Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: October 15 ~ 21, 2023


Veteran Member
It's a damp, chilly morning here - temps are in the low 40's, but the cloudy skies and drizzling rain make it feel colder. I do have pretty trees in all their fall colors to look at out my windows, and fat little kittens who have filled their bellies and are tumbling around on the porch outside the kitchen door. They make me smile when they stalk and try to pounce on each other - and usually miss :)

It looks like the temps are going to gradually rise through the week and be in the mid 60's during the day, and in the low 40's at night; it is also supposed to be mostly cloudy, so it will feel a cooler. I'll stick with jeans for today as it's not quite time to pull out the fleece lined leggings, but it's getting closer.

I keep trying to get the pantry organized and inventoried so that I can make a list to fill any holes, but I seem to wander off to do something else every time I think about starting. I'm going to have to get serious as I see empty spots that shouldn't be there. At least I have the money put back to re-supply. I'll have to take the grand-dog home later today, so will pick one or two items to re-stock while I'm in town.

I'm going to have to call a pharmacy in a different town later today when they open to see if they have one of my two meds in stock - I went to refill last evening and they said they are out and don't know when they will be getting more in stock. If the pharmacy I call is out, I'll have to call the doctor's office for a substitute. There are herbals that I can substitute if I have to.

Well, Hubby is up wandering around and talking to me - guess I'd better pay attention!

Take care All - stay safe out there!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Cary lit our first fire of the season this morning in our wood stove to knock the chill out of the house. Upper 40's last night, and it's damp outside. In the summer, it's hot and humid. In the winter, it's cold and damp. I'd rather have the hot and humid. I don't function too well in cold and damp.

I hurt my back last evening moving some things around in the pantry. I'm resting it, today. It's really painful. The result of injuring it 2 weeks after spinal surgery years ago. All I have to do is twist it just right, and BAM.

We're getting ready for another busy week going and coming. Mammogram tomorrow, grocery shopping, Tuesday, and a vision checkup on Wednesday for new glasses. It's been a very busy month, but it should slow down after Wednesday, other than Cary's appt. with his urologist on the 25th. I'm looking forward to a long break.


Veteran Member
Fall is definitely here weather wise! i love it!

I am currently fighting off bronchitis which made me double check my otc stash. Thankfully, I am good. I have just been taking it easy over the weekend and will continue to do the same today. I do have a lot of energy so am listening to my body and resting as I can. I do have all laundry done and put away (we do tend to keep up with it) and dishes done and put away.

While I was in Walgreens yesterday picking up an albuterol inhale, I did pick up some Scott tp (12 pack) for $3.75. I got two of them. We normally use tp from amazon, but at that price point, it was worth a try.

Prep wise I have my doctor’s checkup Wednesday morning and mammogram scheduled Wednesday afternoon. My gyn appointment is scheduled in November. I called to make an appointment for my inspection due this month snd oil change, and they couldn’t get me in until the middle of next month.
I will be glad to get all of these “maintenance checks” done. Lol

With recent prime day sales, I got two packages of the whole house water filters we use (enough to last a year) and ten pairs of underwear for $16 (Amazon brand). I bought some at the last prime day in July and like them so much, I bought more.

I will do a bit of meal planning later as well as pay bills/set my budget for the second half of the month.

Slow and steady ….


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We are having slow and steady drizzle which means no planting today.

There was a grocery run. So there's now mulled cider warming in one crockpot and a safe hot chocolate in the other. Mu body has been craving pears and apples, so I got some.

Eggs are on so I have hard-boiled eggs for breakfast through the week. Then lunch. Then time to seal one set of repacked meats. Then repack another set. I already pack a set of beans and toss them in the freezer.

I don't think I'm getting canning done this weekend. So I'll get everything sorted, cleaned, bagged, and frozen.

The plans for the week are to get the garlic in the ground and get the frost cover over them. Then get cardboard and wood chips on the gardens beds that are being closed for the winter.

Slow and easy is the rule this week. I was doing well until what should have been the last day. Then my body repeated the last time. Fortunately, I had the medication and started boosting the amount last night. Fingers crossed that will make this episode end quickly. And I am still on boosted levels of the anemia meds for another week.

