........With my Heart


Veteran Member

The assassin crept back through the woods, circling the long way around and crouching to watch the Apperton house activity. The kids were in and out of the house until lunch time and they settled down inside with the meal bars their mother had given them.

Tammy moved slowly in and opened the door to the Suburban, a key from her pocket unlocked the hidden vault installed in the floor and the rifle was slid in on the sheepskin padding.

It was too bad about Davis. He had been so transparent about the intentions he planned; that it was easy to skirt around and beat him at his own game.

Tammy smiled at her cleverness, some days were just better than others.

Davis was hurt bad. At the moment his only thought was to abandon the rifle, and get away from it's damming presence. With Pete shot, people might believe he had been an innocent victim by a unseen shooter if he played his cards right.

Deena in GA

Yep, NEVER expected Tammy at all. Pac, you are SOOOO good!!! Sure glad I was right about Davis not being dead, at least not yet. Hope he pulls through.


Veteran Member
oh my TAMMY! wow!!! now I really do not know who is the good guys and who are the bad guys

well except for Evie: she is for sure 'good'.......................................right?

wait... did I sleep through summer????


thank you!


oh my TAMMY! wow!!! now I really do not know who is the good guys and who are the bad guys

well except for Evie: she is for sure 'good'.......................................right?

wait... did I sleep through summer????


thank you!

Evie ends up with ANOTHER batch of kids?



Veteran Member
I am so glad I didn't have to wait till fall...Some very interesting happenings in that neck of the woods.


Contributing Member
Talk about a twist! I am shocked at who the shooter is.

Glad to see you missed us so much that you could not wait to get that chapter posted!!!!



Pac this is May..were you trying to pull an April fools joke on us? If so I think we all fell for it..lol.
Thanks so much for continuing the story. I never thought it would be Tammy either. What a way your mind works!


Senior Member
WOW!!!! As soon as I posted who it was I come here to find out I am completely wrong. Never saw that one.


Veteran Member

Tammy stuck her head in the open back door and wobbled in with an arm load of wood. "Have you heard all the loud going's on at the Hanson's and the other people over there. They sure are hollering."

All the kids shook their heads no, eating the homemade survival bars occupied their mouth's.

"Well, maybe they are shouting at those dogs," Tammy shrugged with studied indifference. "That big dog is large enough to eat hay."

Carl snickered, "Yeah, when we were there he licked me and almost rubbed my hide off. He sure is a big one." He stood up and looked out the window. "Hey, they're around some guy laying on the ground, I wonder what happened?" Carl moved toward the door in a flash. Sophie was 2 seconds behind him. They were out the door and gone.

The two younger kids were looking at the door, wanting to follow their brother and sister. "No way," Tammy firmly ordered. "Don't even think about it."

Carl was back in a couple of minutes, panting from his run. "There's a dead guy there. They want me to run into town and get the Sheriff."

Tammy gasped, and said with shock, "go ahead, thank you for telling me where you are going." Tammy went to the door and called for Sophie, bringing her home from the neighbors. The girl came running in, drawing in huge gulps of air, "Mom, they wouldn't let me see, that's not fair, they let Carl."

"Sophie they were right not to let you see, good heavens you're a blood thirsty little chick." Tammy reproved her daughter. "This is horrible." Tammy gathered up a blanket and shouted for Sophie to stay and tend to her brother and sister.

Tammy went running out the door toward the neighbors, her interest that of a concerned onlooker.

Evie looked at the backside of her son as he lay face down in the gravel. She was upset once again by Pete or a Pete look alike. Resigned, she wondered how many more shootings would have to take place, how many more deaths.

She had been there when Ev had turned the body over, the small entrance hole at odds with the exploded, gaping exit wound. It looked like Pete. These days, who would know?

And then, here they were out in the open gathered together like a gaggle of geese, a invitation for them all to be killed. Pretty stupid. Evie looked up to see Clora standing in the door to the house with the shotgun. Once again Evie thought how useless a defense. No shotgun would ever reach the distance the rifle used against Pete could reach. Clora knew better, yet it was all they had.

