Prep Genrl weekly prep thread: December 31, 2023 -- January 6, 2024


Veteran Member
Just stopping by to check on SB. Glad you got part of the puzzle resolved! I am a firm believer in charcoal. I think it cures everything but the common cold!
It has been cold and rainy here. So all work was mostly indoors. I made yogurt and canned mandarins. Thank you Kyrsyan! You helped me figure it out!
Everyone have a great weekend!


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
The computer systems have been problematic today. Fortunately, I was able to finish everything work-related, plus I got onto the state system long enough to order my 2024 car tags.

Per Summer's suggestion (might not have been this thread), I picked up jars of B complex and Biotin. My hair has been growing back in but I'm sure the vitamins will help. I also picked up more "pet friendly" sidewalk ice melt. [It goes around the cluster mailbox. At least 5 dogs walk with their owners there, so it's worth it. Otherwise, I shovel and throw down some sand.]

And I got gas, aired up the tires, put the winter kit back into the car, and cleaned both pairs of winter boots. Lastly, I washed and dried both winter jackets and various sweatshirts. I'm not sure why I didn't do that in August.

I'm ready for the incoming snowstorms. Every time I hear the weather, they revise the snow totals upwards, so that probably means that the storm will miss us. :devilish:
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Veteran Member
Cold sleet mix yesterday. Braved it just long enough to mail an ebay package. Can't believe the weekend is already here.

Horrible sinus today from cleaning dusty part of garage yesterday. Found my tub of sweatshirts. Also found a tub of flannel shirts that will fit the grandson working construction in this nasty weather. Gonna give him the ski suit I wore around the farm. It is light and very warm.

Got a big stack of clothes to go through. I don't sell normal, casual clothes. I take them straight to women's shelter or thrift store.

Training for new gigs. Brushing up on a few things. Won't really get going good on them until we return from a surprise trip.

We are going to Florida for 10 days. Going with grands at their request. Staying in cabins. I have never packed for a planned trip of more than a couple days. We are usually with family and have access to washer and dryer. Our biggest challenge will probably be hitting the weather window in order to fly out of KC.

Right now I have a crazy mix of summer and winter things to deal with. DH moved a piece of equipment out of my laundry room right off the kitchen. I am racking my brain trying to recall what kinds of shelving I have stored. I am thinking that the suddenly open space would be great for a mini-butlers pantry. Right now my air fryer and instapot are out since I used them today. Would love to have them, the pizza cooker and the crockpot within easy reach. Pretty sure I have one of those plastic shelf units like the tool store sells. I only need the bottom 2 shelves. Would fit nicely under the cleaning stuff cabinet.

Grand is coming over to take the 2 carpet cleaners I never use. We have hardwood and tile now. Two more things I don't have to deal with.

Today is first anniversary of FIL's death. MIL called yesterday to tell us he took her car and filed for divorce. When we are with her in person she always remembers that he died.

I will have the "what if" talk with kids before we leave. The 'if we don't make it back home' talk. We have a trust and have had the conversation before but it won't hurt to have it again. Gotta make sure they have keys to everything.

Everyone stay warm.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Our sinuses were acting up yesterday. I was driving when mine started closing so I asked friend to grab my bottle of hinoki wood oil. Which then led to a while discussion about how he had thought I had told him it could only be used in a diffuser... which I hadn't. And he's seen me apply it directly below my nose multiple times.

Anyways, now he's actually going to try that. I'm betting that will stop the "it isn't working" phone calls. And my sinuses were much happier.

And now I find myself hoping it also provided some of its anti-viral protection because there is a highly contagious version of the bug going around that takes people down for a week. It is, supposedly, a version of the flu. But so far no one I know has even gone to the doc to verify.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Ooh... OK, get some activated charcoal, and if possible, some lavender essential oil. Moisten the charcoal with the oil (or colloidal silver, or just plain water), wrap it up in a piece of gauze and tape it over the bite site.

It's late, but I've seen it work even days later, in terms of preventing tissue necrosis and other damage.


I have both of those, Summerthyme. I'll make some up. I'm worried about this leaving a big scar. The hole is black and really painful this morning. I'm not feeling too well, either. I think the venom is just now catching up with me.