Anyways, taking a few before I go in and reheat lunch. Son is in a mood and has decided that his bedroom door should be closed now. It was funny because the first few times he semi slammed it shut. Just enough to make sure that I knew he was closing it. He decided that my response of smiles and kisses was not what he was expecting, and he didn't need to slam it anymore. I think the actual motivation is that he's very light and sound sensitive right now.


Veteran Member
Today is cool 57 and drizzling here in the Deep South. We stopped by our local grocery to pick up odds and ends. We are good on everything. This week we will be working on garden chores, cleaning and spreading compost for next year etc. Takes a while here. Need to clean out coop house. We no longer go anywhere separately until this Israel thing is over, which probably means those days are gone. And I was super sensitive to noise this morning at church. Hubs felt the same way. Not sure who all is packing at church but I am guessing most folks. Just don't know who is a good shot! Anxious to see what financially happens to our country tomorrow.


TB Fanatic
I haven't been going anywhere except church at night. by myself for at least a couple of years. Since someone could easily knock me down, I just don't go to town at all by myself.

Wednesday night I brought up security at church. They must have taken it seriously because the pastor talked about it at length at church. One of the men was at the front door and did some walking around outside. This would not look unusual which is good. Pastor asked all the men, including me and two other women. The other two women carry all the time and I have a big mouth and am not shy. So DH was carrying and so was the pastor, which he had not been before and then several men. I've finally gotten DH to not leave home without it.

We ate at roadkill after church and skipped going to the grocery. It can wait.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Because of a personal physical attack by a couple of GTR men a few years back (I was home alone), I never leave home by myself, day or night. I guess I have PTSD from it. Cary never lets me out of his arm's reach, either, except on rare occasions. He knows how panicked I can get when out and about. He's always carrying. When he was in ICU, the nurses saw how panicked I was at being alone in the ICU waiting room, they let me stay around the clock with him and even brought me in a bed.
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Only worry about what you can control!
Today was bean storage day, we grow our own pintos but today I wanted to experiment. $40 at Walmart for everything you see (32 pounds of pinto beans and 8 pounds of kidney beans). We repack beans in 8oz vacuum sealed bags because there are only two of us eating. Everyone can afford to prep a little, and ensure you can eat when times are rough.


TB Fanatic
I've got 10- one pound bags of red lentils waiting for me to repackage. Good price at vitacost. Not exactly what I'll do with red lentils, but I've got them when I get a wild hair for them. Of course I have regular lentils and I definitely know what to do with them. I love lentils.

In church today something bit me on my wrist and I did not have anything in my purse to put on it but vicks. I keep a little round tin of vicks either in my purse or also in my pocket, keeps me from sneezing. I have little one use packs of something for stings and I had a stack of them on the corner of my desk and now I can't find them. I was looking for something here in my office the other day and must have stuck them somewhere. I use to be so organized. But I'm feeling somewhat better so maybe I'll get more done tomorrow. There are only a few things in the kitchen sink, so that is in much better shape. I have a few loads of laundry to get done tomorrow or the next day.


TB Fanatic
The son is shinning and the temps are brisk. I woke up early and tried to go back to sleep but not happening so I got up. Virtually no tooth ache, just a little twinge from time to time. Not sure what I'm going to do today, but there is plenty to be done. First I want to finish up in the kitchen, there are foods and other things out in the front room that need to be put away, a couple loads of laundry, and clean clothes put away. And I need to spend some time in my closet. And I also have some ironing that needs to be done. Setting the timer helps me get things done. Have a blessd day.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We've got a good warm fire going this morning. Low 40's last night with high of only 65, today. Time for me to bring out a jacket for getting out and about, today. Mammogram this afternoon.

My back is much better this morning after sleeping on the sofa last night. The sofa is softer than our mattress, and I think it helps realign my spine, or something. It always feels much better after a night or two on the sofa.

I'm only doing some light household chores this morning. I always try to stay caught up on everything, so I don't have a lot to do each day. When things start getting piled up and cluttered, that's when I start to feel overwhelmed. I don't like it when that happens. I like a steady pace.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Got two rows of garlic in today. If I'm careful, I can get it all in by the end of the week. Friend is still worried and reminds me constantly that I can't just jump in and get everything done every time I have a bit of energy. I know he's right. But my bloody to do list has been on hold for almost a month, and some of those things are time sensitive.

