Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: September 24~30, 2023


Veteran Member
Fall is definitely in the air around here - at least falling leaves are :lol: So far, it's mostly black walnut leaves that are coming down - they are such a pretty bright yellow. The ones in our yard didn't produce any walnuts this year, but there are a few that did on the edge of the woods, away from the fields across the road. I miss our two big maple trees that were in the yard - they were transplanted from our woods to the yard when I was a baby, but we lost them last year, along with a lot of the maple trees in the woods. The oak trees at the end of our near east field haven't started to turn yet. Maybe I'll take a walk down by the cabin later and see what is turning color there.

Daughter borrowed my van and took a carload of adolescent boys to a college football game yesterday - she brought another Mother with her to help with crowd control, but I'm not eager to see the inside of my van - or to smell it. If it's not their armpits, it's their feet :lol: Maybe I'd better take a couple of dryer sheets with me, just in case...

Plans for this week include:
Pantry organization - which includes making a list of items I need to restock
Pool with the neighbor lady
MD appointment
Stock up trip at Aldi, with a few fill-ins from WalMart and Dollar General. I have 2 - $10 off $40 purchase and 2 - $5 off $25 purchase coupons good for this coming Saturday, so I plan to make good use of them. I will probably do re-con trips to DG and Wal-Mart first to check prices on the things that I would use the DG coupons to make sure it's cheaper.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Plans for this week are recovery. And getting the fall vegetable plants in garden. I wish I had a garden friend who could help because I'm just beat. Even just sewing repairs are exhausting me which is just insane.

I found some information on a colostrum supplement that is supposed to help the body process iron better. I'm going to dig further in a bit.

Otherwise, the focus is just on healing. I'm still spotting. But it's dark red/burgundy. So it's the body cleaning up, not fresh bleeding.

Frag. I haven't been this exhausted in years. I'm not accepting this.


Veteran Member
Got the freezers cleaned and defrosted. Getting rid of the oldest chest type and replacing it with a new smaller one we were gifted. Cleaning out the extra fridge today. It's been sitting in garage for a year unused. Thank God it was kept running. I shudder to think what odd and nasty things are in it. Plan on using it for beverages and dairy. We use a lot of cheese and butter.

Was disappointed with Aldis run. ONLY canned veggies available were mandarin oranges. Did get beautiful produce much cheaper than grocery store. New store layout has 2 regular checkouts and several self checks. Store was so busy we had to park in Egypt but there was no wait to checkout. People were in a good mood, everyone was nice as they waited to get down aisles. Nice weather probably encouraged that.

Cleaned out 2 big closets yesterday. So much stuff! Did find grandma's embroidery that I had forgot about along with some more family records. Will be getting a cube shelf setup just for genealogy stuff and squeeze that in somewhere in our new smaller place. At least all this going through stuff will get it organized and together.

Found a quilt top that my dear mom and her sister sewed. ❤ It's in a bag with a new flat sheet all ready to be quilted. Also found a set of photos of all the quilts grandma made. Now I can recognize the ones she gave us.

Getting rid of almost all the dishes. My hutch will now contain precious items that belonged to family members and stuff the grands have given me. If I can't have it out to enjoy what's the point in keeping it?

Will be ordering a few more canned goods. I have home canned meat so am going to try to make a dent in all the frozen meat. I have a small freezer of meat that I will can this winter when I have less to do. I love the convenience in use and knowing exactly where it came from and what is in it.

Washed and packed a lot of embroidered linens this week. Will be finishing the rest of them tomorrow. I put all my linens in zip lock bags before putting them in the drawer.

Will probably tackle another closet this afternoon. Everyday clothing that doesn't fit or that I don't like goes to the women's shelter. Selling a few pieces of vintage clothes and a couple fancier outfits. I don’t sell clothes that someone might use locally. Necessities are always gifted.

Will be sorting towels this week. Stained or torn ones will go into tubs. Thinking I will sew up some new potholders. I have an oversize one that is great for my iron skillets but I only have the one. Making a few more 10 x 10 or 12 x12 ones will be easy.

Going through 40 years of possessions is a blessing and a pain in the heart. Some things are great useful finds. Others rip my heart out because they belonged to loved ones I won't see again this side of heaven.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Got the freezers cleaned and defrosted. Getting rid of the oldest chest type and replacing it with a new smaller one we were gifted. Cleaning out the extra fridge today. It's been sitting in garage for a year unused. Thank God it was kept running. I shudder to think what odd and nasty things are in it. Plan on using it for beverages and dairy. We use a lot of cheese and butter.

