Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: January 22~28, 2023


Veteran Member
Thank You, Kyrsyan, for starting the thread this week.

And thanks again to all of you who join in the thread; as I've said before, knowing that others are trying to stay prepped is a very comforting thing.

Philkar, thank you for the cream soup mix recipe; I will add that to my collection.

Have you ever had one of those times when it seems that the hits just won't stop coming? Daughter ended up in the ED with a burst ovarian cyst, and they also found a cyst on her uterus, so they are trying to get her in for surgery ASAP. She wants the full meal deal - aka: hysterectomy. I'm working up a list of family members who have had 'female' cancers just in case the OB/GYN is hesitant. Since she will be 39 soon, I'm hoping he sees it her way.

I am trying to work my way out of the sadness of my friend/co-worker Buddy's passing; his funeral was Friday, and my head just wasn't in a good place last Saturday so I very much appreciated having folks who are willing to step in to start the thread. I will just be glad when my head gets adjusted to what will be my 'New Normal'. At my age, I've had to deal with the loss of many people that I've cared about; you would think it gets easier after that, but I'm having a harder time this time than I usually do. And of course, the work issues aren't helping - though HR is being absolutely wonderful; I absolutely bless the day that I decided to drop in on an open interview session - it was one of the best decisions I've made in the past 26 years.

Okay, back to preps...

Plans for today:
Check the mail to see if my paperwork from my short term disability provider came in - I had an appointment made for today with my MD to have him fill out his part but the paperwork didn't show up. I called to reschedule the appointment and the office was not unhappy - she said they were slammed. Hopefully, the paperwork will be here by Friday as that is when they scheduled the new appointment. And hopefully the winter storm they have forecast for this week will have blown over by then. Cousins are encouraging me to sign up for social security disability, but my disability through work is double what my social security would be, so I will stick with it until it runs out - by that time I'll be eligible for regular Social Security.

Go to the appointment set up by the hospital where we both work/worked for grief counseling at 11 am re: being Buddy's POA and his passing.

Keep trying to get through to the vet - I'm hoping that they answer their phone; they are always busy but in the past I've been able to get through; however, I've tried several times and the phone just does not get answered. I need to get the one female outside cat I have in to be spayed since a stranger wandered in and appeared interested. I also need to find said stranger a good home - he's a nice enough kitty (other than wanting to breed) but I already have 2 inside cats and Stranger makes 5 outside. I like having cats around - they keep the rodent/mole/etc... population under control.

I need to go to my Buddy's house and carry the boxes of his clothing to the homeless shelter - may need to run one or two more loads of laundry before I do, as I'm sure some of the clothing hadn't been worn in a few years - since Covid hit, and the resulting nurse shortage - we'd all been work scrubs or pjs most of the time.


Aw, I'm sorry, Renee. Good friends are rare these days... I hadn't realized you lost Buddy. That's going to leave a big hole, I know. Give yourself time to grieve, and don't be surprised if you get slammed with waves of emotions at odd times or places force long time to come.

It sounds like your life is having some big changes! I hope they will be good ones, but even then, it takes a toll. Be kind to yourself, and vent here if you need to!

You'll be in my prayers.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Nomifyle, you can order the test strips for kidney/bladder/uti infections off of Amazon. They have been the best investment. I did get the individually packeted ones after finding out that the multipack tubes have a life limit after the tube has been opened. And it's only a few months.

There are 8 lbs of ground pork in the fridge waiting to be turned into sausage. I'll have to pull the beef from the freezer today. And find the first recipe to experiment with. I got it for $3/lb from WW. I was just glad to get it after not being able to get it anywhere for the past month. (Unless I wanted to pay $6+/lb.)

Doc wants to do a fasting blood draw in 3 months with a follow up the week after. If everything comes back clean, then I don't need to come in again for a year. We now know what the pain is from (fibroids). And the only reading that was a bit off this past time was my T3 was a bit high. And I may know how to fix that - take less L-Tyrosine.

And oh man, I got a half hour with a relatively unlimited budget in the Dollar Tree. Filled in quite a few gaps even though the shelves were half empty. That was fun. I know, easy to please. Smaller soap bars for son. My charcoal soap bars. Helichrysum seed and a few other grabs.