The squirrels in the attic are not happy with the deterrent. I'm going to go up Wednesday and add the next sprinkling. But the fat one was out front chittering at me today. Oh well.

But today has been good.


TB Fanatic
I used the last of the store bought eggs a couple of days ago so I went to my wm list to add eggs and they are pretty much out of stock on eggs. And then I tried to schedule a pick up for my order and not pick up times offered. There were a hand full of things on my list that could be delivered so I scheduled that. Then I went through my on line list and wrote down everything just in case I get no reception in the store. Its a long list but DH said he would help me. I was trying to wait a few more days but all eggs being out of stock spooked me. So we are going to the store tomorrow.

A friend of mine told me they were in town this morning and there was a huge amount of police all over town. I called another friend that might know and she said one of the college foot ball players had been murdered over the weekend. LOE's determined the student had been in a gang and there may be other foot ball players also in a gang. For goodness sake this is Natchitoches, Louisiana. Did I say I'm spooked.


Veteran Member
Good news on our place today. All our fall crops have finally germinated! It has been so dry and hot that everything has just been waiting on rain. We finally got rain along with cooler temps and everything is acting right now! We are working on the soil this week and getting the rows ready for strawberries. Planting onions this week along with garlic. It's a good week to be on the farm!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Our drought still hasn't been broken. It's so dry, there's dust in the air making it hard to breathe if you're outside. Any slight breeze makes it worse. Our next chance of rain is on Thursday, but they are only giving out a small chance.

Our gardens are all finished and cleaned up. They are ready for mulching. We always use all the oak leaves for a heavy mulch, but they are just beginning to fall good.

Cary is steadily working on the wood pile. He's finally made a dent in it. You can actually see where he's been working on it. I doubt he'll work on it through the winter, though. Once the weather turns off cold, he's like me, stay inside with a good fire going.

I'm doing laundry and other regular household chores, today. I've got an appt. with my vision care doctor tomorrow afternoon. I think I'm going to have to have new glasses. My mac degen specialists thinks so, too. When I saw her last, the problem I was having had to do more with needing new glasses than the mac degen. The mac degen is still in remission.

Mammogram went well, yesterday. Just waiting on the results. They always send a letter in the mail letting me know.

We decided to wait til Thursday for grocery shopping.

eta. We went to our favorite mom and pop survival gear shop after my mammogram. Cary bought another case of single O buckshot. That's all they had available. Low on all ammo.
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Veteran Member
Good afternoon all.

We had some rain on Sunday, not a huge amount but for a little while it came down steady. And brrr, it was a cold rain! Ahhh autumn, my favorite season. I think DH is planning on starting up the outside wood burner this week but so far the temps haven’t been bad at all in the house. It’s 71 in here right now, the lowest we go with a/c is 74 at night so this feels great to me especially since we aren’t using electricity to do it!

We had our granddaughter yesterday and she kept us on our toes as usual. She’s already excited about Christmas and seems to think she has an “in” with Santa.

I‘m still sick but so far it hasn’t got me down but it’s definitely hanging on.

I put a chicken pot pie together this morning to bake for our supper. I’ve been diligently working for quite awhile in going through the fridge, freezer and pantry and using/rotating items out. The results have been some really good meals, little to no waste, grocery budget being used for mostly on sale stock up items for the future and finally having room to see what we have and get it organized better. It was so nice earlier to lay my hands on exactly what I needed without having to dig through the freezer, pantry and fridge to put together the pie. I’m not where I want/need to be yet but I’m seeing progress!

Then I shredded up several yellow squash and zucchini for the freezer to make fritters with in the next few months. The squash and cucumber plants won’t last for much longer and they grow a lot slower, but we’ve enjoyed them immensely and I hope DH decides to do late ones again next year.

@ReneeT I’m right there with you on the inventory and organizing things but a little here and there is adding up.


