Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: November 5 ~ 11, 2023


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Good morning. Trying for a good day. Cramping finally backed off most of the way last night. But I woke up every two to three hours in pain. I think if they could, those muscles would be showing bruises.

But I got out and walked. Then I cleared the tomato bed of tomato plants and cages. That's likely to be the only garden work I get to do this week, depending on recovery time.

Today and the next few days are going to be spent cleaning, pre-prepping meals, and doing the surgery prep things. I honestly wish this was going to be the final surgery but it's not.

For all that's going on, mentally I'm in a much better place. I've been backing down the hormone. Hopefully, the week after surgery, I can completely drop it. At that point, unless the new OB GYN says otherwise, with good reason, I will only restart that med if there is extreme bleeding again. And only for long enough to stop that bleeding.

Surgery is new for me. So I'll likely create a list for a base bag for in the future. The bigger issue is meals and preps for my son. We had food at friend's house but somehow its been used up without me being aware. So another thing to handle after, is getting that built back up. And I'll need to lay more attention to it.

And I have to call the water company tomorrow. Somehow I have another $200 bill. Even though there was no more outdoor watering. Before I call, I'm going to go out and take a picture of the meter reading. So we can make sure that things are at least in the ballpark. But if they tell me that water is running in the middle of the night again, cameras are going up on the outside faucets. We've already proven there are no leaks. The toilet was replaced for different reasons but there's no chance of a leak there.

Anyways, it is what it is and I'm moving forward.


Veteran Member
I don't think the time change is going to bother me much, but then, I don't have to get up at a specific time. Hubby works 2nd shift, so it won't affect him much either. I have more trouble with what day it is - I have to look a my phone to figure out what day it is since I stopped working. I was a little confused this morning - no Hubby, and truck gone. He switched from a job where he had to work some weekends to working Monday through Friday - he wasn't here when I woke up this morning so at first I thought he'd gone to work and that it was a weekday. But since he's working 2nd shift, that didn't add up - finally looked at the calendar and saw he had an IDPA match today. Temp is in the lower end of the 40's so I hope he wore his long johns; he gets cold pretty easy.

We finally harvested the sweet potatoes out of the tank yesterday - got 4 trays, which isn't a bad harvest for the size of the tank. They are in the basement stairwell right now, but I'll pull them out on Wednesday and set them out in the sun to cure. I pulled out some that were about thumb thickness to eat today - I'll cut them in to chunks and put them in the microwave in a covered dish with a bit of water to steam - I harvested some that size that had grown outside the tank last week and they were really good.

I'm going to text the cousins to see if anyone is down bow hunting today - I want to pick up more persimmons, but don't want to get shot :lol:

The neighbor lady got back home late yesterday, so we will be headed to the pool tomorrow morning. I've been a slacker the whole time she's been gone so it will be good to get back to a normal routine. Temps are going to be fairly decent for the first 4 days this week, but then it's going to cool off so I'll get the heated kitty hut out .

Well, I have bees crawling over each other on the last hummingbird feeder I have out, so I guess I'd better make a small batch of feed and put it in a bowl in the sun on the grill to feed them. I'll run down by the hives to see if there are a lot of bees looking for food down there - I haven't noticed the bee keeper being here, and don't see that any of the supers have been removed, but he may have replaced them with empties.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Garden and lawn hoses put away, mowers, tiller all went into the barn. Chain saws put away for winter.

We have been taking meat out of the freezer and are canning it up about every 3 days. All of the Pork and the last of our chickens tomorrow. Then start on the salmon and etc. Will make jams out of the fruit we froze from our trees and patches as the fall continues. I also froze the corn cob juice I cooked up for jelly. Have eggs to dehydrate as well. This will take a while. :)

I think I am finally getting over this stupid cold dh shared. Hate the time change.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I'm ok falling back in November. Having to lose an hour of sleep in the spring is much, much worse. I think my body just stays on standard time, that's why I feel "behind" all summer long. Now, it's "normal," again and the sun's position matches the time on my watch.

I'm deep cleaning this week, a little at a time. My second job ended yesterday, so I'll have more time and energy to get things in order before Thanksgiving. I'm not a total slob, but Iowa is extremely dusty, and if I don't sweep and dust weekly, which I haven't been, it really builds up. Add to that several cobwebs high on my vaulted living room ceiling, and one might think it's a haunted house.

