tea party

  1. H

    GOV/MIL Gov/Mil/Pol - IRS subjects tea party groups to new round of scrutiny, publicizes tax retur

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/4/irs-subjects-tea-party-groups-to-new-round-of-scru/ IRS subjects tea party groups to new round of scrutiny, publicizes tax return data By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday...
  2. Guns-N-Moses

    WTF?!? DNC Chair Says Giffords Shooting Tea Party’s Fault

    (I would normally use the Prefix for Politics, but this is unexplainable). Also, for the record.... I believe that the shooter was a left wing nut-job who was angry at Gifford's for not being liberal enough. The shooting had nothing to do with the TEA party. It frustrates and angers me...
  3. O

    PLAY Sherry Marquelle / Hot Mama - Listen up Big "G"

    Two songs for those who need a break. Sherry Marquelle is a Native American Artist/songwriter and there are some here who might appreciate her work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nywTQeM_vTU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF0woXxDYSk :wvflg:
  4. dstraito

    POL Tea Party Versus OWS - Pic Says it all

    I had to post this, it does seem to provide a pretty clear picture
  5. hypoluxo

    POL OWS as Racially Un-diverse as Tea Party

    http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com/2011/10/oh-you-crazy-white-people-occupy-white.html Oh You Crazy White People... Occupy White Street Lacks Black People Any company, any school, any sports team, any vocation, any city, any avocation, any cause, any... anything that is too white is...
  6. F

    Thank you Tea Party

    A thank you to the Tea Party video that is making the rounds right now. :lol:
  7. F

    POL Tea party vs. Tea Party Caucus

    By KENNETH P. VOGEL | 8/2/10 To anxious Republicans trying to channel grass-roots conservatism, the Congressional Tea Party Caucus is part of the solution. To many in the tea party, the caucus seems like part of the problem. Instead of embracing the caucus and its 49 House members, many tea...
  8. dstraito

    USA 4th Verse Star Spangled Banner by Marine

    I don't know if this has been posted before but it is the first time I heard it. Outstanding. THIS OUGHTA STIR YA... It gave me chills. God Bless America!!!! This happened in Georgia at a Tea Party event. The MC of the event called on this man who had raised his hand. Send to your...
  9. dstraito

    POL Are FEMA Camps really that outrageous given recent trends?

    I'm not a real conspiracy theorist, but sometimes it DOES seem that things are starting to add up. Glenn Beck came up with a concept that our current administration is CRIME INC. http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/39847/ we gave you a story and explained that you can't...
  10. F

    POL The Rage Is Not About Health Care

    The NYT's liberal (duh) Frank Rich on the rage of the right wing. Don't say you weren't warned. FJ The Rage Is Not About Health Care By FRANK RICH Published: March 27, 2010 THERE were times when last Sunday’s great G.O.P. health care implosion threatened to bring the thrill back to...
  11. dstraito

    POL Leonard Pitts - Poster Child for Leftist Racism Agenda

    Leonard Pitts Article below my comment: And the hits just keep on coming. Once again Leonard Pitts exemplifies the Leftist mindset: Identify and personalize, then minimize and attack your opposition, especially when you can’t counter with logic because logic will NOT support your positions...
  12. F

    POL Tea Party turmoil erupts as volunteers quit

    BY NATE RAU AND CHAS SISK • THE TENNESSEAN • JANUARY 17, 2010 The national Tea Party convention scheduled to take place in Nashville next month — featuring Sarah Palin as its keynote speaker — fell into turmoil last week. Tea Party Nation, the locally based group organizing the sold-out event...
  13. F

    POL The First Senator From the Tea Party?

    The First Senator From the Tea Party? By MARK LEIBOVICH Published: January 6, 2010 Charlie Crist’s perma-tanned face bears none of the strain you would expect from the archetype of the embattled Republican. Politicians are supposed to keep up appearances, but Crist is especially convincing...