Story Over the River and Through the Woods


Veteran Member

Clora won the bet, Warren and Bruce left right after church; and the clan was more than happy to see them go.

"Do all old guys get that way?" Ben questioned, and then almost blushed when Mark added, "young ones also."

"Those two cause more disruption than ten kids," Clora sat down for coffee and a rest. "Goodness, I'm sleepy this morning," and yawned. Lennie snickered and then yawned herself, and Mark and Hank looked innocent.

"It was a hard day yesterday, you gals did a wonderful job pulling all things together on such short notice." Mark complimented. "I wonder how much money we've saved over the years by having weddings at home?"

"Quite an amount, I would imagine." Clora yawned again. "The idea of marrying at home will be fine until we get a future daughter in law that has other ideas. That's normally the brides prerogative."

Benny went out to milk, and Mark said, "Thanksgiving, that's when Benny and Teresa want to be married, and I'd bet a dollar to a donut that Robert and Mandy want to also."

"Goodness," Clora spoke up, "I hope they're not to young."

"From what both young men have said to me, I believe the are mature enough. It's a tough start to begin that way, but they seem to know their minds. Would I like to see them both older and more established with jobs and savings? Sure, wouldn't we all, but it doesn't appear it's going to happen that way." Mark took a drink of coffee, "I realize that's a fatalistic view, but as Ben says, he wants no hint of impropriety to follow them. Far reaching thinking for a young man."

The four adults nodded, "That's pretty important for a would be minister," Clora smiled. "I believe they will do just fine."


Veteran Member
Thank you for more of your tale. Hope you are not in a trouble zone for this storm coming up the coast.


Veteran Member

Warren and Bruce let loose on the unsuspecting world, nearly caused a disaster. First of all, Warren at his age was a terrible driver. Too fast in the slow lane and too slow in the fast lane, they drove toward Jackson. If they would have bothered to get a map, or ask directions, they wouldn't have been lost and spent almost three days driving eight hundred miles.

Bruce thought he was permanently traumatized. Warren drove with tunnel vision and his one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake. That might have been fine for short drives, say like the city out to Marks, but for the long haul it was pitiful.

Warren had found another old Mercedes, and they lurched, backfired and weaved headed for Jackson. They spent another five hours cruising aimlessly because Warren wouldn't stop for a city map.

"Alright Warren, this is the fourth time we've passed that pizza shop. Now pull into that gas station, get fuel and I'll get a map." Bruce ordered. "The warning for low fuel has been chiming for the last round."

Mark had been correct when he said Warren had a narrow, one track mind, when he was in pursuit. Bruce wasn't sure how he was going to get home, but unless Warren let him drive, it wasn't going to be in Warren's car. Bruce valued his newly cleaned up life too much to suffer silently through such terror a second time.

Discovering they were on the complete wrong side of town to find Tricia's apartment. Bruce navigated and Warren drove. The white stone building was right where the address said it would be, surprizes of all surprizes. Warren was insisting they were in the wrong place, but the address matched and Bruce sent Warren to the door.

Warren went inside, and Bruce supposed Tricia wasn't home, she should be working. He locked his door and tilted his head, he needed a nap in the worst way. He was sound asleep when Tricia came walking home from the bus stop. She stopped to look in the car window at the man she had been missing so deeply.

Going to the front fender, she tapped louder and louder, trying to wake him up. In desperation, she tried the driver's door and it opened. Sliding in, she let the door slam, waking Bruce.

Bruce startled, and then whipped his head around. In his sleepy state, Bruce reached out his hand and gently touched her cheek. "You are so beautiful," he whispered. "So beautiful." and he had to close his eyes and breathe hard against the emotion he was feeling.

"Will you come inside," Tricia softly invited, "It's too cold to be out here."

Luce was making something Italian that smelled really good; but Bruce was tied up in so many knots, he wasn't hungry. He felt like a lovesick puppy, couldn't take his eyes off Trish for one second, afraid she might vanish. The apartment was small, cozy warm and Bruce's long legs took up most of the space in the tiny living room.

"Come take a walk with me, it'll be a while before supper is ready," Trish invited. There was a small lobby by the front door, and they walked over and sat down. Bruce was sitting in the chair, elbows on his knees, hunched over and looking at the floor.

"Trish, I'm sorry. I've been so messed up, I didn't know up from down. Sitting at Mark and Clora's, I had a million things I was going to say to you, and now I can't remember a single one of them."

"How about you start with hello." she suggested with a wonderful smile, "Usually that will open a conversation." and it did, slowly, halting as Bruce tried to reign in his active imagination. He wanted to kiss her so bad, that's all he could think of. He watched her lips moving and couldn't hear a word she was saying. He was thinking about how they would taste, and how soft they would be, she might even kiss him back if he were lucky.