Homemade chicken soup is simmering on the stove. I'm waiting for my neighbor to bring back my extension stick (she used it for painting). I'm going to re-attach the duster and go after the high cobwebs while standing on the ground -- much safer than using a ladder.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We all had a great time today for Bible study/home fellowship. Afterwards, we made our plans for Thanksgiving meal. It will be at DS and DIL's house this year, upon her request. Everything got worked out on who cooks and brings what. I'm satisfied with all the plans.

Everyone requested that our next Bible study be on Ezekiel 38-39 as a refresher course, since that seems to be what is coming in the war Israel is facing right now.

This coming week, the only thing I'll be doing out of the ordinary will be canning more ground beef from the freezer. We have no plans to go anywhere. No doctor visits, until the 14th. Cary will steadily be working on the wood pile.


TB Fanatic
House church bible study is studying Ezekiel, very interesting.

I'm still a bit under the weather, but better. I've been reflecting on all times I've had this issue and it runs its course in about 3 days. I should be a lot better by tomorrow. Getting this allergy attack is making me take a look at the meds I have stashed. I do have a good supply but the thought of running out scares me. I'm not one to take very much tylenol but have been taking it for my massive headache. But we have a decent supply of that also. Not feeling well can make one panic.

The weather is perfect today.

One good thing about feeling bad is I don't have any appetite. I know, my bad.


Veteran Member
I don't think the time change is going to bother me much, but then, I don't have to get up at a specific time. Hubby works 2nd shift, so it won't affect him much either. I have more trouble with what day it is - I have to look a my phone to figure out what day it is since I stopped working. I was a little confused this morning - no Hubby, and truck gone. He switched from a job where he had to work some weekends to working Monday through Friday - he wasn't here when I woke up this morning so at first I thought he'd gone to work and that it was a weekday. But since he's working 2nd shift, that didn't add up - finally looked at the calendar and saw he had an IDPA match today. Temp is in the lower end of the 40's so I hope he wore his long johns; he gets cold pretty easy.

We finally harvested the sweet potatoes out of the tank yesterday - got 4 trays, which isn't a bad harvest for the size of the tank. They are in the basement stairwell right now, but I'll pull them out on Wednesday and set them out in the sun to cure. I pulled out some that were about thumb thickness to eat today - I'll cut them in to chunks and put them in the microwave in a covered dish with a bit of water to steam - I harvested some that size that had grown outside the tank last week and they were really good.

I'm going to text the cousins to see if anyone is down bow hunting today - I want to pick up more persimmons, but don't want to get shot :lol:

The neighbor lady got back home late yesterday, so we will be headed to the pool tomorrow morning. I've been a slacker the whole time she's been gone so it will be good to get back to a normal routine. Temps are going to be fairly decent for the first 4 days this week, but then it's going to cool off so I'll get the heated kitty hut out .

Well, I have bees crawling over each other on the last hummingbird feeder I have out, so I guess I'd better make a small batch of feed and put it in a bowl in the sun on the grill to feed them. I'll run down by the hives to see if there are a lot of bees looking for food down there - I haven't noticed the bee keeper being here, and don't see that any of the supers have been removed, but he may have replaced them with empties.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't know why, but I thought it was going to take a lot more time and energy to get most of the prep done.

Except for getting distilled water in a container, everything I can prepare early is done. And I'm about to go hunt that.

All that leaves is the cleansing routine that they require for pre-op. I'm putting bedding through the laundry to make sure it's clean and then putting it in a bag to keep it safe from the cats.

I think it's because I was hurting so much. And by noon today, the worst of the pain was gone which let me function and get things done. I'm still going to write myself a list of the last minute things to grab so I don't forget anything at 4 am.

And I need to prep my wallet. Most of it will be staying at friend's house. But I plan on having one card with me, but inactive until I get out of surgery and reactivate it. Just in case I need money for something. I already packed full dosing for all my supplements and meds to take after surgery.