And Bakers Creek seeds arrived. I'm probably going to start the cool weather plants indoor this coming weekend.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Never mind!!! Got about 4 inches of snow last night......had picture, but it won't post, even when REALLY reduced!!


Veteran Member
Kyrsyan, some of those gift cards charge you a surcharge if you don't use them immediately. It's barely been 6 mos since I got one from Heartguard for buying the pups yearly heartworm meds, and they already helped themselves to part of it. Next year I will use the entire thing the first week I get it. In some states, it's illegal to do that, but evidently not in mine. I lost a $25 Michael's card that way, found it in Dad's stuff after he passed. I hope yours to the bookstore is still good!

Renee, I'm sorry you lost your friend, and are having to deal with so much at once. I hope your daughter is feeling better, and that the Drs.will let her have the surgery she wants.

Hubs and I went shopping yesterday, had to get some stuff before the rains set in for the rest of the week. 3/4 of the day spent in stores is just too much. We stopped for lunch and he wandered off after we ordered, and I couldn't carry the dratted tray of food. He went back to bed when we got home and I unloaded most of the truck by myself. We fed the livestock early and I went to bed at 6 pm and went right to sleep. at least now we have the stuff required to finish most of the outside repairs that we're behind on.
I decided that I would try and plant some Cherokee Purple and Black Krim tomatoes in containers. I had pretty much given up on heirlooms since they are so hard to grow, but they are my favorites. I eat more tomatoes in a week than most folks eat in a month.
I had a burst of energy on Monday and I guess I did too much. I cleared out a wheelbarrow full of brush from in front of the house (fire hazard) I wanted to keep going but had to have something left to do my afternoon chores.
Chewy sent me an email saying that they didn't have my auto ship and I would need to choose something else. Well my brats don't do substitutions, so I moved my order back 2 weeks and I hope their regular stuff comes in by then.

Hope everyone starts feeling better!


Veteran Member
Prayers for all on here facing difficult health, age issues, and loss of love ones.

Hubby had a dr appointment yesterday. He is still carrying around that kidney stone. He had a UTI infection this time. I guess I need to order some test strips. I did not know that they were available. I learn so much on here.

We went to the feed store and bought seed potatoes and onion sets. It will be at least 3 weeks before I could plant the potatoes maybe longer. But I have them at least. I had seen people on the internet say seed potatoes would be in short supply, but our feed store got his usual amount with no problem.

We got our snow. We don't have much on the ground. But places north and south of us got more. Schools are closed all around for today. It was a heavy, wet snow. There are a lot of power outages. Lots of slick roads last evening. Getting home was an adventure for some. School buses stuck on hills, and others blocking the roads made it hard to get home for many. People in the south generally don't drive well on the snow. I can, and have, but I generally stay home. But hubby loves to get out in it. In 1989 when my dad died he drove from the gulf back to AR on ice almost all the way. He worked on supply boats back then. It was the first time he saw ice on the gulf of Mexico. It too him a full 24 hours to get home.


TB Fanatic
We got snow in New Orleans in 1989. My boys were so excited. It didn't stay all that long, I'm not fond of snow. We've gotten it a few times since I more to the northern part of Louisiana, but it melts by the end of the day.

DH has an appointment at the VA today to check his ear that he had surgery on. The stichs have finally dissolved. I was going to go with him, but decided to stay home. I woke up a little congested and tired. I thought I slept well though.

I have a couple of bags of pickling spice to put in a jar, I picked out the red peppers and put them in a separate jar. I'll probably never use it. I'll be so glad when we get the organizing completed.

After we brought the commodities home on Monday, DH got it all put away right away. It took me until the next day to put away the few groceries I bought that day.

Its cold and dreary looking outside.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Nothing, really, going on today in our prepping world. I'm just about all prepped out (burned out). I'm still just replacing what I use, plus fresh produce/fruit/dairy/eggs/bread when I shop for groceries. Only ordering/shopping at Sam's once a month. The changes in my shopping have been a big help in reducing my total grocery bill every two weeks. Once I get my new freezer, I'm not going to make a mad dash to fill it. The meat I buy fresh every two weeks will go to fill it over time while we eat out of the other freezer. Rotation, ya know.