Tricia stopped her nervous talking and wondered what in the world Bruce was looking at. She rubbed her nose and mouth in case she had crumbs or something stuck to her face, and finally she sat there waiting.


Veteran Member
BTDT! Thank you Mrs. Pac, I can still remember feeling at a loss for something to say and just watching her lips.


Brown Coat
Thanks Mrs. PAC

Maps are my friend. I think maybe the Corps taught me to love them so I try to always have them and memorize routes where I don't have to refer to them, but having them handy is a nice warm fuzzy feeling for me. I know a lot of fellows who won't and don't keep and use them. Some depend on those gps things, but they fail, usually when Mr. Murphy shows up which is always at the worst possible moment in the most inconvenient manner.

Thanks again



Veteran Member

"Bruce." Tricia gently tried to shake him out of his trance. "Bruce." Tricia got up, "Bruce, is something wrong? Are you alright?" Tricia was in a panic, Bruce wasn't responding. "Did you have a heart attack? Answer me."

Bruce had this goofy, cross eyed look to him. "Humm?"

"What is wrong, are you sick?" Tricia reached out to feel his forehead.

"Um, no, I don't think I'm sick," he mumbled. "I was thinking what it would be like to kiss you."

"Well, let me show you," Tricia brazenly put a hand on either side of Bruce's face and kissed him. Bruce's heart almost stopped. Now it was Tricia's turn to look stunned.

"I...I...I...I want you to do that again." he pleaded, "please."

Bruce had his hands locked on the arms of the chair. He was so afraid he was going to scare her and be too rough. This time Tricia got closer and slid her hands around to the back of his head. The feeling the kiss left, was the same. Tricia was having trouble breathing and Bruce was squeezing the arms of the chair into splinters.

There was a discreet cough and an "ahem," and Tricia looked up with unfocused eyes. "Oh, hello Mr. Teachman."
Leon Teachman didn't approve of such displays in the lobby of the building; and it made absolutely no difference to Trish. She went for another kiss, leaving the staid and appalled Leon feeling like a voyeur. He left in a huff.

"My toes are tingling," Trish said against Bruce's lips. "Are they supposed to do that?"

"Toes, what toes, mine or yours?" Bruce wasn't making any sense. He didn't have any sense, he didn't know where it had gone, nor right at the moment did he care. Trish kissed him again and the arm of the chair came off the spindle holding it to the seat, on the right side.

"My lips, my toes and my heart are all tingling," Trish said against his lips, again.

The other chair arm splintered. Neither one of them noticed.

"Baby girl, please get away from me. My heart is stopping, no..., it's racing out of control, no it's..I don't know what it's doing." Bruce's voice faded because Tricia's lips were in the way.

"Trish, My God Trish, please stop." Bruce was holding on to the side of the chair seat and the side piece where the main spindle broke on both sides.

"Are you still wondering?" Trish said in a little rush of breath, and the chair seat broke, dumping Bruce on the floor.


Senior Member
That last chapter was cute. Thank you Pac.

I always have maps in my car. When my wife and I go for a weekend drive we always try to find places we haven't traveled in the state before. There are so many roads and really neat places that I never knew existed and I have lived in this state my whole life, some....half century......or so! And we do a lot of forest service road driving and you can get yourself turned around lost if you're not careful about it.


Senior Member
Thanks Mrs. PAC

Maps are my friend. I think maybe the Corps taught me to love them so I try to always have them and memorize routes where I don't have to refer to them, but having them handy is a nice warm fuzzy feeling for me. I know a lot of fellows who won't and don't keep and use them. Some depend on those gps things, but they fail, usually when Mr. Murphy shows up which is always at the worst possible moment in the most inconvenient manner.

Thanks again


I learned to read maps before I learned to read for enjoyment. One of the first things I do when I visit a new area is get local maps, I find it fun to give locals directions to get somewhere. I get on different state websites and request maps. If I ever disappear, they will look at all my different maps and have no idea where I went.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank you Pac :). Very nice :). Blew Bruce's socks off lol.

DH just left to go feed 5 of the grandkids who parents are on a medical mission in Haiti, we did Tuesday and today. Today they get a homemade 2 layer chocolate cake, french bread, and spaghetti. He has a meeting later after he stays with the kids for a while and feeds them. They have constant adult supervision but different relatives bringing in supper each night.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Mrs. Pac, Thank-You, Dear Lady... I laughed until I had tears in my eyes... If only everyone could find such love...

God Bless You and Yours, Ma'am...