I was in so much pain when I got home from the doctor's office that I couldn't really stay here long enough to give the details of the visit. Doctor was pretty sure it was a brown recluse bite. I got an injection of Decadron, plus RX Keflex and Prednisone. Keflex 500mg 4xday and 40mg Prednisone once a day for 5 days. He also put me on bed rest for the next few days. Ice packs every 1-2 hours, and Tylenol/Motrin together for pain if needed. I needed some this morning.

Swelling has already gone down just a bit. I can open my eye enough to see this morning. It's still leaking. Lymph gland is still swollen and painful just underneath my left ear. Doctor said the swollen lymph gland was normal for the kind of bite I had. I look like someone with the mumps. That's how swollen it is.

He was concerned about my eyesight in that eye. He told me to go straight to the ER if I began to notice any changes in my vision, or if the swelling and pain got worse.

Needless to say. I'm not going to be doing anything for a while. I was hoping to go shopping on Monday, but taking the Prednisone will lower my immune system, and I'm afraid to be around other people. The Flu is really going around, here.


Veteran Member
We got our first snow of the year yesterday. It was pretty coming down. All was melted about as fast as it fell. We have 2 or 3 more chances coming up next week. Then the week after that turns colder. I want to get my contract job done in the next week before the real cold gets here. Hubby took advantage of the weather and burned one of our brush piles.

We had used the last diesel out of one of our barrels. So we went to fill it in town. Since we were in town, we ran in Kroger to get the pizzas that were on sale. The grandkids like them when they visit. I check the clearance section each time we go. That day they had a shopping cart half full of Nestle semi-sweet chocolate chips for $1.05 per pound package. I have plenty, but I got some for each of our kids and for one friend. There were also the 3 package strips of yeast on clearance for .90 cents. They were good to sometime in 2025. So I got what they wanted of those too. I still have a 1 pound brick of yeast in my freezer for me. You can't usually get the bricks local, but I found some at our Harps during the covid shortages.
I have been working on taxes. I want to get all my paper work done. Then when we get all our end of year statements, we can get in line at the CPA. I should do more paperwork during the year, but a lot gets put on the back burner. I at least have a place to put each paper as we get it so it is all together. This winter I need to purge the office of a lot of old papers we don't need anymore. I didn't get that done last year. But I intend to start on that as soon as I get through the tax stuff.

I still have my Christmas tree up. I really enjoy it, but I am ready to have the space back. I am still trying to get rid of clutter. Cleaning out the office will help a lot. I have some mending in there that needs to be done too. The cold, wet time of year would be the perfect time to do it if I can just kick myself into gear.

Prayers for those that need them and have a blessed weekend everyone.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If you are seeing black, I would consider heading to the ER. Brown recluse bites are not venomous they are necrotic. The core of the bite will die. Sometimes, despite medicine, the doctors will need to clean it out physically to help stop the progression.

I've been bitten by them twice. The first time I had no clue. That made a mess and had to be cleaned out. I had a rather large divot to mark that spot for years..

The second time it was in a weird spot on the back of my neck and triggered some warning in my head, so I ended up at the doc within 24 hours. Not as much of a mess then.

Trying to motorvate the body. Yes I typed that correctly. I'm awake. My brain is going. My body just doea not want to move.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If you are seeing black, I would consider heading to the ER. Brown recluse bites are not venomous they are necrotic. The core of the bite will die. Sometimes, despite medicine, the doctors will need to clean it out physically to help stop the progression.

I've been bitten by them twice. The first time I had no clue. That made a mess and had to be cleaned out. I had a rather large divot to mark that spot for years..

The second time it was in a weird spot on the back of my neck and triggered some warning in my head, so I ended up at the doc within 24 hours. Not as much of a mess then.

Trying to motorvate the body. Yes I typed that correctly. I'm awake. My brain is going. My body just doea not want to move.

The black spot is about the size of the head of a matchstick. Doctor did clean it up good, yesterday, and I'm to keep it cleaned with warm soapy water. I'll also apply the lavender oil and activated charcoal, too. If the spot grows larger, or if the pain and swelling get worse, I'm to go to the ER.


Veteran Member
Prayers continue for you Sherree (and all here on this thread).
We are getting a cold rain here today which should last all day. Fire is going in the wood stove, and we will be making two slow cookers worth of chili (we freeze extras).
I am working on taking the Christmas tree down and would like to finish a book or two this weekend.
Tomorrow I am driving into “big town” (lol) to have a belated Cmas with my dad and sister and her kids. While there, I might spend the $10 gift card I got for Xmas to Target. Is it sad I can’t think of something to get? Lol
I also plan on doing our meal planning for the week and want to use up things that need to be eaten.
Slow and steady …. may everyone have a great day!