It's a cold, windy, and dreary day today. Our high temp for today is what our temp is right now, 44. We got a huge amount of rain overnight, but it stopped this morning.

Overall, I'm feeling lots better this morning, except for the fatigue. In my experience, the fatigue is the last to go even after all other symptoms are gone. It takes a while.


Veteran Member
Praying for all of my sick friends. Prep wise we are done organizing in the house. Will start on barn after we get the plastic finished on greenhouse. Still waiting on that plastic! Hubs got the shelves built and in greenhouse yesterday. All my hens are laying so our harvest is plenteous daily! Enough to share with my neighbors. Everyday I am thankful for all my labor saving devices such as washer etc knowing that could change! I too learn much here. Thank you!


Veteran Member
I have some very cool news... the owner sold the tractor dealership that dh works ...the new owner has been managing the place for several no bad changes with change of owner... but a couple of good ones...
The old owner had a lot of stuff stored there...he doesn't want it..a lot is getting pitched but the employees are free to pick over a bunch of the stuff...dh found 13 very old half gallon canning jars..some from the 1920s and 1930's .. didn't even know they made them back then... and brought them home to me....they are Ball, Kerr, and Atlas...they originally had the old zinc caps.....they are regular mouth..jars.. so my hand won't fit in them but they were in beautiful shape.... Hand washed and then ran through the dishwasher..put on regular rings and lids....and they look like new jars

DH has also claimed an old white star green gas stove from the 30s we think use for canning in the summer. ...and he found one old blue bail Ball jar in great shape...
They even found some old buggy springs...that someone will want....
Trust me after the shingles all month this was great fun..I still have to try vacuum sealing the old ones...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just got home from visit for eyes. Great news. Eyes have improved. Dropped the scrip in Zenni and for $100 I can have new regular glasses and blue light blocking computer glasses. I may go back and get a pair of the computer prescription with regular lenses to keep with my sewing stuff. Opthamologist was surprised that I didn't have progressive or a separate set already. But that was one of the reasons for the appointment.

I got time to wander through Sam's Club some, not something I typically get to do. I'm normally in and out, but I got there early. Prices are up by about a third on the non-food side. I know because I had bought some of those things in the past year or so. I didn't wander to the food side. Too much would have jumped into my buggy.


TB Fanatic
Sherree, I, too am burned out on prepping, but will also maintain what I do have. I think you will enjoy the 5 cubic foot freezer, I have one and just wish I had room for it in the kitchen, but its in the mud room along with a 7 cubic foot one. We are blessed to have plenty of freezers.

When I went to wm the other day I had a very small list. It seems like with spending much less I can afford to splurge on something special. We are bread eaters to speak of but I did buy some nice buns. I'm use to spending on the bread I like, Ezekiel, but this time I bought a small loaf of keto bread. Not sure how it will taste.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Sherree, I, too am burned out on prepping, but will also maintain what I do have. I think you will enjoy the 5 cubic foot freezer, I have one and just wish I had room for it in the kitchen, but its in the mud room along with a 7 cubic foot one. We are blessed to have plenty of freezers.

When I went to wm the other day I had a very small list. It seems like with spending much less I can afford to splurge on something special. We are bread eaters to speak of but I did buy some nice buns. I'm use to spending on the bread I like, Ezekiel, but this time I bought a small loaf of keto bread. Not sure how it will taste.

Yeah, I'm just rotating and maintaining what I have at this point. With the extra money I'm saving, I can spend on other things I would like to have, too. What is left over from my grocery budget goes into my pocket for spending money on myself with Cary's blessing.

The 2 chest freezers I already have are only 10 cubic feet. Those are plenty big enough for just 2 people. I want this new 5 cubic foot one just for meat only. Since I've started canning a lot of my meat, it will take a while to fill up, but I'm not in a big hurry to do it. It will have to go in the laundry room with the other 2, and we are going to have to do some rearranging to make it fit. I have no other place in the house to put it.


TB Fanatic
Yeah, I'm just rotating and maintaining what I have at this point. With the extra money I'm saving, I can spend on other things I would like to have, too. What is left over from my grocery budget goes into my pocket for spending money on myself with Cary's blessing.

