Well, I just had my tonsils taken out.


Contributing Member
Well, nothing was working, so after 6 antibiotics and one does of steroids, I had my tonsils taken out 4 days ago. I'm 37.
You hear all the horror stories about the pain.
But let me tell you....the pain is bearable. What ISN'T is all the yuck and muck in the back of your throat! It is impossible to swallow and even breathe at times because of all the mucus and scabs in your throat. No one warned me about that. The doc said it would be harder to recover from this than from my c-section and he's right.


TB Fanatic
Ugh! You poor thing. Hope you get on the (more noticeable) mend shortly. One thing about it, you'll feel so much better when you do recover that you will wonder why you waited! Try to rest as much as you can so you can heal quickly. I really feel for you. I bypassed this fate with only luck. My recurrent bouts finally stopped as suddenly as they came. Strange stuff. Feel Better!!


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
MoonGazer, you may be alright by now, but I wanted to pass on a "secret" I learned when I had my tonsils out at 17 years old.
Try drinking cold Coca-cola! When I was in the hospital, after coming out of the recovery room, the nurse said I could have as much Coca -cola as I wanted...that the more I drank, the faster I would heal! I was in a room with two other girls...they cried and wouldn't drink Coke after the first try, because it hurt. But I musta drunk 4 liters of the stuff the first afternoon. By the next day, when my doctor came in that afternoon, he said I could start having broth and some other soft stuff....NO MILK PRODUCTS!! :kk2: Makes your goo even thicker! The morning of the third day I was sent home, while the other two girls STILL wouldn't drink or eat anything...and since we had the same doc, I know there was no difference there. They were really hungry, and got mad when I got Popscicles the second day and they didn't....but they WOULD NOT drink the Coke, I did. There was literally NO PAIN after the second day! And my surgery was VERY severe...I had like 12 stitches on each side of my throat, because the tonsils were HUGE...they took out my adenoids too.....but I think that's normal. By the end of the week, I was eating steak, even though my doc said ONLY soft foods for 2&1/2 weeks....but he knew I did it, because after a week & 1/2 I went back for a check-up, and had torn a couple of the stitches out....he said "go ahead, you're going to anyway." But "blender food" was SOOOO TOTALLY YUK!!
NOW....you can look forward to them growing back!! Mine did! I had mononucleosis when I was 40...and the blasted things grew back!!! Haven't had any problems though, and that was 12 years ago. :ld:

Christian for Israel

Knight of Jerusalem
update: MoonGazer began hemorraging and had to return to the hospital for additional surgery. please join us in praying that everything goes well and that she'll be able to put this whole thing behind her soon. thank you.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
OH MAN!!! :sht: THAT'S AWFUL!! When did she have to go back to the hospital...and is she OK now??
CFI.....apparently you are in contact with her?? Please send my caring and concern for her....I am adding her to my prayer list.

fruit loop

Ugh...you have my sympathy

Had mine out at age 19. I'm glad I did it, but recovery was HELL.

Yeah, that disgusting looking white junk growing all over the back of your throat is a "Scab." If you begin to have ear pain, go to the doc immediately; my throat (which, like yours, was already infected prior to surgery) got really infected and backed up into my ear canals.

Popsicles are your friend. The cold will help the swelling. This and ice cream was about all I could eat. Sonic slushies are good too.

STAY AWAY FROM COKE. It will burn your throat, and probably won't taste right, either. My taste buds were messed up for a long time after the surgery. Things I liked tasted horrible, and some things I didn't like were great, like tomato soup.

When it's time to eat solid food again, any scratchiness when you swallow means to stop. If it scratches or hurts, you're not healed enough yet.

Good luck. You'll be glad you did it. It helped my allergies a lot.

Christian for Israel

Knight of Jerusalem
latest update from moongazer:

Yea, pretty much everything I was afraid of happened.
I swallowed so much blood they had to pump my stomach. It was an experience I hope to never go through again. I have to go back to work in 2 days and my husband goes back to work tomorrow so I am really nervous.

Anyway, for the most part, the danger should be over,,,,I hope. The doctor said he had never seen that happen to someone 12 days after surgery. He said it usually happened about 7 days after if it was going to happen.
Anway,,,thanks for all your prayers. It helped knowing you guys were praying for me.
