Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: October 22-28, 2023


Veteran Member
I finally got all of our garlic and onions planted. I just need to mulch them.

We finally got our garlic planted, too and we also have to mulch, but at least it is planted. We planted 93 cloves, 5 different kinds. I don't plant onions until spring. I start them in the greenhouse from seed. I still have this years garlic hanging in the carriage house and I will clean and label it for storage next week. It did really well this year.
I have half of the garden cleaned up and the other half is going to take a lot of work. DH is putting in a new raised bed for me, but it won't be finished until spring. We just set the base in place to see how it will work out.

Today I hope to shred some of the leaves that are finally coming down and get the mulching started. We are supposed to get some rain and colder temperatures starting tonight. I won't mind the colder temps too much as long as it is dry enough to work. The days are so short now that it takes longer to get anything done.

The potted plants have to come into the house from the greenhouse. I leave them there as long as possible because they are so happy. If the nights aren't too cold I turn on a heater set on a low temperature and it keeps it warm enough.

There is so much to do this time of year. I am looking forward to a rest.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We're expecting our first freeze Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I've already brought in all my houseplants, and I'll be watering and mulching my azaleas and roses, today. I also need to cut back all the hostas. They are all finished for the year. Once I cut them back, I'll put mulch on top of the pots.

I found a bag of frozen chicken tenderloins in the freezer that were freezer burned. I thawed them out and have them on the stove boiling to use as Frisco's food for a few days. We do not eat freezer burned meat. This bag just got covered over, and I had forgotten about it. Dated last year. I don't have a vacuum sealer for my meat. I try to keep all the meat in the freezer rotated in and out within a year. The only thing I can't do that with is chicken. It burns within just a few months, so I don't store a lot of it in the freezer. I have plenty of canned, though.

Cary is working on cutting up more firewood, today. He won't be splitting any, so that gives me a break from helping. Low 80's and sunny skies for today.


Veteran Member
Husband finally finished winterizing the house, which I have been trying to get him to do since the pipes froze last winter. What should have taken 45 minutes wound up being an hour and a half because he never puts his tools or anything away, just leaves them scattered. At least it's done.
Needed some band aids and found he'd been plundering in the pantry again. I was supposed to have 3 unopened boxes and they were nowhere to be found. For several years the only generic band aids that the local WM carried were some in bright, fluorescent colors. Well husband complained so much about wearing pink band aids that I mail ordered some expensive Curads and was just doling them out a few at a time. I did find a box of name brand Band Aids that I didn't even know I had. The others will probably turn up after all the adhesive has dried up.
I wish he would stop messing uo the pantry but that's not going to happen.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Husband finally finished winterizing the house, which I have been trying to get him to do since the pipes froze last winter. What should have taken 45 minutes wound up being an hour and a half because he never puts his tools or anything away, just leaves them scattered. At least it's done.
Needed some band aids and found he'd been plundering in the pantry again. I was supposed to have 3 unopened boxes and they were nowhere to be found. For several years the only generic band aids that the local WM carried were some in bright, fluorescent colors. Well husband complained so much about wearing pink band aids that I mail ordered some expensive Curads and was just doling them out a few at a time. I did find a box of name brand Band Aids that I didn't even know I had. The others will probably turn up after all the adhesive has dried up.
I wish he would stop messing uo the pantry but that's not going to happen.
I get them by watching the store sales. Southernsavers is great for giving a basic breakdown of ads with coupons. And while I don't use it as much as I used to, I still watch for things to fill in the gaps that occur over time. Bandaids have a shelf life. So over time I end up tossing batches where the adhesive has gone bad and then replacing them. There really hasn't been anything that allows me to determine why. It's not any one specific brand or style that goes bad. I put it down to different batches. And sometimes, it's the storage conditions.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I get them by watching the store sales. Southernsavers is great for giving a basic breakdown of ads with coupons. And while I don't use it as much as I used to, I still watch for things to fill in the gaps that occur over time. Bandaids have a shelf life. So over time I end up tossing batches where the adhesive has gone bad and then replacing them. There really hasn't been anything that allows me to determine why. It's not any one specific brand or style that goes bad. I put it down to different batches. And sometimes, it's the storage conditions.

I threw away 2 boxes the other day that had gone bad. Don't know why they don't last longer without the adhesive drying out. Both boxes were only a year old, too.


Veteran Member
I am checking all my lists. Recent world news has me a bit concerned but trying not to panic. Anyone else?

Hubby and I sold some furniture that we traded out and just got $450. Trying to identify best needs for that.

I did realize I am lower than I am comfortable with on some OTC meds I take (magnesium, COQ10, and melatonin) so will be addressing that for sure.

Hubby is ordering seeds for next year and has the greenhouse going for cooler things.

Slow and steady.


Veteran Member
Note to self to check band aids.

