Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: January 29 ~ February 4, 2023


I'm toast. I, seriously, have not had muscle cramping this bad and all over since I gave birth to my son. If you can toss a few prayers for at least a decnt night of sleep without continuously waking up from the cramps, I'd appreciate it. Going to call the doc in the morning. It's bad enough that I'm actually paying for delivery of Pamprin in the hopes that it can take the edge off. Midol took off the edge but I can have so much caffeine and multiple doses in a day will keep me for 24 to 72 hours depending on how much. Staying awake like that is not good. It's also not any fun when those 24 to 72 hours are full of pain.

I should have done it sooner, but honestly, I thought I was almost done with this. It is jusy severe cramping. Nothing else. Like my bosy is trying to push out body parts.

I'm heading to bed. Taking a dose right before I lay down so the caffeine doesn't hit beforehand. And leaving the bottle and a drink on the nightstand.

Other than that, it's been a decent day and more things got handled. As long as I moved slow and carefully.
So sorry to hear that! Can you take Aleve (Naprosyn?) I suffered with absolutely disabling cramps for 2-3 days every month for years ( until having babies helped a lot) When Naproxyn was a new Rx med, my OB GYN prescribed it... miraculous! Ibuprofen, aspirin, Midol never did a thing for me...



Has No Life - Lives on TB
So sorry to hear that! Can you take Aleve (Naprosyn?) I suffered with absolutely disabling cramps for 2-3 days every month for years ( until having babies helped a lot) When Naproxyn was a new Rx med, my OB GYN prescribed it... miraculous! Ibuprofen, aspirin, Midol never did a thing for me...

That's what I used last night. It took the edge off for about 4 hours. Long enough to get some sleep.

I took a very long soak. But even after that, the muscles are cramping until they are locked tight in balls. I currently have one of the reusable hot hands packs tucked under the worst spot. And a stack of them on the nightstand next to the Midol bottle and a drink. I can have more Midol at 4 am. Pamprin should be delivered by the time I need another dose.

I'm not asking for all the pain to go away completely, although I would love that. But enough that I can stand and walk without baby steps and feeling like I'm going to fall.

Definitely calling doc in the morning. This is overkill by my body.


Veteran Member
Kyrsyan - sorry I didn't see this earlier, but have you tried taking a magnesium supplement for the cramps?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Kyrsyan - sorry I didn't see this earlier, but have you tried taking a magnesium supplement for the cramps?

Praying for you..
Have you tried magnesium....

Thank you. I swear the prayers helped because I actually slept.

Yeah, ma'ams. I take it daily. This was just a vicious one that truly reminded me of giving birth. The reusable hot hands directly on top of the worst cramp spot, plus the Midol, plus some solid sleep helped a whole lot. I managed a solid 6 hours which felt like heaven. I'm going to make fabric pockets for the hot hands things because I probably shouldn't be putting those directly against skin, and holding them there, when they are newly heating.

Put another heat pack on the worst spot this morning. If it gives you an idea, I can't feel the heat at the worst spot. My hands can, any of my other skin can. But at the worst spot the cramp pain overrides any other sensations. Last night the shiatsu foot massage, which normally is mildly painful, felt good in comparison.

But the active cramps appear to have finally stopped. Now it's just that everything is absolutely viciously sore and worn out. I swear if there could be bruises, there would be. I used Weleda's Arnica oil, along with more Midol and the heat pack, this morning. I'm tender. Standing and walking are still done very carefully. I'm still going to send a message to the doc but I no longer need to see her immediately.

But I didn't cancel that delivery order.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The rain has stopped, and the sun is shining! Still cold, though.

I've made head way in cleaning out the old clothes in the laundry room, finally. Next will be my closet. I've got clothes hanging in there that I haven't worn in a couple of years. Those need to go to the thrift store. Some of them are practically new. I gained weight, and I can no longer wear them. No place to store them in case I lose the weight. I'd rather someone take them and use than for me to stick them back. I may never lose the weight to where I can wear them again.

I'll still need to do a bit more arranging and cleaning in the laundry room to make way for my new freezer in a couple more weeks. Getting all those old clothes out of the way helped.

I'm making a pot of chicken noodle soup, today, to go with ham and cheddar grilled cheese sandwiches we're having tonight for supper. Chicken noodle and taco soups are the only ones Cary will eat on a regular basis. He's never been much of a soup/stew eater.


