over well, lol.