The 2 chest freezers I already have are only 7 cubic feet. Those are plenty big enough for just 2 people. I want this new 5 cubic foot one just for meat only. Since I've started canning a lot of my meat, it will take a while to fill up, but I'm not in a big hurry to do it. It will have to go in the laundry room with the other 2, and we are going to have to do some rearranging to make it fit. I have no other place in the house to put it.
DH had two freezers when he moved here. A huge upright and a larger than 7 cubic foot one. A few years back we thought the upright was going out and my brother gifted us with a nice size chest freezer. And some time later DH bought one about the same size. At that time we were getting large amounts of meat from commodities. Plus filling them with game meat. The upright got turned off a few months back and everything was lost, we were not eating on that meat very fast. Recently DH cleaned it out and turned it back on. We aren't getting much in the way of meat in commodities, but usually there is some chicken and it all goes to the upright.

Since my precious DH is peculiar about his food, he mostly only likes chicken fried. Although he will eat chicken that comes from the rotisserie. I've put a whole chicken the the crock pot a couple of times and he ate that. But don't give him chicken that has been boiled unless its in chicken salad. He only likes miracle whip and I don't so when I make chicken salad I have to make it both ways if we are both going to eat some.

There are only two of us. There is still some of the Keystone beef left, I even ate some cold the other night and was fine with it. Guess I'm peculiar about food too, LOL. When I was really little my mother and I lived with an aunt and uncle for a while and uncle was the cook. We would eat cold black eyed peas, turnip greens and cornbread cold for breakfast and glad to get it. So I will eat cold food and be greatful for it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
DH had two freezers when he moved here. A huge upright and a larger than 7 cubic foot one. A few years back we thought the upright was going out and my brother gifted us with a nice size chest freezer. And some time later DH bought one about the same size. At that time we were getting large amounts of meat from commodities. Plus filling them with game meat. The upright got turned off a few months back and everything was lost, we were not eating on that meat very fast. Recently DH cleaned it out and turned it back on. We aren't getting much in the way of meat in commodities, but usually there is some chicken and it all goes to the upright.

Since my precious DH is peculiar about his food, he mostly only likes chicken fried. Although he will eat chicken that comes from the rotisserie. I've put a whole chicken the the crock pot a couple of times and he ate that. But don't give him chicken that has been boiled unless its in chicken salad. He only likes miracle whip and I don't so when I make chicken salad I have to make it both ways if we are both going to eat some.

There are only two of us. There is still some of the Keystone beef left, I even ate some cold the other night and was fine with it. Guess I'm peculiar about food too, LOL. When I was really little my mother and I lived with an aunt and uncle for a while and uncle was the cook. We would eat cold black eyed peas, turnip greens and cornbread cold for breakfast and glad to get it. So I will eat cold food and be greatful for it.
LOL. My only problem with Cary's eating is that he is a meat and potatoes man. There are very few veggies that he'll eat. He won't eat venison or any other game meat and will only eat meat that has the bones removed. That's why all the chicken breasts and pork chops are the boneless kind. Ground beef is his favorite besides steak. We can't afford the price of steak very often, so it's mostly ground beef, chicken, Polish Kielbasa, and pork.


Veteran Member
I think cv made people tired of maintaining a food supply !
I am trying to use up some things before buying more though I do keep basics around. Don't want to have to run to store for one or 2 items. For years I have
always tried to keep more in winter due to possibility of sickness or bad weather.

I have learned that properly maintaining and rotating through your food supply is a lot of work. And I overestimated how much we use. Which is a good thing as it will last longer. I used to keep things I don't normally use/ eat but would in emergency ( not talking long term storage food) . I don't do that any more. I do have some small quantities of assorted freeze dried spices and vegetables I want to use.

Of course I might get the " prompting" to stock up again. Who knows ?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think cv made people tired of maintaining a food supply !
I am trying to use up some things before buying more though I do keep basics around. Don't want to have to run to store for one or 2 items. For years I have
always tried to keep more in winter due to possibility of sickness or bad weather.