I think I definitely need to try and focus on getting the rainwater catchment in place this winter. And the custom made watering hoses for each garden bed. I'll also have to research new water timers. Part of me wonders if I can adapt a timer meant for a sprinkler system. Either way, I need my garden watering to be independent.

And I'm also hoping to design a water filter system in case I need to use rain catch water for in the house. The rock, charcoal, sand system that I can then pull water from, boil, run through the Berkey and use for drinking if needed..

I know, because I know someone who did it, that if I need to, I can run the washing machine on rain water. It just needs a good debris filter before entering the machine. And I can set two large IBC totes for rainwater catchment along the wall directly outside the laundry room. I won't unless I need to, but I can. Until I need to, the water can be used for something else.

I guess part of the reason that has become my focus is the water bill. But the other part is that one of the last issues I had with waterproofing some parts of the system was resolved by discovering RedGard or Semco. That will let me protect the wood part of the systems that would normally be at risk of rotting due to water damage. And I won't have to worry as much about lining materials possibly ripping.

Anyways, off to make dinner and work on more laundry.


Veteran Member
I am still fighting a cold. Today it is winning.
Hubby and I put the oyster spat in the float today. I got a load of laundry done, and the rest of the day has been spent reading on my kindle, coughing and relaxing.
Pic shows the spat and last night’s sunset.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Hey all, just dropping by to say hey.
My heart is slowly healing over BAILEY. But, I will NEVER forget her and I am looking so forward to seeing her again on the "other side!!!"

I am continuing to pack things up and finish getting ready to leave this wrecked place!! I am SOOOO OVER this place, though I loved the land but not the things that happened here.

Had not been shopping for 2 months, and a friend took me yesterday. I LOADED up his car!!!!! Got more preps....more to pack and take with me!!

I sure am sore from all the activity of getting things ready!! Danged ole body.....looking forward to my new one and hoping we all get to meet up in heaven soon.....looks like it will be very soon with Biden and OBUTTHEAD trying their best to start WWII!!!

Take care all!! Later!!


Veteran Member
Glad to see you, ioujc! And so happy that you are safe and leaving where you are. I worry about you.

Got quite a bit done today - 4 loads of laundry (including 3 wedding dresses that I may or may not put on Ebay). I think they're from the 70s - kinda boho chic. Made up a skin liniment that just needs to age a bit, put together some tomato soup to freeze dry, and did a little cleaning.


TB Fanatic
Glad to see you, ioujc! And so happy that you are safe and leaving where you are. I worry about you.

Got quite a bit done today - 4 loads of laundry (including 3 wedding dresses that I may or may not put on Ebay). I think they're from the 70s - kinda boho chic. Made up a skin liniment that just needs to age a bit, put together some tomato soup to freeze dry, and did a little cleaning.
I love tomato soup, what is your recipe? I have frozen tomatoes in the freezers and need to do something with them.

I haven't eaten anything today, but did eat something yesterday. My stomach has been somewhat upset, but seems to be calming down. The coughing is settling down too. But the headache still persists. I did drink some juice just now, although its filled with sugar, tasted good.


Veteran Member
My mom used to threaten to throw glitter on the cobwebs so she could call them decorations :lol:
We are OVERRUN with :/;#=/<&%/ ladybugs. I can't vacuum enough. They are inside and outside. They bite and they stink when you smash them. Torn between flushing them vs emptying the dustbuster in the chicken house.


Veteran Member
Good morning! Busy week here just doing more of the same. Found some wild mullein finally. Working on moving asparagus bed. Putting up turnip greens and apples but not together! Visited my fav nursery this wkend where the 90 yr old owner laughingly told me she had sold 30 flats of collards. Around here collards grow by just scattering seeds without any ground prep! She said people that buy collard starts will probably never harvest any. I just thought it funny!
Everyone stay safe. Sounds as if we might have an exciting week ahead.


Veteran Member
We are having a ladybug invasion too. They come in everytime we go in or out. They are everywhere. I think this year is worse than the last few years, or maybe I am just older and crankyer.

I hate the time change. I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I hope they give up this nonsense before spring.

Yesterday I got all my bee hives out of my hubby's shop and into the barn for storage. They were just taking up space for the last couple of years. I put them on a pallet, duct taped all the seams and entrances. I added paramoth insecticide to make sure no bugs would end up living in them. Two years in a row with bears getting into them helped make the decision to just buy honey. I will still put out a swarm trap. If I catch one, I will give it a go again.