Veteran Member

"Bruce, are your hands alright? Oh my goodness what happened, are you OK, do you hurt?"

"Flimsy piece of junk," Bruce growled, "they just aren't making chairs like they used to." Trish kinda snickered, and denied it when Bruce accused her of finding his crash, funny. They walked down the hall and were almost to the apartment when the door opened and Luce stuck her head out.

Bruce was very busy bending over far enough to give Trish another kiss; and she was on her tip toes reaching up.
Bruce had hurt his wrist when he fell, and he needed a kiss to make it better. He got a kiss on the lips and one on his wrist. The wrist felt better, the rest of him, not so much.

Warren was sitting at the counter drinking a glass of wine, and he lifted the glass as an invitation to them. Bruce shook his head no, and so did Trish. There was no need to go into the long spiel that as the son of an alcoholic, there was no way Bruce would drink. He smiled and shook no again, he was having enough problems keeping his equilibrium. Being around Tricia did that to him.

Afterwards, Bruce supposed he ate supper, he couldn't remember. He didn't feel too hungry, so it must have happened. He looked at himself and decided he was what was commonly called a lovesick fool. If he specifically didn't remember to breathe, he got dizzy from the lack of oxygen. Nothing voluntary or involuntary was working, not even his mouth.

Luce, Warren and Tricia chatted back and forth in Italian, and Bruce sat and listened. He was building up a case of nerves, it was getting late and they needed to find a motel for the night. He mentioned that to Warren and Luce laughed.

Warren didn't answer and Bruce was in a running panic. His rump hurt from falling on it, and he got up from the kitchen chair and went into the living room to sit on the couch. There was no way he would sleep with Trish tonight, he thought too much of her to consider that option.

The mental and social strain Bruce had been under all day, had him sleepy and dozing off on the couch. That's where Trish found him when she finished clearing the table, sound asleep. She brought a blanket from her room and tucked him in. Mama and Warren were acting awful silly in the kitchen, so Trish sat down next to the big man of her dreams and snuggled close.

Some time during the night, Bruce stirred and found Trish asleep under his arm. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and pretended he was having a good time. Ladies that smelled as good as Trish did, shouldn't be curled up against big, huge, socially inept jerks like himself. They were likely to get hurt.

Bruce woke up early and sat watching Tricia sleep. She had dark circles under her eyes and although she was sleeping, she didn't look rested. He didn't feel very rested himself. Bruce was thinking about the future. What if he asked Trish to marry him, they could sleep together every night. Not a good reason to get married, he concluded.

Bruce ran a thousand scenarios through his mind, and the only decent reason to ask her to marry him; was because he loved her. But....what if once she got close to him she decided he wasn't worth marrying and turned him down. There were a thousand different scenarios for that supposition, and Bruce was working himself into a frenzy when Tricia put her hand on his heart.

"Stop," she whispered, "you're headed in the wrong direction. I wouldn't have written that I love you, only to change my mind later. I'm not that kind of a person. Have a little faith in me Bruce, have faith in yourself."

"I'm pretty damn needy, Trish." he ducked his head. "I don't know how to talk like you guys were doing last night, I don't know which fork to use, I don't care what my clothes look like as long as their clean, and I don't know how to love a beautiful woman sitting next to me. I'm so big and clumsy, I'm scared to death I'll hurt you, or break you or something."

"Bruce, what do you do with your hands?"

"I operate with them."

"Yes you do. I have seen you stitch around tiny blood vessels and make them whole, I have seen you reconstruct arms and legs and stomachs that weren't there. I have seen you use your God given talent to put people back together, and I'm not as fragile as a blood vessel." Trish grabbed Bruce's hand and opened it up. "I don't know who has told you that you are big and clumsy, but it wasn't anyone that has ever seen you operate."

Trish put her hand in Bruce's. "You are such a good and beautiful person, please don't run yourself down. That hurts me to hear you talk that way."

"Trish, do you know anything about me, where I came from and stuff like that?"

"Do you know where I came from Bruce, and does it matter to you?" Tricia questioned softly.

"The only thing that matters to me is your here now." he replied with feeling.

"Do you know I feel the same way." Trish smiled at him. "I'm so thrilled that out of all the women that tried so hard to get you to notice them, that you picked me." She reached up and traced his face with her hands. "This is what is real, not forks or Italian or anything else. Just you, and me, if you want me."

"Want you? I'm almost paralyzed with wanting you. I can't sleep, or talk and walk straight, I get all flustered and feel like I'm a fourteen year old kid. When you kissed me last night, I thought my heart would explode."

"Well, we can't have that. The doctor prescribes the cure you need is more kisses, so you can get used to them."