I have learned that properly maintaining and rotating through your food supply is a lot of work. And I overestimated how much we use. Which is a good thing as it will last longer. I used to keep things I don't normally use/ eat but would in emergency ( not talking long term storage food) . I don't do that any more. I do have some small quantities of assorted freeze dried spices and vegetables I want to use.

Of course I might get the " prompting" to stock up again. Who knows ?

I agree. I date and rotate through my stock every two years. There is nothing in my pantry that we don't eat on a regular basis. I don't buy food just to store away, thinking that one day, we might eat it. Food is too expensive, and it will eventually go bad if it is just stored away for years, unless it's long term storage food made for that purpose. Since, food is so expensive, it just makes sense to spend the money on things you like, instead of buying food that you don't like, or will most likely never eat. Prepping does take a lot of work.


Veteran Member
DH had two freezers when he moved here. A huge upright and a larger than 7 cubic foot one. A few years back we thought the upright was going out and my brother gifted us with a nice size chest freezer. And some time later DH bought one about the same size. At that time we were getting large amounts of meat from commodities. Plus filling them with game meat. The upright got turned off a few months back and everything was lost, we were not eating on that meat very fast. Recently DH cleaned it out and turned it back on. We aren't getting much in the way of meat in commodities, but usually there is some chicken and it all goes to the upright.

Since my precious DH is peculiar about his food, he mostly only likes chicken fried. Although he will eat chicken that comes from the rotisserie. I've put a whole chicken the the crock pot a couple of times and he ate that. But don't give him chicken that has been boiled unless its in chicken salad. He only likes miracle whip and I don't so when I make chicken salad I have to make it both ways if we are both going to eat some.

There are only two of us. There is still some of the Keystone beef left, I even ate some cold the other night and was fine with it. Guess I'm peculiar about food too, LOL. When I was really little my mother and I lived with an aunt and uncle for a while and uncle was the cook. We would eat cold black eyed peas, turnip greens and cornbread cold for breakfast and glad to get it. So I will eat cold food and be greatful for it.
Judy i use Keystone meat purchased in 2005 and 2006.
I also bought the cans of beef stock.


Veteran Member
SB I think you have the right approach for me. I have a lot of canned foods that I will use but instant mashed potatoes ( an example of a just in case food I bought as prep) I probably won't. So the next few months will be using up older items..

I will do my usual stock up in fall. I read a blog long ago of a woman who inventoried ALL her food every year around August. Made lists of what they would need from food to toiletries etc. She then spent the next 2 months stocking it.
They were farmers and she did can, made bread etc. But it just seemed so sensible. Even if you did it 3 months at a time. She had it down to an art.

I think I just need to get over burn out.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Not adding to my pantry, since they were already in my freezer, but I had 6 boxes of rice a roni, 3 boxes of Hamburger Helper, and 2 boxes of Au gratin potatoes in my freezer that I had taken out to thaw. I converted them into canning jars this morning which were then vacuum sealed. They are now shelf stable without worrying about bugs. I guess that is considered prepping, LOL. I had used the ones I already had in jars on the shelf, so these jars will be replacing those.

I'm still trying to get caught up on my housework, cleaning, dusting, sweeping, and mopping. I hate it when things pile up, but when you don't feel like doing it or don't have the energy, it doesn't get done. I'm pretty much over this flare up, finally. I could still use a bit more energy, but it will come.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
SB I think you have the right approach for me. I have a lot of canned foods that I will use but instant mashed potatoes ( an example of a just in case food I bought as prep) I probably won't. So the next few months will be using up older items..

I will do my usual stock up in fall. I read a blog long ago of a woman who inventoried ALL her food every year around August. Made lists of what they would need from food to toiletries etc. She then spent the next 2 months stocking it.
They were farmers and she did can, made bread etc. But it just seemed so sensible. Even if you did it 3 months at a time. She had it down to an art.

I think I just need to get over burn out.


I wouldn't replace food that you have as a "just in case". Only replace what you eat on a regular basis. Those "just in case" foods will more than likely ruin, before it's ever eaten. What if that "just in case" never happens, then you've wasted a lot of money. I like to keep things simple. Store what you eat and rotate.