Evie saw their new neighbor come flying down the drive with a blanket, panic stricken horror on her face.

Inky growled and stood up, positioning himself between Evie and the newcomer. Evie reached out and touched him, stilling the huge dog. It was clear her protector didn't care for Tammy and Evie took note,thinking that she needed to investigate that problem later.

The wail of Benny's siren filled the air, bringing enforcement to the scene in front of them.

Evie sank gratefully into the chair. What a horrible afternoon this had been. She propped her head with her hands, and let her strained muscles try to relax. She was proud of Benny. He was smooth but firm in his investigation. A good credit to his profession. He ushered them in the barn, away from the body and further exposure to a shooter.

He had excused a wide eyed, fascinated Tammy and sent her home with her boy. Evie was aware that only then did Inky go off guard, and gather up Junior and retreat out of the commotion to lay down. Ruby hadn't been alerted for some reason, but she was within three inches of Ev, at any given time.

Brett and Trey came out with Benny, unnecessary extra's Evie thought, but soon discovered Brett's reason. He quietly asked Evie for money; forgetting that she was very much aware that he had sold the diner for cash. Evie loved her grandchildren, but she wasn't senile or addle pated, nor stupid. Brett shouldn't have known about the vast amount of money Pete had left. Evie was sure Clora and Benny would have honored her request to keep the information to themselves.

Evie went to the cupboard and took out a small baking powder can. She had stashed a hundred dollars in the make shift hiding spot, and she gave it to Brett. She was very disturbed when he took it and barely said "thank you." Trying not to show how angry she was, Evie let Brett go back outside with out another word.

15 minutes later, she watched Brett and Trey start for town, walking together in a hurry. Glaring at Brett through the window, Evie was caught by Clora, the young woman coming to the window to see who Evie was giving the 'look'."

"Did he ask you for money also?" Clora wanted to know. Evie nodded her affirmative. "That's pretty nervy," Clora muttered. "Brett should have a wad in his pocket from the diner sale."

"I thought so myself," Evie wrung her hands. "I don't like the feeling I'm getting from this. Is it a full moon or something? Has the whole world gone nuts?"


Veteran Member
Nancy, I can see if you haven't read the first three 'books' of the Evie saga, it would be confusing. They are a continuation, one after the other, not stand alone segments.
Pete is a first class bad guy; spy, letch, jerk, and it has never been firmly established what he has done to be 'wanted' by the 'good' and the 'bad' guys that want to see him dead. It hasn't been established who are the 'good', and who are the 'bad', and where the money came from.

I guess you will have to trust me to tie it all together. Heh, Tee Hee.

Deena in GA

Thank you so much for continuing the story - and posting more than a chapter a week! I think you may have just as hard a time as we do staying away from this story. ;) It's a grand one!!!


Veteran Member
Great to see you continuing this saga so soon. I guess you are as taken with it as we are (and that is surely to our benefit. We don't mind getting to read now rather than wait until fall). So no one has found Davis yet, but we know he is not dead. His assassin thinks he is dead so didn't call any attention to him. Does she know what he had in the wheel barrow? or does she simply not want anyone to know that it was she that shot Pete? Golly, in your story nothing is "simply" this or that so it is hard to guess properly. Thanks for the fourth 'book', we are gonna be anxious to read each new chapter.


Veteran Member

Benny had called Agent Wright when the McCann kid had come running into the office with the news, the hastily scribbled note from Ev had shocked him to his toes.

The agent had instructed him to not contaminate the scene, to keep looky-loo's away, and to keep the onlookers away from each other. Well, Benny thought 2 outa three ain't bad. The third one just wasn't gonna happen.

Faster than the young Sheriff thought possible, the wap wap of approaching helicopters signaled the arrival of the big guns. Henry Wright was impassive, cool and secretly delighted that this might be the real Pete

The processing of the crime scene completed with out surprises, except for the wound type and size. The technician had whispered the caliber was not a common size, possibly Chinese. Only one shot, and they found where the shooter had crouched by the angle of the shot.