"I always follow doctor's orders," Bruce whispered.


Veteran Member
Just like a friend in grade school, alergic to chocolate, so he ate it every chance he had. Within a year it did not bother him any. Kisses make you all wonky so dive in and do a lot of it! I like the Doc's recomendation.

Thank you.


Veteran Member

"I have to work a half day today. Will you come to work with me, there are some cases I would really value your opinion as a consultation." Trish's lips were so close and poor Bruce would have agreed to scale Mount Everest if she needed and wanted him to.

It was easier to say "yes" and not skip any of the action. Bruce took the easy way out. Trish showered and went into her room to get ready and Bruce had a cup of coffee. His mind, heart and hands were already shaking by the early morning session of kissing, and the healthy dose of caffeine nearly made his teeth chatter.

Trish stopped and they had breakfast at the small café down the block and around the corner. She had never paid any attention to the amount that Bruce ate, but for certain he ingested his fair share. "I think we'll have to buy a farm just to keep you fed," she teased.

That was future talk, and he liked the sounds of it. "Humm, that sounds like you think I should go back to work and earn money," he tried to tease back. It fell flat on it's face and Bruce didn't realize he had a dark look, thinking back to Vicki and her money grabbing ways.

Trish grabbed his hand. "I didn't mean any such thing, and I would never expect that of you," and she tried to gauge his mood. "Bruce, talk to me about what you just said, don't leave me wondering what your thinking. Sometimes it's hard for me to tell because you get all tight and closed up and look dark and mean. That's not you, not in your heart."

Bruce rubbed his forehead. "I was trying to make a joke and it came out wrong."

"Oh well, if that's what it was, then yes you need to get to work and get us a farm. Shall we have as many kids on that farm as Mark and Clora?" her eyes were twinkling and Bruce relaxed.

"Maybe not quite as many, I get nervous around so many kids and most of them seem to be mini super kids. Do you know that Tess has read most of my school books that didn't burn in the apartment fire? She's in the eleventh grade this year, and I don't know what her IQ is, but it's right up there. Did you know Mark is a Mensa? And Clora's no slouch in the smarts department."

It was as easy as that, to get to talking. They talked during the rest of breakfast, the bus ride into work and as Trish clocked in, Bruce felt that familiar rush he got from being close to the work he loved.

Tricia carefully introduced him to her colleagues, and then she started her rounds. It was when they came to a small sickly girl laying in bed with no interest other than to look at the ceiling, that Bruce watched Trish change from doctor to a woman loving a child that needed nurtured.

"Good morning Julie. I'd like you to meet Dr. Ammons, he's a friend of mine and I invited him to come to work with me today. We would like to look at your leg this morning, how does it feel?"

Julie shrugged, she had a pain drip so it didn't hurt as much as it had. She shrank up when Bruce went to lift the sheet. Something told Bruce to back off his impatience to see the problem and give Julie time to get used to him.

"Good morning," he told the child, and it was easy to see she was very scared of him. "How's your nose this morning..." Bruce played a nonsense game with the girl, asking about parts of her that were obviously just fine, winding up down at her leg. Trish loved him all the more for the care he was taking, easing the child's fears.

Julie made a mad grab for Trish's hand when Bruce finally lifted the sheet, afraid of the hurt she expected. Trish held on to the thin child and smoothed her wild tangle of hair away from her face. "Julie was attacked by a pit bull," Tricia explained. Bruce had to immediately clamp his teeth together. The leg had literally been chewed apart.

Trish held the child held to her and he could see the love pouring out of her heart. Trish looked at Bruce with such a plea in her eyes, and he nodded. He probably could save it, but it would never be like her other one.

Trish soothed and loved on Julie, checked on her vitals and laid the thin child back in bed and covered her carefully. "We'll be back soon," she promised, and motioned to Bruce to come with her.

In the small conference room, Trish pulled chairs to the table. "Bruce, what do you think?"

"It would be the quickest and cleanest to amputate the leg below the knee. I take it you are interested in saving the leg?"

"If it can be done. Bruce, she's a abandoned child. Someone brought her to the emergency and left her yesterday. She's a street child, no parents, relatives or any to care for her. Only me and you."

Because he was a doctor of merit with well known credentials, brought in on consultation by one of their own, Bruce agreed to operate and he was accepted by the hospital. It didn't take long for word to get around that the famous Bruce Ammons was in house and going to do a pro bono on the little wild child.

"Will you assist?" he asked Trish and she agreed with tears in her eyes. Bruce looked at the child and then Trish and knew without a doubt this was the first child for the farm they were going to have.

