
Veteran Member
Gentlemen, Gentlemen!

I spent a lot of my working years in television production and news. In that time I NEVER found it necessary to even say a hell or damn. The English language is quite capable of being used for an expression of frustration without resort to four letter words (cursing).

Even during my military service, a part of which was service as a Drill Instructor for a Basic Training Platoon, I did not find it necessary or appropriate to use curse words or a demeaning tone when addressing the troops. BTW, this was an award winning platoon.

The use of crude language and expressions is a measure of either ignorance or a significant lack of discipline and/or imagination. It is unnecessary, and usually counter productive.

That is not to say that I have not, on other private occassions, resorted to an explicative. In doing so, we only demean ourselves.

There is a difinition for discipline that is worthy of repeating: "Discipline is a mental attitude or state of training that renders proper obedience and conduct innate under ALL conditions" (emphasis mine).

Live television is, by difinition, one crisis after another.




did someone say BBQ?
Zander, you are correct! Way more confetti! I do remember towards the very end seeing the balloons finally drop at a much faster rate. I was too busy laughing (we played the Kerry-Vietnam-Drinking Game) so my vision was a little blurry!


LOL!!! How fitting. 99 balloons pretty much sums up the story. I'm surprised not one publication that I've seen used that as a headline. Nice one, Rattlehead. :)


LOL, oh my god....

you're griping about Dem's being idiots because of balloons delayed dropping.
Interesting how some of you focus on the small stuff that doesn't matter one ounce. I rather have bad balloon droppers running this country than BUSH!


Membership Revoked
Sounds like someone substituted tribbles for the balloons. (This is the Fleet Center, the old "Boston Garden". Would have served them right if what came down instead of balloons were the Celtics banners unfurling.)

A big deal was made before the convention about the company (small business, woman-owned) who got the contract. Various footage about them practicing, showing how quickly they could do it. Hope it wasn't the demos caught in an affirmative action booboo. ;^)


Interesting update. Playing out right into my script, love it. :)

And now, in one of the weirdest twists you're likely to see, some TV maestro working for the Democrats on their high-gloss convention may cause CNN to get a whopping fine from the Republican-centric Federal Communications Commission, which has done an Ashcroft-like dance of morality on the state of American television.


For once, I'm with the FCC on this one. :)


Zander said:
No, as much as many publications have claimed that the balloons finally dropped en masse, they did NOT. I watched the whole thing live, all the way to the end. The balloons just kept trickling down from about three points around the perimeter, at a rate of about 20-40 or so per second from each release point. What was supposed to happen was that after an initial trickle, they were supposed to flood down in one huge wave. I believe what happened was that the process was somewhat amended, but no one told Mischer.

i watched too, the end, not the whole show. kerry was just finishing up when i tuned in.

nope, i never saw them drop either. in fact, there was a shot of the ceiling right near then end of the broadcast which showed zillions of them still up there. in final comments, the reporter at the podium said people were making bets over whether they'd eventually complete the drop.

so when the liberal rag SFGate says: "Finally, they all showered down. And Mischer's unhappy moment of TV fame was over," we know there was historical revisionism happening even before the historical moment had concluded.

as opposed to the balloons, the fireworks at the Boston Pops concert seemed as though they'd never stop! talk about looking uncomfortable, the candidates and their families could do nothing more than wave and smile and point out to each other the most spectacular explosions. it went on and on and on. Theresa, who already looked plowed (on something), started to get that look like "John, it's time to go home. enough already. i need a drink."


Fightin' Quaker
Well, f*ck me royally. I f*ckin' think it's in f*ckin' bad taste for any motherf*cker to use that kind of f*ckin' language. If you don't f*ckin' agree, then f*ck off, f*cker.

Dick Cheney


Membership Revoked
Re: The failure to execute at the Democrat Convention... Forget the balloons! Re:

Kerry's "plan" (specifics, please)... WHERE THE F*@K'S THE
BEEF?!?! :rolleyes: