Count your blessings


Veteran Member
Pac I just love your stories. You have such a skill at making these people real. I will miss the clan most of all Evie.


Veteran Member
Thank you so much for this wonderful saga. I can hardly wait for the next round. Your characters are so real. I too was saddened by the passing of Evie, but you handled it very well. Thanks again.


Veteran Member
Thank you so much for reading. Mr. Pac and I have another Dr's appt and will be gone 3 days. We are having to come to grips with our own inability to care for the ranch in the manner it deserves. We are seriously considering drastically downsizing. Part of it is we have such sad,sad memories of our daughter here, it has lost it's charm as a place to live.

I have seen elders refuse to move and the once proud ranches and farms fall into ruin around them. We have a couple of standing offers, and I think it is time to take stock of the available options.

The next month is my 'putting by' time for winter and it needs to be done no matter where we live.

Our nature signs point to an early fall, so many that it would be foolish to ignore the warning that is there to read. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for reading. Writing about Evie and her clan has been a way to carry me through my sorrows.

Clora will continue her Grandmother's strength and ability to bring out the best in every person she meets.


Veteran Member
Wow thanks so much. I am sitting here crying like I just lost a family member. We knew Evie could not live forever but wanted her too. You have a beautiful gift. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so much for your wonderful stories..and I'm so glad you're continuing the saga!



Southern by choice
Pac, thank you for ALL the wonderful stories. I knew Evie was getting up there, but I still find it hard to see right now and feel like I just lost my grandmother :( I can see fall arriving here about a month early also, it's already a "feeling in the air" and nature is hinting around at it. We, hubby and I, are also wondering if we have too much land and it's getting harder and harder each year now to do what's needed on the homestead. Just our large garden this year about did us in. I do understand what you are going through with that too. Will be looking forward to more story and hope Mr. Pac checks out ok....



Veteran Member
Pac, thank you for another wonderful "chapter" in this family's saga. Best of wishes for you and Mr Pac, and I will anxiously await reading more about these friends of ours in the future.

Jeepcats 3

Contributing Member
Thank you for your stories!
I hope you and Mr Pac have a safe journey and good news at the Doctors.
I will miss Evie as she so reminded me of my grandmother with the "look".
Thank you for sharing with us!



Veteran Member
Thanks Pac for pouring your heart into these stories you write. I, too, am looking forward to the next installment. Clora will be a fine one whose eyes we can see this family thru.

Best wishes on making a good decision for yourself and Mr. Pac on where the Lord wants you to be. It is not easy to be uprooted and move on but it might be a very good move for the two of you. Smaller place and less to keep up with...well, it might give you some free time to pamper yourselves with. You will take us with you wherever you go. We all think so highly of you and we aren't quite ready to let you go yet. Stay well.

Deena in GA

Can barely type this through the tears... Guess it's kinda silly to cry over a fictional character, but I am. Its a testimony to your writing that we all feel this family is real and we know them so well.

Thank you so much, Pac! I'll be praying for you during this time of change.


Veteran Member
I am counting my blessings today. It was a fine day to work and I got a lot done. Mr. Pac is back in the hospital, as the Doc suspects he may have had a slight stroke. That would account for the unusual symptoms we were blaming the surgery for causing.

They're called capillary strokes and the cause short term paralysis, memory loss and irrational thinking. Our situation seems to be heavy on the irrational thinking problem. But, blessings come in all shapes and sizes and I had a whole day of them.

Kathy in FL

Pacnorwest, I want to read this one so badly but haven't got the time to treat it as the gift it deserves to be treated as. I've read some and then think ... why didn't I think of that then have to slam my thinking cap shut. So afraid sometimes that other people's stories are going to get absorbed into my imagination and accidentally appear in the ones that i'm writing. Felt like an idiot more than once for doing something goofy like that then catching myself because I say, "Gee, that looks familiar."

Anyway, just didn't want to be rude because I really love the characters in this series. They are so warm and relatable. I will read this as soon as I catch up with work.

Jeepcats 3

Contributing Member

So sorry to hear of Mr. Pac's Stroke.
Hopefully his hospitalization will get him regulated on the proper medications to prevent any more.
Please take care, my prayers are with you!



Veteran Member
Kathy in FL.

Do I ever know about character and language bleed over. I have had to erase many a paragraph because that wonderful thought that just popped into my mind, totally belonged to someone else. Then, it's so easy to get stuck and not be able to think around what you can't use for words.

I am so thankful for your stories, it's all your fault that I got into this. So pat your self on the back for me, it's a fun, fun way to spend an evening. Thanks, Pac.


Veteran Member
Thanks for the wonderful stories about Evie's family, Pac!

You and your dh are in my prayers for his health issues and your contemplation of your future.

Keep looking up with your "Evie-like persona"! God will guide you through!


I have wanted to comment for a while but couldn't get caught up enough to do it. I found all four stories and read them in order over the last week or so. I have to say it was been an interesting ride. I am surprised I never met you as this story has to have been based on my grandparents, LOL. Except for the earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, and many murders this is just like our life. It has awakened memories and for that I am grateful. My grandmother passed at home in her 80's. My grandfather passed 6 weeks later in his late eighties of a broken heart. I watched my grandmother pray my grandfather back twice when the Dr. called the family in as a matter of time. When I talked to my grandfather he said he could hear her and a voice saying it wasn't time, she still needed him. After she passed I took care of him and he told me much like Walter, "I am just played out, I am ready to take the next journey." He did and I celebrate their life. This story help to bring the thoughts back as it has been over 20 years ago. And I can see my grandmother "look" that sent us flying. It seems that country folk are the same the country over. We were south west wheat farmers. If I might I want to share a short story about my gmother. I was driving by her place on my motorcycle and saw her resting on a hoe. I stopped to say hello. As we stood there she asked if I wasn't in to big of a hurry would I grab the shotgun? I looked down and she had a rattler all curled up and pinned to the ground with the hoe but didn't have the strength to kill it. She was afraid to take another swing as it would strike. She then told me she had been in this standoff for a couple of hours and needed to get to the bathroom. Yes I did receive the look when I couldn't help laughing. Thanks you for your stories and please add my prayers to those that are coming your way in these difficult times.


Veteran Member
OK, that really gave me a chuckle, AKen. The snake story especially. BTDT !!

I think anyone involved with family, has stories that are such a treasure. I encourage you to write out your tales, especially about your Grandmother. If you don't, these stories will fade out of time and be lost forever.

Don't forget to write out your stories, before time dims your memory and it's difficult to remember. Just use a note book and give the approx. date that you are writing about.


Pac, I was finally able to finish this great story tonight. Your writing is nothing short of amazing. Reading them is just like settling in with a wonderful novel that you've already read. It's just so comfortable, so relaxing, that you want to be a member of the cast.

Thank you so much for all your hard work.



Veteran Member
Pac you have given me the wonderful gift of a 3 day read of a wonderful story. I can't wait to see where you take us next! Thank you


Veteran Member
Ms PAC. I've been starting each story, then realizing there's a previous story, then trying to find that one, so I can learn where the characters begin. Please, what is the first story so I can get their backgrounds. Thank you for the stories-- enjoying the characters


Veteran Member
. Please, what is the first story so I can get their backgrounds. Thank you for the stories-- enjoying the characters[/QUOTE]

Do a search on threads started by her.
Its "Oh For Pete's Sake's " BTW.