It took five hours, and team Bruce and Trish were able to put most of the girl's leg together. She would need more reconstructive work done, but for now the leg would be useable. It was after five and Bruce had been congratulated up one side and down the other by the staff, for his work.

He was exhausted and so was Trish. "That was sneaky and devious, Dr. D'amatto," he teased. "That is jumping in the ocean off the cruise ship."

"You were wonderful," Tricia's quiet praise warmed his heart. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel some kind of connection to that child and they were going to take her leg off without trying to save it."

"Is she the first one?" Bruce asked, and Trish looked confused.

"The first child for the farm we are going to have," he clarified, and Trish nodded. Bruce reached for her hand on the table. He could be in love and still function as a surgeon and his life was good.

"Patricia Christina D'Amatto, will you marry me? We need to hurry and find a farm." Bruce asked and Trish let her love shine through. "Yes," she whispered. They were sharing a hug, when a well dressed woman with expensive dress, jewelry and hair came in the room.

Virginia Scott was the business agent and she made it her business to know a good doctor from a poor income producing one. That mousy doctor with him was certainly no competition for a polished and accomplished woman like Virginia.

Virginia hooked her arm through Bruce's, and began to pull him toward the door, talking sweet and low about the many opportunities Jackson offered for a surgeon of his stature.

Tricia started to object and Bruce stopped the slick interception Ms. Scott had engineered. Taking the woman's hand from his arm, Bruce said. "You'll have to excuse us, you interrupted a private moment. I already have a job, thank you." and he all but pushed the agent out the door and closed it behind her.

"A she shark," he theatrically shuddered, "I had a job I need to complete. Did you say yes?" he teased Tricia.

"Yes I did, I said yes with all my heart. How about yours?"

"Oh you know I'm all in, thourally invested and very anxious to see where this will take us." Bruce whispered, "I love you."

Tricia completed her evening rounds, and they got back on the bus. "I want to stop at that café again," Bruce was standing tall over Trish as the bus bumped and lurched, "I'm starving and your mother's food is good, but she doesn't make enough. I'm a hungry man."

Tricia was listening to Bruce's stomach growl, and she laughed. "I think the acreage on the farm just got larger."
Last edited:


Brown Coat
Thank you Mrs. PAC

Looks like Clora's home of gathered up kids is expanding to a second "home" with one of her protegees.



Veteran Member

The café was busy and it took a long time to give their order and then for the food to arrive. "Ya know," Bruce had Tricia squeezed next to the wall in the small booth. "It occurs to me that this has been awful sappy, almost gooey as a matter of fact. I'm glad to feel more normal."

In a low voice, Tricia explained in detail how she expected Bruce to act every night when their bedroom door closed. "Sappy is only the beginning," she warned.

"You are such a dangerous woman," He smiled, "I take it that my innocence is in jeopardy?"

"Every bit of it," Tricia flipped his attitude right back at him. It went that way all during the meal and an hour after. They were so delighted with each other that they didn't notice the time slipping away. Finally the waitress was standing at their table, clearing her throat and waving the check.

"Sorry," Bruce mumbled as he paid for the meal, and it was clear he wasn't.

Bruce had forgotten he had money in his wallet. He had bummed from Warren, when in the drug fog, he could have paid for it himself. In fact he had a lot of money, more than three thousand and it was a curious thing he couldn't remember where he got it. All of a sudden he remembered. That was witch's money. He smiled, it would spend just the same.

"Tomorrow, we need to do several chores;" Bruce was planning. "I need to find a bank branch and a set of wheels. I am never, and I will not allow you to ride with Warren, again. I don't intend for either of us to die in a car crash, and it's going to happen."

Is Mama in danger?"

"Not once he gets home, but he's a menace on the highway. City driving, he doesn't get up enough speed to create such danger. He drives 80 on the freeway, and I'm not getting back in a vehicle with him, and that's final.
Have you thought about the fact that he may stay here?" Bruce was testing Trish about the awkward situation that might evolve.

"It's weird, I've never seen Mama act this way before, she's...always been so uptight. I guess that's the word I'm looking for. Actually I'm kind of shocked." Trish shrugged, it was really strange.

"I think it's only natural for children to be surprised that their parents are sexual. Just as long as you understand our children will be shocked when we're Warren and Luce's age."

Trish chuckled, "OK," she agreed and leaned close to Bruce as they walked to the apartment.

"Do you know what else we have to do tomorrow, we have to get a marriage license. We have to wait three days here in Mississippi, and then we can be married on Monday. I'm not waiting any longer than that, and that's too blasted long." he growled.