TB Fanatic
I was able to get a grocery pick up this afternoon, so we didn't have to go with our list looking for stuff. Only three minor things out of stock. I was so anxious yesterday about this grocery shop and there was nothing I really needed. That is I wanted more eggs, I'm spoiled from us having out own eggs. I spent more money than I usually do, but it was all cash.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We will be picking the rest of the corn and cabbage this week as it's a nice week, unlike what next week will be. We have been cutting trees up and trying to get ahead for next year. I still have plenty of canning to do.

God Bless everyone.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I got two more rows of garlic in. I almost let the mental stuff keep me from doing it. But I didn't. And I'm glad I didn't.

I got jewelweed seeds today. Thank you, @summerthyme , that was a great smile for today.

Son decided that a hug and tickle attack was needed. And there was lots of laughter. And a few "catch mom and hold her" times when I had to go. More than worth the time for the smiles and hugs.

And there was the "bad boy" who went and "snuck" a bag of pretzels. That I told him he could have yesterday. But hey. And that possibly helped trigger the sillies because he was trying to hide them. And failing. And then I was just tickling him and teasing him.

It appears that son may have outgrown his reaction to apples. That would be the first one. But he's been sneaking mulled apple cider and not having his well known side effect. It will be nice to make from scratch apple cider again. And I'll need to sit down and figure out where an apple tree or two can be squeezed in. Fingers crossed because people don't realize just how many things apples are in.


Veteran Member
I got two more rows of garlic in. I almost let the mental stuff keep me from doing it. But I didn't. And I'm glad I didn't.

I got jewelweed seeds today. Thank you, @summerthyme , that was a great smile for today.

Son decided that a hug and tickle attack was needed. And there was lots of laughter. And a few "catch mom and hold her" times when I had to go. More than worth the time for the smiles and hugs.

And there was the "bad boy" who went and "snuck" a bag of pretzels. That I told him he could have yesterday. But hey. And that possibly helped trigger the sillies because he was trying to hide them. And failing. And then I was just tickling him and teasing him.

It appears that son may have outgrown his reaction to apples. That would be the first one. But he's been sneaking mulled apple cider and not having his well known side effect. It will be nice to make from scratch apple cider again. And I'll need to sit down and figure out where an apple tree or two can be squeezed in. Fingers crossed because people don't realize just how many things apples are in.
I found a bunch of wild jewel weed. I am assuming all varieties have worth. I dug some up and them attempted to collect seed on some that I didn't dig up! We will see how that works out!


Veteran Member
I went to bed tired last night and woke up tired this morning - didn't sleep well at all. That had been going on for a few days since I'd changed the sheets, so I stripped the bed and changed the sheets/blankets again - and decided to use a heavy comforter in place of a mattress pad - it made a world of difference during my nap this afternoon. I'd been starting to wonder if I was in a version of the Princess and the Pea - any little wrinkle on the bottom sheet and mattress pad felt like it was a pencil or something hard like that under the sheet - weird.

Daughter had asked me to run over to her town to one of her businesses to let a workman in to drop off supplies so I did that and sat in the lobby and read while I waited for him to get there and then do what he needed to do. I'll probably end up going back over on Thursday to do the same - they are having a little difficulty keeping one of the main supplies in stock. Y'know, I was a little worried at first about what I'd do with myself when I was no longer working, but between going to the pool with the neighbor lady, running errands for daughter, playing taxi driver for the grandsons (we went from football practice to basketball practice in less than a week), keeping the porch cat's and kitten's bellies full, and napping, I feel like I've had a full day. After all those years working as a nurse with 12.5 hour or longer shifts and mandatory overtime, I sometimes feel like I'm just lounging around - and I like it - I like it a lot :lol:

After the supply guy left, I stopped in to the little thrift store just down the way. I didn't buy anything while I was there, but then grumbled at myself all the way home that I didn't pick up the bag of assorted yarn while I was there. I could have done a two-fer - crocheted a lap blanket and kept my knees warm while doing so :lol: I guess if it's still there when I go back to town on Thursday, I'll buy it. I need to take some more of the grandsons' outgrown winter clothes in there anyway.

Tomorrow, after the neighbor lady and I go to the pool, I plan to clear the island counter and work up most of the apples I bought last week. I'll use the peeler/corer/slicer thingy and put at least a dozen if not more bags of apples in the freezer. If doing that and then cleaning the sticky juice from everything doesn't wear me out, I'll see if the orchard has any apples left for sale and get another half bushel.