Veteran Member
I'm a bit down this morning, so fair warning: skip if you need bright and cheery. I just don't have much of that in me today.

I'm on hold for doing anything that requires leaving the house until the benefits coordinator from work contacts me - hadn't heard anything about my short term disability insurance, and no money popped up in my bank account, so I called the company yesterday (their paperwork said I could call to check on it after 48 hours, but I gave it 4 days since a weekend was involved. "Oh, we didn't get this, and we didn't get that, your doctor didn't send his paperwork" I said "Hmmm, that's really odd - I hand carried the paperwork from my appointment with the MD straight to our benefits coordinator and she helped me fill out all of the paperwork and put everything together and faxed it to you. I've got my copy of the checklist right here and we checked and double checked everything before we sent it. I'll give her a call and see if she can help me straighten this out." Ugh... So I called the benefits coordinator guess we'll see what happens.

I have managed to get a few things done this monring - fed inside and outside cats, filled bird feeders, working on my 3rd load of laundry so far (some of Buddy's clothes to donate - a bag got put in his garage and I'm glad I looked in it before I tossed it in the trash can), swept the main floor area, and sorted some paperwork. That may have to suffice unless I somehow find a burst of energy later today.

The flowers from Buddy's funeral that were sent by us, our co-workers, and friends were brought to me, and are starting to fade a bit, so I should probably go look for some pretty containers to put the petals in for potpourri. Lots of roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums, plus smaller ones. I have some nice quilted embossed canning jars that I think I will use, as well as some other pretty containers. If the grandsons come out this weekend, I'll let them help; otherwise I will fix them up this coming week.

I'm hoping that Menard's has the dark red peonies available again this year - usually I take cuttings from the pink and white peonies that my grandmother had carried starts of from farm to farm over the many years of her life (they were tenant farmers) to grow starts for the cemeteries, but I think dark red would be appropriate given his (rather fanatic :lol:) baseball club affiliation.

Otherwise, I'm just watching the bipolar February weather... high of 11*F today, then temps in the 40's on Saturday, followed by temps in the 50's from Sunday into mid next week. Makes me wonder what March has in store...

Hubby is thinking about switching jobs at the hospital already/again :rolleyes: The boss of a former department where he worked saw him in the hall again and asked him how it was going; when Hubby said 'Ehh..." former boss told him he could find him a spot in his department any time, so that might be changing as well. I don't think I even have enough energy to worry about it this time. Maybe I should go work in that department; I think you work alone most of the time...

Well, I've been up since 0600; reckon that's long enough that I can justify at least a short nap :)

Take care, all; have a safe and hopefully happy weekend!


Veteran Member
Prayers for you, Renee. It's been a tough month. I kept copies of all the FMLA paperwork and did have to resend it twice....they act like the money is coming out of their personal pocketbook.

Just finished therapy and need to run couple errands before heading back home and getting back to work.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Prayers for you, Renee. I hate when benefits offices pull that type of nonsense.

Finished work for the day. Didn't hear from doc, and since the office is now closed, I don't expect to hear from them until Monday. Some minor cramping started back up, but it's minor and not getting much traction with the rest of the muscles. Seriously, nobody told me that menopause would still have periods, just without the bleeding part.

I got my box of sewing machine parts and presser feet today. That was like Christmas. I just had to open every bag and touch them all. And then bag them back up and put them with the sewing machine. The box included possible future repair parts as well as presser feet. And a very hard to find owner's manual.

The quilt basting spray arrived today. So I will likely start on friend's apron this weekend. After I get sausage made. And oranges peeled and in the pith removing solution so that I can can them on Sunday. Which is when I'll can the pineapple juice up as well probably. Although I can push canning pineapple juice off until next weekend if I need to. Or during the week since there are no planned outings for next week.

The rest of today is repacking meats, and laundry, and some cleaning in the living room. And just generally being gentle with my body so it can recover. I don't know why someone upstairs decided that I needed a reminder of just how much child birth hurt, but dang it I'd like to avoid a repeat of that.