The second agent walking ever larger concentric circles had found another shooting scene, blood, no body and a standard issue 233 thrown into the brush. He reported to Wright, who quashed any further mention of the second happening. They tried to follow the tracks, lost them in the heavy vegetation.

So far, according to all the witnesses, the man had started running toward the Hanson house and suddenly fell forward. They hadn't realized he had been shot until they were close enough to roll him over. They hadn't heard a gunshot, didn't know that Pete was anywhere near the place.

On their home turf, the Hanson's were pleasant, accommodating people. Henry Wright enjoyed the interaction with the group, especially the old woman who seemed to call the shots as a matriarch. The Grandchildren acted truthful, the neighbor also. The investigator in the copter had been using voice pattern recognition, and according to the words he was sending into Wright's earbud, they were all telling the truth.

How such simple people could be such magnets for such dark and dangerous trouble, Wright could only speculate. They really had no idea of the situation they were in, or the depravity of the unseen players they were dealing with. This was the authentic Pete. The small palm held chip reader had buzzed accurately when discreetly passed over the body, in all three identifying spots. Once again the information was relayed to Henry.

Pete, the turn coat traitor that passed information to the Chinese for vast amounts of money for useless information. He turned around and sold information to the collation of Communist Eastern blocks for yet again a tidy sum. The brass encrusted man had put feelers out towards the oil producing radicals, then calmly declined their offers when they didn't match what he demanded. That put three of the world's evil nasty's hot on his trail, foreign agents recruited to kill Pete and return their investments home.

In a fit of conscience, Pete had spilled his guts to Homeland Security, involving them and then Henry's agency. Henry scratched the back of his neck, a sure fire sign that the situation wasn't over. His itchy neck had never failed him yet, as a premonition of what was to come.

Evie invited Henry in for a cup of coffee and cookies. Everyone at the place floated in for the cookies and didn't have time for the coffee. Henry soon found out why. He had a fondness for double strength espressos; but they were pale compared to the industrial strength sludge that woman tried to pass off as coffee.

Henry Wright had a new found admiration for the Grandmother, she drank two cups to his one, and was refilling both their cups when she stopped and looked inquisitively at a spot beside the stove. "I wonder where that blasted dog went, I hope he isn't out chasing skunks."

Henry shivered and it wasn't the coffee overload. He hated skunks. In his youth his family had a skunk spray under their house. The most obnoxious, vile smell was imprinted in his psyche forever. He didn't say a word about the skunk, but instead used his manners and thanked Evie for her hospitality.

"Now that I have plied you with coffee and cookies, would you please tell me what in the Sam Hill is going on?" Evie set the coffee pot down with a thump. "What has Pete been up to?"

"You don't appear to be upset," Henry countered, stalling for time.

"I grieved for the first Pete. Now, I am simply embarrassed by his traitor ism. I never," and Evie looked at Henry with sad eyes, "thought a child of mine would betray his country. It is......almost beyond comprehension." Evie felt old and bewildered.

Henry relented and told her an abbreviated version of what he knew. If possible, it made Evie felt worse. "You understand that this may not be over?" Henry pushed hard.

Evie nodded. Clora came into the room, telling Henry he was wanted outside. The portly man rose and thanked Evie once again, fuming that the opportunity to talk about the money had been lost. It had been a perfect opening, lost to the vapors of change.

Ev was asking to go home, citing the strain on his wife just out of the hospital and their daughter a handful for the nanny. Henry perked up his ears, thinking they needed to interview the extras, but then realized they couldn't add to the information gathered.

Finally, Henry nodded, allowing Ev to cross the pasture for home. That left Benny, Clora, Evie and the agents. Evie sat down, tired. Clora joined her at the table, looking drained herself. Benny finally drug himself in the house as the rotors of the copters powered up.

"Henry said without a doubt, this one was Pete." Benny said tiredly. He reached for a cookie and looked around the kitchen. "Grandma, do you have a jar of stew or chili? I'm starved and didn't get lunch."

Clora got up and went to the basement. Elk chunks with noodles and peaches, that's good enough, she thought. It was very good.

Benny ate supper in a hurry and left for town and the paperwork that always accompanied a 'happening' of this sort. The soft dusk was falling, the night birds calling and rustling in the trees. Evie and Clora sat at the table in companionable silence, each lost in their thoughts.

There was a scratch and whine at the door. "Inky has really been out a long time," Evie commented. Clora opened the door and screamed. Inky was laying on the stoop, bloody and dirty. Laying with him was a person just as bloody and dirty.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
A family full of law enforcement, how could Davis not know? More zing zooms on the way!


North to the Future
Oh Pac, you keep us breathless for the next one....Yay Inky!! Hope this turns out well......
Thank you so much for sharing your talent, we are very lucky to have you with us! Bless you and your family, been praying for you all for what you've been through ~


loving this story! You have a talent for keeping us on our toes.
Thanks for bringing this to us so quickly.



Davis must have been waiting for everyone to leave before he came to the house for help. Wonder why? Did he see his shooter?
Thanks Pac.

Deena in GA

Oh Pac, you keep us breathless for the next one....Yay Inky!! Hope this turns out well......
Thank you so much for sharing your talent, we are very lucky to have you with us! Bless you and your family, been praying for you all for what you've been through ~

+1 Sure hope Davis saw her and can tell them about it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Look what the dog dragged in! I hope Evie can doctor him back to health, or at least long enough to talk.


Veteran Member
"Good Lord!" Evie swore as much as she ever allowed herself. "Who is that?"

Clora looked hard at the bloody mess bunched up on the stoop. "I think, .....it looks like Davis McCann. It's hard to tell, he's so bloody, should we bring him in or try and clean him up outside. Inky must be hurt also, he's got as much blood on him as this ....person."

"Is it possible to do it outside, if we can?" Evie wondered. "I'm beginning to have a bad feeling about this, Good Grief, we need to catch a break."

Clora grabbed a bucket and went to the water trough. Evie went to the house for rags. It was a long process to mop the blood off the man's head and face. There were scrapes and bruises, mosquito bites, cuts and gouges and dirt over every inch they cleaned.

"What is this?" Evie poked at the heavy vest covering Davis; "a bullet proof vest?"

"Yes, it's called personal mass protection, or something like that," Clora amended as they worked on Davis in the pale light of the oil lamp. "I still haven't found where he was shot, it's just all this mess."

Clora was washing a blood crusted arm when without warning Davis said very clearly, "Do not tell anyone I am here, still alive. Especially Tammy and the family. They need to think I am dead." then he lapsed into silence. The two women continued to clean, saying nothing, saving their strength for the task.

"I took the first bullet center mass, and the vest held. But I think I have a couple of busted ribs. The blood is from the second shot. It went across the top of my hip and I've been holding it with my hand."

Evie said, "thank you for telling us, it makes it easier to clean up." Davis was glassy eyed, from what she could see in the dim light and fighting to stay conscious. "Stay still," she advised gently. "We'll tell you when we need you to move. If you go under, don't fight it, we have all night."

"Have to get inside and hide, can't be found," Davis mumbled with a thick tongue, "she tried to kill me."

Evie and Clora looked at each other and Evie just shook her head. Davis was talking like he was delirious and out of his head.
Clora was on the side the hip was injured. "Grandma," she said in a low tone, "the bullet cut a path deep and long. We need to get him inside to dress it properly."

"Douse the lights, douse the lights," Davis struggled to reach the lamp, "it put's us all in danger, and no I'm not out of my head," he gasped with pain as Clora moved the vest to get a better look at the wound. "Please, for God's sake get me in and hide me. This has gone all wrong," he babbled.

