
  1. H

    WTF?!? DHS Anti-Terrorism Dossier for the Super Bowl Left on a Commercial Plane

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... https://www.thedailybeast.com/dhs-anti-terrorism-dossier-for-the-super-bowl-left-on-a-commercial-plane Whoops! DHS Anti-Terrorism Dossier for the Super Bowl Left on a Commercial Plane 2 hours ago REUTERS/Chris Wattie Sensitive...
  2. H

    GOV/MIL US Homeland Security issues bulletin on terrorism

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... http://www.turnto23.com/news/local-news/us-homeland-security-issues-bulletin-on-terrorism-061616 US Homeland Security issues bulletin on terrorism Posted: 10:22 AM, Jun 16, 2016 The US Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin...
  3. H

    GOV/MIL Homeland Security to release harmless gas in NYC subway system for bioterrorism drill

    Where have we heard this one before?...... For links see article source.... Posted for fair use..... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/dhs-release-harmless-gas-nyc-subway-bioterrorism-drill-article-1.2628119 Homeland Security to release harmless gas in NYC subway system for bioterrorism...
  4. JohnGaltfla

    GOV/MIL The New American Bill of Rights Effective Immediately

    The New American Bill of Rights Effective Immediately by John Galt May 29, 2013 17:15 ET The emergence of a new groupthink inspired by the lack of participation and awareness by the masses has permitted the current administration to create a new Bill of Rights as a...
  5. kittyluvr

    GOV/MIL DHS Tells Border Patrol They Have Ammo Shortage

    I apologize if this has been posted before but I could not find when searching... April 5, 2013 by Tim Brown I know, you are probably thinking like I am after reading the title, “You’ve got to be kidding!” I’m not. Even after the Department of Homeland Security indicated that they had nearly...
  6. davidinthewilderness

    GOV/MIL Current Event Government Manuals

    These are the government manuals for the events happening before your eyes. I will be moving. So if anyone is interested in DHS & FEMA Training Manuals straight from the heart of FEMA in Maryland or $100,00 of FOIA, State and Federal for Ag please PM me. You pay postage. From the...
  7. davidinthewilderness

    DISASTER New Carcass Management Conference

    As global events heat up the timing up this Carcass Management Conference is intriguing. This is the 4th year for the conference which builds on the initial Stamping Out Manual (practices to euthanize each species) and the first conference which used semantics to change carcass management into...
  8. P

    ALERT DHS Preparing For Civil War In The US?

    RT Reports, Recent massive ammo purchases by US domestic agencies, Obama's Executive Order to prepare for martial law and recent anti-protests laws all point to one thing. The US Department of Homeland Security and the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Office have placed a massive order for...
  9. davidinthewilderness

    GOV/MIL DHS Approves Risk of Tranferring Plum Island to America's Heartland

    It is kind of like the radiation from Fukishima and the risk of vaccinations. The Department of Homeland Security has finished and approved the risk involved to Americans bringing dangerous pathogens into the heartland of America. Basically, DHS has changed the risk factor for this facility to...
  10. davidinthewilderness

    FOOD Grocery Shopping at your local Homeland Security Outlet

    With new agency streamlining and the Protecting American Agriculture Act last vestiges of agriculture are integrating into Department of Homeland Security as early as the new year. Can't you just 'feel' those TSA agencies groping as you enter the DHS grocery outlet? Going for groceries will no...
  11. hypoluxo

    OP-ED The one thing you must have in your bug-out bag

    Another humorous gem from the Woodpile report... http://www.woodpilereport.com/html/index-245.htm The one thing you must have in your bug-out bag A bug-out bag is a grab-and-go bag should a disaster force your immediate relocation. Typically they include first aid suitable for bug bites and...
  12. RunningMan

    GOV/MIL Blackhawk Helicopters Going to Homeland Security

    Please delete if previously posted or inappropriate. Published: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 5:05 PM HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- In a formal ceremony today marking the culmination of more than three years of work on Redstone Arsenal, Patricia Martin handed the logbook and keys of a brand-new...
  13. L

    ALERT Need some voters on this Napolitano poll ASAP, please!

    :siren: http://michaelsavage.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=5350 The question is: Should Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security, be forced to resign for having targeted loyal, patriotic Americans as possible terrorists? No: 24887 / 50072 49% Yes: 24771 / 50072 49% Can you...