Was disappointed with Aldis run. ONLY canned veggies available were mandarin oranges. Did get beautiful produce much cheaper than grocery store. New store layout has 2 regular checkouts and several self checks. Store was so busy we had to park in Egypt but there was no wait to checkout. People were in a good mood, everyone was nice as they waited to get down aisles. Nice weather probably encouraged that.

Cleaned out 2 big closets yesterday. So much stuff! Did find grandma's embroidery that I had forgot about along with some more family records. Will be getting a cube shelf setup just for genealogy stuff and squeeze that in somewhere in our new smaller place. At least all this going through stuff will get it organized and together.

Found a quilt top that my dear mom and her sister sewed. ❤ It's in a bag with a new flat sheet all ready to be quilted. Also found a set of photos of all the quilts grandma made. Now I can recognize the ones she gave us.

Getting rid of almost all the dishes. My hutch will now contain precious items that belonged to family members and stuff the grands have given me. If I can't have it out to enjoy what's the point in keeping it?

Will be ordering a few more canned goods. I have home canned meat so am going to try to make a dent in all the frozen meat. I have a small freezer of meat that I will can this winter when I have less to do. I love the convenience in use and knowing exactly where it came from and what is in it.

Washed and packed a lot of embroidered linens this week. Will be finishing the rest of them tomorrow. I put all my linens in zip lock bags before putting them in the drawer.

Will probably tackle another closet this afternoon. Everyday clothing that doesn't fit or that I don't like goes to the women's shelter. Selling a few pieces of vintage clothes and a couple fancier outfits. I don’t sell clothes that someone might use locally. Necessities are always gifted.

Will be sorting towels this week. Stained or torn ones will go into tubs. Thinking I will sew up some new potholders. I have an oversize one that is great for my iron skillets but I only have the one. Making a few more 10 x 10 or 12 x12 ones will be easy.

Going through 40 years of possessions is a blessing and a pain in the heart. Some things are great useful finds. Others rip my heart out because they belonged to loved ones I won't see again this side of heaven.

You've been really busy! I've got a freezer that I need to defrost and clean. too. I keep putting it off.

I hate to think what all of our homes would be like if we never went through them getting rid of stuff! It's hard to part with a lot of things, but it becomes a necessity after a while. When I went through each room in my house a few weeks ago, I had 5 extra large Hefty garbage bags full of stuff to throw away. More than that, some of it got burned in our garbage burn spot, and some of it got donated. I like to think that the house can breathe better now that all that has been done away with.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hey all. You all are working hard. Reminds me of: I'm dancing as fast as I can. :)

Made bread and butter pickles this last week. Picked 10 of the ripe sugar pie pumpkins, a few are still showing green. I will leave them as long as I can. Next Thursday night we will be in the 30's F. so hopefully no frost yet. We need to pull the beans we've saving for seed and hang the plants to dry better. The corn isn't ready yet, just a few ears here and there.

Yesterday we got one of the 4x4'ss up as bracing in the barn lean-to, 2 to go. Dh used the tractor bucket to hold the 4x4 up where he could strap it up to hold where he wanted it. Plus we still need to put the flashing up on the new east wall of that lean-to. Most likely will use a tarp for a door for the winter.

Frost free hydrants are in and working. Whewww what a mess that was.

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Veteran Member
Hey y’all! Beautiful day here. We continue to preserve the harvest. Most of Fall/Winter garden planted. Still harvesting Limas and purple hulls. Our sweet potatoes made well! 1 more closet to reorganize/clean out and my fall cleaning will be done. Enlarging medicinal garden.
Found a sizable abdominal mass in my daughter. Start the work up on Tues. we can’t even say the words yet to describe our emotions. Praying for the best report possible. When E was born I felt that I sat on the sidelines as I watched God’s hand move on her behalf over and over again. He knows her well and has a plan that is better than mine. Pray with us please.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hey y’all! Beautiful day here. We continue to preserve the harvest. Most of Fall/Winter garden planted. Still harvesting Limas and purple hulls. Our sweet potatoes made well! 1 more closet to reorganize/clean out and my fall cleaning will be done. Enlarging medicinal garden.
Found a sizable abdominal mass in my daughter. Start the work up on Tues. we can’t even say the words yet to describe our emotions. Praying for the best report possible. When E was born I felt that I sat on the sidelines as I watched God’s hand move on her behalf over and over again. He knows her well and has a plan that is better than mine. Pray with us please.