"Let me get the old shower curtain and lay it on Benny's bed," Clora soothed Davis as she had him hold a pad of cloth on his bleeding hip. "Can you walk?" she placed her arm around his waist and tried to leverage him up. "Lean on me, Grandma is to frail to support you."

Evie picked up the lamp and took it inside, out of harm's way. No sense in breaking a perfectly good lamp. Evie grabbed the old mop handle for Davis to use like a walking stick. She had to place it in his hand and curl his fingers around the wood, he was disoriented and weak and whispering under his breath.

Neither Clora or Evie paid him any mind as they worked to get his wobbling legs up the two steps and into the house. Once they overbalanced and Davis smashed his weight into Clora and the door frame into the kitchen.

"Ohhh," Clora said with a small sob, "that really hurt."

"Oh Honey, let me steady this side," Evie grabbed Davis by the belt with one hand and clamped her other hand around his forearm.

Together they got Davis the length of the living room and into Benny's room. He started to wobble again with dead weight slumping forward as he passed out and Clora and Evie guided him like an incoming missile into the bed.

Evie went to the kitchen for the lamp and found her hands were trembling so much she was in danger of shaking the chimney off.
She had to sit down quick and regroup her senses and abilities.

"Grandma! are you OK?" Clora called from the bedroom, worry evident in her tone.

"Yes," Evie rubbed her forehead and got stiffly to her feet. "I'm coming, just got a little weak kneed there for a moment."

Clora called out again,"don't forget to close the door, the mosquitoes are thick in here."

Evie looked dumbly at the open door. The black gaping hole encouraging the biting little devils to swarm in by the thousands. She closed it gently, thinking all the while how stupid she was acting. One trip with the lamp, another with a pan of water and the race was back on to get Davis cleaned up while he was still semi conscious.

"Are the curtains closed," Davis strained to lift his head to see. "Can't have her looking in and see me."

"They are," Clora said softly. "This bedroom is on the other side of our house from her house, that's why we chose it."

"Good, Good," Davis garbled slowly. "God, I hurt," he sighed and passed out.

"This makes it easier," Clora twisted her hand to pull the material away from Davis's hip. "Lord Almighty, this is bad Grandma. What can we do, we arn't equipped to deal with a wound of this magnitude. This needs more than band aids."

Clora had been talking with Benny in her mind. Their non verbal thoughts had always been easy to transmit before, but there was some sort of block tonight and she was trying to reach him with severe determination.

Inky whined and scratched at the door, his pitiful sounds were more than Evie could handle and she went to let him in. He had actually done an admirable job of cleaning himself, missing a bit of mess on the top of his head. Evie let Inky and Junior in, locking the door behind them. She felt just plain spooked tonight. The going's on were overwhelming.

Both women were still working on Davis, when there was a loud insistent knocking at the door. Whoever was beating loudly had grabbed the door handle and was bumping it harshly.


Veteran Member
Pac, my dear lady, I wasn't quite ready for that to come to an end. Now I will have to lay down some good prayers you have an easy day today so you can write more for us soon! or give us a hint about who is banging on the front door! Waiting is not our strong suit when you leave such a cliff for us to trip over.


I hope that Benny at the door also. Sure am glad that Davis is alive and could warn them about Tammy. I need more soonest . Pretty please Pac?


Veteran Member

Ev rattled the knob again, putting some muscle into opening the stuck door. He had never known Evie to lock her door, so he never suspicioned it was now. Clora went flying into the kitchen, shining the flashlight directly into Ev's face through the window. Ev threw up his hand to shield his eyes, and stepped back away from the attack.

Discovering she knew the person, Clora opened the door and motioned Ev in with a shush finger to her lips.

"Is everything OK? I saw the lights and thought you were outside. After this morning, I thought I should give a check. What is all over the porch, sure looks like blood and I hope Inky wasn't hurt." Ev had more questions that a 4 year old at the zoo. Clora attempted to keep his voice down, and finally broke in to scold.