Right now, about the only thing that would get me out of "burn out" mode is something major happening that would cause me to stock even more food and supplies. Thing is, I'm out of room. I'm saving what room I have left for canning this Spring and Summer. If our garden fails, I'll fill that space with store bought foods. It's just the 2 of us, so I feel confident that we have enough for a couple of years, already, if I never went back to a grocery store. There's things we would learn to do without, but not much.


TB Fanatic
Not adding to my pantry, since they were already in my freezer, but I had 6 boxes of rice a roni, 3 boxes of Hamburger Helper, and 2 boxes of Au gratin potatoes in my freezer that I had taken out to thaw. I converted them into canning jars this morning which were then vacuum sealed. They are now shelf stable without worrying about bugs. I guess that is considered prepping, LOL. I had used the ones I already had in jars on the shelf, so these jars will be replacing those.

I'm still trying to get caught up on my housework, cleaning, dusting, sweeping, and mopping. I hate it when things pile up, but when you don't feel like doing it or don't have the energy, it doesn't get done. I'm pretty much over this flare up, finally. I could still use a bit more energy, but it will come.
getting things in jars is still prepping. You are protecting that food from a power outage. Glad to hear you are over your flare up.

We are still packaging things up but we can see the end of it soon. I've got a few things, like ceylon cinnamin (which is the best kind) that came in a mylar bag that I'm not going to repackage right now, that and two bags of cayene pepper and a few other things like that are going in a sealed bucket, well labeled, to stay in the pantry in case I need to use some of it. Both of these products are very healthy and can be used as a tonic.

Last trip to the store they were out of the vanilla flavored whole milk yogurt and I had to get plain, plain isn't easy to eat. Last night I put some in a bowl, added a packet of stevia and some vanilla flavoring and it was quite good. Tonight I'm going to try lemon flavoring. Years ago I would get the all natural lemon flavored yogurt from Whole Food and it was delicious. They don't have that kind in regular grocery stores. But at least they are now carrying organic whole milk yogurt.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
We picked up commodities today, I haven't looked in the boxes yet, but two things I noticed. Two packages of Beyond Chicken, barf, this will go to the dog, although I'd rather give it to the pig, but DH gets to decide on that.

I also made a quick trip to WM while we were in town. I really did try to cut it short so that I wouldn't just about crawl out of the store. I did manage to get out of there when my back was just starting to bother me, in just bother me, not crippling pain. So I guess I did good.

Two things the wm I went to last week didn't have. I like those 1 carb street tacos and the store last week didn't have them and the store today only had a few. Since I'm down to my last package at home I got 4 today, this will last me awhile. The other thing I forgot about and online said they were out anyway. I splurged and bought a package of really nice buns and a small keto whole wheat bread. The buns were more expensive since I usually get the $1 walmart brand. Although they are not something I keep on had since we don't eat much bread. I still haven't found any frozen pineapple juice, walmart probably doesn't carry it.

I've gotten some plaid flannel shirts at walmart since the weather started getting cold, they had them marked down, but I did find one that I don't have. I'm short on shirts since I have gained weight this last year, but I still have two that I had when I was fat some years ago. They are so nice, I got them at Lane Bryants. The ones from WM are definitely cheap fabric, but I'll wash them carefully. The two old ones I throw in the washer with jeans and they come out fine and wrinkle free. I've not washed the new ones, but I'll bet they have to be ironed. I finally found my nice iron.

The reason I bought the buns was because I was telling DH about the Keystone beef and he said it sounded good as opened faced sandwich. The nice buns are some much better than the crappy walmart which bread that I usually buy. Mostly we end up throwing that bread away. More than anything we use if for grilled cheese sandwiches.

Dh got a call the other day that his 81 y/o sister is not doing well, she is in the hospital with liver cancer, and has developed bacteria in her abdomen and now has pneumonia. Please pray for her an easy passing, because there is no hope really.

So with DH's sister probably passing we will have to make a trip (gag) to Illinois. I certainly don't want to go, but I also don't want for DH to make that trip by himself. Its almost 800 miles. so pray for us too. At least this will give DH an opportunity to see his almost 4 year old twin grandsons, which he hasn't seen since they were infants.