We had 2 pigeons in the barn again. I took care of that with my Beebe gun last night. We can't have them pooping on everything.

I am hoping I can unload the horse trailer today. We still have the last of the shop stuff we took out of my in-laws garage when we were getting it ready to sell. Most of it can go to the barn. It is stuff we will only use occasionally. Then next, we need to organize hubby's shop after just bringing stuff in and sitting it down from his parents. His back and my autoimmune disease dictate how much we get done.

Hubby thinks the mullein root salve is helping his back. I have one more 1 year plant that I can use. I also have a friend that has property near me that offered to let me dig some off her place. I may ask if that offer is still good.

Deer season has started here. There was a modern gun youth hunt this last weekend. Modern gun starts for everyone on the 11th if I remember correctly. But we are not seeing deer much at all. We used to see them all the time. Last night, I was out after dark, and shined my light into the woods. I usually would see at least 3 sets of deer eyes shining. Last night there was only one set. I wonder if the price of meat has brought out the illegal hunting. Deer get more scarce during hunting season, but they usually still bed down in my woods.

Everyone have a blessed day and week.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Today is a big laundry day for me. I have a load washing and another one to do. Changed out the bedsheets, so that makes an extra load. It's going into the low 80's today, so a good day to hang them outside to dry. I've also got some tidying up to do after yesterday's meeting. I need to drag all the ground beef out of the freezer to thaw, so I can can it this week.

Tomorrow is election day in Mississippi, so we'll go vote at the community center here. Only around 130 people are registered to vote in our small community. We're praying that our state's officials stay majority Republican. It might be a tight race between the Dem and Repub race for Governor. The Dem running is my cousin, but I wouldn't vote for him on a bet. I know too much about him and his family. Very liberal. He lives in the small town where we buy our meat that is only a hop and a jump through the woods from us.


Veteran Member
We are having a ladybug invasion too. They come in everytime we go in or out. They are everywhere. I think this year is worse than the last few years, or maybe I am just older and crankyer.

I hate the time change. I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I hope they give up this nonsense before spring.

Yesterday I got all my bee hives out of my hubby's shop and into the barn for storage. They were just taking up space for the last couple of years. I put them on a pallet, duct taped all the seams and entrances. I added paramoth insecticide to make sure no bugs would end up living in them. Two years in a row with bears getting into them helped make the decision to just buy honey. I will still put out a swarm trap. If I catch one, I will give it a go again.

We had 2 pigeons in the barn again. I took care of that with my Beebe gun last night. We can't have them pooping on everything.

I am hoping I can unload the horse trailer today. We still have the last of the shop stuff we took out of my in-laws garage when we were getting it ready to sell. Most of it can go to the barn. It is stuff we will only use occasionally. Then next, we need to organize hubby's shop after just bringing stuff in and sitting it down from his parents. His back and my autoimmune disease dictate how much we get done.

Hubby thinks the mullein root salve is helping his back. I have one more 1 year plant that I can use. I also have a friend that has property near me that offered to let me dig some off her place. I may ask if that offer is still good.

Deer season has started here. There was a modern gun youth hunt this last weekend. Modern gun starts for everyone on the 11th if I remember correctly. But we are not seeing deer much at all. We used to see them all the time. Last night, I was out after dark, and shined my light into the woods. I usually would see at least 3 sets of deer eyes shining. Last night there was only one set. I wonder if the price of meat has brought out the illegal hunting. Deer get more scarce during hunting season, but they usually still bed down in my woods.

Everyone have a blessed day and week.
I'm so glad the salve is helping your DH. I need to grow grows wild across the road on what was my parents property but not on ours.

We don't have as many deer out here as we use to either. My son got a really nice one with his bow last week...the nicest he's gotten in several years. I don't know if it's hunting pressure, CWD or predators. There are definitely panthers out here and they are doing just fine. The new/old neighbors who moved back in next door saw one recently on the same game trail I saw one on a few years ago and it was stalking our local little deer herd just like the one I saw. The trail is almost on the property line between us. Coyotes may be getting the fawns too...their numbers have at least doubled in the last few years. Our turkey population is also really low...DS thinks due to predator pressure also. We get a lot of folks from the town to the south of us hunting this area without permission...that doesn't help.