"Ev! hush for a minute!" Clora got a late word in edgewise. "We have a situation here, and I want you're word that you will keep silent about what you see and hear."

Ev's eyebrows shot up into his bushy hairline and his nose twitched above his unruly mustache and full beard, he cleared his throat and shifted his feet. Curiosity was killing him, he could never stand a mystery without knowing the outcome.

"Ya, sure 'nuff," he promised, waiting impatiently for Clora to ease his curiosity.

"Come help us then," she invited. "We have a person who has been shot, and we need to be silent about him and his problems."

Ev practically pushed Clora in his eagerness, following her into the bedroom. His crestfallen face when he discovered it was the grandfather from the next door was almost comical.

"Ev," Evie acknowledged her friend and neighbor. "I'm glad you came. We need help taking this off Davis," she pointed to the Kevlar body protection. "We need to get to his wound."

When he heard that someone unknown was in the room, the older gentleman got very agitated and was practically shouting. "No!, No!, get him away! Where is my gun? You will not take my armor off."

"Davis, we need help, Ev is an old friend and he's here to assist us. Calm down," Evie ordered sharply.

"What happened here?" Ev was bursting with questions, and the ladies were exceptionally slow at imparting what they knew.

"Davis has been shot, and everyone but we three, needs to think he is dead. His shooter was a member of his family, so we have to be extraordinarily cautious, as they are so close." Evie explained softly.

Davis fairly vibrated with anger as he tried to get up out of bed. "I told you that NO ONE was to know that I am here. I have to leave, let me get up NOW!"

"Listen you old goat. Lay down and shut up. This happens to be my grandson's bed you are bleeding all over." Evie kept her voice normal, but the steel in her tone left no doubt as to whom was in charge.

Ev said "phew," as Evie shook her finger at Davis, indicating he was glad he wasn't on the receiving end of that particular scolding.

Davis fixed him with a baleful eye, letting Ev know he wasn't the least bit amused by the backwoods humor. "Are you sure he is trustworthy?" Davis coughed as a fresh wave of pain rolled over him. Panting with exertion, he fought to force his response to the crippling torment, he was loosing control of the situation.

Ev said, "what do you need done?" to Evie, as she mopped a rag around the edges of the oozing wound.

"We won't take your protection off," she pacified Davis, "but we need to get the edge away from the wound so we can clean and have a look at it."

"Ev, pull his pants waistband down so we can get the material out of the way. Clora you grab the bottom of the vest and twist it to the side." Evie swatted Davis's hand away as he tried to grasp the open, sliced flesh that was paining him so. "Grab his hand Ev, you're the only one that can hold him."

Holding the flashlight, Evie directed the beam to illuminate the weeping, serum bubbling hole. Her heart sank. This was a major wound, not a back woods fix by a ancient old woman. Evie briefly wondered what they did during the early wars, before doctors.

That louse Inghram had deserted them as a relative, and the only physician. In her life experience, Evie had never had to deal with a problem of this stature, and she was stumped as to what to do. With the horses, one had to keep the wound open and let it heal from the inside out, keep it clean and covered and dry but not gooey moist. So, that's what she planned to do for Davis.

Right or wrong, if he died, he died. She didn't mean to be callous and she really was going to try, but unless he would allow a doctor, he probably would. The wound could be flushed with boiled and cooled water, so that's what she would do.

Evie went to put the teakettle on the stove, filling the firebox with new wood and went back to the bedroom to speak with Davis.
Holding his hand she patted the scared and twisted fingers to have Davis focus his attention completely on her. "I won't lie to you, it's bad," she consoled him gently. "Bigger than I have the expertise to deal with. If you want to live, we need to get you to a doctor."

"Now stop," she ordered Davis who wanted to jerk his hand away. "It's your decision to make. We won't override your wishes, but don't take so long that it's impossible to help you when you want to be saved."

David was so weak, he had to lay back. He had enough strength to close his eyes and that was all.

Evie shook her head in frustration, this wasn't going to end well, she was sure of it.