Its such a blessing that I have a friend that will feed the chickens, gather the eggs and feed the dog.
Praying for all of you, your DH, you, his sister and the family. Most especially praying for safe travel when you go!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't think of it as burnout. There's a point where you stabilize with what you have. At that point, all you have to do is maintain. You can't keep growing the reserves. There is only so much space. The bonus to this is that your shopping patterns will start to look normal again.

For me, this spring, I have to deep clean through the shelves and pull out anything I put back for me that no longer works with my diet. I already pulled and passed on a lot, but I want to deep dive. That will also have me pulling anything that we haven't been using enough to even rotate. And look and see where I need to find new versions of things.

And seeds... already started that. I'll likely be starting indoor this coming weekend. Daffodils and forsythia are awake and blooming. I'm listening to the plants. So early spring crops will get started indoors to go outside when they get large enough.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't think of it as burnout. There's a point where you stabilize with what you have. At that point, all you have to do is maintain. You can't keep growing the reserves. There is only so much space. The bonus to this is that your shopping patterns will start to look normal again.

I agree. It's not so much "burn out" as it is not having more space and just wanting to maintain what I already have. I could buy another outdoor mini barn with electricity run to it for more storage space, but what's the point? Just more food to keep up with? How much is enough?

By not adding more to my food storage, I'm saving around $300 a month or more on my overall grocery bill each month. That includes Sam's. That $300 a month savings can go towards several other things around here or into our emergency fund.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
I have been baking my own bread every other day or so. These are small loaves, like maybe 1/3rd of a regular loaf; between me, the dog and the baby goat, we go through them within 2-3 days. My Doxie is CRAZY for fresh bread, as is the goat......I know it isn't that good for them, but when they are crawling all over me and whining and bleating, it is hard not to give them some.....just to stop all the racket!! It isn't just regular bread, it is pumpkin bread, peanut butter bread and other weird types......... so lots of variety!!

I slammed my thumb in the RV door about 45 minutes ago. Then couldn't get the door open, so pulled it out forcibly. I have a HIGH pain tolerance, but I actually screamed out loud and shed REAL tears over this!! The nail is already turning black/ purple, so I have no doubt I will lose the nail, and it is at the very source of the nail bed, so THAT will be FUN!! The door is all metal, so I think that is why it hurt so much.

It snowed here Tuesday night. Reportedly about 6 inches, which this area is NOT used to all at one time. It was so nice Wednesday morning.....NO cars or trucks going up and down the road!!! Snow IS BEAUTIFUL........UNLESS you have to go work in it ...waited to feed the animals until afternoon when it warmed up a little. Today is colder than yesterday by a good bit..... currently still freezing. And this morning.....actually until now, it has been GREY outside.....the sun is finally coming out now

Tuesday night, with the snow coming down, my propane heater decided to DIE!!! There is nowhere up here that sells that kind of stuff, unless you go the 40 miles to our medium sized town......
So, I did the only thing I could do, I hooked up the camping propane stove, anchored it to the stove top in here and cranked it up. It kept it warmer in here than that dang heater did!! But it also uses a bit more gas too. Well, necessity is the mother of invention and all that.

I have been using crockpot liners and therefore have been having good hot meals (NOT the norm for me lately). It has made me feel better, and with all the cold and icky weather it has helped quite a bit.

Well, I have to go buy some dog food.....just gonna go to the Dollar Store even though it is more expensive. Later ya'll.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Ok, since I'm on a roll today with vacuum sealing food items in canning jars, I have a question. Maybe, someone can help?

I have a case of Kraft Deluxe Mac & Cheese in my freezer. It has the cheese sauce in a liquid cream form in each box. The sauce packet would ruin over time, if I vacuum seal it in jars, wouldn't it? I've been just taking out a box at a time, letting it thaw, then using it right away. Freezing doesn't harm it.


TB Fanatic
Ok, since I'm on a roll today with vacuum sealing food items in canning jars, I have a question. Maybe, someone can help?