Veteran Member
Called the HR Benefit coordinator a bit ago; she is as annoyed as I am (I was not annoyed at her - I know it's not her fault.) She has now faxed all of the material 3 times; and states she will be back in contact with them Monday AM. I'm sending her flowers Monday morning; she is absolutely wonderful!! I may call my cousin who was in the insurance biz and see what she thinks of the company; and if they had a shady reputation. (I have a LOT of cousins; they come in handy :lol: I come in handy for them, too; so it's not one sided!) It wouldn't totally shock me if there were issues with the company provided long term disability policy, but this is the short term policy that I pay for. I've been paying it for almost 25 years now and have not used it as I worked all the way through my first cancer treatment, used accrued sick pay/vacation pay when I had a tib/fib and tibial plateau fracture, and then used long term disability for my second cancer treatment period per work requiring me to take off due to my white count falling off the bottom of the charts.

Oh well, at least I can put it out of my mind for the weekend. I'll pick up the grandsons tomorrow morning and keep them for the weekend - I expect the 12 year old will be cranky that he's not hanging with his friends, but maybe I can bribe him with the pool. The 10 year old likes to earn money and drive the buggy, so I'll have him help me pick up sticks in the yard and pull dead plants out of the garden if it's not too wet. And if it is muddy, the little one will want to ride his dirt bike, I'm sure :lol: Note to self: Tell daughter to send their play shoes (I don't want to get yelled at for the older one getting his expensive basketball shoes muddy!!)

Well, I need to see if the clothes in the dryer are ready to be taken out; and the ones in the washer (Buddy's) are ready to go in the dryer. I need to drag out some clear trash bags to put the clothes in before I put them in the totes - the totes keep them from falling over like they would in a bag, but I'm going to need the totes for other things soon - and seeing how the prices have gone up quite a bit, I'm not willing to risk leaving them and coming back to pick them up once they've been emptied by the thrift store staff.

Off to peer in the fridge in hopes that there are some handy leftovers for supper...


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
How are you feeling today?
Well, actually what has happened is VERY WEIRD!!!

I was having some serious pain as you recall in my lymph nodes.....what I DIDN'T mention, because I get paranoid about what people might think......especially when I'm upset, is that my antidepressant medications had run out. This was a result of trying to get the scripts changed over to a mail order Rx service via Medicare....or my Part D insurance of Medicare. The clinic, the one where I used to work, ignored ALL of the faxes from the insurance company requesting Doctor's orders for the other words confirmation of a valid Rx. After a period of being off my meds is when my glands popped out. I was under significant stress. I have been on these meds for 25+ years due to severe PTSD.

After these two weeks, I was pretty shaky.....(please note that is a massive understatement). I contacted the Rx service who told me they had Faxed and called the clinic repeatedly and no one responded to their requests for information. Please note, they were talking with receptionists ONLY.

I contacted the clinic and was told (by a receptionist, who has NO AUTHORITY to say this) that the meds "could not be refilled until I was seen by the doctor." I explained that my December appointment was canceled because the DOCTOR WAS SICK, and I was assured that getting refills would NOT be a problem since it was the clinic's issue with me not being able to see the Doc. She continually interrupted me and spoke over me every time I tried to say anything. This situation continued on for two days, with me not being allowed to talk to anyone or leave a message for my Doc or his nurse, because apparently this receptionist has a medical degree(sarcasm to the MAX). FINALLY, I called and demanded (fairly politely) to speak to the Therapist on call for the emergencies that day.

I explained the situation to this therapist, requesting that she serve as an advocate for me and directly contact either my Doc or his nurse.....she did that and the medication was sent out as a rapid delivery via special order through UPS. I received it 2 days ago. I was off my antidepressants for a total of three miserable weeks.

OK, back to the swollen lymph nodes....after taking the psych meds for 2 days ....the swollen lymph nodes and pain are COMPLETELY GONE. In fact, the difference was amazing after just the first day of being back on the meds!! I found this QUITE BIZARRE!!! But after researching on the net, I found that D/C abruptly of antidepressants often causes flu like symptoms. I also found one that mentioned swollen lymph glands specifically, but I can't find it at the moment.

It is amazing how much better I feel mentally and emotionally with my meds back, but it is also quite disturbing that D/Cing the meds can have such an intense and painful reaction. I am probably going to change clinics, as I consider what happened to me as totally unnecessary and pretty much unethical, if not outright cruel. The situation has already been reported to the Director of Behavioural Health. I intend to address it also with my Doc during my appointment in about 10 days.

So, to answer your question, I am feeling 1,000% IMPROVED!!!

John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
Well, actually what has happened is VERY WEIRD!!!