"That was suspiciously quick as a come back." Bruce teased. It was getting so easy to tease and make Tricia blush.
"This is so much fun to do," he remarked to Trish. "I never knew teasing was so much fun and created such tension of a really good kind." he said suggestively in a deep voice. "However little girl, you are going to sleep in your room tonight with a chair propped under the door knob so the big bad wolf can't get in. And as wolves go, I'm bigger and badder than most. This is your warning."

Tricia laughed, but she could see Bruce was serious. "OK." she replied.

Warren's car was gone from it's spot so they had an empty apartment for some serious kissing practice. Bruce was sitting on the couch with his arms folded behind his head and his stocking feet up on the coffee table. Trish was investigating his face, the soft and gentle touches driving Bruce crazy. "Honey, you need to stop please. I can't take any more. Get your sweet little fingers out of my hair and behave for a while."

Tricia was enthralled with her new found power. She never knew it was so easy to make a man beg for mercy. "well it is," Bruce smiled a warning when she announced her discovery, "but there are paybacks."

They talked, kissed and talked some more. Finally Tricia was yawning almost non stop. "Go to bed sweetheart, Please," Bruce nearly begged. "I've got to cool down and you need to sleep."

Neither one of them knew what time Warren and Luce came in, but they were there in the morning.

Trish went to the hospital to check on Julie, Bruce went to the bank and a couple of car lots before he found what he wanted. A battered and bruised looking Chevy Tahoe that was a 'sleeper' much better mechanically than in appearance. They had talked about what they needed, to move Julie, and the room in the back of the Tahoe for a bed seemed to be the best idea.

They had also tackled the problem of where they were going to live. Tricia preferred to live around Raleigh, she liked the area better than Jackson, and Bruce had no personal tie to any place. "Ideally, a small farm close to the city so it's not too far into work." Trish had breathed into his ear with a light kiss and Bruce would have lived anywhere for another one of those.

"Do you want to live with Mark and Clora? They told me I'd be welcome." Bruce offered and Trish thought for a moment.

"We might have to go there for a while, until we find a place; but no, I want my man all to myself. We are starting a new chapter together and Mama maybe surprised, but she's not going to live with us either."

That bit of news brought an immediate sense of relief to Bruce, who had been putting off tackling that particular problem. Luce might be a good Mama, but to Bruce she was a strange woman. He had proof that Luce could speak very well in English, but that she always spoke Italian to deliberately exclude him from the conversation. Warren, the bugger, wasn't any help, so Bruce figured they deserved one another.

They had their license, the vehicle, and enough desires that Bruce spent the next couple of nights in a motel.
Sunday morning, Bruce went to church with Tricia and Luce. The Catholic service or whatever it was called, was OK, but Bruce didn't get any special vibs from it. He was especially upset when the resident priest refused to marry them, because Bruce hadn't taken instruction in the church. He didn't give a fig, but it meant a lot to Tricia, so that was why he was mad. He was about done waiting.

Practical Tricia had a solution. They would be married by a Justice of the Peace, and when they got to Raleigh, they would go visit Father Shaun from her old parish and she was sure he would marry them.

"Good save sweetie," he complimented Tricia, looking at her with hungry eyes.

"Wolfy, your fangs are showing," she had whispered in his ear, and Bruce had growled. They were having a grand time learning about each other. Life, when they got to Raleigh would be busy with both of them needing jobs and a farm to find and a little girl to take care of.

Bruce, when he had a plan and solid emotional support, went from 0 as a pitiful man; to 100 miles an hour as the hard driving, type A personality that he was. It was the difference between night and day, and Trish just smiled and loved her man.

Monday finally came around, and Bruce hadn't ever seen time move so slowly. They had asked Warren and Luce to stand up with them, and when he stopped to pickup Trish, they were no where around. Trish looked like she wanted to wait for them, and Bruce cooled his heels until noon.

"Trish, honey, if they were coming, they'd be here by now." he finally said, disgusted at the couple for taking some of the joy out of Trish's day. They got married, went back to the motel and hung the 'do not disturb' sign on the door.

Three days later, they had their loose ends tied up, Trish's things from the apartment and Julie in the back of the Tahoe, headed for Raleigh. They didn't give Warren and Luce another thought. Or at least, Bruce didn't.

Getting to Mark and Clora's late at night, they had to call the house with Bruce's brand new cell phone, and were welcomed in with open arms. Wild little Julie was scared to death of all the big people and the dogs and the noise; until she happened to see TJ. Wild, maimed children seemed to recognize one another, and she let Bruce carry her to bed.

Clora turned off the light and snuggled close to Mark, as his arm came over her. "You do good work cowboy," she had whispered. And modest as ever, Mark replied, "I do, don't I."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
God Bless You, and Thank-You, Mrs. Pac. Perfect start, to another day! As I tell my pups before we go out each day, "This is the day the Lord hath made, and we shall rejoice and be glad in it!"