You've got my prayers for your daughter.


Veteran Member
Everyone is busy! Makes me feel like a slug!
Ran to grocery today instead of next week because I had list ready. Just some stock up items for winter meals.
Weather still in the 90's to high 80's. Years ago we always had a freeze around Halloween. Lately it has been much later. Summer was so brutal.
I read in paper today that our area will have total eclipse on Oct 14.

I did a lot of decluttering but am surrounded by family pieces. With the exception of beds and couches and chairs everything is family pieces. Parents, grandparents, great aunts and uncles. A few small pieces I thrifted. I like the older stuff. My children have pieces from my parents house.

Have a great week everyone!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I did a lot of decluttering but am surrounded by family pieces. With the exception of beds and couches and chairs everything is family pieces. Parents, grandparents, great aunts and uncles. A few small pieces I thrifted. I like the older stuff. My children have pieces from my parents house.

The only items that Cary has made clear to me about not getting rid of is all of his mother's stuff she brought to America with her after his mom and dad married, and all the stuff she brought back over from Germany when they moved again back to America. Lots of keepsake items that he won't part with. Everything else is fair game. I don't mind keeping it, because it's a part of his history from his German side. Our coffee table is from Germany that was hand made before Cary was even born. Only 3 of this type exists in the world (ours was even in a magazine article), and he goes crazy every time I mention getting a new coffee table!


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
The garden is definitely going out with a BANG!! Yesterday I picked at least a bushel of green beans....and that AFTER the deer have ravaged the beans and my "normal" Kentucky Pole Beans were eaten up really BAD by bean leaf beetles!! But I have a SECRET weapon!!! This year I planted
Blauhilde Beans from Baker Creek!!! They have been literally UNTOUCHED by the bugs and I believe produce at LEAST TWICE as many large beans as my Kentucky's!!

I had so many beans yesterday I had to stop THREE times during picking because my back was giving me fits!! I have been feeding the majority of my beans to OATIE GOATIE who is the only ND goat I have left. He is blind, so the guy I gave the goats to didn't think he could deal with him.....and in addition, he screams bloody murder when I leave!!

Anyway, I had left the beans for 4 days instead of the usual 2-3 days I usually pick and I think someone cast a spell on the beans causing the number to at least TRIPLE!!

Also, still have 'maters producing like wild!! I planted mostly volunteers this year, but the few packaged seeds I planted did not do well, and basically keeled over early in!! So all I got were the volunteer cherry tomatoes. They are somewhat weird, as some are SUPER SWEET, and others taste like regular large tomatoes!! Cross pollination I'm sure.

Also harvested LOTS of Golden Rod and am using it to make teas, massage oils, and tinctures. I LOVE doing this!!!

One of the peppers and some basil that I planted MONTHS ago, FINALLY came up! Too late to do anything with this season, but I am going to pot it up and keep it for Spring this coming year.

I am still moving to Florida, probably be the first week after Thanksgiving. I am NOT HAPPY about it anymore, because after first telling me I COULD bring my Great Pyrenees, now they have said I CANNOT!! BAILEY is the ONE thing I made as the decision point. She is my precious girl and my SOUL DOG! I cried for 2 weeks when they said I could not bring her. And I was so depressed I could NOT MAKE myself get up and do the things I NEEDED to do!!! I am STILL having difficulty eating and sleeping since this happened. This has really made me NOT WANT TO GO!!!!

At this point, I don't have a lot of choice, because they (my niece and her DH have purchased a new/used RV very similar to mine on credit with the agreement that I would pay them back ASAP after my place is sold and I have the money in my hot little hand. It was AFTER they bought it that they then said I could not bring BAILEY!!! I am SURE that what happened is they looked at the necessary insurance rider for BIG DOGS, and if course insurance companies classify Great Pyrs as "aggressive dogs."
That is FAR FROM TRUE UNLESS you are trying to "hurt" something or someone in their guard area!! And, to be fair, BAILY has demonstrated herself to be aggressive toward individuals who have been using drugs and/ or alcohol. But,this just shows she has a good understanding of people's motives and guards her family from any evil that she perceives!! My heart is broken and I am not sure I can deal with this kind of loss. Yeah, that probably sounds really dumb to many of you, but since I was never able to have children, my dogs have always filled that gap for me. I am almost ready to say I am not coming, but the place has already sold, my family has already put money into my coming, but it is KILLING me emotionally to even think about having to not have BAILEY! I have tried re-homing her, but no one wants a 7 year old guard dog that is SUPER BONDED with someone else!