We are having a freeze tonight and next several nights. I love my large geranium to storeroom where it can get light. Smaller one can go in garage. Don't think covers are on faucets yet either.
I'm glad we are finally having cooler weather in forecast.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Recent world news has me a bit concerned but trying not to panic. Anyone else?

The only concern we have atm is that all the madness taking place "over there" will start up over here. Pantry and supplies are in good shape, but we are target practicing in the backyard, now. Cary is getting ready to start back reloading. He's also laying in more store bought ammo, too. I'm lower on my shotgun shells than I like, so he's concentrating more on those.


TB Fanatic
I stocked up on band aid brand bandaids a good while back. I dumped all the boxes in a container for each size. The better brands last longer, so for me its been worth the extra price. Looking on my order history on amazon, I've been stocking up for awhile. I also have larger sizes and liquid band aids. Haven't used the liquid ones yet.

DH has has put all of the goats except one in the new pasture and he opened a barn for them. One of our billy goats is totally nasty. He likes to have his head scratched but I only scratched a spot on his ear.

We are supposed to get down to freezing a couple of days next week too, rain and colder weather starting on Monday. Gotta dig out my flannel pjs. And put my poncho liner on my lift chair to keep the cold air from getting in on the bottom. I can get nice and snug sleeping in my chair. It doesn't take much to remind me why I don't sleep in the bedroom. I went in there last night to rub DH's back and it was 83 degrees in the bedroom. That is sweltering to me for sleeping.

I'm still adding and subtracting to my grocery list. Its nice to be able to do that online from wm. Its two weeks since I bought groceries and we don't need anything, but I like to stay ahead on some things.

So I've come up with a way to put the new canned foods somewhere while I work my way through what is on the shelf. Too many cases of things to put the new on the bottom. I have a rolling cart in the pantry room and I'm putting the new stuff on that cart. DH asked me what I would do when I ran out of space on the cart and I told him I would deal with that at the time.


Veteran Member
Raining days and freezing temps for next 3 days. No plants to move but have to winterize 3 places. Got everything we needed to get water back on. Expected the high price of water heater and water tank but omg connections costing $50 a piece? :shkr: Thank God DH has never gotten rid of any extra connectors, pipe, etc.

Thanks for bandaid reminder. Cheap neon ones have actually lasted well for us even with a young grand who likes to wear one just because they are pretty.

Running my flannel shirts thru wash today. They were clean when I packed them but I just like to freshen them up. Florida trip in Feb (if world permits) means packing a Florida tub so I can easily fill suitcase when time comes.

Took another round of donations to womens shelter. Next time if there are any blankets I will try to remember to safety pin a size note on them. The girls made a note but they were blessed with lots of stuff yesterday so that note may not be seen again. When I store bedding in bags at home I slip a piece of paper inside with size clearly visible. That way I can reuse bag later.

Had to replace a couple of doorknobs yesterday. Those aren't cheap either. Thought of our resident locksmith when dealing with the 3rd one. Fortunately a good round of DW40 fixed it and saved us a few bucks.


Veteran Member
Woke up to a crisp 30° morning. Honestly, morning chores are actually nicer when it's lightly frozen outside, rather than the 6-9" of mud that is typical for the next 6 months.

Spent yesterday cleaning the chicken coop and deep bedding it, mowing all the yards nice and short once last time, and putting away the various tools and STUFF that ends up spread from here to the moon. So much mess. So much cleanup. But the yards and pastures and porches are reasonably tidy again. Brought the bucket of deicer up onto the porch. Hubby winterized the camping trailer. Daughters moved the last firewood pile over to the woodshed.

Today gonna be helping hubby set posts for the barn extension.

I got a phone call from my Wyoming daughter yesterday. She was calling to say thank you. When she and her roommate moved off base and into their apartment last spring, she started building a pantry and getting a bunch of first aid and meds supplies, just like we have at home. They both came down with colds this week and are feeling miserable, but they had soups, juices, tea, elderberry syrup, regular otc cold meds, and pretty much everything they needed.

Sometimes you get it right. :cool:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well, I got everything done outside that I had planned to do. I'm tired. Everything has been winterized. The last thing to get done was Cary closing up all the air vents underneath the house. Now, winter can begin.

Hoping to just rest and relax, tomorrow.

Concentrating on what's for supper right now. I think it's going to be a chicken and rice skillet pantry meal with butter beans, cornbread, and bread and butter pickles. I'm too tired to make anything else.
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Veteran Member
Closing air vents as soon as rain stops. Some critter did a number on 2 of them so will be putting screws thru them so they stay shut. Put all kinds of anti critter stuff under there just in case. I will take 4 legged critters in the country over 2 legged critters in the city any day.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Closing air vents as soon as rain stops. Some critter did a number on 2 of them so will be putting screws thru them so they stay shut. Put all kinds of anti critter stuff under there just in case. I will take 4 legged critters in the country over 2 legged critters in the city any day.
I have been liberally using rodent repellent to handle attic squirrels. But I agree with you.