Veteran Member

Julie couldn't or wouldn't talk, acting like TJ as she pointed to things and shook her head yes and no. Clora had been heartsick to see the little girl, and for once, Mark was glad Bruce and Tricia were in charge. He needed a rest from the responsibility of children, and he was sure Clora wouldn't admit it, but she did too.

The children left in the Linderman household were enough to get through life. Liz and Luke were attracting a lot of attention at school, as their scholastic abilities were as advanced as their musical ones. Clora wasn't happy that the two five year olds were touted as genius children, that wasn't the image of themselves, she wanted them to carry.

When the newspaper reporter started badgering the parents, that's when Clora demanded action. They found a private academy that taught children with exceptional abilities. That Luke and Liz were a part of other children with the same talents, straightened out the entitlement and feelings of superiority.

Clora like her children better when they weren't snobby brats. The academy bus transported the kids, and it was spendy, but better than ruining the children's personalities.

Mandy was working at a daycare, earning wages while she slowly accumulated the goods it would take to housekeep for herself and Robert. Ben was going to school, working at a near by farm equipment repair shop and beginning the correspondence classes to become a minister. He was driving himself hard, not wanting to create any situations with Teresa.

Teresa had used Tess as her student model several times, and Rennie once, as she demonstrated restoring hair to it's natural color. There was a big city wide competition coming up Saturday, and there were problems in the normally serene Linderman household. Clora said no, to Tess having her hair died purple. She OK'd Gary or Lou to have it done, but Teresa had her heart set on Tess's long hair.

Tess didn't want it done, and she had told Teresa so. But Teresa had this notion in her head about a style, and it was all she could think about, not willing to compromise at all. Clora, Mark and Tess all said no, and Teresa's nose was out of joint with their refusal.

Benny came home late Thursday night to a petulant and angry girlfriend. "If Tess were our daughter, I wouldn't want her to have purple hair," he said while he ate supper. "Use one of the boy's, their just dying to have it done." Ben thought he had made a good joke and everyone but Teresa laughed.

In the end, Teresa used both boy's. One green and one purple. It had been a disquieting moment between Ben and Teresa, and the beginnings of resentment that Ben wouldn't take her side. When Vic and Chilly got home on leave and wanted an evening of carousing and illegal drinking, Ben wouldn't go, but Teresa did.

Sunday afternoon, Ben and Mark had another long, serious talk. "She's not ready to settle down Ben. You need to cut her loose from any promises until she grows up. It's terribly unfortunate, and my heart hurts for you and the dilemma, but I think you can see...what we can see."

Benny had nodded slowly. He had terrible mixed feelings; on one hand the second he and Teresa had pledged to one another, she had started to change and Ben chalked it up to the different crowd she was running with in the beauty school. First there were the piercings, and then the tattoo that got infected. Where it was on her chest, Benny was shocked that she would expose that much of herself to a stranger with needles.

Then there was the last night that Vic and Chilly were home and the party animals took Teresa with them and none of them made it back to the house that night.

Clora was up making coffee early the next morning when Ben came dragging down the hall. "She didn't come home last night, I think we're through. I don't want to live like this, always wondering where she is and if something has happened to her. I can't handle that stress on top of what I already have. Tell me Ma, will she come back?"

Clora shook her head no, and felt her heart hurt for Ben. The quiet one with the deepest feelings, was hurting like only a broken heart will do. His eyes were bleak and old, filled with pain and he shuffled back toward his bedroom.

Mark came into the kitchen to put his arm around Clora. "We will have to make other arrangement for Teresa, I don't want her staying here any longer." The protector of the clan had spoken.

"She won't be coming back, Teresa was raped and killed last night." Clora whispered what had happened, and Mark said, "they have proved themselves untrustworthy, they can't come back either." Both boys found their duffle bags by the locked gate and understood the significance. They had been at the police station all night, and they picked up the bags and moved on.

"Mark," Clora was whispering in his ear, "Teresa was pregnant, but not with Ben. And I don't believe he knew."

"And unless he sees it in the paper, we will never tell him." Mark decreed. "That's a hurt he doesn't need." Clora agreed. They stood in the dark and silent kitchen and prayed for Teresa and especially for Ben. As young as he was, he had loved hard and deep and that was something you didn't get over any time soon.


Veteran Member
Thank you Mrs. Pac, two installments with breakfast and one with my mid morning snack! It can't get any better.


Veteran Member

As happens in families, when the happy kid gets sad, then a sad kid will get glad. It's always something pulling personalities and fortunes one way or the other.