I was having some serious pain as you recall in my lymph nodes.....what I DIDN'T mention, because I get paranoid about what people might think......especially when I'm upset, is that my antidepressant medications had run out. This was a result of trying to get the scripts changed over to a mail order Rx service via Medicare....or my Part D insurance of Medicare. The clinic, the one where I used to work, ignored ALL of the faxes from the insurance company requesting Doctor's orders for the other words confirmation of a valid Rx. After a period of being off my meds is when my glands popped out. I was under significant stress. I have been on these meds for 25+ years due to severe PTSD.

After these two weeks, I was pretty shaky.....(please note that is a massive understatement). I contacted the Rx service who told me they had Faxed and called the clinic repeatedly and no one responded to their requests for information. Please note, they were talking with receptionists ONLY.

I contacted the clinic and was told (by a receptionist, who has NO AUTHORITY to say this) that the meds "could not be refilled until I was seen by the doctor." I explained that my December appointment was canceled because the DOCTOR WAS SICK, and I was assured that getting refills would NOT be a problem since it was the clinic's issue with me not being able to see the Doc. She continually interrupted me and spoke over me every time I tried to say anything. This situation continued on for two days, with me not being allowed to talk to anyone or leave a message for my Doc or his nurse, because apparently this receptionist has a medical degree(sarcasm to the MAX). FINALLY, I called and demanded (fairly politely) to speak to the Therapist on call for the emergencies that day.

I explained the situation to this therapist, requesting that she serve as an advocate for me and directly contact either my Doc or his nurse.....she did that and the medication was sent out as a rapid delivery via special order through UPS. I received it 2 days ago. I was off my antidepressants for a total of three miserable weeks.

OK, back to the swollen lymph nodes....after taking the psych meds for 2 days ....the swollen lymph nodes and pain are COMPLETELY GONE. In fact, the difference was amazing after just the first day of being back on the meds!! I found this QUITE BIZARRE!!! But after researching on the net, I found that D/C abruptly of antidepressants often causes flu like symptoms. I also found one that mentioned swollen lymph glands specifically, but I can't find it at the moment.

It is amazing how much better I feel mentally and emotionally with my meds back, but it is also quite disturbing that D/Cing the meds can have such an intense and painful reaction. I am probably going to change clinics, as I consider what happened to me as totally unnecessary and pretty much unethical, if not outright cruel. The situation has already been reported to the Director of Behavioural Health. I intend to address it also with my Doc during my appointment in about 10 days.

So, to answer your question, I am feeling 1,000% IMPROVED!!!
I'm happy to hear you're feeling better!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Better today. Going to work on cleaning the mess that got made while I dealing with pain. And apparently Pamprin, caffeine free, will keep me awake until 3 am. Geez. I don't trust myself to drive today with everything going on so I'm just dealing with house.

The brain hamster is running on its wheel. It turns out I can qualify for ACA health insurance due to change in job and income level. And the hamster is having the "but more bills" panic fit. I think I'm finally getting it settled as I realize that for both ACA and student loan, at the point I'd have to start paying I'll have the income to pay. I think. I need to ask the ACA folks some questions about can I change plans if my income goes up too drastically. I can't find an accurate calculator online to figure those things out and that's just annoying as heck.

If I don't get coverage, and have another emergency, I won't qualify for the hospital charity program anymore. I'm not covered over in lots of debt in other places. And if the income disappears, so do those bills. I think it's going to take a while for that to sink in. I'm not used to bills that just disappear if the income does. And there is also the part worried that I might be penalized if something happens with the job and I don't meet that minimum yearly. But I think that falls under the change of life clauses and I'm good as long as I notify them immediately. I'm going to have to write down the list of questions running through my head.

I do want to talk to my current doctor about who would be a good new doctor. Unfortunately the clinic she is part of is not on any of the plans, and neither is she personally. The doctor I would have chosen is having issues with her office and I just don't want to jump into that mess.

See? Brain hamster on a wheel.

I'm going to go do some laundry, and dishes, and sewing. All while moving very carefully. The muscles aren't cramping anymore but positions that strain them cause them to lock up. But it's better. And there was a conversation with the doctor's nurse (surprise, I did get a call back.) about how to deal with it if it happens again. She's going to talk to the doctor and we'll figure it out. She really had a problem comprehending why I didn't go to the ER.