If anyone here would be interested, I would be ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!!! BTW, she is only half GREAT PYRENEES, with the other half being KOMMODOR DOG. She is very loving and loyal to her "family," including other dogs, cats(which she was raised with) and of course goats.

I have blurry eyes just writing this.
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Veteran Member
SB- Absolutely hang on to those heirlooms and stories! They are priceless

My paternal grandfather was the only sibling of 5 to have children. The 5 siblings spent much of their early childhood in Mexico as their father was a silver mining engineer.
One of his sister's lived a fascinating life and travelled the world. Her husband was in the Army.
All that family stuff got funneled down to my dad and his sister. And then their children.


Plans for this week are recovery. And getting the fall vegetable plants in garden. I wish I had a garden friend who could help because I'm just beat. Even just sewing repairs are exhausting me which is just insane.

I found some information on a colostrum supplement that is supposed to help the body process iron better. I'm going to dig further in a bit.

Otherwise, the focus is just on healing. I'm still spotting. But it's dark red/burgundy. So it's the body cleaning up, not fresh bleeding.

Frag. I haven't been this exhausted in years. I'm not accepting this.
You're going to have to have some patience! You were literally bleeding out... I'm ambivalent about transfusions, but it seems a unit of packed platelets might have been beneficial. Still, you dodged any potential bad effects and ARE recovering, but it's a slow process even for people who normally aren't borderline anemic. For whatever reason, your body doesn't make red blood cells well in good times (and I know you are working on addressing that issue), but it means it WILL take more time than you'd like to get fully back. Aside from diet and supplements, your body needs REST! Which means you need to find activities you can do sitting down. If possible, try sitting in the sunshine... mending, sorting paperwork or whatever.

I know it feels like you're not accomplishing what you want to be, but at this time, building blood IS your most important job!



The garden is definitely going out with a BANG!! Yesterday I picked at least a bushel of green beans....and that AFTER the deer have ravaged the beans and my "normal" Kentucky Pole Beans were eaten up really BAD by bean leaf beetles!! But I have a SECRET weapon!!! This year I planted
Blauhilde Beans from Baker Creek!!! They have been literally UNTOUCHED by the bugs and I believe produce at LEAST TWICE as many large beans as my Kentucky's!!

I had so many beans yesterday I had to stop THREE times during picking because my back was giving me fits!! I have been feeding the majority of my beans to OATIE GOATIE who is the only ND goat I have left. He is blind, so the guy I gave the goats to didn't think he could deal with him.....and in addition, he screams bloody murder when I leave!!

Anyway, I had left the beans for 4 days instead of the usual 2-3 days I usually pick and I think someone cast a spell on the beans causing the number to at least TRIPLE!!

Also, still have 'maters producing like wild!! I planted mostly volunteers this year, but the few packaged seeds I planted did not do well, and basically keeled over early in!! So all I got were the volunteer cherry tomatoes. They are somewhat weird, as some are SUPER SWEET, and others taste like regular large tomatoes!! Cross pollination I'm sure.

Also harvested LOTS of Golden Rod and am using it to make teas, massage oils, and tinctures. I LOVE doing this!!!

One of the peppers and some basil that I planted MONTHS ago, FINALLY came up! Too late to do anything with this season, but I am going to pot it up and keep it for Spring this coming year.

I am still moving to Florida, probably be the first week after Thanksgiving. I am NOT HAPPY about it anymore, because after first telling me I COULD bring my Great Pyrenees, now they have said I CANNOT!! BAILEY is the ONE thing I made as the decision point. She is my precious girl and my SOUL DOG! I cried for 2 weeks when they said I could not bring her. And I was so depressed I could NOT MAKE myself get up and do the things I NEEDED to do!!! I am STILL having difficulty eating and sleeping since this happened. This has really made me NOT WANT TO GO!!!!