Veteran Member
I have a small flock of backyard chickens. I plan to hatch some replacement birds this spring. I know my roosters need to be replaced every couple of year to keep the eggs fertilized. But my question is do I need to bring in roosters from a different source. And if I do, how often should I bring in new blood lines. My flock is doing well and is healthy. It is mosty Buff Orpingtons and a few mixed hens that I have yet to cull out.


Veteran Member
Sherree, I hope you're feeling better!

Well, they completely missed the weather forecast. I'm always delighted when we DON'T get freezing rain, but they have been changing the predictions every hour. We were supposed to get less than half inch of rain --- we've already had 2 1/2 and it's still pouring. Mini lakes all over the yard. At least the barn's not flooded yet.
I made hubs get extra firewood yesterday, so we're covered for a couple days, even if the power goes out.
My new raincoat finally came. It's a cute little coat, but not even remotely waterproof. I don't know what in the world is wrong with people, when they lie in their product descriptions. They are going to get a scathing review and I'm going to send it back. I had been to 3 local stores and nobody had what I wanted, which is a simple rain coat with a hood.


TB Fanatic
Praying for you Sherree.

The rain is gone but more is predicted in a couple of days. I have a check up at the VA on Thursday and its supposed to rain that day, yuck. Fortunately I won't be driving.

Not sure what is on tap today, probably more of the same. Its cold and damp, trying to stay warm.


Veteran Member
Prayers continue for you Sherree (and all here on this thread).
We are getting a cold rain here today which should last all day. Fire is going in the wood stove, and we will be making two slow cookers worth of chili (we freeze extras).
I am working on taking the Christmas tree down and would like to finish a book or two this weekend.
Tomorrow I am driving into “big town” (lol) to have a belated Cmas with my dad and sister and her kids. While there, I might spend the $10 gift card I got for Xmas to Target. Is it sad I can’t think of something to get? Lol
I also plan on doing our meal planning for the week and want to use up things that need to be eaten.
Slow and steady …. may everyone have a great day!
Got to love a woman that makes sure she schedules reading time!


TB Fanatic
I added a daily dose of cayenne and I still have some itching but not as bad as it had been. Cayenne is good for the immune system, so it will help in other ways too. I've been taking other supplements for several weeks but one day a week I skip all but the biotin. The biotin is for my hair loss. I'm pretty sure the other supplements are helping me feel consistently better and the Curcumin is helping reduce my over all pain, of course I take Bioperine with it.

I take all of them at night, but sometimes wonder if there would be a better time to take them.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I added a daily dose of cayenne and I still have some itching but not as bad as it had been. Cayenne is good for the immune system, so it will help in other ways too. I've been taking other supplements for several weeks but one day a week I skip all but the biotin. The biotin is for my hair loss. I'm pretty sure the other supplements are helping me feel consistently better and the Curcumin is helping reduce my over all pain, of course I take Bioperine with it.

I take all of them at night, but sometimes wonder if there would be a better time to take them.

I take a handful of supplements and RX meds every morning when I get up. Another different handful at lunch, another at supper, and another at bedtime. I have to spread all of mine out throughout the day. I've always been afraid of certain interactions if I take them all at once, especially my RX drugs. I know you don't take RX drugs, but wonder about all the supplements taken at once, too.


Veteran Member
I read 108 books last year. I definitely schedule time for reading. (Don’t watch a lot of tv)
Fun fact! I was raised in a home with no TV so I spent much time reading and playing whatever musical instrument that was at hand. I used to be a person full of trivia! Now nothing I know is pertinent! At present, even though you didn't ask, I am reading the diaries of women who were part of the westward expansion. Adding to my knowledge of how to survive an Indian attack! Very useful info in this day and age!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Sherree, praying you continue to get relief from the spider bite. Have been bitten 2x in my sleep and those bites hurt.

I've used spider and scorpion spray all throughout our bedroom and laundry room this morning. I'm just not seeing any spiders or webs, though. I don't know if I should spray in indoor firewood box or not. I sure don't want to make ourselves sick from all the spray. The bedroom and laundry room are being well ventilated right now.

I've got the poultice on my eye now. It really burned when I first applied it.
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Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I need to start scheduling some reading time for fun stuff. Great idea!

Prayers continue for you, SB! I hope it'll feel better soon.