As far as prep stuff - my favorite sandals are now available again. So I'm getting two pairs of those to last the next year. And after glasses are purchased, I'll likely purchase two more pairs to hold me through another year. I was so fragging annoyed when they weren't available last year. And I'm going to order the Dickie's work apron for working out in the yard. That thing looks amazing and would be so helpful. I think insurance counts as a prep at this point, if only just for being a way to avoid ending up with a mountain of debt if I have another health emergency. (I'm so tired of health emergencies.)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I am on my own recouping from surgery on my hand. My sister came down for the first week but now I'm on my own and coping.

I needed an easy meal I could manage so I tried out a few preps and made a very good chicken pot pie, sort of, in the crock pot. I used a jar of canned chicken, dehydrated veggies, canned potatoes, cream of anything soup, and some chicken broth. Instead of baking it in the oven with pie crust, I spooned it over some vacuum-sealed butter crackers. It was very good and very easy.


Veteran Member
Thurs. is my normal day to shop, but the weather was just too bad to go out. Yesterday, the driveway was flooded. I mortally hate going out on Saturday, but I just can't get the milk and eggs ratio right. 2 gallons of milk is not enough for the week, and if I buy 3, dh won't use it and I wind up donating it to the neighbor's chickens --- who are still not laying. I'm never going to get used to buying eggs at the store.
I got annoyed at the dump so I just stopped at the local grocery instead of going on to WM, and managed to get back in a little over an hour. I just didn't want to leave the farm this morning, it was brutally cold.
I spent most of yesterday prepping the barn for this cold spell and didn't have the energy to find any firewood (it would have been too wet anyway) I've got a couple of logs drying out on top of the doghouse now. Hopefully the old horse won't throw them in the pool like he did last time.
I hope everyone feels better!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Nothing going on here, today, except for regular household chores. I'm sitting here tweaking my grocery list for, Monday. It's supposed to be sunny with high temp of 67 degrees. A perfect day to go shopping.

Question....I have gallons of vegetable oil in storage. Can I save it to use as lamp oil? What if it goes bad?

John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
I'm working on regular household chores, meal planning for the week ahead, and taking inventory.

I'm also trying to decide whether I want to order turkeys. I don't want to order 15 or 20, and those are the requirements at a lot of hatcheries. I don't know anyone that raises turkeys or I'd buy some locally. I'm also thinking about adding a few more geese.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If vegetable oil goes rancid, dh uses it as a fire starter outside.
I've never tried to use it for lamps.

Me, neither. I've got gallons of regular lamp oil, but was wondering what I can use all this vegetable oil for. I don't want to throw it out, and none of it is ruined. I only use it for deep frying French fries, which is not often. I usually bake them in the oven. I also use it when baking cakes or cookies, occasionally.


TB Fanatic
Nothing going on here, today, except for regular household chores. I'm sitting here tweaking my grocery list for, Monday. It's supposed to be sunny with high temp of 67 degrees. A perfect day to go shopping.

Question....I have gallons of vegetable oil in storage. Can I save it to use as lamp oil? What if it goes bad?
We get vegetable oil in commodities and I plan on using it for lamps, that is if DH hasn't used it to start brush piles burning.


Veteran Member
Check Lehman they have a special wick and holder that will let you burn veggie oil....they also sell it on Amazon...I know you don't use them....but you can look on there and see more information about put the holder and wick in mason jars
I got couple a while back but haven't tried them....we have a bunch of oil lamps one for each room...but these are backups for backups..
A reminder to all is very dangerous to walk from room to room with a lit oil lamp...many house fires have started with a dropped oil lamp oil spreads and it flames up.....use a candle to walk with if you have no flashlight


Has No Life - Lives on TB
in regard to the vegetable oil discussion - freezing is the only storage method for long term >>> keep oil & lard from getting freezer burnt by using glass & poly - no metal containers ......

I don't plan to store my vegetable oil for cooking purposes. I'm using olive oil, sesame oil, butter, bacon grease, and lard. No more veggie oil. If all this veggie oil goes bad, it won't be a big deal. I just don't want it to go to a complete waste if I can find other uses for it.

What would ya'll do with it, assuming ya'll don't use it for cooking?