At this point, I don't have a lot of choice, because they (my niece and her DH have purchased a new/used RV very similar to mine on credit with the agreement that I would pay them back ASAP after my place is sold and I have the money in my hot little hand. It was AFTER they bought it that they then said I could not bring BAILEY!!! I am SURE that what happened is they looked at the necessary insurance rider for BIG DOGS, and if course insurance companies classify Great Pyrs as "aggressive dogs."
That is FAR FROM TRUE UNLESS you are trying to "hurt" something or someone in their guard area!! And, to be fair, BAILY has demonstrated herself to be aggressive toward individuals who have been using drugs and/ or alcohol. But,this just shows she has a good understanding of people's motives and guards her family from any evil that she perceives!! My heart is broken and I am not sure I can deal with this kind of loss. Yeah, that probably sounds really dumb to many of you, but since I was never able to have children, my dogs have always filled that gap for me. I am almost ready to say I am not coming, but the place has already sold, my family has already put money into my coming, but it is KILLING me emotionally to even think about having to not have BAILEY! I have tried re-homing her, but no one wants a 7 year old guard dog that is SUPER BONDED with someone else!

If anyone here would be interested, I would be ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!!! BTW, she is only half GREAT PYRENEES, with the other half being KOMMODOR DOG. She is very loving and loyal to her "family," including other dogs, cats(which she was raised with) and of course goats.

I have blurry eyes just writing this.
Ok, what would happen if you ignored them and just took her with you?
You have some power in this too.
(It's that money in your hot little hand)
Stand your ground and say the dog goes where I go.
What is the worse that can happen?


TB Fanatic
Egads! Ya'll are making me want to actually do some decluttering, which on the one hand I am loath to do, since I lost almost everything in Katrina. Although I have things from DH 49 year marriage, a few things from my mother, and then my stuff.

We do have DH's hutch. Most of what is in the top part are vacummed sealed dry goods and serving and glass baking pieces from all of us in the bottom. Most of that can go. An then I can move some of the stuff from the top down to the bottom. Who knows.

We did a grocery pic up, only a few things needed and some to replace.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
You're going to have to have some patience! You were literally bleeding out... I'm ambivalent about transfusions, but it seems a unit of packed platelets might have been beneficial. Still, you dodged any potential bad effects and ARE recovering, but it's a slow process even for people who normally aren't borderline anemic. For whatever reason, your body doesn't make red blood cells well in good times (and I know you are working on addressing that issue), but it means it WILL take more time than you'd like to get fully back. Aside from diet and supplements, your body needs REST! Which means you need to find activities you can do sitting down. If possible, try sitting in the sunshine... mending, sorting paperwork or whatever.

I know it feels like you're not accomplishing what you want to be, but at this time, building blood IS your most important job!

I am at peace with that. Except the planting issue. I may have to bribe someone. I don't want to lose my fall garden over this.

If the bloodwork is not better by the doc visit in the 5th, I may ask about a transfusion for iron if nothing else. I did order lactoferrin to boost the other supplements.

IOUJC, dang. I wish I could take her. Have you reached out to local rescues? I'm sending prayers and hugs.


Veteran Member
Thursday we processed four of our turkeys and put up 16 pounds of brined breast hams along with 25 pounds of turkey breakfast sausage. Since cleaning up seems to be the thing to do in the Fall, we cleaned out the rotten pallets and waste hay in the equipment shed in preparation to move my implements in there for the Winter. If I'm lucky there'll be room enough for my '64 F100 too! (but I'm not counting on it lol)


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Ok, what would happen if you ignored them and just took her with you?
You have some power in this too.
(It's that money in your hot little hand)
Stand your ground and say the dog goes where I go.
What is the worse that can happen?
Because THEY are coming to get me. They will say if she bites someone they will get sued. And that if they have a BIG AGGRESSIVE DOG on their property......they will NOT be able to get insurance....which considering all the insurance companies moving out of Florida IS a possibility.
If refuse to leave her, they will be furious since they bought an RV for ME. They might actually NOT be able to get insurance on their home. They are in the panhandle of Florida and insurance companies are dropping policy owners right and left.

The problem is that BAILEY can ESCAPE from ANY type of enclosure, cage or anything. I had another Great Pyr
( BONNIE) who could do the same thing. Some of the Great Pyrs are related to Houdini!!!