I totally forgot about trash day being today (moved ahead due to the holiday), so I had to hit the ground running, but I had enough energy to collect the trash and get the worse of the smudges and spills off the walls, plus I swept and damp moped the basement steps. So glad that got done!

No snow here, yet, but it's gray and dark outside. I've got beef stew going in the slow cooker for later. I'm ready for a nap!

Wishing everyone a great day!


Veteran Member
We have some nice steaks in freezer that I haven't cooked simply because steak is not one of my strong points. Been cruising air fryer steak recipes and gonna give it a try. I usually do baked potatoes in air fryer but this time the potatoes will be in the instapot. Fingers crossed.

While food cooks I will start the linens laundry and tackle that stack of clothes. I am not a big woman but I know I will never fit in those skinny sundresses again. Wouldn't wear them anyway cuz' they are sleeveless. I do have a couple cotton sundresses that belonged to my mom. Gonna check them out. We are going to dinner to nice restaurants a couple times while in Florida. The only nice clothes I have are black or gray. This is going to be interesting.

Put away more empty jars yesterday. Used a lot of my home canned tomatoes last week. Will have to replace those this summer. Hopefully the Amish farm will have a bumper crop of tomatoes.

Got my record books set up for 2024. I use those home expense books from DG. ($4.50 each now!!) One for MIL's home expenses, (sigh. I love her dearly but at the same time I am working multiple gigs to make her house payment. ) individual ones for each of the rentals, etc. Sure made tallying totals easy this year. Easy too to look back and see propane receipt in the July pocket and the ever rising home insurance receipts. Also made filing much easier. Last years records are simply a set of half dozen books instead of tons of folders filling the tub.

Off to see if I can cook a decent steak.....


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I cook my steaks on the grill whenever possible. It seems like those always taste the best! If I can't do that, I broil them in my toaster oven, keeping a sharp eye on them so they don't over-cook.

We have really great beef in Iowa, so I don't use anything on them, except maybe a little freshly-crushed pepper at the end (most cooks say at the beginning, but I don't use that much). Below is a good, fast video.

RT 5 minutes



Veteran Member
I've used spider and scorpion spray all throughout our bedroom and laundry room this morning. I'm just not seeing any spiders or webs, though. I don't know if I should spray in indoor firewood box or not. I sure don't want to make ourselves sick from all the spray.

I've got the poultice on my eye now. It really burned when I first applied it.
We use glue traps and DE and spray, lol. I am allergic to spider bites so they all look like brown recluse bites at first. They just don't do the nasty decaying that real recluse bites are known for. We rarely see spiders in bedroom. We just have those icky ones that like to stay high in the corners and look like they are cousins to granddaddy longlegs. I have a little dustvac just for getting rid of them.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I had planned to oven fry chicken breasts for our supper last night. Once, I made the doctor's appointment, and not knowing what to expect, I just threw them in a baking dish, sprinkled with salt, garlic powder, black pepper, and rosemary. Baked them in the oven, before we left. I'll have to do something with them tonight, but I don't want to just heat them up. That might dry them out too much. Any ideas? Something really easy would be nice.


Veteran Member
I cook my steaks on the grill whenever possible. It seems like those always taste the best! If I can't do that, I broil them in my toaster oven, keeping a sharp eye on them so they don't over-cook.

We have really great beef in Iowa, so I don't use anything on them, except maybe a little freshly-crushed pepper at the end.

RT 5 minutes

I leave the grilling of steaks to the guys and it is too darn cold today. Have a freezer full of our home raised beef so I have something good to work with. A good steak shouldn't require anything but pepper and maybe a dollop of garlic butter. We were visiting in Des Moines once when friend gave us half a freezer of Iowa raised Angus beef. She was moving and her DH didn't want to mess with it. Seriously? We filled the coolers and moved it to our place. Yum.


Veteran Member
I had planned to oven fry chicken breasts for our supper last night. Once, I made the doctor's appointment, and not knowing what to expect, I just threw them in a baking dish, sprinkled with salt, garlic powder, black pepper, and rosemary. Baked them in the oven, before we left. I'll have to do something with them tonight, but I don't want to just heat them up. That might dry them out too much. Any ideas? Something really easy would be nice.
Pizza is always easy....