I don't have any plans for Thursday so far so that will be a good day to work in the pantry - do more work on the inventory, dust shelves, make a list of things that are getting low, etc...

Well, I just wore myself out thinking about all that, so I think I'm going to grab a book and plop down in bed to read for a bit.

Take care all; stay safe out there!


Veteran Member
Heading to the dentist tomorrow - about 1 hour and 45 minutes each way - but will run some errands while I'm out and about. I'm just ready for the week to be over so I can catch up on stuff!! I have a tooth ache and am wondering if it's infected. I asked (very nicely) for one of the ER docs to write me a prescription for an antibiotic and he did so I wouldn't have to wait to start it until Thursday.


Veteran Member
Now that my big projects are done, I can get back to prepping and not a minute too soon. I've been doing some topping off lately and plan to keep working on that in light of all that is going on in the world. I ordered the B&M Brown Bread last week and finally got my case in yesterday while we were in the city. I got it on Amazon and it averaged a little over $3 a can...not bad. I got the one with raisens and may try the plain next. I went ahead and opened up one can that was dented and it is right down my alley.

I also ordered a case of eight bottles of the Tobasco Sweet and Spicey sauce. After covid, DH, who had never liked anything spicey, got a taste for it and DIL brought a bottle of the sauce over when they had lunch with us a while back. DH fell in love with it but a shortage of peppers caused it to be in very short supply and available only directly from Tobasco who had the cases available on Amazon. This will last us a long time and it's just the kind of thing I like in the preps...anything to avoid appetite fatigue.

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up an order of beef from a local grower and will stop by WM, our only grocery store, to top off a few more things. I'm still suffering with the, I believe, stress induced sciatica so have to rest periodically during the day. My style is more like the energizer bunny so it's not agreeing with me. Still, I'm picking up a few more supplies for some canning projects while I'm in town and finish up my trip with a load of chicken feed and scratch. Hopefully, after tomorrow, I can start gleaning what I can from my garden. I still have a ton of bell peppers to cut up and freeze and a big sweet potato bed to dig...fingers crossed I get a good crop.

It feels so good to get my life back after the last several months of stuff. I'm still not batting a thousand but I'm working on it! My plan is to finally get my house purged after the topping off of preps...I have a long ways to go though and I just added to the chaos because I had to bring a bunch of family memorbilia in when we sold my parents house recently. I'm dividing it up and pawning it off on the rest of my family...I just couldn't leave it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I just placed a big order to Sam's. Adding more variety to my pantry and replacing a few items that are lower than I like them to be. I also have a Walmart order that will go out, today. Again, just adding more variety to what I have. Cary has also ordered more ammo. The "mom and pop" survival shop we frequent all the time is ordering it for him. I also will be sending off an order to Blair for myself.

Just normal stuff going on, today, until time to leave for my eye doctor appointment this afternoon.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Brother fell off a ladder at work yesterday. He got to spend last night in the hospital, and most likely, most of today. He doesn't remember how it happened and he was alone. He's got a good size goose egg on the back of his head. The docs are checking him over thoroughly to rule out heart issues, stroke, and clots. I told family that the rest of them need to wrap themselves in bubble wrap for a few weeks.

I tripped across more information about my beta blocker that I didn't have. Turns out that sleep issues are a common side effect. Except that I've had sleep issues for forever, and one more would get lost in the flood of stress, menopause, etc. I fall asleep as soon as I go horizontal, I just don't sleep well. Anyways, what it comes down to is that the beta blockers deplete melatonin. So I started taking a low dose melatonin two days ago. As of this morning, there was a noticeable difference. I was still slow getting up. But I didn't, and don't, feel the almost immediate need to go back to sleep. That helps a lot. Fingers crossed it will improve greatly very quickly. My body doesn't require a lot of sleep normally, but it does get cranky when the sleep it gets isn't good. So for now, I'm going to order a low dose melatonin to fill in the gap.

And son is in clingy, I need extra affection, mood today. It's his way of verifying that he's still important to me, and that I still love him. Even when he is being a brat. Friend and I agreed that we'll go down on Saturday morning, unless I can't get in the attic today. Talk about motivation.