Veteran Member
Well I have to say I never expected Ev to do a door at Evie's like that. He ought to know that just get him shot! LOL

Funny, I have always pictured Ev as a Grizzley Adams kinda guy too. :shr:



Veteran Member
Ev had a chew stashed in his cheek and needed to spit. He excused himself from the bedroom and stepped outside the back door, the coolness and fresh air a relief from the stench of blood and adrenalin wafting off Davis.

It was a beautiful evening the velvet blackness of the night studded with diamond stars, scattered carelessly as far as the eye could see. A faint breeze lifted wisps of Ev's hair as he stretched and inhaled a deep lungful of pure, sweet air. He said a prayer for his good fortune; to be who he was, where he was, as he was.

It was just an ordinary night nothing special about it, but Ev was profoundly grateful to have the riches blessed upon him by his Heavenly Father. Ev contemplated Davis and his predicament. He decided it wouldn't hurt to say a prayer for Davis, the man had the worst possible thing happen to him. He had been turned on by his own family, the deepest cut of all.

The breeze increased incrementally, and a curious buzz and crackle skittered through the air. Interested in the noise source, Ev glanced up in time to see the first bright green shimmer undulate across the night sky. Northern lights, he decided as a second and third wave joined the first. It was amazing, and breathtaking every time he saw the lights, and tonight was no different.

Evie and Clora joined him, slipping silently outside to marvel at the power of nature. All three sending prayers up for Davis, the man in God's hands. The breeze increased yet again, holding the mosquitoes at bay and the group stood in silence and prayer.

Evie thought they were asking for a miracle, but she had to ask. Clora prayed for Davis, asking that the strife and drama of her father's death be laid to rest. She prayed for peace, her heart grieving for the pain she knew her Grandmother was experiencing.

Ev prayed for Cheryl to heal from her operation and that her heart heal from the loss of their unborn child. There would be no more children for them. It was a choice of another child or Cheryl's life. They had prayed and cried and Ev let his beloved make the final decision.

They were comfortable, praying together. They stood in the gentle night, until the intrusive headlights stabbed through the darkness.
"That's Benny," Clora said softly.

Brett and Trey ate supper at the clinic/diner, chatting with friends and neighbors. He bedded Trey in the cell and sat at the desk idly twisting and twirling a pencil. Benny was sitting at the radio, listening to the traffic from the various command centers dealing with the tsunami problems. The misery just down the road from idyllic Evergreen was incredible.

Finally, Benny stood up and said "I'm gonna run out to Grandma's and see how she is doing. She looked like she had been through a knot hole backwards. If I wait much longer, she'll be in bed."

"Yeah, go ahead," Benny mumbled indifferently.

Benny left for Evie's and the second he was out of sight Brett sprang into action. He opened the garage door and drove out the ancient 4x4 army surplus water truck. He put Trey in the seat wrapped in blankets, loaded several boxes, shut the garage door and left Evergreen by the mountainous back road. Brett felt in his heart he would never come back.

Inga and Lainey washed the last of the night's dishes, working in companionable silence. They heard Benny leave town headed for Evie's. Earlier in the afternoon Benny had offered a quick explanation as he rushed in to grab a bowl of stew from the diner/clinic and beat feet back to the office. He had grabbed Lainey by the hand and drug her into the kitchen, affording them enough privacy to sneak a quick kiss. A wink and a smile and he was out the door.

Will and his wife were sitting at the far table, and Will Junior dropped both his stew and drink, creating enough of a noisy diversion that neither Inga or Lainey heard Brett drive away.

Jennings worked hard trying to contact the Sheriff's office, he grew more worried each time his call went unanswered.


Brett getting out of dodge before his in-laws come to take Trey away. Thught that was why he was trying to borrow money from Evie and Clora. Pac you sure painted a beautiful night sky. But I didn't know that northern lights made a buzzing and crackling noise. Never heard any when I've seen them. So what really was going on,--a CME maybe? Wonderful chapter and thank you very much.