I once left Bonnie at a DOGGIE RESORT. They called me the next day and told me they even had a cage with a panel top and she was getting out at night and going into other cages with dogs who were crying and upset. Eventually they allowed her to roam, because she was helping the other dogs. They had a pool for the dogs where they went swimming once a day, and Bonnie would herd them in and out and stand guard at the pool. If one refused to come inside Bonnie would go and walk beside them to the kennel. They ended up putting her up at the front desk and she would greet and escort new dogs to their cage and sit with them until they stopped crying or howling.

This breed of dog is INCREDIBLE!!! They seem to be able to communicate with other animals and other species!!!

I know they CERTAINLY communicate with ME!!

The thing is, I am going to be 71 this winter and I am falling a lot and am having significant trouble getting around lately. Now I do have my moments, when I can STILL HOIST that 50 pound feed bag, but it is getting MUCH HARDER. And I have fallen off the steps of my current RV once a week for the past month!!! So far I have landed on my head each time, which I guess is good, because I have not been hurt badly, just very stiff for several days and bruised up afterwards. But I am beginning to need some help.....

I just don't know what to do!!!
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TB Fanatic
Because THEY are coming to get me. They will say if she bites someone they will get sued. And that if they have a BIG AGGRESSIVE DOG on their property......they will NOT be able to get insurance....which considering all the insurance companies moving out of Florida IS a possibility.
If refuse to leave her, they will be furious since they bought an RV for ME. They might actually NOT be able to get insurance on their home. They are in the panhandle of Florida and insurance companies are dropping policy owners right and left.

The problem is that BAILEY can ESCAPE from ANY type of enclosure, cage or anything. I had another Great Pyr
( BONNIE) who could do the same thing. Some of the Great Pyrs are related to Houdini!!!

I once left Bonnie at a DOGGIE RESORT. They called me the next day and told me they even had a cage with a panel top and she was getting out at night and going into other cages with dogs who were crying and upset. Eventually they allowed her to roam, because she was helping the other dogs. They had a pool for the dogs where they went swimming once a day, and Bonnie would herd them in and out and stand guard at the pool. If one refused to come inside Bonnie would go and walk beside them to the kennel. They ended up putting her up at the front desk and she would greet and escort new dogs to their cage and sit with them until they stopped crying or howling.

This breed of dog is INCREDIBLE!!! They seem to be able to communicate with other animals and other species!!!

I know they CERTAINLY communicate with ME!!

The thing is, I am going to be 71 this winter and I am falling a lot and am having significant trouble getting around lately. Now I do have my moments, when I can STILL HOIST that 50 pound feed bag, but it is getting MUCH HARDER. And I have fallen off the steps of my current RV once a week for the past month!!! So far I have landed on my head each time, which I guess is good, because I have not been hurt badly, just very stiff for several days and bruised up afterwards. But I am beginning to need some help.....

I just don't know what to do!!!
The best thing you can do is pray about it. One the one hand you are blessed to have someone younger that is interested in your well being. I had to choose between DH when we first got together and my two beloved dogs. I chose DH and I did have to have my dogs put down because they were agressive. I still have a hole in my heart about it but my DH is precious to me and the dogs would be gone by now of natural causes and I'd be alone. I'm praying for you for peace about this. You do not need to be alone, especially with falling issues.

John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
Hey y’all! Beautiful day here. We continue to preserve the harvest. Most of Fall/Winter garden planted. Still harvesting Limas and purple hulls. Our sweet potatoes made well! 1 more closet to reorganize/clean out and my fall cleaning will be done. Enlarging medicinal garden.
Found a sizable abdominal mass in my daughter. Start the work up on Tues. we can’t even say the words yet to describe our emotions. Praying for the best report possible. When E was born I felt that I sat on the sidelines as I watched God’s hand move on her behalf over and over again. He knows her well and has a plan that is better than mine. Pray with us please.
I'm praying!

John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
Because THEY are coming to get me. They will say if she bites someone they will get sued. And that if they have a BIG AGGRESSIVE DOG on their property......they will NOT be able to get insurance....which considering all the insurance companies moving out of Florida IS a possibility.
If refuse to leave her, they will be furious since they bought an RV for ME. They might actually NOT be able to get insurance on their home. They are in the panhandle of Florida and insurance companies are dropping policy owners right and left.