Veteran Member
Got packages mailed and hit one of the local grocery's for a produce pak. For $15, I got 3 bananas, 2 lemons, 2 oranges, 2 apples, 2 pears, a pound of baby carrots, 2 avocados, 2 onions, 2 russet potatoes, a head of cabbage (good sized) and a reusable bag.

Made some chicken korma with bottled sauce, served over spaghetti squash for lunch/dinner/supper/slunch.


Veteran Member
I need to start scheduling some reading time for fun stuff. Great idea!

Prayers continue for you, SB! I hope it'll feel better soon.

I totally forgot about trash day being today (moved ahead due to the holiday), so I had to hit the ground running, but I had enough energy to collect the trash and get the worse of the smudges and spills off the walls, plus I swept and damp moped the basement steps. So glad that got done!

No snow here, yet, but it's gray and dark outside. I've got beef stew going in the slow cooker for later. I'm ready for a nap!

Wishing everyone a great day!

If you want something fun to read, try the Second Chance Cat mysteries by Sofie Ryan. They feature a cat named Elvis, a second hand store (and boy, does the author have some good ideas for re-purposing), and a group of 70 something detectives who call themselves Charlotte's Angels. Some of them are hilarious and I am totally hooked on the series.
The author also writes the Magical Cats under the name Sofie Kelly.
I realize not everybody is a crazy cat lady like me but I really like them both.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Despite the body not wanting to move, I got moving today. More cleaning and purging done. Several loads of laundry and dishes.

Part of my brain keeps wanting to go start in other areas. But I've learned that is a sure way to sabotage myself. So I'm staying focused on this room for now. Each room has its own sets of challenges. And a lot of things just needed to "go home" to their correct spots.

The second bed tent came in for son. This gave me the missing holder that was needed to get the first one set back up. Son is thrilled. He laughed so much while I did it. And then later he was "dancing".

The last of the materials for the bathroom repair came in today. I will be working on that through this week and next weekend. I need to protect some exposed areas until summer when we can really dig in and do some repairs/improvements.

Pork chops and veggies are in the oven for dinner. And hopefully I will get to bed a little earlier tonight. I did not manage to motorvate the body enough to get my walk in today. But I did manage to get a lot done, and not surrender to the urge to crash. I'm beginning to wonder if I caught a bug while out yesterday.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Update on my eye situation this afternoon. The swelling is much improved, but I'm still in a lot of pain and feel sickly. Also, the black spot has gotten slightly larger. If the spot gets any larger tomorrow, I'm going to the ER. I don't know what they can do, though, since the swelling is so much improved. A lot of the redness is gone, too. Any suggestions of what I can do here at home to help the black spot. I've had a poultice on it all day.


Honestly... I'd stay away from the docs as long as it's improving. The only thing they can do is "debride" it (cut away any dead tissue) and put you on antibiotics.

An Amish neighbor was bitten twice... the first time, he didn't talk to me until the bite site was a black ulcer the size of a quarter... full thickness. However, there was no sign of any infection... no severe redness, streaks going up the arm, etc.

Medical professionals who visited his shop kept urging him to get to the ER... it needed surgical debridement, etc, etc.

He used charcoal poultice on it 24/7 for about a week... within 30 days of originally starting treatment, it was completely healed. The same Medical pros then informed him that "it couldn't have been a recluse bite", because "they never heal" without debridement, etc!

He was bitten again the next fall (it turned out the spiders were hanging out in the sleeves of his winter coat, which ge left hanging in his maple sugar shanty all summer!) He immediately started charcoal... and it never developed more than the original burning/itching, and a tiny black spot at the bite.

I think if you keep using the poultice, you'll see continued improvement. Obviously, if you develop a fever, or it starts going the wrong way... turning darker red, pain increasing, swelling worsening... get thee to the ER. But really, it's just going to take some time...



TB Fanatic
I take a handful of supplements and RX meds every morning when I get up. Another different handful at lunch, another at supper, and another at bedtime. I have to spread all of mine out throughout the day. I've always been afraid of certain interactions if I take them all at once, especially my RX drugs. I know you don't take RX drugs, but wonder about all the supplements taken at once, too.
I wasn't concerned about interactions with the supplements, just wondering if there would be a better time to take them.

Here is what I do take:

Curcumin 95
Quercetin + Bromelain
Solgar Skin, Hair & Nails
Bilberry Extract

I take them all at one time before bed.

I've taken hands full of supplements off and on for 50 years and have never had an adverse effect except B Complex repeats on me for hours and hours, which is why I don't take it.