I have a case of Kraft Deluxe Mac & Cheese in my freezer. It has the cheese sauce in a liquid cream form in each box. The sauce packet would ruin over time, if I vacuum seal it in jars, wouldn't it? I've been just taking out a box at a time, letting it thaw, then using it right away. Freezing doesn't harm it.
I'm not familiar with the deluxe mac and cheese, but I think it would last longer if you vacuum seal it. DH put a lot of mac and cheese in food saver type bags and vacuum sealed it that way, saved using so many jars. And he put the sealed bags in sealed buckets.

I have a couple of cases of rice a roni that needs to be done that way, this is one thing I doubt we'll ever use. I'm not sure why I even bought it, I guess for food fatigue, but if Dh wouldn't eat it then that leaves me to eat the whole thing, no wonder I've gotten fat.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm not familiar with the deluxe mac and cheese, but I think it would last longer if you vacuum seal it. DH put a lot of mac and cheese in food saver type bags and vacuum sealed it that way, saved using so many jars. And he put the sealed bags in sealed buckets.

I have a couple of cases of rice a roni that needs to be done that way, this is one thing I doubt we'll ever use. I'm not sure why I even bought it, I guess for food fatigue, but if Dh wouldn't eat it then that leaves me to eat the whole thing, no wonder I've gotten fat.

I can see sealing up foods that have the dry seasoning mixes with them. The Deluxe mac and cheese have a liquid cheese sauce packet that I fear would go bad even in a sealed jar. It only has a year's shelf life if not frozen, so I wonder.

The best way I've found to fight food fatigue is to have lots of different recipes that use what you already store. Recipes that you will eat over and over again that you enjoy.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Okay, my son has to use the Daiya cheese. I haven't had an issue with that lasting a year or more. But you do have to take the time to knead/mix the packet before you open it. When I could do mac and cheese, which were Kraft or Velveeta, they held up about the same with no issue. Or for me, there wasn't ever a pack I opened that was bad, although there were a few that were separated if I didn't mix them before opening.

Now I have to do mac and cheese from scratch so I can use keto noodles.

ioujc, ouch. I had a toe that I bruised like that. In the bed. That took a while to regrow.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Okay, my son has to use the Daiya cheese. I haven't had an issue with that lasting a year or more

Is that cheese in cream form in packets? I've never heard of it. It would be a tremendous help to me if I can get all this mac and cheese and Velveeta Skillet boxes (It also has creamy cheese packets) out of my old freezer if it's safe to seal in jars.


TB Fanatic
I can see sealing up foods that have the dry seasoning mixes with them. The Deluxe mac and cheese have a liquid cheese sauce packet that I fear would go bad even in a sealed jar. It only has a year's shelf life if not frozen, so I wonder.

The best way I've found to fight food fatigue is to have lots of different recipes that use what you already store. Recipes that you will eat over and over again that you enjoy.
DH has vacuum sealed many many packages of the velvetta cheese sauce in jars. Although it remains to be seen if it stays viable.

One thing I bought to help with food fatigue is Chef Bordee canned foods. I'll eat one from time to time. Their Mac and Cheese is surprisingly tasty, even Dh will eat that. One can is plenty for two people. I had it all separated by types before Dh started organizing. The way he has it done is easy to get to what you want, but I had it in a smaller space

funny thing about moving stuff around, we both were looking for the canned pineapple but could not find it, I had more to add to it. Finally he found it today and he had stacked it behind something else. he said now you can see what you have so that you don't need to buy a lot more of it. he also put my small cans of pineapple juice in the same spot.

As for trying new recipes, every time I do that DH won't eat it. Although he would eat things that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. One thing I'd never eaten much of before we met was frozen pizza. He like the Jack's frozen pizza and I tried it and it fine. We have an electric pizza maker that makes it so easy. My oldest son use to deliver pizzas and I got spoiled with Papa Johns, which has gotten very expensive. although jacks has gone up in price, its still affordable.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I buy them to help with mucus. The small one serving cans that come in a 6 pak.
I may need to look in the regular grocery store. I had been buying them from Sam's Club by the flat. And then at Kroger. But both stopped carrying anything but the big cans.

Oh, I just looked. I may just buy some of the big cans and then re-can them in 8 oz jelly jars with Tattler lids. That would give me the size for the recipes. And that Tattler lids would mean that I wouldn't have to worry as much about the acid eating through the canning lid.