The problem is that BAILEY can ESCAPE from ANY type of enclosure, cage or anything. I had another Great Pyr
( BONNIE) who could do the same thing. Some of the Great Pyrs are related to Houdini!!!

I once left Bonnie at a DOGGIE RESORT. They called me the next day and told me they even had a cage with a panel top and she was getting out at night and going into other cages with dogs who were crying and upset. Eventually they allowed her to roam, because she was helping the other dogs. They had a pool for the dogs where they went swimming once a day, and Bonnie would herd them in and out and stand guard at the pool. If one refused to come inside Bonnie would go and walk beside them to the kennel. They ended up putting her up at the front desk and she would greet and escort new dogs to their cage and sit with them until they stopped crying or howling.

This breed of dog is INCREDIBLE!!! They seem to be able to communicate with other animals and other species!!!

I know they CERTAINLY communicate with ME!!

The thing is, I am going to be 71 this winter and I am falling a lot and am having significant trouble getting around lately. Now I do have my moments, when I can STILL HOIST that 50 pound feed bag, but it is getting MUCH HARDER. And I have fallen off the steps of my current RV once a week for the past month!!! So far I have landed on my head each time, which I guess is good, because I have not been hurt badly, just very stiff for several days and bruised up afterwards. But I am beginning to need some help.....

I just don't know what to do!!!
I'll help you pray about this, and I'm sorry you're going through this! Have you contacted a rescue and explained your situation?


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
The best thing you can do is pray about it. One the one hand you are blessed to have someone younger that is interested in your well being. I had to choose between DH when we first got together and my two beloved dogs. I chose DH and I did have to have my dogs put down because they were agressive. I still have a hole in my heart about it but my DH is precious to me and the dogs would be gone by now of natural causes and I'd be alone. I'm praying for you for peace about this. You do not need to be alone, especially with falling issues.
Yes, Nomifyle, I am now understanding that if I am living alone, that I will only survive until I take a major fall, which with me now being dizzy quite often, could be ANY time!!

My precious BAILEY will probably only live about three more years, as most Great Pyrenees only make it to about 10 years old, so she has, at most 3 - 5 years. If I keep her, I will probably croak before her......and she would end up dead when the cops came to get me, because I am sure she would not let them take my body away, or even let them get near me.

I guess I know what I have to do, it is just SO HARD!!


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
I'll help you pray about this, and I'm sorry you're going through this! Have you contacted a rescue and explained your situation?
I will do that in the morning!
Thank you. I had thought of this, but put it aside.....will research it tonight!


TB Fanatic
screw em. keep the dog. the dog is your baby. either that or put the rv in a park and live there. there is one outside pensacola. cheap and needs work kamper live there, big dogs allowed.
This is not a good idea considering your health issues. Try to find your dog a good home and go where you will be safe and have people that care about your well being.


I definitely would look into a rescue. I strongly believe Bailey would be very unhappy in your new situation.. these breeds need a JOB and room to roam. They are a terrible fit in a suburban neighborhood, even one with large lots. We have 18 acres here, and I wouldn't ever get one, unless we could fence all the pastures securely.

I'll pray for your decision...



Senior Member
I did a lot of decluttering but am surrounded by family pieces. With the exception of beds and couches and chairs everything is family pieces. Parents, grandparents, great aunts and uncles. A few small pieces I thrifted. I like the older stuff. My children have pieces from my parents house.
I, too, am surrounded by family items, even most of the furniture. The bed I sleep in is over 100 years old. The newest things in my house are my recliner, TV and stand and computer and stand.


Veteran Member
Praying for those in need of prayer.

We took our daughter a grocery pick up because her 1 year old was sick. She put the baby down to put up the cold foods and of course the little one cried. She didn't feel good and wanted to be held a lot. Her Poppy picked her up and now as of last night he has a fever. I held her too since hubby already exposed himself to the germs, but so far I am ok. Daughter's family is doing better. None of them ran any fever yesterday.

Our son came on Friday and Saturday. He helped me stack the last of the hay off the trailer. Then he and hubby made food plots and cleaned up around the deer stands. We got some nice rain that should make the seeds sprout quickly. I am going to plant some food plot seeds in my garden. We like the greens in it and I can use my porch for a deer stand. LOL!