Continuing to put away more food even though I think I have enough. It is almost an obsession with me as real hunger is coming to common Americans which is something we haven’t experienced before. Bought another case of Mountain House #10 cans. Also bought 25 more Bear Creek soup mixes and you can flesh these out with canned or dehydrated meats. A lot of people have more guns and ammo etc than they could probably ever use but shelf stable foods will certainly not go unused and won’t be getting more plentiful or cheaper as time goes on.


Veteran Member
A lot of the turkey eggs are lost to raccoons and opossums too. The price of fur is so low, few are trapping anymore. I know 40 years ago I got $20 for a raw coon hide. It does not even bring that now. 40 years ago $20 went a long way. I haven’t seen or heard of panthers here but we have coyotes aplenty


Veteran Member
Continuing to put away more food even though I think I have enough. It is almost an obsession with me as real hunger is coming to common Americans which is something we haven’t experienced before. Bought another case of Mountain House #10 cans. Also bought 25 more Bear Creek soup mixes and you can flesh these out with canned or dehydrated meats. A lot of people have more guns and ammo etc than they could probably ever use but shelf stable foods will certainly not go unused and won’t be getting more plentiful or cheaper as time goes on.
I use to always use the Bear Creek mixes as a base and added to them. We loved them until we all, at the same time, got burned out. I really regret letting that happen but I was working full time away from home and running my business on the side. I took help anywhere I could get it. It's been years. I should give them another try. If memory serves, the chicken noodle and taco soup were our favorites.


Veteran Member
Got another load of kale chips dried and now frozen.

Started cleaning the rust off the woodstove, but the rest will have to wait until tomorrow, at least hopefully tomorrow.

Waiting for my new crown to come from a California lab. the dentist had this electronic imaging wand which did first the outside of the tooth, and then the inside once the old filling was drilled out. They send this 3-D image out and get back a perfect filling. the temporary is made the same way, just not as hard materials. Very interesting.


Veteran Member
The ladybugs this year have been far fewer than in many years.

Last week, I helped my youngest step-son by providing a cabinet and helping him sort through a big pile of his preps. I culled some expired and organized the remainder of the canned goods in the cabinet with the oldest in front.

I will be assembling a couple of sets of shelves my next trip there to continue with helping to organize his preps.

I wish the ready made can racks weren't so expensive. Maybe I will find time to make my own wooden ones sometime this winter.

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
The ladybugs this year have been far fewer than in many years.

Last week, I helped my youngest step-son by providing a cabinet and helping him sort through a big pile of his preps. I culled some expired and organized the remainder of the canned goods in the cabinet with the oldest in front.

I will be assembling a couple of sets of shelves my next trip there to continue with helping to organize his preps.

I wish the ready made can racks weren't so expensive. Maybe I will find time to make my own wooden ones sometime this winter.

allllll kinds of shelving and cabinets turn up free or uber cheap on Facebook Marketplace - just a matter of being first in line for the pick up >>>

you can set up a "search" for daily or regular market checks or get a "notification" that something that you seek got posted .....


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We just got back from voting. Now, we wait. There should be a good turnout, since the weather is so nice, today. Mid 80's and not a cloud in the sky. There were several folks there while we were there.

Cary is already back to working on the woodpile, and I'm cleaning house a bit. I'm not feeling too well, today. I'm having anxious moments, but not bad enough to have to take anything, so far.


TB Fanatic
Still not feeling well, but not as bad, can't say the same for DH. Two people from church tested positive for covid, but we had not been around them for a few days. Wednesday night church and house church on Thursday have been cancelled due to illnesses. I doubt we would have gone anyway. DH is supposed to go Thursday to get the stitches taken out of his eyelids and above his eyebrows. Pray for us about that please and than you.


Veteran Member
Ebay. I have just started. Yesterday, I found 3 dresses from the 60s-70s that could easily be used as wedding dresses and a bunch of aprons that i need to clean up and list. I suppose I could list on here, but I doubt this is the right audience.