And at some point this weekend, I'm moving the garden cardboard pile to the garage. I'm not allowed to put it in a neat pile in the yard anymore, at least not until I make a small hidden area for it. But I need it out of the house.
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Veteran Member
We had a wonderful 2 week vacation--nice to have a news break. Then I came home with a nasty cold that has continued to kick my butt for the next week plus. Will restock my used cold meds tomorrow. Haven't done much but sleep for the past week since we have been back, but did go out to Ollie's today. Stocked up on candy (like I need it), more dish soap, stuff for the food pantry we donate to, and bought a set of flannel sheets. It has finally started to cool off a bit here, though not enough for the flannel sheets just yet.


TB Fanatic
Sherree, just curious, what are you adding for variety? I can't think of anything.

We stopped at a big wm which in big town for VA. They had what the other smaller store has been out of for awhile. Plus I added a couple of things that I really like.

Minute made has a package of two cups in each package of quinoa and brown rice. Microwave for one minute and if necessary not at all. I'm not much of a rice eater but I do like quinoa. One cup to one can of Cento yellow find tuna in olive oil and its a meal I really like. DH would eat the tuna but probably not the grain.

I found a soup that DH will eat, Campbells Chunky Steak and Potato. And if he had to he could eat it cold, but he go a long way trying to get it warm, he does not like even luke food, I can eat it cold out of the fridg. The local walmart was out of it yesterday but the one today had it and I go two cans. I've been getting one every time I go to the grocery.

The VA was quick and uneventful. My blood pressure was 118/72, no meds. I can't ask for better than that. Eveything else was fine, no tests of any kind this time, usually do those once a year. Last blood check my a1c was 5.6 again, but today she said that was nothing to concern myself with.


Veteran Member
I am not getting any urges to add extra. I am going to get my winter supply of sweet potatoes soon. I wrap then in newspaper and keep in cardboard box in garage or storeroom. I also need to check a couple of spices. I am always watching for sales on roast.
We might make a run to Costco next month.


Veteran Member
Woo hoo, DH finally finished going through all of his chest of drawers (one in the bedroom, one in his closet) and even went through his jeans. He set some things aside for our grandsons to look through, they both took a few things and the rest that was nice will be passed on to Salvation Army. He tossed a lot of ratty items but it looks like the only thing he needs to replace is denim shirts and some boots. We were very pleased to find new packages of underwear, socks and t-shirts with tags still attached. As he despises wearing new jeans and puts it off until he doesn’t have a choice, he has several very nice pairs. He still has to find time to go through casual and button up shirts and dress pants but he’s made a ton of progress. The man has so many caps and I truly don’t get why anyone needs that many but as they aren’t in my space, I’m good!

I, on the other hand seriously need to get some clothes, I am good on socks, shoes and panties but I’m not the clothes horse DH is LOL!

Made it into the pantry and went through a shelf of home canned items to see what I need to bring up from the basement to resupply some things. Pulled a half pint of turkey, a pint each of carrots and green beans that will go with the squash and cornbread casserole we’re having tonight. I’m starting to make a noticeable dent in using up leftovers from the freezer. I’m bound and determined to clear out the refrigerator freezer this month.

DH found a good sale on bacon yesterday so bought 18 lbs. and I added some more shredded squash to the freezer today.
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Veteran Member
S'cuse my language, but crap. I have a 'massive' dental infection on my one molar that lines up, so it has to be pulled. I can cut and tear my food, but can't really grind it to eat (if that makes sense). My issue is that radiation puts me at high risk for osteoradionecrosis. Yes, just as lovely as it sounds.

I am currently on antibiotics and doing all the things, but will get the tooth pulled Friday. Would greatly appreciate prayers for healing (if it is His will) and pain control. It hurts!


Veteran Member
S'cuse my language, but crap. I have a 'massive' dental infection on my one molar that lines up, so it has to be pulled. I can cut and tear my food, but can't really grind it to eat (if that makes sense). My issue is that radiation puts me at high risk for osteoradionecrosis. Yes, just as lovely as it sounds.

I am currently on antibiotics and doing all the things, but will get the tooth pulled Friday. Would greatly appreciate prayers for healing (if it is His will) and pain control. It hurts!
Praying Moldy