I dug 2 of my sweet potatoe plants yesterday. They made really well. Some are actually a little big. I guess we can cook one and split it. I grew my slips for the first time. It worked well. I watched a you tube video from Deep South Homestead on growing slips. My great aunt had told me how she did it, but that was over 40 years ago. I didn't have a lot left in the garden other than the sweet potatoes, okra, and a few peas. I need to start cleaning it up and get the greens planted.

I made a small jar of pear preserves and 4 jars of wild grape jelly. I have muscidine juice to can and more in the freezer to make into jelly. There has been a bumper crop of muscidines this year. I picked some for 3 friends so they could make jelly.

I am just planning to try to work in the garden and plug along at the house keeping and canning this week. I have a short grocery list too for sometime this week. Tomorrow is 2 funerals of people we know. But we will be staying home since hubby is sick. There seems to be a lot of funerals lately.

Everyone stay safe and healthy. Have a blessed week.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
I definitely would look into a rescue. I strongly believe Bailey would be very unhappy in your new situation.. these breeds need a JOB and room to roam. They are a terrible fit in a suburban neighborhood, even one with large lots. We have 18 acres here, and I wouldn't ever get one, unless we could fence all the pastures securely.

I'll pray for your decision...

Yes, considering Bailey's guarding instincts, as well as the heat and humidity down there, and with her being half KOMMODOR, with her LONG THICK FUR, (ringlets) she would be miserable unless she were shaved all the time, and then you are right, she would be bored to tears!

I am contacting a rescue today.
Hoping I can accomplish something!!
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm still getting tomatoes from the late plants. I'm putting them in the freezer, until I have enough to can another batch. The tomatoes are all that's left in our garden. They are irrigated, so the drought isn't hurting them, and the cooler temps are treating them very well, too.

I just finished washing laundry, but decided to do all my mopping, before I went outside to hang them on the clothesline. I got a chance to mop this morning while Cary and Frisco are outside cutting up firewood. LOL, Cary just started to come in the back doors, and I told him he couldn't come in, yet! Floors aren't dry! The house smells so fresh and clean. I use white distilled vinegar and water to mop with. It leaves my ceramic tile floors so clean and shiny. I threw all the rugs throughout the house outside on the deck railing to air out, too. I beat them, before I bring them back inside. MY Stars! You can imagine how full of dirt they are. I don't have a vacuum cleaner, but I do use a hand vac on them. Still, there is dirt.

I blew through my diet, yesterday, after stuffing myself with pizza. Now, I'm back to boiled eggs and fried pork skins all day, today.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Frag. I know I used to feel like this all the time. And that somehow I found a way to make it through. But it's driving me nuts. I am doing better though. I didn't have to sleep 10 hours last night. A friend reminded me to boost my Vit C in addition to the rest of the supplements. The Lactoferrin arrived this morning. I'm going to borrow friend for planting this weekend. It's not his favorite thing, and I hate to recruit him for it, but he understands why.

And friend had the plumber out today. Friend found out the his vent cover pops off easily. The plumber ran the snake down through the vent. There was a flushable wipe somewhere in the system. That's it. One flushable wipe that was somehow backing up the whole system. Plumber told him it was because he has old cast iron pipes and the wipes will snag. Friend plans on investing in a larger and longer snake as soon as the funds become available. I'm debating the same thing.

We found out today that the clearing of my bathroom pipes worked. Son took one of his very, very, very long showers and the system didn't back up at all. I am still looking for a drain cover that will catch debris that is part of the whole unit and can't be removed by son.


Maybe you and friend should split the cost of a longer snake! They normally aren't needed that often, and it sounds like you cooperate well enough and live close enough it wouldn't be real inconvenient for either of you. Of course, Murphy being who he is, the clog will happen at whoever's house the snake is NOT!



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Maybe you and friend should split the cost of a longer snake! They normally aren't needed that often, and it sounds like you cooperate well enough and live close enough it wouldn't be real inconvenient for either of you. Of course, Murphy being who he is, the clog will happen at whoever's house the snake is NOT!

Always. We both have 25 ft 3/8" snakes. My typical clogs are in the bathroom. We know where. We even know why. It's typically a once every six months to once a year thing. I always try the drain cleaners even through they never work, and actually always make it worse.

That is the first clog he's actually ever had. He is very annoyed. He has home repair insurance that covered all but $100 of the cost. But we both prefer to fix ourselves and save the money for things we can't fix ourselves.