Did any of the Trump bunch notice Kansas? There may be a message there

Be Well

may all be well
One guy I talked to that was somewhat involved in the process speculated that the Romney speech my have had significant effect. I had another lady tell me that the Catholic Church was pushing Cruz (I'm not sure how this message was delivered if true) so that may have affected Catholics if true.

The margin of Cruz' victory was the big surprise after most polls showed Trump ahead and there still seems to be mystery about how that happened.

I'm on a couple of Catholic email lists and they are PUSHING CRUZ and piling the hate on Trump like nobody's business. I finally got off one of them and told them that was exactly why!


On TB every waking moment
My DW tells me that some of her Bridge friends have had the same experience. The Anti-Trumps are mobilizing everything they can find.

There has to be mass panic.

One would think that Trump would be preferable to Cruz, the only other visible candidate. Trump is willing to deal, Cruz is not. So you would think they would go for the Dealer. Except for one reason.

The Dealer likes to be in the papers every day. How better than to announce another Grand Jury, another indictment, maybe an impeachment if he has the right Congress. Now that will lead to panic, the jumping out of windows kind. And we may be close to seeing it.