Veteran Member
We have made it up to 45 degrees today and the ice has finally melted off the trees, power lines etc. I had hoped it would all get off yesterday but it just didn’t warm up enough to melt much. We still have lots of places in the shade where sleet is still piled up. It’s so muddy! For the three rounds of mixed precipitation we got it wasn’t anything close to the ice storm we had in 1994 thankfully. Oh how I hate freezing rain. DH had to push limbs from a very old and large oak tree that had rot on one side that came down due to the ice out of the road and is cutting them up. Not sure what he’ll do about the rest of it since it’s huge.

I‘ve been taking it a little easy today since I’ve worn myself out the past few days. I absolutely have to get my houseplants taken care of today though since they’ve been somewhat neglected with my decluttering, cleaning and organizing. And that continues on! This week I concentrated on my herb and spice cabinet and drawer, I refilled all the small bottles in the drawer from mostly the big bottles from the freezer, sent all the new unopened ones from the pantry down to the basement pantry. I’ll have to make time to sort through all that soon and inventory it so I have a better idea of what I need and don’t need, duplicates are good but sometimes I end up with way more than I need/want. My cabinet is mostly both homemade and store bought spice/herb mixes, larger containers of things I use most frequently in larger quantities. Also things like different salts, liquid smoke, kitchen bouquet, whole nutmegs, those tiny containers of things like cloves that I don’t use much of. It was getting really out of hand but is now in much better shape.

The “pantry“ cabinet with pull out drawers next to my fridge houses things like opened bottles of various vinegars, extracts, syrups, honey (I have no idea why we have so many different containers of honey opened) whiskey/vodka etc. (for extracts and recipes) an unopened large jar of Nutella that I tossed since it was dated 2018 *sigh*, granddaughter loves it but she was born in 2019 LOL! I moved some heavy duty aluminum foil, parchment paper type things to one drawer for easier access along with the crockpot liners that I finally found on one of the higher shelves (maybe I’ll get to use them now). Speaking of higher shelves I found a huge stash of Skittles that I think one DD brought over and several brands/flavors of candy canes *mercy* that we got for the grands and I have no idea how old it is. Out of sight, out of mind! It went in the trash.

We‘re still bringing up some things from the basement to refill holes in the pantry and keep things rotated, it will also make things much easier to organize and inventory items down there. I don’t think I have any where near the quantities that a lot of you have and I honestly don’t think I could keep it straight if I did, although I really want to. I’m working hard on simplifying how I store, what I store and how much to store and keeping track of it. I store for DH and I but I’m also keeping my kids and grandkids in mind, especially as things continue to spiral downward.

SB~ I don’t have an answer for you on the vegetable oil but hd5574 has a great idea. I didn’t know that there was something to burn veg oil for a lamp, cool beans. The only issue I could see is if the oil went off before it was used, it wouldn’t be something you’d want to have to smell?! We had a large bottle of oil go rancid last year that was unopened (don’t remember if it was veg or canola) and I don’t know what DH did with it, I’ll ask if he remembers. My issue right now is having several bottles of EVOO on hand with a few already way out of date, that I hope will still be good. I didn’t realize I had that much on hand even though I haven’t bought any in awhile since we had the other kind go off. I just brought a bottle up best use by date of June 2021, but haven’t opened it yet to check. If it still good I’ll see if my daughters want part of it because it’s a 3 liter and it will take awhile to use it, I wish I’d noticed it sooner.


TB Fanatic
Sunny and 55, all the animals look happy about it. Got a call from a friend that said they saw a goat or two out by the road. DH went to check and couldn't find any out, came home and counted heads and all are here. We do have one that does like to get out, but she was in.

DH caught a pig in the pig trap, he saw several babies run in the woods. He put the caught one in the pin and put it with the other one. The babies may or may not be able to get in the pin.

Not much going on today, lazy I guess. DH is feeling blah, he's done a few things outside in addition to dealing with the pig trap and looking to see if a goat was out. I might could have gone and looked for the goat, but I'm not feeling comfortable about doing something like that and I'm terrified of tripping falling. so I stick close to the house. Makes it hard to get much in the way of exercise.


Veteran Member
I'm working on regular household chores, meal planning for the week ahead, and taking inventory.

I'm also trying to decide whether I want to order turkeys. I don't want to order 15 or 20, and those are the requirements at a lot of hatcheries. I don't know anyone that raises turkeys or I'd buy some locally. I'm also thinking about adding a few more geese.

The local feed store orders them for people here. Since she buys several hundred birds at a time, they can get what they want. She did get stuck with 2 turkeys that nobody picked up last year and tried to give them to me...