Ben with out Teresa was bone weary sad. He had read the papers, knew the story and gave his heart permission to cry late at night. In his sorrow he thanked God for standing with him and bearing the pain, showing him the path He wanted Ben to climb. Ben worked hard to fill his days and nights with work, prayer and healing.

The person who got some happier was Tess. She worried Mark considerably. It wasn't like the formerly friendly and personality calm Tessee to get all closed up as she had done. Mark conferred constantly with Clora, afraid Tess was going to turn into another version of Mary and Adoree with her strange reticence and withdrawal.

Clora thought she had enough problems with Tess, she didn't need Mark compounding the problem, and one day she finally had to tell him that Tess was in love and was trying to sort her self out.

"I don't understand what the problem is," Mark had complained. "All the kids have been in love at one time or another; it comes and goes around here like clean and dirty socks. Some times two and three times a day."

Clora had chuckled and Mark was right, but Tess was a different child than the rest of the children.

"She won't even tell me about it," he had complained yet a second time. "I've asked her and she just shakes her head and walks away. We used to have a good rapport, and now she's a stranger." Clora understood the basic problem. Mark had enjoyed Tess being a Daddy's girl, and now there was something Daddy couldn't fix, because Tess wouldn't talk to him about it.

"Don't push her Mark, eventually she will get it figured out."

"You know what it is and how it will turn out, don't you?" he had accused, frustrated. "But you won't tell me."

"I can tell you far into the future it will be resolved and she will be happy. This is a walk Tess has to make on her own. She is learning that the power we have is not always a blessing, and if it's misused, the consequences are worse." Clora took her unhappy husband into the atrium and told him about Tess meddling in a mind she had no right to fool with. "She doesn't know that the outcome would have been the same, she is learning to deal with the power and the images and doesn't have good control."

Mark hadn't been happy, "if I ever find out who has been causing her distress, they'll wish they had been kinder."

"THAT, is partially the reason for her problems and why she won't talk to you. Mark, this person has no idea she loves them, no clue at all and you can't interfere. She's working on it, and I am keeping track of her. Relax daddy, your Princess will be alright, but she has to make her self alright. No one can do it for her."

Mark was the perfect picture of a Daddy that feels he has been replaced by a man in his daughter's life. "Did you go through that?" he had asked Clora.

"No," she said gently, "I didn't have a Daddy that cared."

Mark went to stand behind Clora, rubbing small circles of relaxing apology along her neck and shoulders. "I'm sorry," he bent over to whisper in her ear and drop a kiss because it was the right thing to do. "You seem so right and normal Clora, I keep forgetting Pete was such a bastard."

"He's still alive, I would have thought that through his life he would have made enough enemies that he'd have died a long time ago. I'll tell you something way out in left field, lately I've been wondering if Pete isn't the Devil personified here on earth. I have no reason why that has come to me, other than he has been in contact with almost all the family around me. I have to assume it's either me or Tess he wants to destroy."

"What about Liz?" Mark was curious.

"I believe it's way to early to tell with Liz. Most of the realization comes around puberty, when bodies under go life force changes." Clora who always gave of herself, hardly ever got a stress easing return, and she groaned with pleasure. "Oh, that feels wonderful."

"Are you going to be putty in my hands if I keep on doing this." he demanded, but in much better humor.

"Yes, I'm melting." As Mark worked on her back, one sneaky hand wanted to travel around to the front. "That doesn't feel like my back." Clora was purring.

"NO?" Mark acted surprised. "No wonder it felt soft."

"You're a rascal, you know very well where that hand is." and she laughed.

"This last surgery almost put me out of business, it took a long time for the knowing to return and the whole state of my body was different for many days. I always meant to ask if they had used a different anesthesia, but now it doesn't matter."

"I noticed a lot of things about you were different. At times I don't think you are healing as you should. Honestly and truthfully, do, or can you tell if you will fully recover?" Mark's other hand had a naughty moment, and Clora smiled to herself.

"I see that smile," he said against her ear, "is that for me?" he coaxed with a knowing satisfaction.

"You know it is, you rascal. You're supposed to be pampering me with relaxation, not the other way around."

BANG, the front door flew open and tornado TJ made land fall. What Mark said under his breath was plain shocking and unrepeatable. He did manage a good bye pinch, however, and Clora jumped.

TJ was trying to jerk the door to the atrium open and he was patting his chest with one hand and pointing to Clora with the other in a frantic hurry.

Rennie was a mother with a determined look on her face and she grabbed TJ, waved at Mark and Clora and double timed the little mischief maker out the door.

"Some day, someday," Mark threatened and emphasized with his own determination, "I'm going to put locks on every blessed door in this house."