Veteran Member
We had a hard freeze so my zinnias and cosmos are done. I need to get out and clear them off the next sunny day. The "switch" was turned two days ago, and the leaves came off the walnut tree all at once. The hackberry still has a few leaves, but most are down.

Just recently I did an update of bandaids, triple antibiotic and a few other OTC items. With the toenail removal I needed bandaids and the triple antibiotic so timing was perfect. I never gave a thought to what I needed until I was home, so it was good that I already had them.

My dad was death on anyone leaving tools out and my late dh was the same plus the tool needed to be cleaned before putting it away. I was well trained and continue doing so and it saves so much time when doing a project. The inside tools are slowing being organized to suit me. I still need to bring things down to my level and make me a toolbox of things I can use. The rest of the stuff I want to keep so when someone is working on projects here, they are available, but they don't need to be cluttering up the box that I use.

I've been thinking about moving my gardening tools (hoes, shovels, spading forks etc. to the basement for security purposes. It would be a pain to carry them in for the winter, but better than having them "walk" away. I could leave the duplicates I don't use in the garage. I have some ratcheting loppers that cost a good bit that I'd hate to lose along with my favorite hoe, spading fork and a couple other items. My dd got me a Pro Hoe for Christmas a couple years back and it is the best hoe I've ever owned!!

I'm comfortable with my most of my preps. The biggest needs I currently have are clothes especially jeans and winter boots. Extra gloves are always nice but not a need. I would like a couple of new sweatshirts because all of mine are old and sad. Also sweatpants, but I can make those and have the patterns and fabric to do so.


Veteran Member
Anna, for boots ,Bogs are the best! I have a pair that I've had for 3 or 4 years that still look good and i use them year round for muck boots. My feet are never cold or wet; these are rated for -50*, and they have good tread on the soles.


Veteran Member
Anna, for boots ,Bogs are the best! I have a pair that I've had for 3 or 4 years that still look good and i use them year round for muck boots. My feet are never cold or wet; these are rated for -50*, and they have good tread on the soles.
I have a pair of Bogs that I have had for 12 years. They still look great and are very comfy to wear.


Veteran Member
I third the vote for Bogs. My daughters and I each have a set. Mine are 5 years old and you can barely tell. We use them daily from probably October to May and they're all still fantastic.

NOT CHEAP. But well worth it.


Veteran Member
Anna, for boots ,Bogs are the best! I have a pair that I've had for 3 or 4 years that still look good and i use them year round for muck boots. My feet are never cold or wet; these are rated for -50*, and they have good tread on the soles.
My problem is narrow feet and for the last 4 or 5 years the shoe store I use has been trying to find me narrow boots. They can get "dress" boots, but I definitely do not want slick soles and heels!! I want a simple snow boot and such an item does not seem to exist in narrow. I cannot wear a medium and a narrow is actually too wide, but I can make it work. Do Bogs come in narrow? No narrow width shoe or boot is ever cheap!!

I can almost count on my fingers the number of times I've walked into a shoe store and they had a shoe to fit me. The store I currently use orders narrow for me so not even they have narrow in stock. Have I mentioned that I absolutely HATE SHOE SHOPPING?


Veteran Member
I threw away 2 boxes the other day that had gone bad. Don't know why they don't last longer without the adhesive drying out. Both boxes were only a year old, too.
You should have kept them and just cut pads off and used vet wrap
My grown daughter has need allergic to adhesive and latex her whole life. I have antibiotics bandaids and silver treated ones that I cut the pads off and do the vet wrap. I also find the ones that industrial l first aid kits are stocked we last longer.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
You should have kept them and just cut pads off and used vet wrap
My grown daughter has need allergic to adhesive and latex her whole life. I have antibiotics bandaids and silver treated ones that I cut the pads off and do the vet wrap. I also find the ones that industrial l first aid kits are stocked we last longer.

I never thought of doing that, but I will from now on.


Veteran Member
Not everything that contains bio-engineered ingredients labels them. We do not have laws making it mandatory to label them and most companies don't. Also, many ingredients may not be bio-engineered, but may have been sprayed with glyphosate to dry the plants. The only way to know is to buy organic, research, ask questions and not caring. I care.
I just wanted to update this post. I missed this info on bio-engineered ingredients.

Not as good as it sounds at first, but nothing ever is:


Senior Member
I have for many many years used gallon sized glass jars/ containers to store dry goods.
As I've aged and developed arthritis in my hands, they have become increasingly difficult for me to handle. So today I emptied 5 of them into smaller containers mostly 1/2 gallon. Ran gallon size through dishwasher and will donate.
Keeping things functional as I age is important. Pliers now have a place in drawer along with can opener and knives. Packaging tries to defeat my arthritis.

Looks like we will get some much needed rain several days this coming week. Daytime temps will still be warm.
Hi Connie,
I'm not sure this would be helpful or not but you might try getting one of these strap wrenchs used for oil filters.